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It's not often we get a comic based on Philomena and her relationship with Celestia. I'm still holding out hope for an episode that will help flesh out the history of the royal sisters. I mean, they've been around for 1000 years so they must have one heck of a story to tell!
On a lighter note, we have another Discord tickling ponies comic by Mickeymonster and a new crossover comic by UC77 down below!
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21 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaI've seen that last comic before, but it still makes me feel bad
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI just saw that second comic about 15 minutes ago. Fantastic as always.
VastaKustutaI should stop spending time on DA, I've seen all of these before... How saddening.
VastaKustutaIt's always a good day when you join a minecraft server and you find out that half of the people on it are bronies. I went on using this skin
VastaKustuta#1 Awww, that's cute.
VastaKustuta#2 Haha. Discord used loophole. Its super effective! And Applejack used adorable. It's also quite effective. :3
#3 Lmao. Random Homer Simpson driving by yelling nerd.
#1 Philomena! Definitely most bad-ass pet in the show.
VastaKustuta#2 Dat goatee.
#3 Oh Homer...
VastaKustutathat was beautiful...
#1 - I want to like this. It's well done, but I just can't stand Philomena at all. AT ALL.
VastaKustuta#3 - One the other hand... I love this. Freaking great.
#1 Very beautiful.
VastaKustuta#2 I love these! Seeing them all laugh (most of the time) is so cute!
#3 Bahahaha! Well played. Have an internet.
#1 I felt trolled at the end. Through the whole thing, I thought it was about Celestia and Luna, and then I reached the end and it was like "Nope, Philomena. lololol"
VastaKustuta#2 "You're starting to creep me out."
#3 Love the expression on Dash's face in the first panel. In my opinion, the entire rest of the comic could have just been cut out.
lovin it!
VastaKustutalovin it!
VastaKustuta*yay* more squeezing of teh ponies
VastaKustutaWait, what? Are we even allowed to hate the pets? lol
Really, the fanon should do more Philomena. Celestia must have an amazingly deep connection with that bird, considering its probably the one truly immortal species in Equestria.
the top is awesome, and i think it is cool as to how philomena helped celestia through even luna's banishment
VastaKustutaseen the others already tbh, but they are still awesome
Nerd? No no no no no. Um. No, hang on. You're right - nerd. Called it! Yep, totally.
VastaKustuta1. hmm having a pet that can be reborn from it's ashes works.
VastaKustuta2.Discord didn't law a paw on you Applejack it is fair.
3. Rainbow a Nerd. hmmmm where are the nerdy glasses in that comic.
#3: Well, that's sure to help her feel more confident :P