• Comic: Dispie: Evil Love By / Show-Time

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    Discordpie is the oddest ship.  I'm pretty sure she is just using him for the free chocolate rain.

    And some Rainbow Dash being ridiculous below.  Enjoy!

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    31 kommentaari:

    1. #1 Make sense? what fun is there in making sense?

      #2 Dash/Twilight friendshipping is best.

    2. 1. Evil love? But Pinkie isn't evil!

      2. Dohoho, stay classy, Pinkie. Stay classy. Also I approve of Rainbow's show of loyalty. Too often she doesn't show the loyalty she should.

    3. COMMENT! okay, needed to get that off my back. love these!

    4. #1: I don't know, I don't see how shipping a millenia old evil trickster god with a pink pony is likely to work out well..
      #2: Dash, you should totally go hang out with Pinkie (And AJ, I guess). Twilight isn't going anywhere and it'd be a shame to waste those tickets, not to mention miss out on an opportunity to do something cool with your two closest friends.

    5. #1 I still think they'd be better freinds but it's cute regardless.

      #2 Doing what? reading of course. Nice comic, I like the idea of Rainbow just staying to hang out with Twilight for a day.

      (I almost made a bad reading Rainbow joke, almost)

    6. #2 - Come on, Twi, just go with them - nothing better than watching a show with your very special somepony! ;)

    7. #1 - DiscoPie FTW
      #2 - TwilightDash FTW
      #3 - FTW is over used.

    8. 1) Nicely done, but I personally don't understand the desire to ship Discord at all... and yet most everything I see with him has some kind of romance angle. Still, one must make allowances for Valentine's Day.

      2) Heh... Rainbow Dash and Twilight have one of those friendships that only makes sense in a crisis. It was nice seeing them have a common interest finally.

    9. @Harwick

      they had.

      actually most of them seemed to have that kind of friendship. them hanging out more makes it seem more genuine.

    10. 1. Holy Crap I just came from that comic on Deviantart!

      2. I loled

    11. #1 What's up with Discord / Pinkie Pie?

      #2 Pinkie Pie knows what goes on in the library *giggity*

    12. #1 More DiscoPie? Yes? Well, I'm actually pretty okay with this!

      #2 Her Pinkie Sense should be tingling.

    13. I don't have a deviant art account so could someone please tell the author that the correct grammar setup for "the Wonderbolt's show" is actually the Wonderbolts' show. This is because it's the Wonderbolts that are in the show, giving possession to the Wonerbolts. The possessive form for any subject, singular or plural, that ends in 's' is to put the apostrophe after the final 's'.
      Sorry, but it's a major pet peeve.

    14. #1 Even though I'm more of a DiscordxCelestia shipper, I loved the comic! Phienas & Ferb + Ponies = AWESOME

    15. Lol at the first and D'aaaawwww at the second comic. <3

      Though i´m still missing some cute TwiDash fics who come even close to this one strip. <.<

    16. Behold! My Pinkie Pie's Hair Deflator Inator!

    17. 1. I can't place where I saw it before but I know I did.

      2. Dash ditching a performance by the Wonderbolts :O

    18. #1 even tho i hate P&F and shipping,this was great.Discord is so awesome.
      #2 i dont get the refference

    19. #1 An odd pair to ship, though Pinkie was loving the chocolate rain so it makes sense. A good comic :)
      #2 Hahaha great as always Veggie.

    20. #2: Lets see what other ships I can board

    21. @James Rye Check it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FNtN5eVRYPyU8ejLk2NkgZJVBl-EMX0MaAkQJ1pAaKY/edit?pli=1

    22. #1 Pinkie is just too adorable in this.
      #2 I'm not sure what it's a reference to but I like how Pinkie just assumes they're doin' it :D

    23. #1 I'm so happy discord found his match. He's such an awesome guy
      #2 rainbow dash in a library? Shady shady.....

    24. @Harwick

      Well, there's always Heavenly Turmoil....

    25. The Phineas and Ferb reference was pretty cool.

    26. Don't post these bloody Discord comics ever again!

    27. @Vurtax
      *snuggles Vurtax*
      Thank you so much. <3
