• Comic: Discord's Song / Breaking the 4th Panel

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    I've noticed an uptick in Discord comics lately, not that I'm complaining. Check above for a parody song from one of my all time favorite games!

    Below I had a comic for you guys, but well, Pinkie happened. Better luck next time!
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    23 kommentaari:

    1. Discord as GlaDOS is a very good idea.

    2. Ah, Ask Statued Discord. Love that ask blog.

    3. Oh my god, that first one, oh my god.

    4. #1 that was amazing! we need to make this into a full song now, like right now.

    5. Both were really good. First one was awesome, and the second one...what can we say. When Pinkie is involved, hijinks will ensue. You'd think the fourth wall would be reinforced after all her wacky antics.

    6. That song... Amazing... loved the images too.

      Only Pinkie Pie...

    7. Second "ponified" Jonathan Coulton song this week.

    8. I may have to try singing that first one, though I don't know how to "GlaDOSify" my voice recording.

    9. #1 Interesting. But borderline TLDR.
      #2 Something must be wrong with me. I'm finding "breaking the 4th wall jokes" less and less funny with each day.

    10. Well, I've got a video made for that first one there. Now I just need to record the song, and get it uploaded! :)

    11. FUCK. DEVIANTART. IN THE DICK. Seriously, I can't view the discord one because it crashes me fucking browser. Why the fuck do you people use such a broken site? I used to just tolerate it because you didn't have much of a choice, but now I can't help but blame the people that support this lump of shit.

      Seriously, DA is essentially broken beyond repair. Stop using it.

    12. @AlexReffand

      Because this is the first time anyone's ever complained about that ever?

      Just get Firefox or something. Your browser is obviously shit.

    13. As good as "Still Alive" is, the constant homages and parodies have gotten really old and are no longer clever. I wish people would make tributes to "Want You Gone" instead; it's a better song, methinks, and ripe picking for some creative retools.

    14. 1. It may be well known and it may have ten bazillion homages and parodies already, but it's still good when something like this is created as a result.

      2. Oh Toxic Mario, I love your comics, especially this one. Silly Pinkie broke the panel before it even got started!

    15. For Discord its the After-ending of himself, seeing his own mistakes.

    16. And here it is: http://youtu.be/UJas6-0X2n0 :D

    17. @AlexReffand

      First, calm down.

      Second, because it works for the majority of people.
