• Comic: Cider and a Show / The Secret Cider Sauce

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    The Great and Powerful TRIXIE has returned... in comic form.  Honestly I bet she would get along great with these two, in this exact situation.

    And some Appledash below, kind of.

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    1. damn you turn your head for 3 minutes to check out progress on Rainbow Dash Presents Rainbow Factory parody and an update happens >< almost first! :P

    2. i love these comics, just can't get enough!

    3. #1 "Drive faster! They're gaining on Trixie!"

      I struggled in vain to contain all the chuckles.

      #2 Oh... my...

    4. The first one's pretty good, but the second one is brilliant.

    5. first one I saw in my watch list but that second one was down right hilarious xD

    6. #2 caught everyone off guard, didn't it?

    7. Spongebob references are best references.

    8. #1 Oh shit, Trixie! What did you do?! lol Well, besides obviously tying up the mayor. I love Trixie's standing pose and expression in that third panel down. Not really certain why, but I do. :)

      #2 Lmao. Oh, you are silly. I love how this one turned out. I love popsicles too! <3

    9. #1 These three just seem to be doomed to failure.

      #2 How about that ending. Talk about fake outs.

    10. #1 Sometimes these things just amke me smile, I really liked this one.

      #2 Hehehe, oh dear oh dear. it's an odd style of comic but I quite like it.

    11. Laughed my ass off @ #2. Spongebob reference!

    12. 1, I could totally see this happening.

      2, was mentioned already multiple times, but dat Spongebob reference. Good stuff.

    13. 1. Drive faster, because I want Trixie to survive

      2. Spongebob Reference LOL.

    14. 1. "Well, they didn't start chasing us until you two started singing the "Getaway Song!"

      2. Seriously, what is with all the Spongebob references lately. This is like the third day in a row.

    15. Braindps is one of my favorite comic artists. Words. I have none.

    16. 1. Mawhawhaw. I bet it was almost going to work to.!

      2. I see what you did there.

    17. 1) This makes a good point... Trixie needs to come back now. With a song.

      I'm really amazed at the number of pony fans who think the Flim Flam brothers were A-OK. I mean, laying aside the fact that they were named "The Flim Flam brothers", or that they (fast) talked and dressed exactly like hucksters, we all *saw* them fill their product with inedible material in order to produce a greater quantity and win the bet. And yet there seems to be no shortage of fans who think "That was only that one instance! Otherwise, I'm sure they are completely honest and trustworthy, and that their machine was well-made, totally on the level and they would deliver a great product! After all, they seem to really believe in it..."

      I just... I worry about my fellow fans now every time an infomercial comes on. And I kind of want to try and sell them the Brooklyn Bridge at the same time.

      2) Ha! Now I'm going to assume Dash is Blue Raspberry flavored.

    18. #1 Oh Trixie... What did you do now?

      #2 Damn I was getting uncomfortable here for a second, Lol.

    19. @Harwick

      Excuse me, but are you implying that the Fushigi Magic Gravity Ball isn't really magic? Of course it is! Otherwise they wouldn't let them use the word "magic" in the name!

      Seriously though, the Flim Flam brothers were greedy con artists.

    20. @Harwick Hello Harwick! I thought I should clarify my views on the Flim Flam brothers (and I'll probably update the description too). Ultimatly I liked them as villans because they didn't do the typical 'bad guy stuff' that so many villans do these days. Gilda pushed ponies around, Trixie was full of herself, the Flim Flam brothers? They were in it for the business, to sell cider to very clear and easy market. At the end they couldn't sell anymore cider and left Ponyville.

      As for the bet, YES they started making cider which wasn't drinkable, but think about this: They tried to sell that cider afterwards and were genuinely surprised when the customers didn't like it. While they probably realised it wasn't as good as the filtered cider, they still expected it to taste like cider, which was completely within the rules of the competition. No while they might not be completely innocent, I still don't think they're 'bad' ponies, they just come off as the bad guys because they went up against our favourite farming family.

      And infomercials? A great source of laughs to be had! Those things are just...terrible.

    21. @Harwick

      To be fair, when Granny Smith tried a mug before the bet, her eyes lit up, and she tried to hide the fact that she actually enjoyed it.

    22. #1 That's exactly how it happened!
      #2 :D Rofl. Very well played.

    23. @Yellow 13

      Well, sure... And a lemon drives just fine right off the lot.

      They produced one apparently good mug of cider while they were trying their sales pitch. We watched them happily fill barrels and barrels with inedible materials in order to meet the demands of the bet. Does the willingness to cut corners that drastically really not raise any red flags about the trustworthiness of their product?

      What would people have to see them do before they began to doubt that the Cider Squeezy 6000 was truly 100% as wonderful as advertised?

    24. @SubjectNumber2394

      Hey there, and fun comic! The discussion of the villains is just a tangent. I loved the pair as characters myself, and would like to see them return someday... But they were definitely con men in my view.

      My general feeling is this: If I saw that a Chinese factory was stuffing a food product with inedible material, I wouldn't say to myself "well, maybe that batch was bad, but the rest of the stuff they produce and sell is probably good." I wouldn't trust anything they had a hand in.

      They fast talked the Apples into supplying them with everything they needed to run the family out of business and take over their territory, all without ever paying a dime. They moved onto the Apple's property, where the family had already gathered a customer base, broke the family's fence, destroyed many of their trees, used their crops, watered down the product to cheat and win the bet, and never once gave the family any reimbursement for any of it, then gloated as they do users leaving the family homeless.

      I'd say they were significantly worse than Trixie... But being good con men, they just had more charisma.

    25. @Harwick

      ...then gloated as they *discussed* leaving the family homeless.

      Damn auto-correct. Talk about a film-flam product...

    26. I think more from Hearts and Hooves with #2.

    27. It's okay Seth, I miss Trixie too. :c

    28. 1; I'll get my Cadillac, we'll run 'em off the road!
      2: Oh sweet Celestia...wait a minute! RIPOFF!!

    29. First comic YESSS!!! If I had my druthers it would be firmly established fanon that Trixie is the Flim Flam brothers little sister, or at the very least they would team up to exact their revenge on Twilight Sparkle and Ponyville at large.

      As for second comic: Appledash ship is best ship.

    30. #2: Hehe. Luckily, the AppleDash was averted.

    31. @Harwick Interesting, some of those points I had not considered. However I would say that they were given permission to use the Apple family crops so reimbursment was not nessesary for that. Also the Apple family could have also made lower quality cider but they chose not too, so the brothers did not disobey the rules of the competition. However not compensating for the damaged property I can understand as well as the gloating at the end which I found annoying.

      However my view on them remains the same, they are probably my favourite villans because of how close they played by the rules and that they never stooped to anything like stealing, or putting holes the Apple family's barrels. A rare trait in most villans I've seen lately.

      I hope this reply makes sense it's very late right now so I'm a tad drowsy.

    32. #2: That was a nice little fake out.
