• Comic: Chimcherrychanga / A Friend in Flour

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    Comic time! We have Rarity sharing her amazing Chimcherrychanga's above, and Pinkie Pie's past friendships below.

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    28 kommentaari:

    1. #1 Rarity...
      Don't be mean like that

      #2 Mister Flour I presume?

    2. 2 is proof that there is a place for comics made of screencaps when done so well.

    3. Man, come on Rarity, Dash JUST got out of the hospital.

    4. Madame Le Flour! NOOOOOOOOOO!
      She was best pony, right to the end ='(

    5. Bronies vote for Ghost at this link http://shortyawards.com/ghostpolitics

    6. #1 Well on the upside, Rarity did learn how to make cherrychongas. Though why she didn't tear Rainbow to shreds is beyond me.

      #2 Nooooooo! Why, Madam Le'Flour? Why?!!! *Sob*

    7. Why do I feel sad for sack of flour

    8. Madam Le'flour nooooo :( a champion to ze end

    9. #1. Fantastic last panel. Scarity has taste for blood. Rainbow blood, by the look of it.

      #2. Well, the MLP team has proven that they're capable of continuity before. Don't know how much sense this makes, but it was funny if nothing else.

    10. @Johuotar

      Because FiM is awesome at characterizing everything, even inanimate objects.

    11. @CityFlyer502

      To answer both questions.

      1. Isn't it a little suspicious that she wants to get back at Rainbow Dash and then feeds her something 'good and tasty'? (She's been poisoned with 'the joke'.)

      2. It was a sacrifice, it was not made in vain though as she can be refilled anyway. Madam Le'Flour lives on.

    12. #1: So Rarity's idea of revenge is giving people tasty food? I mean, I don't really see anything negative in the comic, except for the screaming at the end.

    13. 1. Oh dear no, Rarity, don't hurt Dashie! Or at least don't put poison in the cherrychonga! (Though it may be too late for that.)

      2. Madame Le Flour shall be missed...

    14. Haha, I thought of Madame le Flour as soon as I saw that flour sack in the episode... great comic =D

    15. @D. Shadows Well thanks for clearing that up. I think I shall refrain from joking and sarcasm, seeing as I have failed horrendously at both. :(

    16. #1 She has a point, you know. Better hope you're resistant to poisons, Rainbow.

      #2 Holy crap, that's some great art— oh... Screencaps...

    17. They're both wonderful, but I utterly adore that second one.

    18. #1 It was so nice, sweet and calm... and then the last panel. Holy crap, Rarity. lol I think Dash better start running, like... now. If she can somehow manage to break Rarity's grip at least.

      #2 I still love those faces Pumpkin and Pound Cake make in that first panel. Hilarious. And look! It's Madame LeFlour. Awww, she sacrificed herself for Pinkie. That's sweet. :')

    19. #1 Uh oh.
      #2 Hah i had forgot about Madame LeFlour, nice one.

    20. The first comic is completely wasted by the void of any backgrounds. Come on, Equestria is not the land of the eternal flat blue floor. Go back to the drawing board, you lazy bum!

      The Madamme LeFlour comic is pure win. Very clever and masterfully rendered.

    21. 2# I lol'd so hard...
