Collegehumor recently did a Brony video. The animation is actually pretty impressive, but it is definitely focusing on the negative. You might want to avoid this if you are easily offended. Everyone else might get a good laugh out of it! Generally their parody videos are supposed to be ridiculous.
Check it out here !
And all bronies listen to skrillex.
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489 kommentaari:
it was meh.
VastaKustutacliches abound.
Yay I need a good laugh!
VastaKustutaYeah they threw around with the cliches but it was funny nonetheless^^
VastaKustutaNot even going to click it. Don't really want to support them.
VastaKustutaDownrated to 1 star with 3 comments.
*grabs beer* This is gonna be good.
I enjoyed it for a bit, but then it got stupid
VastaKustutaOh god it's getting nuked so hard haha
VastaKustutaIt's sorta funny
VastaKustutaIs it me, or this reminds me of toy story 2?
VastaKustutaWell what can we say. Parodies are naturally on the ridiculous side. It was OK. Not really my thing. But at the same time it's not something I'm gonna throw a fit over. Besides, I'm in too much of a good mood today! :D
VastaKustutafunny but so fucked up lol
VastaKustutaI thought it was pretty funny! If anything it's making fun of the weird ones that ARE out there.
VastaKustuta"I wish I could be impressed by his being brave enough to defy gender stereotypes...but I'm too distracted by the pony porn on his screen over there."
Oh myyyy...
@Sethisto i was about to say that
VastaKustutaAnother bad description of bronies, why am I not surprised ? -_-......oh well its for comedy.
VastaKustutaI thought it was kind of funny!
VastaKustutano just no
VastaKustutaits just stupid, not funny
VastaKustutaSeemed more like a pony themed shot at nerds. The animation was nice though.
VastaKustutacollegehumor was never fucking funny
VastaKustutabut yea ccollege humor really isnt what it used to be. just not the best stuff like it once was ages ago. or maybe my taste in humor changed.
VastaKustutaHeh, it was worth a chuckle or two, as long as you watch it for was it is. I agree with the animation quality, though. Very smooth.
VastaKustutameh. I was hoping for something remotely witty...I got fat dude who doesn't shower and does something with his flashlight.
I thought it was funny.
VastaKustuta/runs away
Yeah, I see both good things and bad things about this. It wasn't as bad as, say, fox news, and it was pretty funny, but it kind of missed the point. These ponies aren't supposed to be played with as tea parties. If you've seen the show, you'd have realized that, and Twilight and Pinkie Pie would have absolutely no desire to be played with that way. That's kind of my complaint about it. I'm a little disappointed in College Humor this time.
VastaKustutaHaving said that, I did laugh a few times during the video, and if it intended only to mock the extreme it's really not that bad.
@TaerilynCobb yea i was fine with it until the fleshlight and the pony porn. thats just not cool. no need to bastardize something so pure.
VastaKustutaNo need to coddle us there, Seth. We can handle it.
VastaKustutaJust post the videos.
Eh, wasn't bad, certainly well-voiced, but the joke's too easy and there really wasn't anything original about it.
VastaKustutaI've said this elsewhere, I'll post it here as well:
VastaKustutaIt's not a lack of sense of humor or offense at the video that makes me dislike it. It's that it is a *bad video*.
It takes generic 'nerd' stereotypes - Fat, cheeto-fingered, weird porn and 'forever alone' masturbation jokes; then just sorta tacks ponies on as a visual gag. You could make the *exact same video* about MMO (or, really, any electronic) gaming, collectable card games, tabletop miniatures, pokemon, anime, or any other 'nerd' activity. Literally just swap the ponies out for any of the above and you've got the exact same video.
That means that, as a video about *Bronies* it's bad. It doesn't address the quirks about *our* fandom, only the quirks common to fandoms in general. It's moderately entertaining, possibly, to someone outside of the fandom, but it leaves no room for *fans* to connect as well. The only time it addresses anything specifically related to 'bronyism' at all is the brief moment when the ponies are excited about playing with a little girl, then find out their new owner is a grown man. I don't find it to be a coincidence that it was also the only moment I found entertaining.
Show me a grown man paying $400 to buy a Fluttershy plushie to snuggle with at night because he's all alone. Show me a scene in the pink aisle, where a 24 year old male is having a stare down with a 7 year old girl over the last 4 blind bags in the box. Toss in a quip about bronies deciding to poll-bomb the next US presidential election with Celestia write-ins (unrelated: MAKE THIS HAPPEN!). Show us mobbing a voice actress with pony questions and references when she is trying to promote an entirely unrelated project. These are all 'negative stereotypes' out of our fandom, and any video that relies on them would absolutely be 'insulting' - to anyone who takes it seriously. It would also be *entertaining* because it makes it clear that it's done by someone who actually knows something about the fandom.
@CityFlyer502 Agreed. It had its moments but nothing amazing.
VastaKustutaI thought it was funny. The guy's voice was hilariously disturbing. Didn't need that flashlight though! o_O
VastaKustutabeing a fan of college humor, I liked this because I know that I'm not that guy and if you actually care how people that make parodies portray you, then don't watch it.
VastaKustutaCollege humor has never been funny. So this is no exception.
VastaKustutahey, i'm not down nuking it yet.
VastaKustutaKinda expected though, eh?
seen it done before but now the fact that college humor did it its supposed to get funnier, but to me it really isn't, I got a couple of laughs but that's it.
VastaKustutaThat was pretty funny. People need to lighten up of course people are gonna make fun of us for watching a show for little girls.
VastaKustutaI thought it was hilarious and I loved the animation!
VastaKustutaI thought the fleshlight was a bit too much though, other than that it was perfect.
Now I remember why I unsubscribed from them on YouTube... They aren't funny. And its not only because of this video... None of them are actually funny if you have half a brain and a good sense of humor.
VastaKustutaIt was ok.
VastaKustutaHis favorite pony sure does change a lot, doesn't it?
Yeah, this was just boring. It's lazy nerd-bashing humor of the kind that gets used to mock pretty much every fandom there is. Five seconds into the video I had already figured out how it was going to end.
VastaKustutaThere are some good jokes to be made about this fandom, but you won't find any of them here.
Meh is definitely the word of the day.
ok every pony, shave, lose 50 pounds, and buy a new suit. Then everyone report to my house for a group picture.
VastaKustutaIt was meh. Brownies is way better parody that I actually laughed at.
VastaKustutaWow just......
VastaKustutaIs that really all they could come up with?
VastaKustutaThis joke's been done by everybody and his brother already.
VastaKustutaYou hit the nail on the head. Unoriginal video isn't funny, not because it's obviously poking fun at us (you gotta be able to laugh at yourself sometimes, I'm a grown man that watches ponies for crying out loud), but because it's unoriginal.
I hate to say it, but this was definitely much more funny then that MAD skit. If there's any credit I must give them, they at least have at least represented the troll population very well.
VastaKustutaIt had potential, but was disappointing in the end. I will admit, the animation was not bad.
VastaKustutaMeh. That joke has been delivered much better several times before.
VastaKustutaPoking fun at us bronies like that is getting old.
VastaKustutaIt was so sad I could taste the envy they had for our friendship and love. Haters gonna hate, ponies gonna pwn
they had a chance to make something original, creative, and entertaining, but no they went the boring cliche, half-assed way that failed to entertain.
VastaKustutaI left the video running and went to another page when i saw it.
This was a crap video loaded with bullcrap nerd stereotypes.
VastaKustutaSure the animation was nice, but that's like diving into a landfill to find a quarter.
I'm not surprised though. College humor has never been known for smart comedy.
"Can pony toys get violated?"
VastaKustutaThat was friggin hilarious! Poor toys.
That was probably the least funny thing I've seen College Humor do. And really, I tend to enjoy a lot of College Humor's stuff.
VastaKustutaBut this...
It feels like their creative process was something along the lines of, 'Oh, bronies are a thing? Grown men, eh? Probably just a bunch of creepy nerds. Okay, I've got this.'
And then they threw in every creepy nerd stereotype with ponies.
At least get the theme song right, jeeze.
All ground units be eviced REA FOWARD UNTO DAWN is in bond and MAC rounds have authorized
VastaKustutaWe are clear to engage
Nothing real amazing but I got a good laugh out of it.
VastaKustutaIt was meant as a joke, and it had its funny moments, not their best work though; besides some of you are taking it, imo, a bit harshly. You guys should be able to laugh at yourselves, before you laugh at others. I know I can. ^_^ I actually think the extreme at which the guy was depicted to be the best part.
VastaKustutaUnoriginal, Unfunny, and just...bleh.
Stereotypes Everywhere
The jokes were way too cheap. They've done much cleverer videos in the past, and this was sub par at best. It probably would have actually been funny had they put bronies in a positive light.
VastaKustutaOh the cliches.
Meh, It was okay. The animation and voice actors were great, the plot not so much.
VastaKustutaI have yet to meet another brony that was well that stereotypical like in the video.
Why do they waste their animation abilities to this?
VastaKustutaI'm not really angry or anything. This video is just plain boring. Needs better writing.
But as a Brony I can't say very much without others thinking that I'm just offended by this, and trying to find something bad about it. :/
I wouldn't watch it if I would.
Meh, it was mildly funny.
VastaKustutaTo be honest, if I weren't a brony, I probably wouldn't have been amused at all.
This sheisse was f'in hilarious, yo. :u
VastaKustutaIf you can't laugh at yourself... SHAME ON YOU!
VastaKustutaThis made me laugh is a diterding way.
VastaKustutaY'know, I can laugh at the concept of being a brony if it were simply looked at on paper, so, as a brony, I was willing to give this a chance.
VastaKustutaI think it went too long for it's own good and quickly lost it's luster. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to wait for "How It Should Have Ended: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Return of Harmony." =P
if you guys were wondering, that. is. not. a flashlight.
VastaKustutaWow, I'm NOT easily offended, but that sure was...kinda Hater. They said literally that a brony is a "sexually depressed grown man", that masturbates to ponies, and is fat and lonely, is kind of crazy for MLP, and acts like a pervert. The animation was nice, fluid and well drawn, but it was.....i said already, kinda hater. Also, you can tell that the creators of the video do NOT watch MLP, because they said like 5 times it's a show only for little girls (it isn't [Lauren Faust said it herself]), and most importantly, the ponies don't have cutie mark. I said it 2 times and i'm gonna say it again. It was kinda hater...a lot actually
VastaKustuta"I'm liking this idea!" - Scootaloo
I thought it was funny, but that ending was disturbing.
Alright... This offends me.
VastaKustutaI'm a brony and I listen to the music from the show, watch the episodes, buy some of the figures, and I even have a Rainbow Dash Plush toy. But... I'm NOT a creepy person that is OBSESSED with the show. I'm NOT crazy overweight with practically NO social life. It's these videos and parodies that give the ENTIRE brony community a bad name. I understand how people might find this funny, but this video just fuels the Parasprites with more Ammo to throw at us. I give it an A for Animation... but that's it...
It was offending inded, but the old spice commercial after evend it outXD
VastaKustutaOkay. Please guys, remove that broom that is up your ass.
VastaKustutaTHIS THING WAS HILLARIOUS! It's been a long time since I laugh this hard on a pony video. Masterfully animated, and a delightful parody. That fleshlight bit finished me off! XD
Yeah, I'm a Brony and yes, I do have some pony toys. (With lots of Transformer.......and a fleshlight!) I'm not as freaky as that brony character, but I know how to laugh at a good parody.
You should do the same.
That was really funny! I just hope my ponies are happy staying with me, like they don't have to put up with fleshlights or being violated...
VastaKustutaAll units long swords bombers in bond Carapet bombes are authorized
VastaKustuta...Is this was their standard content is now? Used to be much better. Even if I wasn't a Brony, this just isn't very funny.
VastaKustutaI wasn't offended at all, but, if I'm honest it wasn't all that funny because it seemed to try to be too real. Sorta. If it'd been completely absurd and insane to the extreme, it'd have been funnier in my opinion. But then again, my sense of humour revovles mostly around British humour and YTP.
The animation was good and the voice acting was pretty decent as well. I didn't think it was very funny, though, and it's a shame it casts our community in such a negative light.
VastaKustutaNot their best work but they've been on a downhill for a while so I'm not surprised. If their writing was better than it woulda been hilarious even though it was so negative. all I have to say is, I am dissapoint.
VastaKustutaSnore stereotypes, boring, moving on.
Well, so long as it was meant as a joke, i'm fine with that. i can take jokes.
VastaKustutaThat was completely inaccurate.......I don't eat cheetos
I puked it was that bad.
VastaKustutaCollege Humor's only funny video was the many endings of Inception, which was hilarious. I spent three weeks on that website one year ago and I couldn't find anything else that could be worth a laugh.
VastaKustutaThe animation on this video is amazing, and the voices are spot on, but it amounts to a high schooler mocking another high schooler.Some might find it funny, but it's definitely not my cup of tea. Letting it pass.
"@BronyRad said
VastaKustutaThat was completely inaccurate.......I don't eat cheetos"
Ha!! I don't either. Even if I did I wouldn't touch any of my precious pony toys with cheeto dust covering them.
The jokes were way too cheap. They've done much cleverer videos in the past, and this was sub par at best. It probably would have actually been funny had they put bronies in a positive light.
VastaKustutaThis one hurt a little
VastaKustutaI agree completely.
I don't see why people are getting offended, it's a *parody on the internet*. Maybe something like Red Eye can tick people off, I get that, but these kinds of videos are just for fun. I doubt the creators believed all bronies are like that, and even if they did, who cares?
VastaKustutaBut (un)offensive aside it wasn't all that funny.
ehhh i thought it was funny. I'm sure they have their fair share of bronies on staff. Especially those guys who do the video game news and reviews. Ya it bashed the dark sides of our fandom but I've read troll fics that basically did the same thing.
VastaKustutaEh, CollegeHumor.com has always been very hit or miss for me, mostly miss like this one. Still, animation is nice, I'll give them that.
VastaKustutaGet it? Cause we're gross and everything. Clever.
VastaKustuta@rea forward unto dawn check your spelling.
VastaKustutaI loved it.The people getting mad are just sad it's them.
VastaKustutaToy story 2 vibes XD
VastaKustutaAm I the only one who liked it?
Conker just let the close-minded view us as they will. We all know that's not true. I can see why this upsets you but they only do this because they don't understand. Its in their nature to judge something wrongly just cause its different than what they like.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI bit my lip for the worst. On par with what I expected from them, which is very very low standards.
VastaKustutaI thought it was kinda funny at first, but it just kinda got pushed to far.
Am I offended? Maybe a little bit, but mostly the problem was it just wasn't all that funny. This being college humor, does not surprise me.
VastaKustutaWell *I* laughed... :\
VastaKustutaI get where a lot of these assumptions and ignorance comes from in regards to the show but it still bothers me. Yes, there are erotic fan-fics out there but that can be said of any show ever at this point. Yes, some people who are into the show could be described as emotionally stunted (this somewhat applies to me, though its made me re-evaluate the nature of the media I was raised on and how sexist I was more or less programmed to be, stuff MLP addresses and obliterates). Yes, I've enjoyed some Skrillex in the past, so sue me. (Bangarang was pretty weak though, started searching for electronic sustenance elsewhere). Bottom line, the extraordinary, unprecedented things I've witnessed since getting into the show far outweigh the fringe sad stories that this video harps on. So yeah, did not like.
VastaKustutaCome on guys. It was kinda funny.
VastaKustutaUh... Why? Why can't these spoofs be intelligent?
VastaKustutaMy jimmies are definitely rustled! This is not a parody, this is just a plain and banal insult, based on stereotypes. There is literally nothing funny about this. Even "Get back to the kitchen" jokes are more funny then that.
VastaKustutaSeth, why do you even post stuff like this to begin with? Well, still better then Trixie in every post, I guess.
Yes, I mad.
This one hurt a little
VastaKustutaIt was pretty funny, save for the "Flashlight"
VastaKustutaAs the kind of Brony who enjoys the hell out of self-deprecating humor, I must say this was alright.
VastaKustutaI didn't laugh to much though. It was basically using every cliche of generic internet nerd, but applying it to strictly MLP fans. It would have been funnier if it didn't take itself as serious. Particularly the part where Twilight says she appreciates that Bronies challenge gender stereotypes then points to the porn on his computer for reason to reject it.
Yeah, College Humor, tell us how you REALLY feel.
@James Corck
VastaKustuta"The voices are spot on" gives them way too much credit.
Pinkie's voice is too low pitched, and Twilight's sounds too much like a "valley girl".
The animation wasn't bad, but it also wasn't funny. Like Rekiara said, it mostly plays off "nerd" stereotypes and could me mostly interchangeable with any other fandom.
Oh course it's inaccurate, it's an animated internet parody, not a documentary.
VastaKustutaBesides, what kind of sicko wouldn't wash their hands first before grooming and petting their Luna.
B for effort. The animation and voice work was actually pretty good. Boo for reinforcing stereotypes, but all in all it's a parody. I laughed a few times.
VastaKustutaI really quite enjoyed this! I'm a fan of collegehumor and some of the jokes here were pretty good. It kind of reminds me of the plot of Toy Story 2, toys wanted to be played with but instead hogged as collectibles by a fat dude with cheeto-dusted fingers.
VastaKustutaSeriously, you guys need to lighten up. This isn't really any different from anything else that makes fun of adults who collect toys. Chillax.
Well, its probably going to go up on their youtube page in a moment. Gather your pitchforks and torches...
VastaKustutaWhat did you expect from College Humor? The site is anathema to original humor, and they don't even pull off the clichés well.
VastaKustutawell it was funny indeed but it dident add up, i cant image anypony who ill be like that, ok its a parody and it dont offend me my person directly but it hurt a little bit.
VastaKustutaif you like overdone stereotypes, sure.
personally, i'm sick of the stereotypes that i see spewed everytime a hate makes a topic.
at least try to make the trolls original, collegehumor.
All units her majesty have has given reaper portocal all REA and NLR ships in the area are authorized to fire EVERTHING MAC, torpedo, heavy turents, nukes ect. We are waiting for a green light .......................green light FIIIRE!!!!!!
VastaKustutaAnybody think of Toy Story when watching this?
VastaKustutaCollege Humor has made some incredibly funny videos: Stormtroopers 9/11, Guy stuck in History Class, Donatello gets screwed, Zordon is a Racist, Professor Wikipedia, and on and on.
VastaKustutaThey've recently gone downhill though.
Now the haters will see it as a double parody; the video itself and the rating bombed by disbelieving bronies further confirming it.
VastaKustutaIt's a parody, guys, at least this wasn't a South Park episode around it. Lighten up.
@Matthew-147 I'm kind of only 115 pounds right now (19 years old), so that would be a little unhealthy. How about I just join you now.
VastaKustuta*Group large amount of different people into one negative stereotype; call it "funny"*
VastaKustutaThat'd be fine if it was actually funny, or had something clever. You could transpose that whole bit into about 99% of every other fandom and have the same result.
Try something new, Collage Humor.
*Wipes Cheeto dust off fingers before typing angry comment*
VastaKustutaIt wasn't too bad. I chuckled a couple times, but yeah, "meh" sums it up pretty well.
VastaKustutaI do wish the toys we got were as show-accurate as his, though :)
The "flashlight" was the most disturbing and funny part.
VastaKustuta* be
Every time.
i'm not offended as much as annoyed. it's obvious they did no research outside of names and character design.
VastaKustutaif you're going to write a parody, the least you can do is fact check, instead of making up details and assuming it's correct.
professionalism is all i ask for if you're getting paid.
I wish they made MLP toys that good.
VastaKustutaEhhhh it wasn't that funny
VastaKustutaTheir live action stuff is a lot better
I have nothing to say that hasn't been said.
VastaKustutaYou've all expressed my views entirely.
It wasn't clever, it wasn't really that well thought out- things just seem to happen.
It started with some sort of promise, there was one or two decent one-liners, but past that the whole thing was just weak.
As an addendum to my previous comment:
VastaKustutaI've seen good parody / satire done 'against' fandoms that I've been part of in the past. I was about as hardcore a WoW gamer one could possibly be when South Park released the "Make Love, Not Warcraft" episode. They were, in effect, mocking my entire lifestyle at the time. The trick is, they did it in a way that - while calling out the excesses of hardcore MMO gamers - said "We get you. You're fucking ridiculous, but we get you." That made all the difference, and explains why the episode was so widely enjoyed and referenced by people outside AND inside the WoW fandom.
This video doesn't 'get us' and that makes the difference.
Setting aside my primary issue, I will say that the production quality of the video was solid. The animators and VAs involved in this little project deserve due credit - their work was quite good; regardless of my opinions on the script. So, props to them and here's hoping they get better content to work with in the future.
lol honestly what happened to the true bronies that started on 4chan? come over to EQD and ponychan and learn to not be able to take a joke.
VastaKustutaThis animation was very good if it hit's to close to home for you maybe you should take a look at yourself.
The "flashlight" was the most disturbing and funny part.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaLol I really thought it was a flash light... And I listen to a little skrillix also ;)
VastaKustutaIt was alright I guess. I was slightly amused anyways.
VastaKustutaDid Pinkie really win 35 consecutive games of tic tac toe against Rarity in episode 7?
VastaKustutaI laughed my ass off, good job and to the bronies that can take this non seriously and have a good laugh, I salute you good sirs, good show!
VastaKustutaFor people complaining it's cliche: Of course it uses cliches, that's what parodies do.
VastaKustutaMy problem was that it really didn't feel like it was "well-researched".
It's like they just went, "Okay. We know Bronies are older guys who watch a girl's cartoon. Let's go with that." Although they had to know SOMETHING about the show to know about the Tic-Tac-Toe game from Dragonshy, but still, it seemed like they didn't even bother trying to understand what they were joking at.
Then the video proceeds to throw basically every insult an MLP troll could come up with. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if trolls spammed MLP pages with this video saying, "This is how you horse-wankers act in real life, and it's about time someone pointed out the truth."
I'm not offended, I was just expecting something better.
I kinda liked it for its extreme over-the-topness. ...Maybe I'm not that upset because I didn't get the flashlight part^^
VastaKustutaI know this is supposed to be a parody, but... FUCK COLLEGEHUMOR. THOSE BASTARDS ARE EVIL MOTHERFUCKERS! >:(
VastaKustuta(Facehoof) i have nothing to say.
VastaKustutait was an impressive collection tho!~
VastaKustutaCollegehumor videos are generally gross and extraordinarily tasteless, and this was no exception...why did I even watch that? Not that I'm offended personally...it was just a boring, gross video.
VastaKustutaEh... I'll just roll my eyes and be done with it. Not worth getting upset about.
VastaKustutaI'd say this video wasn't "ha ha" funny but was more "heh heh" amusing.
CollegeHumor is rarely legitimately funny anymore.
That said I thought the video had some kinda funny parts. I like how Toy Story-esque the setup was.
And to everyone saying it's not well researched... Pinkie Pie *did* actually win 35 games of Tic-tac-toe in a row against Rarity in eepisode 7. So that obviously shows a bit of research - that's not something you'd just "know" without watching the show.
VastaKustutaYes, that was the video I was thinking of when I saw this. I actually hated that one, I liked this one much better. If you're going to insult us at least use clean animation.
It think it's ok to get offended at this stuff, everyone's different, some people can laugh at this while some are more sensitive.
I hate the nerd stereotypes and downright hatred as much as anyone but gotta pick and chose your battles right?
I personally found it to be funny. :V
VastaKustutaWent to watch it with the mentality that it was going to be funny, and it wasn't. Good VA and animation, but meh the rest was ok at best.
VastaKustuta@LosKnoggos Lets just say that wasn't a flashlight...
No cutie marks....
VastaKustutaAnd the guy reminded me of my ex a bit...XD
mfw I found this in my "Video Responses" folder to the only pony video I have on youtube. Needless to say it was ignored and subsequently blocked.
VastaKustutaThere are tasteful and truly humorous ways to pick on people with a strange obsession, but this is far from either. And it just seems strange that CollegeHumor, given its target audience, would run with something like this seeing as how the brony community is mostly comprised of college-aged individuals...
I am sorry to tell you, everything can, and probably has, been violated, Pinkie. May Celestia be with you, girls. Too bad they didn't get the guy who did the rad (if not ocd)tutorials on making toy pony hair look like it does on the show.
VastaKustutaYou do a brohoof, you don't say it!
College Humor, how u make this mistake?! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
VastaKustutaHilarious yet menacing distortion of reality, that's what this is.
I didn't know there were already so many negative stereotypes already tangentially associated with the term "Brony"
At least those psychologists/sociologists doing the brony studies will soon dispell these stereotypes with distinct, truthful science.
lol fleshlight, but thats the only lol of the bit. love and tolerate
VastaKustuta"Brownies" is a much more humorous video about the negative aspect of this fandom. This is just every negative aspect that can be applied to any fandom and work, just focusing on ponies.
VastaKustutaHehehehehe. That was funny as always CH!
VastaKustutaSeriously, their animators are fucking boss.
To everybody else: learn to take a joke. CH's videos aren't supposed to be taken seriously.
note to self: Wash the Cheetos off your hands before you pick up the MLP toys at McDonalds.
VastaKustutaNot funny
VastaKustutaThis video is wrong, because Twi and Pinkie would have known that the brony audience existed right from the start anyway.
VastaKustutaAnd besides this video basically describes your typical hater/troll reaction: "hmmm its a fandom i hate, im going to assume that everything i use to take the piss out of them is true, ha ha ha, i will get much respect from the other internet lowlifes such as myself"
yes i know it was supposed to be a joking video, but it still rubbed me the wrong way (no dirtymindedness intended).
lol, that goes waaaaay beyond what the actual brony is like. Gotta love stereotypes.
VastaKustutaOMG XD
VastaKustutaDefinitely. Change "Ponies" for "Star Trek" and you'll get the same result.
learn to take a joke
VastaKustutaokay I don't know what to say?
VastaKustutaReally bad, not funny at all.
VastaKustutaBrownies was funnier... This one was just repetitive and boring.
VastaKustutaI'm not a fan of CollegeHumor but I gotta say...I found this quite funny.
VastaKustutaIt was alright. The fanfiction joke got a chuckle out of me but thats about it.
VastaKustutaA bit over the top, but I guess that's necessary to show they don't actually believe this.
VastaKustutaPretty funny overall.
I chortled.
VastaKustuta@Agile Wings I guess I'll be fine not diggin into this.
VastaKustutaAbout the stereotyping, that's what most parodies of fandoms do. Every Trekkie Parody has Spock-cosplaying thin guys speaking that klingon language. I don't mind that.
It's pretty stupid from the website's view tho to choose to piss of loyal bronies and side with ungrateful haters, they get less fans that way.
Don't be too angry with them, it'll only look like an angry geek-rage-flamewar than intelligent and cultivated people being upset. Take it with humor or ignore it.
I definitely thought it was funny. They like to make fun of anything and everything. I'm willing to bet that if complainers saw them put Bronies on South Park, they would laugh, because they know South Park is the most contradictory show ever.
VastaKustutaIt continues to bother me that, while I know this community is mostly male founded, no one gives two fucks about the adult FEMALE fanbase at all. It's never included in the parodies. It almost feels like ponies were 'stolen' from girls at this point.
VastaKustutaThat being sad, I did get a laugh out of the part where Twilight Sparkle was all "I wish I could appreciate his challenging of gender stereotypes, but I am too distracted by the erotic fanfiction on his computer!" That was actually pretty funny.
The rest of the video just makes you feel too horrified for the toys too laugh. I'm not offended as an MLP fan, I just didn't think it was funny because I cared too much about the ponies ;_;
VastaKustutaThose stereotypes have been around for a long time, just altered accordingly for this parody. Essentially they used a creepy internet nerd guy stereotype. With the object of this character's fixation being My Little Pony.
Go ahead and change the characters and the references, it'll fit in any nerdy fandom, seamlessly.
VastaKustutaCANNOT UNSEE. :(
Lol! The creepy fans of MLP! Why would anypony read MLP fan-fiction? Most of the stories are weird (no offense) (My Little Dashie is an exception).
VastaKustutaThat was hysterical, but leaned much more to what I think of when I think anime otaku weebs! (but then again a lot of them like this show too) lol :D
VastaKustutaHeh, yeah that was slightly amusing. Just a load of the common stereotypes that are thrown around all the time, nothing we haven't seen before.
VastaKustutaEh, I really didn't find it funny. It was basically a two-minute long "LOL BRONIES" joke.
VastaKustutaMeh. Wasn't really entertaining to me.
VastaKustutaNot offended or anything, but I guess my humor has just changed over the years. If this was 3 years ago it'd be funny, but meh. Meh, meh, meh.
VastaKustutayou got a point there: perhaps they didn't do their research ahead of time.
Jeez, who keeps their Fleshlight with their ponies? That's just wrong.
VastaKustutaI thought the same thing !
I'm actually surprised there isn't as much rage as I was expecting. Given the over-the-top nature of the parody.
VastaKustuta@ Rekiara i agree with you it could have been funny.
VastaKustutaBut its just the typical nerd stereotype with ponies added to it for the hey of it.
At least the animation and voices where good but it wasn't really funny
I laughed. It was unoriginal but I'm not offended. If there is one thing I've learned it's that being offended of stereotypes in a parady only serves to support said stereotypes.
VastaKustutaAlso, the video was clearly not legit in any way.
VastaKustutaThey don't produce toys that good.
VastaKustutaTrue, very true.
That was very disturbing.
VastaKustutaThose poor ponies...
VastaKustutaIt's a good thing.
Guys....take a joke. I thought it was funny. Not everything is always focused on the positive side.
VastaKustutaBesides, you shouldn't take it too seriously either. It's just a parody.
That was...how do I put this, I'm not sure if that's what it would be like, but to be honest, sitting in a mass collection sounds...boring...
VastaKustutaThat is extremely disturbing...
VastaKustutaHaven't been able to get to their website ever since this post first showed. Is it maybe blocked in some countries? Because it seems to be running fine based on the comments... though it also looks like I'm not missing anything special from what I'm reading... :s
VastaKustutaI'll be honest, I laughed pretty fuckin hard. At least it was an obvious, unrelentingly negative stereotype that was being used for parody, and clearly wasn't supposed to be taken seriously.
VastaKustutaDon't let it get to you, guys. It's just comedy and I can laugh alongside it.