Storyboard Supervisor Jim Miller has dropped a massive leak over on his new Twitter page (That you should totally go invade with follows).

Seriously though, go follow him. He only has around 200 at the creation of this post. That requires a boost!
Oh, and Tara Strong tossed some more surprise Twilight Sparkle. It's not really that saucy, I mean come on guys, Twi looks good in a bikini!
Big News!
ReplyDeleteAWW SNAP. Mind is BLOWN!
ReplyDeletealso: Already followed! :D
Shit just got real.
ReplyDeleteNo way! Prove it!
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ReplyDeleteSETH! That's a pretty massive spoiler right there! Why didn't you put it after the break like you usually do??
ReplyDeleteAre you sure we're not being trolled again?
ReplyDeleteMany Bothans got a tummy ache to bring us this information.
ReplyDeleteWow, and here I thought the rest of the season was just going to be donkeys and dragons....
ReplyDeletePONIES?! NO WAI! Now the rest of the season is totally ruined for me.
ReplyDeleteDarnit! I was expecting more flying milk cartons and giant squids from the Saturn :(
ReplyDeleteI'm calling bullshit on this one. The last guy who said there would be ponies on My Little Pony turned out to be hoax.
ReplyDeleteIgonoring Tara Strong's latest saucy Twilight pic, huh Seth?
ReplyDeleteI'm completely blown away by this leak, wasn't expecting this at all.
ReplyDeleteDarn. The Spike the Dragon and Friends spin-off is looking less and less likely every day.
ReplyDeleteWhy isn't this spoilers?
ReplyDeletetweet is soo much win
ReplyDeleteYA DON'T SAY?
ReplyDeletePonies on a pony show?!
but srsly, I hope these ponies are... colorful.
I did not see that coming 0__0
ReplyDeleteThey must of hired M night Shyamalan
ReplyDeleteYeah, if they're having ponies on the show now, I think they've jumped the shark.
ReplyDeleteNow, don't get your hopes up. We'll see what happens when the new episodes air.
damn i was hoping for a griffon only ep
ReplyDeleteMy body wasn't ready for that kind of spoiler Seth!
I did NOT see that coming! This is going to be SO AWESOME! :D
.... I'm not very surprised anymore...
What? I don't get it...I don't....well of course we see ponies in future epis..oh I see what you did there!
ReplyDeletewhat a twist!
ReplyDeleteOMG. PONIES? I LOVE PONIES. These episodes are going to be SO. AWESOME.
ReplyDeleteWow, I hope they don't loose their job for leaking such a MASSIVE spoiler!
ReplyDeleteI have assisted by making it 297.
ReplyDeleteI call it a fake, they've ruined MLP!!!!111one1
ReplyDeleteSomeone will learn a lesson on friendship! And Twilight Sparkle will make another appearance!
Yeah right, next thing you'll hear is that the rest of the season will take place in Equestria or something...
ReplyDeleteOMG! why I didn´t see that coming?
ReplyDelete@Logan Warner
ReplyDeleteYeah. Last time a picture got mentioned, everyone got flankhurt and ruined the fun. So yeah, better if it doesn't get reported on here. :/
NO WAY!!!!
ReplyDelete*sigh* clearly selling out.
ReplyDeleteperhaps for season 3 they will get act together and not have those confounded ponies.
inb4 shit storm about destroying fanon
ReplyDeleteI don't know guys. I think this could be fake; we'd better do some digging up on this guy to see if it's legit.
ReplyDeleteAlso by the Rarity button I though Cereal was posting this.
Ponies? What is this shit?
Railgun, Jayson Thiessen posted on his twitter for all of us to welcome him. I think that's as legit as it gets
ReplyDeleteinb4 it's fake.
ReplyDeleteI'm about to make a twitter account just to follow these hilarious people. Tara Strong, especially. XD
Seth post Jayson's tweet below Jim's that tells us all to welcome him with open arms
ReplyDeletehoax, calling it now
ReplyDeletePonies? In MY Little Pony?!
ReplyDeleteThey're definitely taking the show in a risky direction! I hope they know what they're doing!
These episodes need to have about 20% more pony.
ReplyDeleteAw man. This is to much to handle, I think I'm going to be sick.
ReplyDeleteInb4 it turns out to be trolling and we get an allout Zebra invasion.
ReplyDeleteRailgun, Jayson Thiessen posted on his twitter for all of us to welcome him. I think that's as legit as it gets
ReplyDeleteJIM MILLER you have reached level 40. Please choose a stat to increase:
ReplyDeletePONY: 180 FOLLOWERS: 200 MAGICKA: 170
No, really? That ruins the series for me!
ReplyDeleteI know. Guess you missed my reference to the debacle from yesterday.
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ReplyDeleteThis shiznick is BLOWING MY MIND!
ReplyDeleteWait, why are more people commenting this late at night?
ReplyDeletePfff yeah right, go troll another fanbase Seth
ReplyDeleteThose huge spoilers. Now the entire season is ruined! lol
ReplyDeleteAnd he only had 200 followers? Well, I'm sure that will skyrocket now. It always seems people first need to be featured here. Com'on guys, you know their names! Be a hipster and follow them before the rest of the herd. ;)
Tara continually posting skimpy and/or provocative images of Twilight just makes me giggle.
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ReplyDeleteno way
ReplyDeleteRipping up NDAs left and right! Is nothing sacred?!?!?
ReplyDeleteI have ponify on. I almost flipped out when I realised ponify was on and it said that. Then I hovered over it and then lol.
ReplyDeleteWhat's next?
This show never ceases to amaze me.
I was worried about that, but thank Celestia this was tweeted. My mind is now at ease.
ReplyDeleteYeah yeah guys, I know it SOUNDS bad, but have some faith! Don't judge it until you see it!
ReplyDeleteAll these neighsayers, always complaining. Don't they realize the perfect team that does everything perfectly perfect will make it awesome regardless? Even if they put ponies in it, which again I understand sounds like a horrible idea, they'll certainly make it awesome because any sort of cynicism or doubt is instantly wrong.
Captain Obvious to the rescue!
ReplyDeleteLAWL i love how this is trolling seth about falling for that ponychan thing but then again that's what someone get's for going to ponychan.
ReplyDeleteBest news I've heard all day.
ReplyDeleteYeah right, too good to be true. Calling a troll on this one guys.
ReplyDeleteIt's unstoppable force vs. immovable object, but if anyone can make ponies good...
Really, more ponies you say. Because I wanted some alpacas :P
ReplyDeleteCHAAAAARGE as a label? I see what you did thar~ Bronies are your personal army, huh?
ReplyDeleteShe called it HER bikini o_e *twitch*
ReplyDelete@Rusty Star
ReplyDeleteI've said it before and I'll say it again.
We could take Belgium.
Mind = blown O_O
ReplyDeleteWait wait wait.... there are ponies in this show?
ReplyDeleteI dunno, guys, this could be another troll. Remember yesterday? This seems a bit too good to be true.
ReplyDeleteI'm not buying it.
ReplyDeleteOh man, there's PONIES in future episodes? This is big news. I'm so excited!
ReplyDeleteThere's going to be ponies in season 2? I've been preparing for this moment for my entire life, and I've only been a brony for five months!
ReplyDeleteTara, is Princess Celestia going to have to give you another writing assignment?
ReplyDeletePONIES!? In My Little Pony? XD Ahahah, that made my night! And, oh lord, Tara seems to be at it again! That girl is hilarious as sje is talented.
ReplyDeleteThis is what I've been avoiding, spoilers. But No, I'M SETH AND I HAVE TO POST THIS SPOILER THAT THERE WILL BE PONIES IN MY LITTLE PONY, way to ruin it for me, man.
ReplyDeleteStill, ya gotta admit there is no denyin it, that bikini is quite cute. XP
ReplyDeleteI fucking love Taralight Strongkle!
ReplyDeleteUgh...and the show seemed to be doing so well..
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how I feel about them adding ponies to ponies. Could be a risky move.
ReplyDeletePonies? In my pony cartoon? It's more likely than you think!
ReplyDeleteI don't believe it! It's another fake!!
ReplyDeleteHorses! That's what I'd like to see in future episodes. Not too sure about these ponies :/
ReplyDeleteI have had it with these motherfucking ponies on this motherfucking Internet!
ReplyDeleteBest News Ever!
ReplyDeleteWell, the story-boarders have discovered trolling. For once, I have no clue how this will end.
ReplyDeleteSethis-toooooo!!! *shakes fist*
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, I love both news pieces <3
@D. Shadows
"They took our jobs!"
"dey dook der durr!"
XD I love South Park too much.
Holy Celestia! I would have never guessed O_O
ReplyDeleteI suppose this is to make up for getting seriously trolled Monday night? At least this news is true.
ReplyDeleteFoolish ponies everywhere. Now I can't get the rest of my favorite series without their hooves in it :/
ReplyDeleteI DON'T EVEN
ReplyDeletelies Jim Miller
Saying dumb shit since 1976. (oh, and I draw stuff, too).
Vancouver, BC CANADA · http://bigjimsucks.blogspot I found this on his twitter page
Wait a tic, I thought Dragon Quest was going to be about Dragons!
ReplyDeleteWell my mind has been blown
ReplyDeletePonies... My God
ReplyDeleteSeriously, are we ready for this?
Idk guys, I'm gonna need to see some solid evidence first.
ReplyDeletePONIES?! Seriously? Is that all they could come up with? Man, this series is really starting to go downhill.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I've discovered a sudden allergy to Tara Strong's Twitter page. Whenever I spend more than thirty seconds there, my mind starts to go fuzzy, and trollrage sets in. I think I'd better see a doctor...CAUSE I'VE GOT STRONG FEVER!
I will now write a letter to Princess Celestia apologizing for that terrible punchline. Hopefully, I won't be banished to the moon right away.
God damn it. Lyra just wants some humans in the new episodes, is that too much to ask?
ReplyDeleteBest... Community response... Ever <3
ReplyDeleteLove you all /]
So uh... That image Tara posted was pretty low-res. Anyone got a link to the original? I can JUST make out "" in the image, but not the artist.
ReplyDeleteI will miss the mongeese and wallabies. Hopefully the ponies will grow on me, eventually.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't every episode have ponies in it?
ReplyDeleteAre we being trolled?
Look at that, Jim Miller posted a link back here, only for us to have a link there.
ReplyDeleteAlso, PONIES in My Little Pony?!? What kind of sorcery is this?!
A Twilight is fine too. I'd rather see the smoking hot Tara herself in a bikini, though.
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ReplyDelete*dramatic chipmunk theme plays*
ReplyDeleteObviously fake. The rest of Season 2 is supposed to be "The Adventures of Spike and Steven Magnet".
ReplyDeleteDid anybody else read the post as "Futurama episodes to include pones"?
ReplyDeletePony did pony pony
ReplyDeleteOh Tara you scoundrel.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope Twilight Sparkle's tan doesn't show through her fur or she's going to look some silly when she takes that swim suit off.
ReplyDelete(Tara Strong is best tease!)
Jim Miller: 754 followers.
ReplyDeleteEven after discovering the horrors of the Internet and rule 34, she's still willing to post suggestive pictures of her innocent character. I love you, Mrs. Strong <3
ReplyDeleteYou just went and spoiled the whole thing.
ReplyDeleteTactical facepalm.
ReplyDeleteI liked the inside scoop we got from that parasprite a couple days ago better.
ReplyDeleteDarn actual show staff, never telling us anything. What's so amazingly bad about giving us REAL hints, anyway?
I never would've guessed.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Tara Strong is awesome. I already knew that, but this confirmed it once again.
Just spoiled everything....
ReplyDeleteGood news, Everyone!
ReplyDeleteOn another note, where are the asshats from when Tara posted Twi wearing a saddle? Don't tell me Twi in a bikini suddenly doesn't trigger you to make the commenting folk here look like overly moral fools again?
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing the novelty of getting on their high horses has worn off. Maybe they feel a little more desensitized to it. Either way, I think most now know she does this often enough, and with other characters, that she's just joking.
AQlso, Tara Strong: "I'm giving up trolling for lent."
Yah right :yaoming:
Yo Brony! We heard you liked ponies!
ReplyDeleteSo we put more pony in your show to watch
while you watch my little pony with
more ponies!
Yeah this news is definitely troll news. Just like all news these days.
All the actresses have had a little fun with the bronies, (largely having to do with bumping up their youtube/facebook followers stats,) but Tara may be having a bit too much fun with us...
ReplyDeleteI have ponify, so at first I thought it was people. Then I remembered I disabled it on EQD for just this reason. XD
ReplyDeleteI am impressed by the lack of bitching:)
ReplyDelete@Fruitlessdog Jim is obviously trolling us. Having ponies in My Little Pony is as absurd as putting hobbits in "The Hobbit"!
ReplyDeleteDam bro, band wagons bro, people ain't goonna get mad cause everyone else ain't. I think joke wasn't funny bro, and that twi picture freaking gross bro.
ReplyDeleteNO DUH
ReplyDeleteBefore Equestria Daily: 200 followers
ReplyDeleteAfter Equestria Daily: 1200+