• Allspark Charity Drive

    This has actually been going on for a while. Once a year over at the Allspark forums, they run a donation drive for the Hasbro Children's Hospital. The pony community over there is pretty huge, and we did actually raid it last year pretty hard, so maybe we can do it again!

    Hit this post up for information on it. They also have a forum signature generator you can use to help spread the word.

    Check out the actual charity page here!

    23 kommentaari:

    1. Allspark? A la Transformers? Oh its owned by Hasbrony, never mind.

      A lot of charities have been posted in the last few days. That is actually pretty commendable.

    2. Charity drive, huh? Don't give it a second thought! Do it!

    3. Looks like a good case, looks like I know what I'm doing with my money today!

    4. Always glad to help out charities, which this fandom does very often so happy to be part of this :)
      Anywas go go go go!

    5. Mission accepted and completed sir. $5.00 away!

    6. Going by the Pole numbers on the side of the page if we banded together and everyone gave 5 bucks away we would donate a total of about 110000 dollars. Get on it.

    7. Hi all! Wow!

      This is Daytonus over at the Allspark. I had just checked my email and saw half a dozen donations in the span of 20 minutes, and I knew IMMEDIATELY that it was Equestria Daily! We are deeply grateful for the support from the MLP community, both this year and last!

      Your enthusiasm is infectious, and I can't thank Equestria Daily and the Pony fan community enough.

      Much love,
      Jason "Daytonus" Nguyen
      Server Admin, http://www.allspark.com

    8. 8000 $, that's an ambitious goal.

      Now you are a small step closer to it. ^.^

    9. This is Galenraff from the Allspark, I also want to echo Daytonus's sincere thanks and impressive appreciation for this community and just how much you all jumped on with the surge here!

      $8000 is an ambitious goal to be sure, but the great thing is it doesn't really matter if we hit it - the important thing is to get as much as possible, and all of what we raise goes straight to the Hasbro Children's Hospital. So even if we miss the goal, everyone wins!

    10. Sending my $5.00. Also, Rarity? Element of Generosity? Nicely done!

    11. Donate to all the charities!!!

    12. They're at 44% at the moment. I bet it had a nice sudden little spike up in amount when it was just linked here. :P

    13. We absolutely had a nice spike just from you guys! It's wonderful, and again, huge thanks to you all! We'll have to make sure our report from the Gala includes a nice shout-out to the pony fans.

    14. Gave money because Transformers + ponies = win. Oh and charity, guess there's that too.

    15. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou-*AHEM*

      Thank you SO much, guys, I knew I could rely on you all to come through!

      Highly Grateful,
      Alexander "Cabooceratops" Cooley
