Yes, we know there was a leak. We have been asked not to link to it. For the sake of all of our email boxes we are just letting you all know! Now go get back to doing pony stuff.
This episode was uploaded to iTunes with a release date of February 11, 2011. Yes, 2011. Looks like you shouldn't have let Derpy upload this one... JAJAJAJA XD
To tell you all the truth, I'm not even tempted. The episode is right there in my iTunes library, but I don't even want so much as a peak at it. Maybe not literally, but that episode is gonna stay under lock and key until after the episode airs.
As for pony stuff, well...I was working on a sketch of Fluttershy playing hide and seek with a rabbit.
Well this wasn't really Hasbros fault if anything blame Itunes. Man Itunes really screwing up big lately. Taking forever to put up Read it and Weep episode. Taking down Last Roundup because of the Trolls. Now this. Does their incompetence know no bounds?
I will wait, two more days is not that big a deal, besides we don't need Hasbro cracking down on youtube videos any more then they do now. After all, for all the bronies that do not have the funds to purchase it on iTunes, it is the only way to get ponies, so be respectful please.
Good idea not bringing any more attention to the YouTube links. We need to cooperate with Hasbro as much as possible here.
My iTunes automatically downloaded the thing, though, I'm not gonna bother waiting the two days to watch it at the appropriate time if the program literally forces it onto my computer and into my "haven't watched" queue.
This ED post was actually how I found out about the leak, and someone posted the link in the MLP: FIM Crew thread on Newgrounds, but I refuse to even put my mouse near the link until saturday.
Like a lot of people above me have posted, I would not have known about the leak if EqD hadn't posted about it, so I don't know how beneficial this post really is.
Nonetheless, I look forward to watching it on Saturday WITH everypony else
I was super flustered I didn't watch MLP for more than a few weeks and that Read and Weep wasn't on Itunes for so long. I kept thinking, "Grrr, how am I suppose to support the show if Itunes keeps fudging up the only source to buying episodes?" I was soooo tempted to just watch the latest episode on Youtube, but then I finally saw Read it and Weep on Itunes! Then... what's this? There was another surprise! I waited too long, I couldn't resist!
The biggest problem with not having a place to discuss the leak, is that other posts, like the fanfic below get hit with the comments that should be directed here. Its not fair to the author to have that happen. Folks need a spot to talk about it, regardless if they watch it early or not. Hopefully the links can get edited out though.
If you have an itunes copy then that's what you paid for and gave revenue to Hasbro. It's just Apple screwed up and will probably have to suffer a bit in any agreement they have with Hasbro and/or network they contracted with, not me for watching it. Apples fault. It will probably not look well we then promptly spread it everywhere else, however. Since we need to remember it's otherwise supposed to be released to everyone else at a fair chance on Saturday when it's also designed for advertisement and the like.
Seriously though, this episode had more laugh-out-loud moments for me than any other this season. Seriously, it made me laugh almost as much as the CMC theme song performance.
"A leak! A leak! The Ep has sprung a leak! One of those Apple doods has put a Ep on the Internet early! It's been Leaked Early! 'PONIES!' "If anyone's going to leak the Ep, it'll be Seth!"
Killing links is just aesthetic. So do it. Companies like hopeless protection of their profits like that and it doesnt make it more difficult to see the ep if someone does want to see it now. If theyve heard of google that is. So, removing links is win win. I think.
I look at it like this: i bought the season pass just after super speedy cider squeezy 6000 aired and am still missing the last roundup. this doesn't make my wallet happy. but i got to watch hearts and hooves day a couple days early. karma says we're okay!
I have doubts this was an accident. If Hasbro/iTunes entitles subscribers early access to episodes then that would be a solid incentive to buy a subscription instead of watching them for free on YouTube.
The iTunes leak isn't that terrible in itself, it nets money to Hasbro and is entirely Apple's fault so bronies have no fear of being blamed (or punished)
But the stream and youtube links. Really guys? At least have the decency to pay the measly 3 bits for the episode, or wait to Saturday. Watching it for free on YouTube before it even airs is pretty much a slap in the face to the studio.
I watched it on youtube, I feel like such a party pooper, I just couldn't help myself. The thought of getting my weekly pony dose earlier was just too tempting for me.
Same here. This is the first time I have heard about any leak. It sort of kills the mystique around saturday's episode a little bit. I almost don't want to watch it on a stream, because I know there are going to be people who will ruin it the whole time. Maybe I'll just check it out on TV.
I am going to wait till Saturday as I want to join in with the other fans and see it live - sharing the 'Oh My Celstia' parts of every episode with others is part of the fun!
New episode early!? One I've been waiting for more than normal!? The people who've seen it say it's one of the best!? Alright, lets watch us some po-
No! No...have to wait until Saturday! Generate ad revenue by watching it, however that works, I'm not entirely sure! Support show by sitting through ads of games based on watching dogs crap! Continue talking like Hulk!! Must...wait...!!
"Oh, how long can trusty cadet Lastunusedmane hold out? How can he resist the diabolical urge to watch the episode that could erase Hasbro's very income by a teeny-tiny amount or not? Will his tortured mind give in to its uncontrollable desires!? Will he succumb to the desire to see ponies before most at the mere copy-and-pasting of a single link!? The be-AU-tiful, shiny link! The jolly, candy-like link! Will he hold out, folks!? CAN he hold out!?"
I may have to avoid DA, YouTube, and maybe EqD (I definitely don't want to) so I can avoid the spoilers for Saturday. I seriously doubt Hasbro OK'd Apple to release the episode this early. I've never been a fan of releasing episodes before they air in some fashion, even if they're for a fee. Some may avoid watching it on The Hub Saturday, because "why watch it on television, if I have it on my computer?" It doesn't bother me as much, if one downloads a purchased episode to himself/herself. I do have a problem with leaking it, however, on YouTube, where the spoilers spread like a disease, and it becomes a bigger challenge for people, like myself, to wait until the weekend to watch.
And I forgot to add, anyone who chooses to upload unaired episodes on YouTube before they air, shame on them. I mean, we just had a fairly positive response recently from Hasbro. I hate to burn any bridges or anything thanks to a few fans choosing to upload them online. I don't support that. I'm sorry.
Well, as not USA citizen I cant watch it on HUB, so I'll watch it now. They took money for it, so it's not technically a leak, more like pre-premiere :)
Will resist. I love my Saturday brony hangout and the whole putting the phone off the hook, telling people I'm nit about for half an hour and chatting with other fans. An early spoiler would ruin the she whole social aspect. Plus I live in the UK anyway so we're the poor relation and this is how I get to watch the show.
EQD won't post spoilers, you can bet on that. At least not without a page break. DHN and maybe ponyleaks won't either. DA will. Ponychan and ponibooru will. Because they're all un screened.
Well, looks like I will avoid DeviantArt and Bronies Memebase until Saturday, maybe even this site (unless you guys will refuse any media of it, please do). I'll wait like a good boyscout. Really, the nerve of some people taking advantage of this.
Seriously, how the b*uy some apples* did this happen? ... Yeah, I'll be busy watching gameplay walkthroughs of various popular titles like Skyrim, MW3, and The Darkness II on Youtube. That should keep me occupied 'til Saturday. ... In an unrelated note: Applejack = Best Pony! *laughs like a maniac* ... Another unrelated note: When the crud is Scootaloo going to get an episode centered around her? She needs some familial love.
Well looks like curiosity got the better of me and I went ahead and I watched the episode :/ (Pretty good episode though, had quite a few laugh's throughout it) Looks like Derpy's influence is spreading into Apple.
"Are people seriously downvoting this because it's leaked? That's hilarious. BUT BUT BUT IT'S OKAY TO ILLEGALLY UPLOAD IT AFTER IT AIRS. THIS IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. No it's the same damn thing."
I paid $2.99 for it on iTunes. Watched it. It's already up on YT. Used Clipnabber to DL it DRM free. Watched again. Jumped onto taps livestream. Watched it again. Watched the 720p file... Again. Replays on livestream. Watched it YET again! Saturday morning comes along. I will watch the entire Mare-a-thon AND the new episode YET AGAIN, and LOVE it!
I pay for my ponies AND get my DRM-free too!
Seriously guys. I watched it like 5 times already. AMAZING stuff. I won't spoil it for you. It gets better each time. I totally plan on stopping at my mom's place so I can let her watch it too!
As far as I am concerned...
Apple derped, and whatever fallout they receive over this is DESERVED for their atrocious handling of Derpy and "The Last Roundup". What goes around, comes around Apple. This is only fitting! Tough love, baby! Karma's a bitch! This is why I have NO remorse and NO regrets for watching it.
i dont normally watch live on saturday mornings anyways, got no one to watch with, and streams are very low quality and the people like to troll sometimes...not fun in my experience. i usually wake up about 11, have lunch, and rip the 1080p youtube stream that one guy does. i will, however, be watching the marathon, as i will be trying to convert my brother into a brony while doing so.
At least doing so after the show airs shows courtesy to other fans and, in a small way, Hasbro themselves. A true brony would wait until Saturday.
I mean, wasn't one of the morals of an episode "good things come to those who wait"? Instead, we have a fair fraction of the fanbase tainting the Internet with spoilers for those of us who legitimately want to wait until everyone has a shot at seeing it.
Sucks enough that Australia doesn't get the episodes on iTunes, sucks a huge amount that it being on America's iTunes has lead to a leak this big.
HEY! i am not a bad brony for watching early...also, if i remember right, one of the lessons was "dont look a gift horse in the mouth". i simply took advantage of a very lucky situation, as i would have had to wait till i got home sunday to watch, now, i can sit back, watch, and not worry about missing it. i would assume, you can rest assure, that EqD will not spoil it for you, just stay away from other pony sites till saturday morning....i mean, the hell, its already thursday.
Bingo. Yeah, Apple messed up, but so did a few people that chose to do the wrong thing and upload it over 48 hours later. I don't want Hasbro to change their mind about the community (going from a positive to negative opinion), over something a few fans did. I'm going to do the right thing and wait.
Huh, wonder when the comments section was turned on for this...
It's going to be decently hard for people to avoid the sure-to-be large amount of spoilers from this in the next couple days before it officially airs. You just know those spoilers are going to be plastered across most all FiM Brony sites.
honestly I hope they pull the youtube episode off at least til saturday night this is not good at all. All tho I want to see it badly I'm going to wait til Saturday and watch it on the Hub, I want Hasbro to know I support them not the idiot that linked it on youtube before it aired.
I'm actually surprised at the willpower on display here from everypony who is waiting. My admiration for this community just keeps growing and growing.
I, however, was weak. I couldn't help myself. I beg forgiveness and understanding.
But I will also be respectful and refrain from discussing the episode anywhere, in any way, until Saturday. All I will say is that it is one of the funniest episodes yet. And there is an awesome song. Dose that count as discussing? Crap!
Nice to keep it like this, I just hope EqD doesn't start showing up anything related to the episode until past the normal episode air-time on saturday because I'm gonna wait till then to watch it.
Hey Hasbro, because this episode was released early (accidentally or otherwise), I bought it! Releasing episodes early is a good way for me to give you my money! Please continue doing this! :P
Mic streamed the episode last night. I watched about thirty seconds before leaving. It would ruin Saturday morning for me if I had already seen the episode.
Heard about it but refrained from watching it. Saturday is Ponyday and the peanut gallery in the stream make the first time almost always more enjoyable.
Can't they find anypony who gives MLP the proper care and attention it deserves? I can think of about 400 bronies on this site alone who would keep this stuff straight!
Goddamn, I was so excited when I heard you could buy the episode early on iTunes! And then these people are all just watching them for free and I don't know what to think about that!
I bought it on itunes (Along with the season 2 pass xP) I refuse to watch on youtube until its officially released, though. I want Hasbro to take my money.
I would love to watch it Saturday, but I just don't think I have the time to with the ACT in the morning and a Six Appeal concert later that evening. I'll watch it tonight, even though I'm going against my better judgment...
And Princess Celestia declared, "Thou shalt not bear witness to events before their time. This shall be deemed heresy, and sinners shall be exhiled to Luna's Prison."
@Soph93 You could still watch the livestreams from US telly if you're free saturdays. I'm in the UK and they go live about 3PM here.
Personally I'm in 2 minds over this. I want to watch, but I'm busy today and tomorrow. So I may end up watching it twice in quick succession come Saturday. Because I'm that dedicated or something. Here's to 2 days avoiding pony threads and sites the internet over!
Just going to say guys: Sethisto turning comments on for this post doesn't mean he wants to see links here to the episode.
Anyone with slight knowledge of... some of the more popular places to find videos can find the leaked episode. No one who wants to see it needs your help.
In fact, quite the opposite. Equestria Daily has a rocky relationship it needs to uphold. More talk about how we should be ashamed of ourselves but why would you read all this.
@CharginChuck It definitely does count as discussing.
I don't know who you know who's refraining from watching it. Every person I've seen when mentioning the leaked episode says they've seen it.
Except me I guess. I'm still trying to decide if I should wait or not.
Honestly, Sethisto, just by turning comments on for this you've given people a place to talk about it on EqD. I would've left commenting on this disabled.
I'm fine with the idea of people purchasing it early, as it's still supporting Hasbro and the show, but it disappoints me to find out that people are streaming it. Come on people, just wait for the broadcast version, you know Hasbro doesn't take to kindly to the iTunes version getting out.
@Mr.Geek Gee, thanks for posting an outright spoiler where the post specifically asked for no spoilers. I really, really, really, really dislike how this is turning the fandom against itself.
Well, maybe it's not ONE person but a common reoccurring trend.
Although I seriously doubt saying there's a "*** ****" is such a big spoiler. I mean, such a big deal, man. That would only make me more excited for the episode!
I was reading comments but with folks warning of spoilers in comments so that's not happening any more.
Really disappointed in ponies who are posting spoilers without a spoiler warning, I get the new eps awesome and all that but I like waiting. I made a pinkie pie promise to wait so wait I shall!
Just means avoiding youtube for a day or two.
Sympathies to hasbro for the hiccup I hope nobody gets in too much trouble over it.
Currently buying 30$ worth of episodes on iTunes :)
Protip: if you dont want to put your credit card online, go to a store and buy a gift card with cash. I cant believe i didnt think of that sooner! Support the show directly, its the best way.
I love how EQD tries to be very professional and not post the leak and what do a bunch of bronies do in the comments? "WATCH THE EPISODE HERE!!!!!111 ITS SO COOLZZ!!!!" Come on guys...
Meh its only a couple more days and I get the Hub anyway so I'm gonna wait. Besides, how we handle and react to leaks like this effects how Hasbro sees us. Streaming and spreading a leak is NOT the way to help their view of us.
When I first heard of the leak, I checked iTunes and it wasn't there (perhaps only available to subscribers?) When I was closing down my computer for the night, I checked again and there it was.
I figured at that point they decided "Screw it... Better to have some place where they can pay for it than to just leave them pirated versions as options." So I bought it. I hope they have record sales on it... It's a charming episode, well worth the few bucks of support.
... Nahh, I can wait. I'm a little tempted, but Hasbro definetly has it's reasons if it asks for no links on this site. Besides, ponies are the best way to spende a Saturday afternoon here in Europe ;3
I don't like the fact that it is being spread about, but I don't like the fact that I'm being called "not a true brony" for watching it either. It really rattles me when people feel they can dictate the criteria for a "true" fan/believer/whatnot. Sure, I watched the episode online. That DOESN'T mean that I don't support Hasbro (they own a large portion of what used to be my money) or that I'll spread the link around. It was a good episode, and I watched it ahead of time. Big buckin' deal. I was shipped a Warriors book once before it was released. (Oh Amazon.) I read it anyway. If I get my material early I am NOT a bad person or a bad brony.
I don't blame Europeans. They don't have any legit way to watch it anyway.
But Americans? Seriously? You can get it legitly, support Hasbro AND you still pirate it? Just wait for Saturday if you want to get it for free you know.
I don't see why Hasbro would be angry at us for watching and creating content based on the episode when it was leaked through a legitimate source that still made us pay for the right to watch it just like it always has. I've never even bought an episode before, so Hasbro made more money off of me from this leak than they ever have before. We're doing the exact same things we do with every episode; it's just happening three days early through no fault of our own. Mistakes were made, we the fans got a special treat, and planes did not fall out of the sky. The end of the world, this is not.
You know, this was probably an accident, but if it increases sales enough I wonder if they would start releasing the episodes on iTunes early every week. This might end up being a win-win situation for the fandom and Hasbro.
I watched it. It was a cute episode. I won't spoil it.
I AM a little disappointed that it's up on youtube, though I understand why it is. The reason why I'm disappointed is that it's going to upset Hasbro and the folks at the Hub. BUT... hopefully they put the blame for that where it belongs, and that's towards Apple.
After all, we're the fans. Watching and obsessing over the show is kinda what we do. Blaming us for doing the things that being a fan is all about is craziness. So, I don't think Hasbro would do that, though I could see takedown notices being sent out.
Apple's been goofing up pretty hard lately. There was The Last Roundup thing. Episodes have been getting released later and later. What earthly reason could there be for them to wait until Wednesday to release the download for Read It and Weep? Then they leak a whole episode.
Honestly, I'm mad at them both for my sake and for Hasbro/the Hub's sake. What a bunch of clowns. I really wish the Hub sold the episodes themselves. I would be all over that!
This had nothing to do with Apple. The Hasbro employee who uploaded it typed the wrong release date. iTunes takes a variable amount of time to make something available after it's been submitted, so what people normally do is upload early enough to get it through the approval process by their intended release date. In the case of this episode, the uploader typed 2011 instead of 2012.
I have no intentions of seeing the episode before Saturday, but like I'm gonna let that stop me from still using my usual sites; I've looked at the screenshots anyways.
The fact, however, that pre-screeners liked it indicates I will definitely not be disappointed this weekend. Though love potion plots (and that's no spoiler, I'm pretty sure it's in The Hub's description) are not particular favorites of mine.
Lol. What's with waiting till Saturday? What do you all have nothing better to do on a Friday night? Waiting till Saturday doesn't get you any moral points you know.
Not to be off subject, but can somepony tell me something that might restore some faith in the brony community? Spent too much time on ponychat and am thoroughly depressed.
iTunes usually waits till Late Saturday, early Sunday to post, so this time they are a bit early... ...This still doesn't make up for the fact that nixed The Last Roundup though.
It doesn't make any difference to me whether I watch the episode today or Saturday, living in the UK I can only legally watch these by watching Boomerang and they are _way_ behind on the episodes, and not in HD either.
So basically i'm breaking the law whether I catch it on a stream or watch it now.
Oh, they don't sell it on iTunes either, so, stuff that.
Did not know that, thanks. Hope that guy doesn't get in TOO much trouble. I'm still typing "2011" on things occasionally myself, it's an understandable error.
Actually, one of the early comments made an interesting point. If these were released early on iTunes more people probably WOULD buy them. If this proves to be true, it might be worth the Hub's while to intentionally post them there a few days early to generate extra revenue (actually, lots of tv shows could do that, but with cartoons it seems like the harm to ad revenue would be less since kids will still watch when it is aired).
Those of you watching the episode for free are terrible. You guys are making no contribution to hasbro or the hub by doing so. Paying for it and watching it? Sure, it was a derp on the provider's account. No argument on that. However, you should all still be watching it on the hub because that's how it'll stay on the air. Ratings, people. Ever heard of it? It pretty much means that unless you pay for something or watch it live where the company broadcasts it, you are essentially getting the show closer and closer to not having a next season. You might be thinking it'll never happen to this show, but I'm sticking to the side of caution and will watch it when it airs since I don't buy the episodes myself but dvr them for future times and still wish to support them the best I can as a broke college student.
@My Little Proffie Generally the US iTunes version is released on late Saturday into Sunday, and the last episode "Read it and Weep" didn't update till just a Day ago or so, so it seems that Apple's consistency isn't really spot on. I've noticed that with other series that I subscribe to aw well. Its all Apple on that one.
Considering that in the brief amount of time it was up there it shot up to around #26 on the top TV list, I'd imaged they did make quite a bit of money from this. I hope that they managed to make more money than they would have releasing it at their normal time.
Yeah, well screw you, too. Some of us don't have the option. We don't get the Hub here and Apple can fuck itself with something rusty; I'm still trying to get some of their crap off of my computer.
I feel bad now after question if the VA for Sweetie Belle could even hold a note... and then THIS happens yesterday.... not that I doubted her but I felt she really needed a chance to have a turn considering the other two have sung on the show... I am now pleased!
(can anyone confirm though if it really WAS her though? it really sounded like her singing this time instead of Creber this time for Sweetie)
@DawnSparkle06 Sadly as most have said, we don't have that option here in Europe. I would GLADLY pay for the whole season pass in iTunes if I could, and trust me I tried. Bypassing it by creating an "american" account, trying to use IP hiding softwares and stuff, and none worked. iTunes detects automatically that I'm in Spain and it just won't let me buy anything pretty much. No MLP, no Regular Show, no nothing :1
Most of us still buy merchandise, which is available (And not even everything we'd love to have over here).
So If I were you I wouldn't go that far on accusing people, and I would try to you know, apply what I learn on this wonderful show, whether if you watch it for free or not. To love and to tolerate, but over everything, to understand.
*SPOILER* is anyone annoyed by BM? is such an interesting character..why they want to keep that " eeeyup punchline"? is annoying, go deeper in his character please :V. the only lines he said this episode weere f....up in voice and content for the poison ç_ç show him moar love Hasbro.
Already downloaded the episode, but going to wait until Saturday to watch it. Taking 18 hours of classes plus work, I won't really be able to enjoy it until this weekend anyway.
254 kommentaari:
oh shit! my curiosity!
VastaKustutaMmkay =D
VastaKustutaGood professionalism. I approve.
VastaKustutaSCOOTALOO is best leak
VastaKustutaLeak? What leak?
VastaKustutaLeak? What leak? I'm just gonna watch the new episode this Saturday!
VastaKustuta*in denial that every other pony already seen the episode...*
VastaKustutaWe do NOT need Hasbro regretting our posting of their eps onto youtube even MORE than before...
I can wait...I can wait...I can wait...
VastaKustutaOr can I?
This episode was uploaded to iTunes with a release date of February 11, 2011. Yes, 2011. Looks like you shouldn't have let Derpy upload this one... JAJAJAJA XD
VastaKustutaI downloaded it, but I haven't watched yet. I'll wait until tomorrow morning.
VastaKustutapeople are livestreaming it it's also on youtube even
VastaKustutaI saw the episode, and it's VERY funny, probably one of the best in the season. Everypony will not be disappoint. ;)
VastaKustutaI paid for it on iTunes and watched it early. It's not my fault someone on the Hub or Apple screwed up.
VastaKustutaIt may have been accidently leaked...but I am gonna wait till Sunday Morning (my time) to see it.
VastaKustutaI will happily wait till saturday! :D
VastaKustutaNot even Celestia will make me watch it before Saturday.
VastaKustutaOh that leak, so iTunes derped and released the ep early? Haha!
VastaKustutaSame with the micthemicrophonezero livestream
VastaKustutaThey probably made more money from iTunes sales than ever before, though.
VastaKustutaI'm still gonna watch the stream the-one-I-will-not-name is hosting... >:)
VastaKustutaWow, link posted twice in the first 15 comments.
VastaKustutavery nice folks, way to get Hasbro to trust us with their stuff even more...
*slow clap*
I myself have it but I made myself a Pinkie Promise to wait until Saturday morning.
VastaKustutaI applaud Seth's stance but let's hope nobody goes nuts over this.
Please kill links, Seth.
VastaKustutaScootaloo is still best pony.
I shall wait for Saturday as well.
VastaKustutaHolding out till saturday
VastaKustutaLike a sir
"Leak? I'm not detecting any leaks."
VastaKustuta"Don't you people ever pee in the 24th century?"
To tell you all the truth, I'm not even tempted. The episode is right there in my iTunes library, but I don't even want so much as a peak at it. Maybe not literally, but that episode is gonna stay under lock and key until after the episode airs.
VastaKustutaAs for pony stuff, well...I was working on a sketch of Fluttershy playing hide and seek with a rabbit.
Why...Why did you re-enable comments?? The less this gets spread around, the better!
VastaKustutaWell this wasn't really Hasbros fault if anything blame Itunes. Man Itunes really screwing up big lately. Taking forever to put up Read it and Weep episode. Taking down Last Roundup because of the Trolls. Now this. Does their incompetence know no bounds?
VastaKustutaI think it could actually be a pretty decent marketing strategy. I wouldn't have bought the episode otherwise, but I did today.
VastaKustutaI will wait, two more days is not that big a deal, besides we don't need Hasbro cracking down on youtube videos any more then they do now. After all, for all the bronies that do not have the funds to purchase it on iTunes, it is the only way to get ponies, so be respectful please.
VastaKustutaMust, resist, YouTube, links... I can make it to Saturday live stream.
VastaKustutaI hope
already downloaded it for the lulz but will resist to watch it right away... must ... keep it together >.<
VastaKustutaRight on seth. You did the right thing.
VastaKustutaChroma, you're my new hero for the night <3
As Celestia as my witness, I will not let my curiosity overcome me!
VastaKustutaI watched it because it downloaded onto my itunes. If I had not bought the second season, I would have waited until saturday.
VastaKustutaI seen the first thirty or so seconds of it during Mic's livestream just to see if it was really the new episode. Saving the rest until Saturday.
VastaKustutaLulz stop being little bitches about the early episode
VastaKustutaI'm gonna wait until Saturday. Seeing all the comments in the live stream is usually priceless.
VastaKustutaTo those who have chosen not to see the episode until Saturday all I will say is that this is a very good episode.
VastaKustutaGood idea not bringing any more attention to the YouTube links. We need to cooperate with Hasbro as much as possible here.
VastaKustutaMy iTunes automatically downloaded the thing, though, I'm not gonna bother waiting the two days to watch it at the appropriate time if the program literally forces it onto my computer and into my "haven't watched" queue.
This ED post was actually how I found out about the leak, and someone posted the link in the MLP: FIM Crew thread on Newgrounds, but I refuse to even put my mouse near the link until saturday.
VastaKustutaDANGIT! I didn´t saw the leak! >.<
VastaKustutaOh well, we see at saturday.
When will the Mareathone start at european time zone?
Like a lot of people above me have posted, I would not have known about the leak if EqD hadn't posted about it, so I don't know how beneficial this post really is.
VastaKustutaNonetheless, I look forward to watching it on Saturday WITH everypony else
I was super flustered I didn't watch MLP for more than a few weeks and that Read and Weep wasn't on Itunes for so long. I kept thinking, "Grrr, how am I suppose to support the show if Itunes keeps fudging up the only source to buying episodes?" I was soooo tempted to just watch the latest episode on Youtube, but then I finally saw Read it and Weep on Itunes! Then... what's this? There was another surprise! I waited too long, I couldn't resist!
VastaKustutaSeriously guys? Not even 8 hours and we already have the whole thing up on YouTube and vectors popping up on DeviantArt?
VastaKustutaYes, I got it early too. Yes, I even watched it. But I'm keeping it to myself, like the rest of you should have.
Way to show Hasbro some respect, guys.
The biggest problem with not having a place to discuss the leak, is that other posts, like the fanfic below get hit with the comments that should be directed here. Its not fair to the author to have that happen. Folks need a spot to talk about it, regardless if they watch it early or not. Hopefully the links can get edited out though.
VastaKustutaIf you have an itunes copy then that's what you paid for and gave revenue to Hasbro. It's just Apple screwed up and will probably have to suffer a bit in any agreement they have with Hasbro and/or network they contracted with, not me for watching it. Apples fault. It will probably not look well we then promptly spread it everywhere else, however. Since we need to remember it's otherwise supposed to be released to everyone else at a fair chance on Saturday when it's also designed for advertisement and the like.
VastaKustuta"You ALWAYS say that!"
"...and it's always true!"
Seriously though, this episode had more laugh-out-loud moments for me than any other this season. Seriously, it made me laugh almost as much as the CMC theme song performance.
"A leak! A leak! The Ep has sprung a leak! One of those Apple doods has put a Ep on the Internet early! It's been Leaked Early! 'PONIES!' "If anyone's going to leak the Ep, it'll be Seth!"
VastaKustutaKilling links is just aesthetic. So do it. Companies like hopeless protection of their profits like that and it doesnt make it more difficult to see the ep if someone does want to see it now. If theyve heard of google that is. So, removing links is win win. I think.
VastaKustutaALL OF THE WIN
well, you should close the comments of this post, Mr. Sethisto.
VastaKustutaI bought it on iTunes to watch it.
VastaKustutaI'm not sure why, considering I always waited for it to be posted to youtube for all the previous episodes.
I look at it like this: i bought the season pass just after super speedy cider squeezy 6000 aired and am still missing the last roundup. this doesn't make my wallet happy. but i got to watch hearts and hooves day a couple days early. karma says we're okay!
VastaKustutaI have doubts this was an accident. If Hasbro/iTunes entitles subscribers early access to episodes then that would be a solid incentive to buy a subscription instead of watching them for free on YouTube.
VastaKustuta......PFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...... XD
The iTunes leak isn't that terrible in itself, it nets money to Hasbro and is entirely Apple's fault so bronies have no fear of being blamed (or punished)
VastaKustutaBut the stream and youtube links. Really guys? At least have the decency to pay the measly 3 bits for the episode, or wait to Saturday. Watching it for free on YouTube before it even airs is pretty much a slap in the face to the studio.
ITunes Derped! E-YUP!
VastaKustutaI'll wait until Saturday, but I want it now.
VastaKustutaI watched it on youtube, I feel like such a party pooper, I just couldn't help myself. The thought of getting my weekly pony dose earlier was just too tempting for me.
VastaKustutaOH COME ON!! *flails arms*
VastaKustutaSame here. This is the first time I have heard about any leak. It sort of kills the mystique around saturday's episode a little bit. I almost don't want to watch it on a stream, because I know there are going to be people who will ruin it the whole time. Maybe I'll just check it out on TV.
VastaKustutasweet celestia!!!This episode is freekin' amazing!!!
VastaKustutaNope, don't want to ruin my usual saturday morning routine of anticipation.
VastaKustuta....heh, tubs of jelly pony='me gusta' face
VastaKustutaI am going to wait till Saturday as I want to join in with the other fans and see it live - sharing the 'Oh My Celstia' parts of every episode with others is part of the fun!
VastaKustutaAs tempting as it is, I'm gonna wait till Saturday like everyone else. Please people, no spoilers for those who haven't seen it.
VastaKustutaNew episode early!? One I've been waiting for more than normal!? The people who've seen it say it's one of the best!? Alright, lets watch us some po-
VastaKustutaNo! No...have to wait until Saturday! Generate ad revenue by watching it, however that works, I'm not entirely sure! Support show by sitting through ads of games based on watching dogs crap! Continue talking like Hulk!! Must...wait...!!
"Oh, how long can trusty cadet Lastunusedmane hold out? How can he resist the diabolical urge to watch the episode that could erase Hasbro's very income by a teeny-tiny amount or not? Will his tortured mind give in to its uncontrollable desires!? Will he succumb to the desire to see ponies before most at the mere copy-and-pasting of a single link!? The be-AU-tiful, shiny link! The jolly, candy-like link! Will he hold out, folks!? CAN he hold out!?"
I may have to avoid DA, YouTube, and maybe EqD (I definitely don't want to) so I can avoid the spoilers for Saturday. I seriously doubt Hasbro OK'd Apple to release the episode this early. I've never been a fan of releasing episodes before they air in some fashion, even if they're for a fee. Some may avoid watching it on The Hub Saturday, because "why watch it on television, if I have it on my computer?" It doesn't bother me as much, if one downloads a purchased episode to himself/herself. I do have a problem with leaking it, however, on YouTube, where the spoilers spread like a disease, and it becomes a bigger challenge for people, like myself, to wait until the weekend to watch.
VastaKustutaAnd I forgot to add, anyone who chooses to upload unaired episodes on YouTube before they air, shame on them. I mean, we just had a fairly positive response recently from Hasbro. I hate to burn any bridges or anything thanks to a few fans choosing to upload them online. I don't support that. I'm sorry.
VastaKustutaI reactivated my old iTunes account just to download the episode. Some mistake Apple, NOT.
VastaKustutaWell, as not USA citizen I cant watch it on HUB, so I'll watch it now. They took money for it, so it's not technically a leak, more like pre-premiere :)
VastaKustutaWill resist. I love my Saturday brony hangout and the whole putting the phone off the hook, telling people I'm nit about for half an hour and chatting with other fans. An early spoiler would ruin the she whole social aspect. Plus I live in the UK anyway so we're the poor relation and this is how I get to watch the show.
VastaKustutaEQD won't post spoilers, you can bet on that. At least not without a page break. DHN and maybe ponyleaks won't either.
VastaKustutaDA will. Ponychan and ponibooru will. Because they're all un screened.
Well, looks like I will avoid DeviantArt and Bronies Memebase until Saturday, maybe even this site (unless you guys will refuse any media of it, please do). I'll wait like a good boyscout. Really, the nerve of some people taking advantage of this.
VastaKustutaTons of jelly~
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSeriously, how the b*uy some apples* did this happen?
Yeah, I'll be busy watching gameplay walkthroughs of various popular titles like Skyrim, MW3, and The Darkness II on Youtube.
That should keep me occupied 'til Saturday.
In an unrelated note:
Applejack = Best Pony!
*laughs like a maniac*
Another unrelated note:
When the crud is Scootaloo going to get an episode centered around her? She needs some familial love.
Well looks like curiosity got the better of me and I went ahead and I watched the episode :/
VastaKustuta(Pretty good episode though, had quite a few laugh's throughout it)
Looks like Derpy's influence is spreading into Apple.
I'll just go ahead and watch it now... I agree about not posting anything on EqD about it though.
VastaKustutaHah, Apple pulled the episode from iTunes! It was definitely a snafu on their part.
VastaKustuta"We have been asked not to link to it." By who? I agree with this ofcourse, but I'm curious, who asked you not to link it?
VastaKustutaI caved in and watched it. I knew I would have trouble sleeping otherwise.
VastaKustutaI'll say, it was a great episode with lots of humor. I'd say it's my 2nd fav CMC episode, just losing out to Cutie Mark Chronicles.
Someone on Youtube made a good point.
VastaKustuta"Are people seriously downvoting this because it's leaked? That's hilarious.
No it's the same damn thing."
*Luna* Very well then, be that way
VastaKustutaI will wait till saturday 5pm (my time zone) for the live stream
I'm just gunna sit and giggle about how people whinge how dare people put it up NOW as opposed to's still illegal, regardless. xD
VastaKustutaThere's always space on the moon if you do.
I will also wait. Will have to be extra careful browsing now seeing as I dislike spoilers.
I paid $2.99 for it on iTunes.
VastaKustutaWatched it.
It's already up on YT.
Used Clipnabber to DL it DRM free.
Watched again.
Jumped onto taps livestream.
Watched it again.
Watched the 720p file... Again.
Replays on livestream.
Watched it YET again!
Saturday morning comes along.
I will watch the entire Mare-a-thon AND the new episode YET AGAIN, and LOVE it!
I pay for my ponies AND get my DRM-free too!
Seriously guys. I watched it like 5 times already. AMAZING stuff. I won't spoil it for you. It gets better each time. I totally plan on stopping at my mom's place so I can let her watch it too!
As far as I am concerned...
Apple derped, and whatever fallout they receive over this is DESERVED for their atrocious handling of Derpy and "The Last Roundup". What goes around, comes around Apple. This is only fitting! Tough love, baby! Karma's a bitch! This is why I have NO remorse and NO regrets for watching it.
The magic watching on Saturday will be DOUBLED!
I found it. I watched it.
VastaKustuta(What? Don't look at me that way; I don't need no stinkin' standards)
And OMGWTFBBQ you guys who won't watch till Saturday don't know what you're missing!
Derpy and Doctor Hooves... Lyra and Bon-Bon... Oooh I can't finish those sentences you should see for yourselves!
Very professional indeed. I hope Hasbro knows to appreciate this.
VastaKustutai dont normally watch live on saturday mornings anyways, got no one to watch with, and streams are very low quality and the people like to troll sometimes...not fun in my experience. i usually wake up about 11, have lunch, and rip the 1080p youtube stream that one guy does. i will, however, be watching the marathon, as i will be trying to convert my brother into a brony while doing so.
VastaKustutaAt least doing so after the show airs shows courtesy to other fans and, in a small way, Hasbro themselves. A true brony would wait until Saturday.
I mean, wasn't one of the morals of an episode "good things come to those who wait"? Instead, we have a fair fraction of the fanbase tainting the Internet with spoilers for those of us who legitimately want to wait until everyone has a shot at seeing it.
Sucks enough that Australia doesn't get the episodes on iTunes, sucks a huge amount that it being on America's iTunes has lead to a leak this big.
I don't feel like watching a leaked version of the video. That would ruin my Saturday morning routine.
VastaKustutaI despise leaks.
You know... Screw it people WATCH THIS EPISODE!!!
VastaKustutaThat one scene near the end made me think only one thing...
"It puts the lotion on the hoof"
It was all I could think of when looking down into that HAYBACONSTRIPS and seeing BUYSOMEAPPLES and YAY being all WOOHOO
"or it gets the hose again"
I bought it and watched it. You know what? I'm gonna watch it again this Saturday cause it was GOOD.
VastaKustutaA leak oh no! My water bill is going to be ridiculous this month!!!
VastaKustutaHEY! i am not a bad brony for watching early...also, if i remember right, one of the lessons was "dont look a gift horse in the mouth". i simply took advantage of a very lucky situation, as i would have had to wait till i got home sunday to watch, now, i can sit back, watch, and not worry about missing it. i would assume, you can rest assure, that EqD will not spoil it for you, just stay away from other pony sites till saturday morning....i mean, the hell, its already thursday.
VastaKustutaOh you.
VastaKustutaBingo. Yeah, Apple messed up, but so did a few people that chose to do the wrong thing and upload it over 48 hours later. I don't want Hasbro to change their mind about the community (going from a positive to negative opinion), over something a few fans did. I'm going to do the right thing and wait.
I'm waiting for Saturday.
VastaKustutaSo to get back to Derpy's question: what about those Muffins, Seth?
VastaKustutaHuh, wonder when the comments section was turned on for this...
VastaKustutaIt's going to be decently hard for people to avoid the sure-to-be large amount of spoilers from this in the next couple days before it officially airs. You just know those spoilers are going to be plastered across most all FiM Brony sites.
Oh, I can wait for it. Srsly... I can...
honestly I hope they pull the youtube episode off at least til saturday night this is not good at all.
VastaKustutaAll tho I want to see it badly I'm going to wait til Saturday and watch it on the Hub, I want Hasbro to know I support them not the idiot that linked it on youtube before it aired.
I'm actually surprised at the willpower on display here from everypony who is waiting. My admiration for this community just keeps growing and growing.
VastaKustutaI, however, was weak. I couldn't help myself. I beg forgiveness and understanding.
But I will also be respectful and refrain from discussing the episode anywhere, in any way, until Saturday. All I will say is that it is one of the funniest episodes yet. And there is an awesome song. Dose that count as discussing? Crap!
Nice to keep it like this, I just hope EqD doesn't start showing up anything related to the episode until past the normal episode air-time on saturday because I'm gonna wait till then to watch it.
VastaKustutawell the episode was awesome
VastaKustutaand i don't feel bad about watching it lol
I watched the episode, a really good one. It was funny and had a good song :D
VastaKustutaoh and all the carajack(caramel x applejack) fan gonna cry FUCK YEAH
VastaKustutaHey Hasbro, because this episode was released early (accidentally or otherwise), I bought it! Releasing episodes early is a good way for me to give you my money! Please continue doing this! :P
VastaKustutaMic streamed the episode last night. I watched about thirty seconds before leaving. It would ruin Saturday morning for me if I had already seen the episode.
VastaKustutaGuys, support the Hub BIGTIME by either watching it live or DVR'ing it!
VastaKustutaLet's show that this gaffe won't take away from the ratings!
Heard about it but refrained from watching it. Saturday is Ponyday and the peanut gallery in the stream make the first time almost always more enjoyable.
VastaKustutai'll watch it now on youtube because, guess what, i am in Europe.
VastaKustutaif only my national tv would transmit that...i would go through all commercials...
Can't they find anypony who gives MLP the proper care and attention it deserves? I can think of about 400 bronies on this site alone who would keep this stuff straight!
VastaKustutaI will wait....but it is killing me! Im soooooo bored!!!!!!!! (cue sweetiebelle scoot...)
VastaKustutaI will wait....but it is killing me! Im soooooo bored!!!!!!!! (cue sweetiebelle scoot...)
VastaKustutaThis is the best leak ever.
VastaKustutaI'm not even going to be here on Saturday for the stream, and I watched it. Two days before the episode.
Goddamn, I was so excited when I heard you could buy the episode early on iTunes! And then these people are all just watching them for free and I don't know what to think about that!
VastaKustutayeah, you will NOT post the link... You will just inform everyone not knowing of the leak and let someone post the link in the comments
VastaKustutaI'll watch it again Saturday with everyone on Hub, don't feel bad at all.
VastaKustutaThis makes me hope that Hasbro will get tired of iTunes and release somewhere else... even though I know it probably won't happen. :(
VastaKustutaCuriosity never killed the Dash...
I bought it on itunes (Along with the season 2 pass xP)
VastaKustutaI refuse to watch on youtube until its officially released, though. I want Hasbro to take my money.
I watched it but for the sake of all bronies who haven't, I won't try to mention it until after it goes live on Saturday.
VastaKustutaI'm going to wait until the saturday livestream. one and a bit more days won't hurt.
VastaKustutaTrust me I'm gonna watch it on Saturday to support our HUB friends! :)
VastaKustutaI would love to watch it Saturday, but I just don't think I have the time to with the ACT in the morning and a Six Appeal concert later that evening. I'll watch it tonight, even though I'm going against my better judgment...
VastaKustutaWelp, that's dA, reddit and Youtube off-limits to me until Saturday x)
VastaKustutaHalf the fun of the episode is watching it in the stream. Ninjatertl 4eva.
VastaKustutaJust don't mention the statue..
And Princess Celestia declared, "Thou shalt not bear witness to events before their time. This shall be deemed heresy, and sinners shall be exhiled to Luna's Prison."
VastaKustutaPost about not posting video – find three links to the video in comments.
VastaKustuta@about I can easily wait until Saturday, and earn the blessings of Celestia! Such is the power of my Iron Will! ;D
VastaKustutaSo there was a leak, eh? No wonder my computer had a puddle under it this morning! And here I thought it had just wet itself again.
I watched it on a livestream!!! And I don't feel bad about bragging!!! Im just gonna say: more than one word.
VastaKustutaOnly 5 minutes in and AAAHHH FUCK THIS IS AMAZING
VastaKustutaYou could still watch the livestreams from US telly if you're free saturdays. I'm in the UK and they go live about 3PM here.
Personally I'm in 2 minds over this. I want to watch, but I'm busy today and tomorrow. So I may end up watching it twice in quick succession come Saturday. Because I'm that dedicated or something. Here's to 2 days avoiding pony threads and sites the internet over!
Just going to say guys: Sethisto turning comments on for this post doesn't mean he wants to see links here to the episode.
VastaKustutaAnyone with slight knowledge of...
some of the more popular places to find videos can find the leaked episode. No one who wants to see it needs your help.
In fact, quite the opposite. Equestria Daily has a rocky relationship it needs to uphold. More talk about how we should be ashamed of ourselves but why would you read all this.
VastaKustutaIt definitely does count as discussing.
I don't know who you know who's refraining from watching it. Every person I've seen when mentioning the leaked episode says they've seen it.
Except me I guess. I'm still trying to decide if I should wait or not.
Honestly, Sethisto, just by turning comments on for this you've given people a place to talk about it on EqD. I would've left commenting on this disabled.
I'm fine with the idea of people purchasing it early, as it's still supporting Hasbro and the show, but it disappoints me to find out that people are streaming it. Come on people, just wait for the broadcast version, you know Hasbro doesn't take to kindly to the iTunes version getting out.
VastaKustuta@Mr.Geek Gee, thanks for posting an outright spoiler where the post specifically asked for no spoilers. I really, really, really, really dislike how this is turning the fandom against itself.
VastaKustutaYeah, I don't agree with watching it leaked.
VastaKustuta>ONE person does something YOU don't like
Depends when it airs Saturday vs when I go to work.
VastaKustutaI wouldn't even worry about watching it. We didn't force apple to accidentally the episode. That's their bad.
Well, maybe it's not ONE person but a common reoccurring trend.
VastaKustutaAlthough I seriously doubt saying there's a "*** ****" is such a big spoiler. I mean, such a big deal, man. That would only make me more excited for the episode!
Hehehe Yea sorry but its to late now guys, its on YouTube no stopping it now.
VastaKustutaIt was on Youtube a LONG time ago. What's important is people don't link it ALL OVER the place. That's all that matters.
VastaKustutajust enjoy pony
VastaKustutaSaturday never seemed so far away.....
VastaKustutaI was reading comments but with folks warning of spoilers in comments so that's not happening any more.
VastaKustutaReally disappointed in ponies who are posting spoilers without a spoiler warning, I get the new eps awesome and all that but I like waiting. I made a pinkie pie promise to wait so wait I shall!
Just means avoiding youtube for a day or two.
Sympathies to hasbro for the hiccup I hope nobody gets in too much trouble over it.
Currently buying 30$ worth of episodes on iTunes :)
VastaKustutaProtip: if you dont want to put your credit card online, go to a store and buy a gift card with cash. I cant believe i didnt think of that sooner! Support the show directly, its the best way.
Guys the new episode is on ITUNES! It's intentionally released already. Hasbro made money off of me by putting it up early.
VastaKustutai want to go watch it. i want to go watch it i want to go watch it. but ill wait in till Saturday like a good pony (or will i muhahahaha)
VastaKustutaIn the words of River Song, "Spoilers."
VastaKustutaI want to watch. I want to watch it so bad. But it's not in 1080p. The highest it has is 720p...
VastaKustutaYou do realize that iTunes' 720p looks way better than the overly compressed 1080i that the cable companies broadcast right?
I love how EQD tries to be very professional and not post the leak and what do a bunch of bronies do in the comments? "WATCH THE EPISODE HERE!!!!!111 ITS SO COOLZZ!!!!"
VastaKustutaCome on guys...
I'll wait until Saturday. Pony mornings are best mornings.
VastaKustutaI'll wait until Saturday. Pony mornings are best mornings.
VastaKustutaMeh its only a couple more days and I get the Hub anyway so I'm gonna wait. Besides, how we handle and react to leaks like this effects how Hasbro sees us. Streaming and spreading a leak is NOT the way to help their view of us.
VastaKustutaWhen I first heard of the leak, I checked iTunes and it wasn't there (perhaps only available to subscribers?) When I was closing down my computer for the night, I checked again and there it was.
VastaKustutaI figured at that point they decided "Screw it... Better to have some place where they can pay for it than to just leave them pirated versions as options." So I bought it. I hope they have record sales on it... It's a charming episode, well worth the few bucks of support.
I'm not even tempted, to be honest. I haven't listened to "Smile" and I won't watch this episode.
VastaKustutaBesides, if I watch it now my Saturday evening will be boring and empty :P
I'll say one thing about this episode: Eeyup!
VastaKustutaNo spoilers though. :)
I'm going to still enjoy watching it again in chat.
... Nahh, I can wait.
VastaKustutaI'm a little tempted, but Hasbro definetly has it's reasons if it asks for no links on this site.
Besides, ponies are the best way to spende a Saturday afternoon here in Europe ;3
I don't like the fact that it is being spread about, but I don't like the fact that I'm being called "not a true brony" for watching it either. It really rattles me when people feel they can dictate the criteria for a "true" fan/believer/whatnot. Sure, I watched the episode online. That DOESN'T mean that I don't support Hasbro (they own a large portion of what used to be my money) or that I'll spread the link around. It was a good episode, and I watched it ahead of time. Big buckin' deal. I was shipped a Warriors book once before it was released. (Oh Amazon.) I read it anyway. If I get my material early I am NOT a bad person or a bad brony.
VastaKustutaI don't blame Europeans. They don't have any legit way to watch it anyway.
But Americans? Seriously? You can get it legitly, support Hasbro AND you still pirate it? Just wait for Saturday if you want to get it for free you know.
I don't see why Hasbro would be angry at us for watching and creating content based on the episode when it was leaked through a legitimate source that still made us pay for the right to watch it just like it always has. I've never even bought an episode before, so Hasbro made more money off of me from this leak than they ever have before. We're doing the exact same things we do with every episode; it's just happening three days early through no fault of our own. Mistakes were made, we the fans got a special treat, and planes did not fall out of the sky. The end of the world, this is not.
VastaKustutaYou know, this was probably an accident, but if it increases sales enough I wonder if they would start releasing the episodes on iTunes early every week. This might end up being a win-win situation for the fandom and Hasbro.
VastaKustutaI watched it. It was a cute episode. I won't spoil it.
VastaKustutaI AM a little disappointed that it's up on youtube, though I understand why it is. The reason why I'm disappointed is that it's going to upset Hasbro and the folks at the Hub. BUT... hopefully they put the blame for that where it belongs, and that's towards Apple.
After all, we're the fans. Watching and obsessing over the show is kinda what we do. Blaming us for doing the things that being a fan is all about is craziness. So, I don't think Hasbro would do that, though I could see takedown notices being sent out.
Apple's been goofing up pretty hard lately. There was The Last Roundup thing. Episodes have been getting released later and later. What earthly reason could there be for them to wait until Wednesday to release the download for Read It and Weep? Then they leak a whole episode.
Honestly, I'm mad at them both for my sake and for Hasbro/the Hub's sake. What a bunch of clowns. I really wish the Hub sold the episodes themselves. I would be all over that!
VastaKustutaThis had nothing to do with Apple. The Hasbro employee who uploaded it typed the wrong release date. iTunes takes a variable amount of time to make something available after it's been submitted, so what people normally do is upload early enough to get it through the approval process by their intended release date. In the case of this episode, the uploader typed 2011 instead of 2012.
I just bought it online last night! I'm going to be patient and wait until Saturday, though. I don't care how curious and excited I am...
VastaKustutaThis explains EI's Twitter feed.
VastaKustutaI have no intentions of seeing the episode before Saturday, but like I'm gonna let that stop me from still using my usual sites; I've looked at the screenshots anyways.
The fact, however, that pre-screeners liked it indicates I will definitely not be disappointed this weekend. Though love potion plots (and that's no spoiler, I'm pretty sure it's in The Hub's description) are not particular favorites of mine.
Lol. What's with waiting till Saturday? What do you all have nothing better to do on a Friday night? Waiting till Saturday doesn't get you any moral points you know.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@ThemsAllTook The uploader killed Ocelot? They've created a time paradox! Somepony call Doctor Whooves!
VastaKustutaNot to be off subject, but can somepony tell me something that might restore some faith in the brony community? Spent too much time on ponychat and am thoroughly depressed.
VastaKustutaSo what you're saying is
iTunes usually waits till Late Saturday, early Sunday to post, so this time they are a bit early... ...This still doesn't make up for the fact that nixed The Last Roundup though.
VastaKustutaWell, I found it on YouTube, so...
VastaKustutacat's outta the bag.
Still, I'm gonna hold off until its proper air date and enjoy it in due time.
I would like to encourage everypony else to do the same, especially if you have the HUB on your TV. Support this show, people!
It doesn't make any difference to me whether I watch the episode today or Saturday, living in the UK I can only legally watch these by watching Boomerang and they are _way_ behind on the episodes, and not in HD either.
VastaKustutaSo basically i'm breaking the law whether I catch it on a stream or watch it now.
Oh, they don't sell it on iTunes either, so, stuff that.
For everybrony that is waiting till the release date I say good job I am going to wait to I want the magic to happen on the day its supposed to
VastaKustutaDid not know that, thanks. Hope that guy doesn't get in TOO much trouble. I'm still typing "2011" on things occasionally myself, it's an understandable error.
Actually, one of the early comments made an interesting point. If these were released early on iTunes more people probably WOULD buy them. If this proves to be true, it might be worth the Hub's while to intentionally post them there a few days early to generate extra revenue (actually, lots of tv shows could do that, but with cartoons it seems like the harm to ad revenue would be less since kids will still watch when it is aired).
VastaKustutaThose of you watching the episode for free are terrible. You guys are making no contribution to hasbro or the hub by doing so. Paying for it and watching it? Sure, it was a derp on the provider's account. No argument on that. However, you should all still be watching it on the hub because that's how it'll stay on the air. Ratings, people. Ever heard of it? It pretty much means that unless you pay for something or watch it live where the company broadcasts it, you are essentially getting the show closer and closer to not having a next season. You might be thinking it'll never happen to this show, but I'm sticking to the side of caution and will watch it when it airs since I don't buy the episodes myself but dvr them for future times and still wish to support them the best I can as a broke college student.
VastaKustuta@My Little Proffie Generally the US iTunes version is released on late Saturday into Sunday, and the last episode "Read it and Weep" didn't update till just a Day ago or so, so it seems that Apple's consistency isn't really spot on. I've noticed that with other series that I subscribe to aw well. Its all Apple on that one.
VastaKustuta@My Little Proffie
VastaKustutaConsidering that in the brief amount of time it was up there it shot up to around #26 on the top TV list, I'd imaged they did make quite a bit of money from this. I hope that they managed to make more money than they would have releasing it at their normal time.
VastaKustutaHeh, me too.
VastaKustutaI agree. I redeemed 50$ to iTunes just to buy it. Give some money to hasbro, guys!
VastaKustuta>implying i can watch the hub from EU.
VastaKustutaYeah, well screw you, too. Some of us don't have the option. We don't get the Hub here and Apple can fuck itself with something rusty; I'm still trying to get some of their crap off of my computer.
I feel bad now after question if the VA for Sweetie Belle could even hold a note... and then THIS happens yesterday.... not that I doubted her but I felt she really needed a chance to have a turn considering the other two have sung on the show... I am now pleased!
VastaKustuta(can anyone confirm though if it really WAS her though? it really sounded like her singing this time instead of Creber this time for Sweetie)
VastaKustutaSadly as most have said, we don't have that option here in Europe. I would GLADLY pay for the whole season pass in iTunes if I could, and trust me I tried. Bypassing it by creating an "american" account, trying to use IP hiding softwares and stuff, and none worked. iTunes detects automatically that I'm in Spain and it just won't let me buy anything pretty much. No MLP, no Regular Show, no nothing :1
Most of us still buy merchandise, which is available (And not even everything we'd love to have over here).
So If I were you I wouldn't go that far on accusing people, and I would try to you know, apply what I learn on this wonderful show, whether if you watch it for free or not. To love and to tolerate, but over everything, to understand.
VastaKustutaDude, hide those spoilers!
VastaKustutaI accidentally english
@Ohelig True, true.
VastaKustuta@CogWeaver Yea, I find it kind of sad. :|
VastaKustutais anyone annoyed by BM?
is such an interesting character..why they want to keep that " eeeyup punchline"? is annoying, go deeper in his character please :V.
the only lines he said this episode weere f....up in voice and content for the poison ç_ç
show him moar love Hasbro.
Already downloaded the episode, but going to wait until Saturday to watch it. Taking 18 hours of classes plus work, I won't really be able to enjoy it until this weekend anyway.