Wow, I completely forgot to post this in the Zap2it thing earlier. Someone had to submit it to remind me. Apparently a commercial is floating around for the We ❤ Ponies Mare-A-Thon, filled with more glorious Rainbow Dash lines.
So... Go watch it!
Apparently I'm a tag on the video. Thanks, I think :p
74 kommentaari:
VastaKustuta(and why no boast busters?)
This is genius!!
VastaKustutaMore RD voices to play around with! Huzzah! Pretty good comercial too.
VastaKustutaWoo hoo! I wish i got this channel but I don't have cable sadly. But i'll vote anyways. Go My Little Pony!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSweeet advert.
VastaKustutaSo... When's the remix for this coming out?
VastaKustutayes master rainbow dash.... o_o
VastaKustutaWHAT HAPPENED TO RARITY???!!!!??
VastaKustutaOooo! Original lines! Thanks Ashleigh!
VastaKustutainteresting, Dash doing the adverts this time, wonder if (depending on the ads) they will get the others to voice them or will it be forever Pinkie
VastaKustutaI wish I could vote for last roundup.
VastaKustutaYay, Dash got a commercial. :P
VastaKustutaalso, Rarity's voice. what the flying blue fuck happened to it?
VastaKustutaBut... but dat's like 2 weeks away! I can't wait that long!
VastaKustuta@Mint Chip
VastaKustutaI agree, that was an amazing episode for so many reasons.
Uhm. Rarity?
VastaKustutaLooks like you're a tag on the video.
My guess is that Hasbro had Ashleigh try to force out a single line for Rarity, saving them (possibly) time and (most likely) money.
VastaKustutaAnd for being my least favorite of the Mane 6, Dash sure is skyrocketing upwards lately. First she gets to be the one who calls Derpy by name, and now she's talking directly to us? At this rate she's going to zip past Rarity and Fluttershy on my pony list! (And I'm certain that having those three on the bottom half of my pony list just made me a bad person in many a brony's eye. =P )
Rarity, Rarity, Rarity... And then Dash made it better.
VastaKustutaHasbro are such teases. They have a clip from Return of Harmony Part 2 in one of the hearts at the end, but it's not actually available in the voting. D:
VastaKustutaCalling it now. This commercial is gonna get remixed into a bitchin' song.
VastaKustutaOh my god..... This is on my birthday........ :D
VastaKustutaOh my god..... This is on my birthday........ :D
VastaKustutaIt's sorta funny how everyone goes nuts for any new lines at all. Even ones just part of a quick commercial. :P
VastaKustutaHah, looking at the video tags made my day.
VastaKustutaWe <3 you Hub peoples.
Seems like all the commercials have featured Pinkie up to now. Wouldn't mind seeing the others used, especially Fluttershy.
VastaKustutaAnd the internet exploded a third time.
VastaKustutaI'm thoroughly convinced that that was Ashleigh doing Rarity's voice to save time lol
VastaKustutaWell, I voted.
VastaKustutaAlso, 10 votes per day? Gonna end up with some slightly skewed ballots, I think.
Oh, it's unlisted! Awesome!
VastaKustutaYay Dashie is doing a commercial all I got to say is best commercial with best pony! Also was RD suppose to be impersonating Rarity?
VastaKustutaAm I the only one excited for season 2 of Dan Vs?
VastaKustutaMy life is now complete
VastaKustutaHub doing a mare-a-thon
and they are speaking to us
2.Party of one
3.Winter wrap up
4.Best night ever
5.Heart's warming eve
6.lesson zero
dash has already been on some promos and stuff
VastaKustuta1. Put "bronies" and "Sethisto" in the video tags
VastaKustuta2. ?????
3. PROFIT!!!
Waaait... is that an official Hub channel? If so... does that means that *they* added those tags?
VastaKustutaAny kind soul want to link the video for a mobile user?
VastaKustutaI know several people have said it already but putting "bronies" and "sethisto" in the tags... XD
VastaKustutaAlso, all the mane 6 are listed in the tags except Applejack. No love. :(
Oh, and to anyone reading this, there's another Fus-Ro-Dah shirt on It has Pinkie Pie, and she's actually wearing the iconic helmet! :DDD
VastaKustutaDone and done Dash.
VastaKustuta"You're all out of votes."
VastaKustutaI think the REAL question is "why the hell is Mysterious Mare-Do-Well in there?"
VastaKustutaThe reason is the Hub asked EQD to pick the episode so they had a poll. Trolls came and messed with the voting and now its on the website.
Clearly, Sethisto, the Hub must think you are one amazing person (or brony, in this case)! Just be happy you are a tag! Now, I can't wait for the marathon...
VastaKustutaNotice how every other time a children's show tells you to do something online, they tell you to ask for your parents permission before doing so?
VastaKustutaMLP has accepted their fanbase wholeheartedly.
"sethisto" and "bronies" are tags? Flibrgphdign' awesome.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta1 Mysterious Mare-Do-Well was a good episode and definitely worth the vote :D
VastaKustuta2 Does it honestly really matter what episodes air we have a mare-a-thon.
3 "Trolls came and messed with the voting and now its on the website." Okay so what makes it any different that what CO/B did compared to any polls on other websites (Not counting Facebook one because it was legit) that EqD has raided?
4 As weird as it may sound,aside from the occasional bashing's from B there are a good majority of bronies on 4chan especially on CO
Something is weird about hearing Rainbow Dash read a URL out loud.
VastaKustutaim pretty sure the episodes i vote for are gonna win, seeing as they are the normal fan favorites, secret to my excess, lesson zero, blah, blah, blah
VastaKustutainb4 incognito voting works
This ad was made for Bronies.
VastaKustuta1.) It's unlisted.
2.) "Sethisto" and "Bronies" are in the tags.
3.) It doesn't say anything about "asking your parents before going online".
Forget Rarity, Dash doesn't even sound like her normal self :S
VastaKustutaOk, seriously, can someone please post a link? I can't watch the embedded video on my phone.
VastaKustutaAre you talking to me?
Seth actually said the hub ASKED him to pick the top 20 fan favorite episode to put on their website for voting.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@RaccoonBL Maybe?
VastaKustutaAnd yeah i know what was said, and your point is, how does it make it any different?
VastaKustutaThe tags; wow. We love you too Hub !
VastaKustuta"Hello pony fans!"
VastaKustutait would've been funnier if she said "Bronies"
That could still happen when they make the voting result video xD
VastaKustutaSince I record directly to dvd+rs from a set top box, I'm hoping the line up is pretty good. also hoping that a vote for "RoH part 1 means they'll also show part 2
VastaKustutaI had been relying on youtube for my pony archive fix, but that's looking less and less viable now...
Great Pony Archive replacement.
VastaKustuta*yay!* <3
The Mare-A-Thon is coming on the day before my birthday!
VastaKustuta[insert Fluttershy yay/squee here]
I can't decide on what to vote! D:
VastaKustuta*votes for "the return of harmony part 1*
VastaKustutaFebruary 11th is my birthday! And my favorite pony is advertising a mare-a-thon on that that day!
Got my birthday wish!
@vulpixel The reason why boast busters was not in the polls is simply because it was to great and powerful!
VastaKustutaWhen you cast your votes, do the entries arrange themselves by rank? Because it looks like Green Isn't Your Color is winning even when I pick Sweet and Elite first.
VastaKustutaRarity... She sounded slightly different. Someone said it was Ashleigh Ball that voiced Rarity for this commercial.
VastaKustutaPerhaps it was...
Also, The Hub is awesome.