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Pinkie Pie is always a pretty good substitute* for Rarity.
* Not to be taken in large doses.
Twilight cannon wallpaper by ~Baxtermega on deviantART
Vinyl Scratch Wallpaper by ~ruthienick on deviantART
DJ PON-3 Wallpaper by ~KellyPony on deviantART
Rainbow Dash Wallpaper by ~GOP1994GOP on deviantART
Spectrum by ~TheKrazyCookie on deviantART
SnowMares 4 by ~drax99 on deviantART
Rainbow Dash Star Lights by ~Esipode on deviantART
Rainbow Dash fractal type thingy... by *InternationalTCK on deviantART
No Ordinary Filly by ~PCS4DDT on deviantART
Pinkie Desktop Thing: The Sequel by ~Clueless313 on deviantART
Crydamoure by ~Clueless313 on deviantART
Unicorn Ponies Wallpaper by *InternationalTCK on deviantART
Pegasus Ponies Wallpaper by *InternationalTCK on deviantART
AppleSmile by =EphemeralBlue on deviantART
Spitting Flames by =EphemeralBlue on deviantART
Fluttershy Fractal Type Thingy... by *InternationalTCK on deviantART
Rarity Wallpaper by ~GOP1994GOP on deviantART
Twilight Sparkle Wallpaper by ~GOP1994GOP on deviantART
Under the mistletoe by ~LVGCombine on deviantART
My little pony wallpapers pack 2 by ~Galen177 on deviantART
Arcane Background -BG- Pony Pack by ~SierraEx on deviantART
iPhone Wallpaper pack 2 by ~aruigus808 on deviantART
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Wallpaper Pack by *BlueDragonHans on deviantART
My Little Pony FIM Wallpaper Pack Text Edition by *BlueDragonHans on deviantART
79 kommentaari:
Pinkie Pie is best when taken in large doses, Cereal!!
VastaKustutaYay wallpapers!!!
VastaKustutaYay! I need a non-christmas wallpapaer!
VastaKustuta1080p wallpapers make me sad. 16:9 is worst aspect ratio.
All the Dashes shall be mine!!!
VastaKustutaAh, I needed a change.
VastaKustutaeven if i was willing to split with my current background, there's only one here that fits my standards. :|
VastaKustutaCool, wallpapers.
VastaKustuta"Not to be taken in large doses." Pinkie is only available IN large doses. Oh boy, my hard drive's gonna be doing double time for the next few minutes while I download all this awesome wallpaper.
VastaKustutaOh Cereal, you silly filly! Pinkie Pie is always better than Rarity, or anypony for that matter.
VastaKustutaAnyway, more Pinkie wallpapers to add to the rotation!
PRETTY good?! D:
VastaKustutaYou need to change your standards then
@CityFlyer502 Exactly!!
VastaKustutaAppleJack is best pony in my opinion.
Is it just me, or does Cereal do most of the wallpaper posts?
Too much Pinkie Pie at once is bad for your pancreas.
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith what if he has exquisite taste?
VastaKustutaWhat is that one wallpaper, anyway?
Thanks. I needed new wallpapers. Seriously.
VastaKustuta@amkirby10 how can you say that? Rarity is second best pony ever!!! Fluttershy is best ^^
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaI have a small, open space in the lower right of my screen that images go in.
the rest of my wallpaper is blank.
i prefer to my wallpaper to have an image that is in the lower right and fits with in that space.
Why is there a chicken in the cannon for the second wallpaper.
VastaKustutaExcuse me. I just had to do it.
VastaKustutathat's not how you spell Rainbow Dash or Twilight.
poor Rarity comes in last for me. =|
VastaKustutaProlonged exposure to large quantities of Pinkie Pie can lead to:
-Epileptic seizures
-Involuntary Space-Time Displacement
-The End of the Universe as we know it
Please, be careful with the dose of Pinkie Pie. Thanks.
damit i just changed my Wallpaper then somepony goes and makes a better RD wallpaper -_- (goes to change it again)
VastaKustutaThere is truth in your logic of image an pony
Rainbow Dash for the win!
Rarity is seventh in my top ten
I got the Fluttershy Fractal Type wallpaper as my new Fluttershy wallpaper.
VastaKustutaI'll be downloading that first Vinyl Scratch, even though all the others were great. I'll probably get that arcane one, also.
VastaKustuta@wackypony never seen anyone do that with wallpapers. Interesting.
VastaKustutaRarity was last for me as well. Then came Fluttershy at second to last. AppleJack is first, closely followed by Pinkie Pie and Scootaloo
VastaKustutawell, i don't maximize my browser window cause there's so much excess blank/unused space.
my favoritism for the Mane6 is as follows
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle
wallpaper packs everywhere!
VastaKustuta@wackypony i mainly use a smartphone for all of my needs. That will soon change with my labtop, though. I am now going to follow makkon's advice and make music, and maybe even finish my fanfic
VastaKustutaMy favorite of the pack is that Rainbow Dash Lite Brite thing. Course anything with Applejack in it is way up my list too. I'll have to think about getting that iphone pack too, need something to touch it up.
VastaKustuta@DXLelouch Why do so many people not like AppleJack? Seriously!! I mean, it's understandable for Rarity, as Hasbro made her very unlikable for the first season, then we had two months or so to dwell on it, and thus they gave her redemption in season two. I hope that they do the same for AppleJack with these two upcoming AppleJack episodes.
VastaKustutaJust when my current wallpaper starts to get old...new wallpaper post! I love this site. So much.
VastaKustutaI love all the mane 6. just varying nuances rise and lower them.
Hah, the Twilight cannon one is funny.
VastaKustutaUnder the mistletoe is adorable. <3
The arcane backgrounds look like they are going to be pretty cool.
Lots of great backgrounds to add to my folder. :)
Top ten ponies
VastaKustuta1. Obvious
2. Luna
3. Scootaloo
4. Windegos
5. Fluttershy
6. Dragon #2
7. Rarity
8. Guard #3
9. T.Sparkle
10. Zecora
@Travis Smith
VastaKustutay u no love Twilight? O=
mine: Dashie>Twi>Pinkie>Fluttershy>AJ=Rarity.
VastaKustutaVarious reasons an times, she gets annoying after some time but then she makes me laugh
I don't really like making lists, because then I'd have to put somepony at the bottom, and that's not really fair to any of them. I just feel really bad about hurting someone's feelings.
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaunderstandable. I can easily see why Dashie wouldn't be someone's favorite, or why she'd be at their bottom, for example. I just love Dashie, so i put her at top.
Twilight, i sorta identify with, on the socially awkward level.
VastaKustutaBy having absolutely no life, sitting on EQD all day every day mashing F5.
If I were to put together a list of my favorite pony, Fluttershy and Twilight would be jockeying for first. So I made a list, and guess who won.
VastaKustutayou play the system. come here on the hour.
VastaKustutaDashie is my favorite because she is the only one I really can connect to, AJ might be a close second but I'm not that southern.
Pinkie or Windego
@Travis Smith Try again.
VastaKustutaFluttershy in pink shades?
@Travis Smith Bingo!
VastaKustutaI think my laptop may have taken in too much pony. It's overheating!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaLove that with Windows 7 you can have multiple background pictures and have it change between them at certain intervals of time..
VastaKustutaIm up to 91 at 20 mins each, so...
30 and a half hours of different pony backgrounds = super win!
Hey! I'm BlueDragonHans, enjoy the Wallpapers! :D
VastaKustutai dont hate any of the mane 6 but Rarity and Applejack both are completely the opposite of parts of my personality
VastaKustuta@Brandon D I must be impatient, then. I've got mine set at 5 minute intervals.
VastaKustuta@BlueDragonHans I certainly will. Thanks for sharing with us.
VastaKustutaThanks, really hope you enjoy it, I will send a preview of what I have
Sorry, Facebook Image, Up to now go over 20 wallpapers
VastaKustutaGreat pictures!
Thanks @Travis Smith ! :)
VastaKustutavery nice, i was looking for some new wallpaper to add to my collection and you just popped up and gave me more. nicely done as always.
VastaKustutaWell I do like all my ponies... But since everyone's doing their lists I guess I'll join in.
VastaKustutaAJ > Pinkie = Fluttershy > RD > Rarity > Twilight
FLAME AWAY BRONIES! (Don't hurt me Twilight)
Ooh, we're doing lists?
VastaKustutaFluttershy > All other ponies
All other ponies = All other ponies
I love all of the ponies, really. It's just that Fluttershy is a bit (a lot) better than the rest!
VastaKustutaMine would be..
Twilight Sparkle> Rarity and AppleJack > Rainbow Dash > Fluttershy > Pinkie Pie
ipod wallapper pack <3
VastaKustutadownloaded half
also cereal plz number them so i can refer to them <3
Dat Twilight Canon...
VastaKustutaFor me
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash -> Fluttershy -> Rarity = Pinkie Pie -> Twilight -> Applejack
Sorry Applejack fans
...This was my first run in with that strange DA flash thing, and it was really irritating. I use per flash blocking and having to click each wallpaper just to see a thumbnail got really old really fast.
VastaKustuta@Nutty Is that what that thing was? No wonder I couldn't see any of these on my ipod. Well, the droid is better for this kind of thing anyway.
VastaKustutaOk don't know how this started but my list follows as
VastaKustutaTwilight > Fluttershy & Rarity > RD > Pinkie > AJ
I'm starting to think I should make these shiny-shiny pretty lights wallpapers more often like everyone else...
VastaKustutaBah... still only 1 of my wallpapers. Check my site to get the rest.
VastaKustuta@Brandon D
VastaKustutaFunny, our lists are almost completely opposite except that we both like AJ. I think we're gonna get along just fine my friend.
Nah I'm just kidding, I'm actually glad that everyone has different lists. Makes it all that more interesting to see why people like the characters they do.
that 1st rainbowdash wallpaper is bad ass!!
VastaKustutaNow I want to see what happens when I overdose on pinkie pie.
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie: a helluva drug. lol
VastaKustutaMy list:
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash = Fluttershy = Pinkie Pie > Twilight Sparkle > Rarity > Applejack
Fuck yes more pony wallpapers! Was just thinking about changing my background as well.
VastaKustuta@Bombedrumbum AJ is my #1 as well, though after her the other ponies are in a constant shuffle of who I prefer more. Though they are all awesome in their own ways its hard to choose properly :)
The first few and Carrot top are the best!
VastaKustutaWhy so many epic wallpapers at a time?
1 Fluttershy
VastaKustuta2 Rarity
3 The rest
It's so hard to decide the last of them. When i'm choosing the 4th I think it's to far down and then I just get mad =P
Well, there goes my BG folder.