• Story Updates January 30th (Evening)

    Needs more Discord in this show! I really hope he makes a return some day.

    Have some story updates.

    Story: School Daze (Update Chapter 9!)

    [Shipping] [Sad] [Comedy]

    Author: Paleo Prints
    Description: After her students release the spirit of Discord on an official field trip, Cheerilee finds herself out of a job. With no opportunities in Ponyville, the schoolmare takes a job offer in the inner city area of Canterlot's old mining town. Can even she overcome the insanities of her colleagues and apathy of her students in time to pass her next annual review? And who is the mysterious backwards-talking filly following Cheerilee around? Luna's School for Disadvantaged Youngsters will never be the same!
    School Daze

    Story: Those Blue Wings (Update Part 8!)


    Author: Tchernobog
    Description: A bad cold causes a teleportation spell mixup. It's a mixup in more ways than one...
    Those Blue Wings


    Story: Head Full of Cotton Candy (Update Part 3!)


    Author: TheManWithTwoNames
    Description: It is the responsibility of a king to care for his people and maintain order in his kingdom. That shouldn’t be much trouble for a ruler as powerful as Discord, right? With his faithful and insecure advisor at his side, the draconequus sets out to explore his new world and personally see to it that peace reigns in Equestria.

    However, the ponies want nothing to do with their frightening new ruler, and the unamused Spirits of Equestria aim to drag the Spirit of Chaos away before he can cause any more harm. Can the Spirit of Chaos be the ruler Equestria needs? Or is he truly doomed to become the monster he is seen to be?
    Head Full of Cotton Candy

    Story: Envy and Arrogance (Update Part 8!)

    [Adventure] [Tragedy]

    Description: With the help of forces beyond their control, six friends discover their true importance in Equestria’s timeline. With this new knowledge in hoof, they must try to figure out whom or what has crosshairs on their foreheads. The Elements of Harmony aren’t the only weapons of mass destruction in Equestria.
    Envy and Arrogance

    Story: Of Harmony & Chaos (Update Part 8!)


    Author: Brightwel
    Description: Celestia, Nightmare Moon, Discord, the Elements of Harmony. All things that once clashed 1000 years ago. What happened in that ancient time, whose echoes can still be felt millennia later? Was it truly just jealousy that changed Luna into the cruel Nightmare Moon? How did a mad being like Discord become the ruler Equestria? Just what exactly are alicorns, and how did Celestia and Luna come to be? There are many answers the history books and the princesses have not mentioned, or have choose to keep secret...
    Of Harmony and Chaos

    Story: New Neighbors (Update Chapter 10!)

    [Comedy] It's OC ponies, so have something unrelated.

    Author: Multiversity
    Description: Three new ponies from three different walks of life move to a town we're all so familiar with. One is cynical, one is frighteningly calm and quiet, and one is utterly mad. Let's see what we can do about that, eh? All the while, the shadows writhe behind them...
    New Neighbors


    1. School Daze! I need my Cheerilee fix! Plus some other good ones!

    2. Darn No more Ballad of Twillight sparkle

    3. Of Harmony & Chaos has a 5-star rating, update it!

    4. This is ridiculous! 2 stories that I'm tracking and are rarely updated were updated! This is the best. thing. ever!

    5. @3p1c_d3m0n

      Of all the best things that could happen, this is the. best. possible. thing!

    6. School daze. SCHOOOOOOOOOL DAAAAAAZZZZZZZEEEEE!!!! How I've missed you so much, never leave me again!

    7. DAMN, Envy and Arrogance has been updating like a beast these past few days.
