• Story Updates January 15th (Morning)

    I notice a lack of interest in Trixie stories on EQD! This is ridiculous, as I need you all to pick them for me!

    Your new homework is to read whatever story you are following in this update, then hit up a Trixie story! Report to me with the best!

    Story: Near Death Experience (Update Part 16!) 

    5 Star

    [Grimdark][Shipping][Comedy] I'm trying to decide if the normal tags or the additional ones break my head more. Jury's still out.


    Description: A horrible accident lands a pony on the crossroads between life and death. Can she bargain with the pony of Death to get her life back?
    Near Death Experience

    Story: Rewind (Update Part 2!)


    Author: Jmozziel
    Description: Trixie went back to Ponyville for revenge. Her visit was accompanied by a strange event with a mysterious pony. Two months later another mysterious pony drops Trixie a note, telling her to go back to Ponyville once again. This time as a Master Storyteller, but things don't go exactly as planned.

    Story: Fires Above (Update Part 4!) 

    4 Star

    [Grimdark] [Adventure] [Sad]

    Author: Pish
    Description: Unfathomable destruction and chaotic reckoning has driven every remaining living thing of Equestria underground. For years, they have endured and rebuilt their homes deep within the earth and soil, but are they really safe from the fires above?
    Fires Above

    Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons (Update Part 32!) 

    6 Star

    [Grimdark][Crossover][Adventure][Kkat Approved] Usually I toss all the Fallout: Equestria side fics into one big post, but this one has reached such a critical mass in terms of content that is has broken free from the mothership! Kkat also approved of it's separation.  At 50k+ words, I'm pretty sure it warrants it. Also rolling with Calamity until someone draws something for it!

    Plus Somber already has a bunch of other 5/6 star stuff on the blog, so we know he can pull it he totally pulled it off!

    Author: Somber
    Description: Forced into the life of a security mare, Blackjack is far more
    interested in eking out what fun she can in the dim halls of Stable
    99. All that changes as she becomes enveloped in a plot that not only
    endangers her stable but the remaining world as well.
    Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons

    33 kommentaari:

    1. indeed, but nothing im reading D:

    2. Awesome, now I have Project Horizons to look forward to when I wake up tomorrow.

    3. Is it ever worth it to read a 4star story when there are so many 5s and 6s?

    4. "Kindnesses Reward"best Trixie story I've ever read. But if you'renot into shipping, it's probably not for you. Otherwise, I strongly recommend.

      Oh sweet! Near death experience got an update! Lol and I was going to sleep.

    5. @Aeleos

      Some people vote because they don't like the topic, so yes, it is worth it.

      Generally anything on EQD has been checked for quality (minus update chapters), its just up to you on what type of story you like.

    6. @MikeTheWeatherPony

      YES, Kindness own reward was amazing.
      Need more trixie though, reading so many at once!

    7. @Aeleos

      Sometimes. The ratings aren't absolute; shipping, as one example, tends to get downvoted more heavily than other types of stories, regardless of quality. And some author's styles will work better for you than others, regardless of mass consensus.

      For example "The Combinatorics" is a star-4 here that I thought was better than many star-5 and even some star-6 – I found it had great ideas, evocative prose, and strong emotions. Ultimately, you have to read a story yourself to find out if you'll like it.

    8. What happened to "Story: Forbidden Fruit", posted by Cereal Velocity 28 minutes ago?

    9. I don't intend to read it, but here's a link to the story in the post that was deleted: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/3229/Forbidden-Fruit

      Now let's wait and see if my comment gets deleted/censored...

    10. I always preferred FiMFiction over Equestria Daily since it came out, more user friendly! Plus it's easier to submit, also it has clop, and yes I like clop though I only read it for the plot (allegedly both) and its got tracking! EquestriaDaily has news and pretty pictures ;3

    11. Reporting In!

      On a side note, Project Horizons hasn't been rolling with Calamity for awhile now.

    12. Fine! You want a Trixie story, it shall be done! I shall use my fiction writing class to write a story about the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE, and you shall TREMBLE under its mediocr.... er, GREATNESS! THE MEEK AND POWERLESS MEDICSHY HAS SPOKEN, if that's alright.

    13. Wow, I was going to mention Kindness’ Reward as my personal favorite and then toss in “The ballad of Twilight Sparkle” as the must read. If I had to choice I’d probably say Reward has been my favorite story thus far.

    14. First chapter of Rewind was very interesting, must read the update!

      As for the best Trixie story, I'd probably vote for Of Mares and Magic. Epic scale magic duel and Trixie traveling the world for the win!

      How about making the best Trixie story the question for the next poll?

    15. @Aeleos there are many stories out there that go unread and you'd be surprised at what hidden gems there are that haven't been given enough dues.

      With 5+star stories? well there are some (pretty rare cases) where even as good as the premise is can be riddled with tons of grammatical errors, Mary/Gary sues, and usually lots of overly used descriptive narration.

      Lots of great ship fics and grimdark fics out there as well as a few normals that are worth 5 stars easily but people just don't read them because well let's face it... how often do you stop to look at a fic past the front of the picture it was given? answer; not many!

      Hell for the longest time Empty Room which is easily a 6v star epic story amoung epic stories ever posted on EqD still sit at under 6 stars and was well under 5 before it started to get more chapters.

      This is longer then most would probably bother reading but if you've read this far it means you do enjoy reading at least and should decide on yourself what to check out. I did and found great stories back then like "Sunset", "Kindness"? "Fillystata", "Natural Order", "Luna's Goodwill Tour" (sadly no updates in over a year? it's LONG!)

      I been reading fics since umm... since Progress 2 came out! and the very first fic I read was that and "Out In The Cold". Followed by many others including Of Mares and Magic and The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle (Grave is sick so chapter 15 won't be out for awhile... but by the gods it's something that's going to blow most the older chapters away!)

      Holy crap that was long reply.... now go read "The Liar" and see an example of some stories that are well written but so overlooked. Yes, a Trixie story! Wut? she's awesome... and because she got me into reading a fanfic xD which now that I remember it WAS Out in the Cold that was my very first fanfic I read!

    16. @Shantara That was pretty epic... and probably would have won my vote had not been for that ending. But even disregarding that ending I have to give it up for the epicly emotional story of FluttershyxTrixie's "Kindness's Reward".

      In the end though as great as those were I still say the best ever is Out in the Cold. It started the whole Twixie thing imo. It is such a great story.

      Yeah I know people probably expected me to say The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle huh? :P
      That story is still ongoing! so it's a bit unfair to include an unfinished story as all time favorite Trixie story no?
      If no then yes Ballad of Twilight Sparkle! because even if these chapters are super slow at being released, a miracle we get any at all with how busy he is irl!, everyone who's read it will agree it's THE smartest comedy story on this site! xD

      WARNING: Do NOT eat/drink while reading TBoTS! you may have to clean up your monitor or buy a new computer... god I hope he gets better soon >< people really need to see how dangerously funny just the INTRO of the chapter is! lol

    17. @Cátsy
      I agree about Out in the Cold being a fantastic story. I didn't mention it because I think the best part of that universe were the stories about Midnight and not the OitC itself. The little filly trying to move the moon to spend time with her mommy and Trixie's second meeting with Ursa are among the most emotional moments I've ever seen in any book. They always make me cry...

    18. Off-topic: Is it possible to return reply button to mobile view and comments RSS feed? Those were very useful.

    19. My, my, Fallout: Equestria certainly is a popular fic. I don't really like it though. I'm not one for crossovers.

    20. Out in the Cold, Kindness' Reward, Teardrops and Snowflakes, Major Problems... lots of good Trixie. I shall hopefully add to it soon.

    21. No, you shouldn't read a story unless it has a perfect or (unfathomably) BETTER than perfect score. On a related note, what determines whether a 5-star story gets "upgraded" to 6 stars? I've never understood that. Also, I've seen a few "5 star" stories that actually have something less than 5 stars on that little bar at the top of the page, sooo, God knows, my friend, it's the Wild West here on the Internet.

    22. @Aeleos Alot of people just give things 1 star without even reading it just because of the subject matter. Happens to crossovers mostly such as Brotherhood of the moon. Great story but only 4 stars. Hell, it was recently featured in one of the drawfreinds. Another great 4 star is knights of equestria.

    23. Most notable I've read that some already mentioned, is Kindness' Reward.
      Though I will hit up Ballad of Twilight Sparkle and Out in the Cold shortly.

    24. This would be the place to hit up for Trixie stories: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/09/eqd-super-simple-archiver-test.html?c=the-great-and-powerful-trixie,star-6

    25. @Spectrum Speed
      Why U NO include 5 star fics?

    26. Why isn't it one link instead of two seperate ones? :O

    27. Stories with Trixie... Uh... I really cannot get past the way she's speaking. Same with the zebra (never remember how to spell it). It's fun for 5 minutes but when I am supposed to read ~100 pages of it - not for me and many other people, who share this view :] Applejack is also a character, who tends to be made too shiny imo.

    28. Project Horizons.

      AHHH sounds pretty B.A.
