• Story: Showmareship (Re-written)


    Author: Medicshy
    Description: In Manehattan where dreams are born, two rivals reconnect and learn what
    being a showpony is all about.
    Deviant Art

    Google Docs


    Additional Tags: Showmareship, Magic is Friendship, Not shipping

    14 kommentaari:

    1. Ooh, a normal tag Trixie fic. Most of the ones I've seen recently are sad or grimdark.

    2. ive never seen showmareship as an additional tag before

    3. A very moving story. Glad to see Trixie developing as a character :)

    4. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    5. It's a simple short story with a bit of character development for Trixie. I really liked it.

    6. Sorry... I realized in hindsight that my comment was perhaps a bit too spoiler filled for so near the top of the discussion. Here it is again with the more spoiler-filled discussion removed:

      It was a fun story. I quite liked the look into Trixie's "process", as she triggered various devices in order to put on a show, and I'm glad that she showed some growth overall, while still maintaining the excessive attitude that makes the character fun through most of the tale. It's also always refreshing to see a Twilight/Trixie story that isn't a shipping one.

    7. Twixie friendshipping? That's actually surprisingly new, still worked quite well I thought.

    8. I wrote this SPECIFICALLY because I was tired of sad/grimdark Trixie and TWIXIE OMG I LOVE YOU scenes. darn it they can just be FRIENDS!


    9. Iiiiii dunno. I appreciate the resolution, and understand the thought process behind it, but something about HOW it came about seems off to me. I can't say the story was entirely...great. Something about it felt cheaped out. I can't say what, exactly. Might just be my tastes, but after reading it all, kinda felt my stomach kinda flop around- and not in a good way.

    10. I actually approve of a standard friendship story and not another shipping one. Bravo!

      I will admit though, that towards the end, Trixie became a lot less interesting. Call me crazy but her "bitchiness" is what I like about her. When she starts acting nice, and when her "persona" is dropped, she starts to be just another pony to me. But like I said, I'm crazy.

      Still, I had fun reading this and goes to show that Trixie knows her element. Peace!

    11. @Prominence

      Same here. I think it's that in my headcanon, Trixie is jealous of Twilight being a one in a million magic prodigy, and was a bit too ready to bury the hatchet after she got booed offstage, but that's really a judgement call. Twilight seems mostly IC, although I'd figure the whole "I am Twilight, and I can judge you because I know more than you" ego would trump or at least factor into her need to make amends, but again, subjective.

    12. Just read the revised version. I admit, I do miss the introduction that was removed, but I definitely appreciate the greater amount of detail that was added into the story, including the smaller details such as Twilight's books and Trixie's more descriptive realization that Twilight was using her own tricks against her. I think this is a great improvement over the first version, which I already thought was well done.

      5 ★
