• Story: Rewind (Update Part 2!)


    Author: Jmozziel
    Description: Trixie went back to Ponyville for revenge. Her visit was accompanied by a strange event with a mysterious pony. Two months later another mysterious pony drops Trixie a note, telling her to go back to Ponyville once again. This time as a Master Storyteller, but things don't go exactly as planned.
    Rewind Prelude
    Rewind Part 1
    Rewind Part 2 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Trixie has a Grand Adventure.


    1. You've used that image so many times, Seth...xD

    2. Trixie story? This I got to read.

    3. Sounds interesting, I'll probably read it sometime tomorrow.

    4. Now you can justify using a Trixie pic =D
      Will read this, looks good

    5. I was just looking for a new fic to read and suddenly I see this.

      "Trixie has a Grand Adventure"
      How can I resist?

    6. Congratulations on being posted, Jmoz!

    7. The story is very good.

      But I still have doubts that Trixie would play along with mysterious stranger and not try to break the rules or challenge him, especially if he's proficient with magic.

    8. Well, Trixie story is a good story, but try to avoid repeating the word "mare" so much;) Eg. 13th. paragraph of chapter 1 - you did put 7 mares in 6 sentences or so.

    9. Chapter one, paragraph 29ish... "the profits went up 20 percent"... I see what you did there xD

    10. Hehe, thanks guys for the support.

      @Shantara, I explain why Trixie just goes along with it... In chapter 2. Congratulations! Your comment inspired a bit of said chapter!

      Special thanks to the reviewers on The Ponychan Training Grounds, they know who they are and I've already thanked them personally, but thank you again!.

    11. Ok, somehow I either missed this fic or skipped it....but seeing it on the checklist check I went and took a read.

      I really enjoy it too. Once again I'm baffled at the lack of comments on good stories, though I can kinda see "yet ANOTHER Trixie redemption fic" as being passed over like I probably did. It's....different, I'll give you that.

    12. Eh ok, chapter 2 isn't quite as enticing, honestly. And the story really needs an editor. Still, it's pretty enjoyable.

    13. @Melodia

      Thanks, I did run this by an editor... twice. I just find Fluttershy to be one of the hardest characters to write almost exclusive chapters for.

      I promise that the following chapters will be done much better.

    14. Chapter 2: "She poured the last of the food into the squirrels food", huh? looks like you missed the word bowl at the end of that phrase. oh, and so far, so good ^.^

    15. @Jmozziel
      It's a shame I suck at Fluttershy as well. Oh well, just means I get to do a bit of research.
