• Story: Rainbow Dash's Big Adventure (Update Part 2!)

    [Normal/Slice of Life]

    Author: the dobermans
    Description: Rainbow Dash's weather management position at the Weather Factory is eliminated. Through the generosity of Princess Celestia, she is provided with a chance to enroll in Equestria University. What will befall her in the strange world of Academia?
    Rainbow Dash's Big Adventure Part 1
    Rainbow Dash's Big Adventure Part 2 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Full blown Rainbow Dash epic

    30 kommentaari:

    1. From the description, it reminded me of Rainbow Factory. Then I thought about it, and it seemed a bit less grimdark, and a ton more epic.

    2. Sounds similar to upcoming Ep. 16... but also like it could use a comedy tag.

    3. this it for tonight?

      Oh well there is always tomorrow

    4. @Bombedrumbum
      Thats what I was thinking when i read it to

    5. Rainbow Dash in a REAL SCHOOL. I thought this was impossible! Wtf will read! Sounds interesting,

    6. Now this is a story I could definitely get into. Oh, the possibilities for Rainbow. Could be good, could be bad. But I got a hunch it'll definitely be wacky.

    7. So.....she like breaks her wings or falls in love with Applejack, right?

    8. She will probably find about the pleasure of reading! (joking lol).

    9. i dont know.......... something seams fishy......

    10. Dang, Equestria has got to be seriously hurting if they're going to let their food supply suffer to cut costs . . . actually I have no idea how that could possibly work out in a feasible manner, but I can suspend my disbelief for it.

    11. Wonder what the Greek life's like there?

      "Μικρό Πόνυ Μου: Η Φιλία Είναι Μαγεία"

    12. So she gets downsized and given a university scholarship?

      And this doesn't have a comedy or random tag?

    13. Wait, Academia is the exact name of a city in Final Fantasy XIII-2.

    14. Well, it seems promising so far. Time will tell whether or not it lives up to its potential.

    15. > New Yoke City
      I see what you did there.

    16. Meh... The really, really scant amount narrative beyond the character dialogue does not inspire great confidence in this working as a long, "epic" story. Seriously, there's huge chunks of text that just have characters talking with no descriptions of the scene or character actions. Barely even lets you know which character is talking. Sparse amount of exposition.

      again, meh. Can't see this getting a big following.

    17. @Risky
      I just wanted to express my appreciation for your well thought-out and realistic opinion. These are too rare!

    18. Yes, hmmm ... [normal] ...

      Thanks for your comments - they are much appreciated. For what it's worth, an attempt will be made such that this story will satisfy RD fans and detractors alike.

    19. Huh...

      So... are all of these former Junior Flyer Competition Champions or something? And wasn't it canon that Rainbow is the only one to have pulled of a Sonic Boom? I mean, I don't mind it if you make things hard for Rainbow, but... This is going to need some kind of explanation.

    20. Hmmm. I don't want to judge too early, but chapter 2 is setting up some pretty damn dark stuff ahead.

    21. First chapter wasn't too bad, but this?

      Alicorns? A draconequess? Every Pegasus pulling off rainbooms?


      Way too far off conventions established in the show.

    22. Regarding concerns about canonicity and the possibility of non-bestpony boom events, please refer to season 1 episode 16 3:37-3:51, in particular, Pinkie Pie: "... pegasus like Rainbow Dash ...".

      One could counter with AJ's next line, but it doesn't seem too much an abuse of poetic license to assume that her (and RD's) experience doesn't extend significantly beyond Ponyville.

      But sincere apologies if the story has failed to satisfy.

    23. This is not a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fic.

      This is a parody of a y Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fic.

      Nope.avi indeed.

    24. Regarding concerns about canonicity and the possibility of non-bestpony boom events, please refer to season 1 episode 16, specifically the part in which somepony specifically says that Rainbow Dash is the only pony to have ever pulled off the Sonic Rainboom. Not even hinting, no subtle pointing of fingers--it's outright said that she's the only one who's done it. Ever. Now you're saying that some college flight team no-one's ever heard of (who would have to be better than the Wonderbolts, as you can be POSITIVE Dash would know if THEY could pull off her signature move) does it both ROUTINELY and SUCCESSIVELY. Which means that, since it's obviously an old-hat trick, nopony would be overly awed or impressed if, say, Rainbow Dash managed to pull it off during the Best Young Fliers competition. Right? If your average college-level team speedster can manage it, it can't really be all that difficult or special, can it?

      The other thing that gets me is the fact that nopony knew about this all-star flight team outside of their college. You've got a group of fliers successively breaking the sound barrier and shattering the visible light spectrum for MILES IN EVERY DIRECTION in a blindingly massive explosion of light, sound and force. Of course no-one outside the college has noticed anything odd--that would be logical, and Celestia knows we can't have that in a story where Alicorns and draconequess' are apparently quite common and regularly attend college just like everypony else!

      The first chapter had promise, but THIS simply does NOT.

      "Nope.avi indeed" indeed!

    25. @SatoshiKyu

      Headcanons are oftentimes irreconcilable, and all Nope.avi's are acknowledged and accepted with due respect for the readers' opinions (though a few Eeyup.avi's would be nice).

      It must be insisted, however, that nothing in the series (as yet) precludes what has happened in the story:

      -A third alicorn is now canon, opening the possibility of there being several.

      -How do you know that the draconequus mentioned in the story isn't Discord? He's quite the trickster, after all.

      -Agreed that RD would know the abilities of the Wonderbolts, but ... didn't they get knocked out by Rarity rather than save her? Not hard to best them, it seems. RD has so much more ... potential.

      -Again, it's being assumed here that Applejack has spent most of her life in or near the "tiny village" (Her Highness Princess Luna's words) of Ponyville, with its scroll and post communication infrastructure, and that she is unaware of the goings on of the larger world. Could she really say for sure whether nopony had ever achieved a boom of some sort in, for example, Las Pegasus?

      That being said, sorry you didn't like it :(

    26. @the dobermans

      And yet is is specifically stated by Rainbow Dash herself (who certainly cannot be said to have a limited view of the larger world, being that she grew up in the Pegasus equivalent of freaking Metropolis) on numerous occasions that the Wonderbolts are the best of the best. Admittedly, this can be taken as fan-worship, but then she's a fan of them BECAUSE they are the best of the best. If someone else were better, she'd have latched onto them instead, yes? So now we have a reliable source that says that the Wonderbolts are the best stunt-flying team in Equestria... and they can't pull off the Sonic Rainboom. So whence cometh this random college-level speedster team that can crack off successive booms while apparently still in flight formation?

      And again, it's acknowledged in the show that the Rainboom became little more than a legend after Dash pulled off the first one when she was a filly. So a team of fliers starts popping them off like corn on crack, and no-one notices? You don't think the 'Bolts would have been made aware that they were being outstripped by a bunch of college students? Really? And what about the ponies in the surrounding area? You don't ignore a normal sonic boom in your vicinity, and the Rainboom is even more unlikely to go unnoticed, since it kinda shatters the visible light spectrum for miles in every direction. Good luck keeping THAT a secret in any kind of populated area.

      Another reason for why the 'Bolts would have to know they were being so regularly outclassed (as would Rainbow Dash, since I'm rather certain that her idea of keeping tabs would be considered stalking in pretty much any reality): have they never performed in Las Pegasus? It's made out to be a rather good-sized area; quite a bit larger than Ponyville, at any rate. Certainly large enough to have attracted a show or two while they're touring Equestria's metropolitan areas. One would think a city that was regularly treated to Rainboom-sprinkled flight routines would be somewhat unimpressed by a team of fliers that didn't utilize the technique. The 'Bolts are the best of the best, and more importantly they're well AWARE that they're the best of the best. You can bet that red flags would be going up all over the place if ponies started telling them they weren't good enough to justify the ticket price.
