• Story: Ponitics


    Author: Midli
    Description: The future lives of Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and her fellow office workers of the "Ministry of Friendship". A department tasked with promoting tolerance and love across equestria. A socio-political themed story about finding oneself in the world, finding romance, friendship, kinship and general life alliances no matter where you are in life.
    Ponitics Part 1
    Ponitics Part 2 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Socio-Political, Finding oneself, Equality, Friendship, World Issues

    38 kommentaari:

    1. Looks very interesting from that description. I don't think a ship fic has gone this route before. This is going on my to read list.

    2. Interesting take on tackling these issues in the Ponyverse. Great stuff, man.

    3. Should have waited until I had some free time to look at this. Definitely interested in this one, but I'll have to wait until later this evening to read it.

    4. The comment stream makes it very difficult to read in the mobile version.

    5. Sorry about that Mysecha, it seems EQD posted up the document I had my pre-readers using instead of the final "View only" version.

    6. @Jelfes

      the whole 'ministry of friendship' thing worries me

    7. "Ministry of Friendship".
      Equestira '84?

    8. hmm..askstalkerloo twlight will fit better

    9. You finally got it up DJ! I'll definitely give it a read later if I can.

      Lol @ Seth

    10. OhmyGosh. Trixie Mod pic under Seth reply button! *shiney eyes*
      Comments got 20% more cooler!

    11. @Sethisto First time I've ever seen you post a comment Seth o.O

    12. Nice. Cooler comments. Though I doubt that it will support any in-depth discussions better than the old system. I miss disqs' (spelling may vary) functionality.

      And about the fic... It sounds nice but also extremely prone to a flood of butthurt. Could anyone estimate butthurt to smarty-stuff ratio here? :D

      @Ben Gibson
      Yeah, especially that it most likely won't have anything to do with Orwell's ideas.

    13. Eck, shipping? But pony politics... GAH. What is this cross between something I dislike and something I very much like? Might be the only shipping story I ever read.

    14. @goldenCapitalist
      Shipfics aren't that bad. My idea about them was similar to yours. Before I started reading them ;) Ship-centered are usually bad, ship-involving tend to be better and the ship-happens ones are usually the best because these are the most complex ones.

      Damn... I'm reading to much of this shit...

    15. @goldenCapitalist

      If it helps the shipping isn't going to be heavy :). Based on the scale Maquabras commented with, id say it's somewhere between ship-involving and ship-happens level.

    16. @DJ Midli Well I went ahead and read it. I at first saw this to be a Twilight-shipped-with-somepony story, but now I see it is one of the more popular ships here. Reading this just affirmed my distaste of shipping fics. I just don't like them. It's not that I am opposed to what is being discussed here (it is sorta bringing the LGBT [minus the BT?] movement into Equestria) I just don't really like to see ponies shipped is all -shrugs-. But that's just me.

      In terms of writing, good work. Though I must say, I almost flipped the table when Fluttershy started talking about Big Mac. Shipping I can stand. Going past that... no. Of course, it's rather unavoidable in shipping stories, for obvious reasons. Still... -shudders- they're ponies.

    17. Also I was sort of hoping for other politics. But alas, discussing government economic policy just doesn't fit in with ponies much at all.

    18. Fluttershy got a dirty mind, no wonder shes so quiet.

    19. I must've gotten more than 150 emails from comment resolvings on this story . . . and yes, it was quite a bit more than worth it! Good luck with future chapters, bro *fistbump* I'm glad to see this up here now.

    20. Politics and shipping? <_< Nice. Might read this.

    21. I thought I mentioned that being shipped with the Element of Magic...just forget it, ship me with anypony, I give up.

    22. I was never one for shipping the Mane 6, but the story and writing has really pulled me into this one. I may just read more when it comes out.

      Also, I don't how to feel about dirty Fluttershy. She's too adorable :S

    23. "Ministry of Friendship"

      5 stars, now to read.

    24. Wooo! Congratulations DJMidli! I'll read this as soon as I find the time.

    25. ...I'll have to see where this goes before rating, but seeing someone use my Draconia-canon makes me grin.

    26. I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but at one point Snip's name is switched out for snails, and Pinkie gets the count of ponies who still need to show up wrong (which could be intentional, but doesn't seem like it

    27. You know, I think people are too focused on Rainbow Dash's "preferences." I have no problem with FF/CC people as no one should be judged for something that is in no way detrimental to society. But if anypony seems FF, I think it's Applejack. RD just doesn't act the part. She's Tomcoltish, not FF.

    28. Nobody should literally care or try to assert what RD's sexual orientation is.
      It's irrelevant to the show, and it's irrelevant to the fandom.
      In a shipfic you are breaking canon anyway so you can make anypony anything you want them to be and no one should care about that characterization outside of that story because it doesn't exist outside that story.

      Also, shipping fics with [Shipping] as the only tag tend to be far less interesting than fics with a wider scope of storytelling. Therefor, due to this criteria and the massive backlog of fics to read, I shall not be reading this in the foreseeable future.

    29. I can't read this on mobile due to all the editor's notes.

    30. @Michael

      Not sure what ya mean mate. My bud viewed it on his Ipad fine and my phone(android) saw it fine too.

    31. Didn't like it at all, to be honest.

    32. @DJ Midli

      read it and you know what i really liked it. cant wait to read more Midli.
