[Shipping] [Sad] (Ignore the Star rating above, use the tag)
Author: Kommunist Kensei
Description: Rainbow Dash is the bravest, most fearless pony in all of Equestria. But when she is visited by nightmares for the first time in many years, can Dash swallow her pride and seek comfort from a small pink pony and some delicious hot beverages? And is this the ideal opportunity to reveal feelings she has kept repressed for so long?Hot Chocolate (Update Part 3!)
Additional Tags: Memories, Loneliness, Crying, Comfort, Beverages
33 kommentaari:
Forever Alone.
VastaKustutaD'awww... More sad shipping?
VastaKustutaWhat a rare ship!
VastaKustutaFirst time i've seen those tags....
I will read this. If written well, it could be my favorite fic
Maybe not, but it's been a while since we've seen 1 of these. I'd say it's at least worth a look.
VastaKustutaShipping Dash with beverages, that's a first.
VastaKustutaLol'd so hard
Crying comfort beverages?
VastaKustutaSaw title, first thought: ZecoraDash
Am I a bad person?
Takes comfort in food=obese dash. It is truly 2012 ladies and gentleman. Roflol
VastaKustutaWhy must Dashie always be the victim?
VastaKustutaYou know what this is? A good fic, that's what.
VastaKustutaDash is the best victim.
VastaKustutapeople seem to like it.
I just had a look for it, and I can truly relate with Rainbow on this one. I've had nightmares where I lost someone in my family, and I would need to get up and look at them with my own eyes, or call them up and hear their voice. This is off to a great start and I'll definitely be looking forward to more.
VastaKustuta*a look at it.
VastaKustutaSorry. Still tired; trying to recover after yesterday's epic BroNYCon.
I agree with CityFlyer502, I too have dreams/nightmares about such stuff
Yes. *smacks you*
To knock her down a peg.
PinkieDash is best ship.
VastaKustutaYES MORE PIEDASH. *rushes to bookmark*
VastaKustutaPinkieDash is deifinetly best ship, and this looks promising! Bookmarkeddddd.
VastaKustutaPinkieDash is deifinetly best ship, and this looks promising! Bookmarkeddddd.
VastaKustutaThat description doesn't leave much to the imagination
VastaKustutaI'm just not sure what the logic is to write stories where you need to make ponies sad to make them happy. Can't you just make them happy to make them happy? Why must there always be angst. It's like reverse Munchausen's. That said that's not a slur on this story, just the trope in general.
VastaKustutabecause it is infinitely easier to spark character development through stress and conflict.
And Dash is the target so much because we say in Sonic Rainboom that she clearly has some anxiety issues. Tack on a reason for that, solve the reason, and you have instant character development in any way you choose.
is this fic actually three stars? None of the comments have been negative aside from the shipping itself
VastaKustutaDashiepie ftw!
VastaKustutaWrite a shipfic, get star-bombed: that's how EQD works.
@Present Perfect This.
VastaKustutaAnd this story is good so far, WTH is with the 3-star rating?!
VastaKustutaIt seems mane cast shipping is unpopular with a very dedicated number of people. Almost every single shipping story for the last 4 weeks or so that involved f/f with the mane cast has gotten around 30 1 stars with few to no negative comments.
This is a 4 star fic so far in my book. It could swing higher or lower once completed though.
VastaKustutaEh. I guess. Wasn't being specific to this fic anyway since I'm gonna read this for sure. Sounds almost like a reversal of my favorite Pinkie Dash shipfic "My First Party".
Good job. You gave Dash a weakness without making her OOC or insulting the reader's intellegence. Looking forward to more. And Gratz on EqD.
VastaKustutaYou for got to capitalize the first instance of "Wonderbolts".
I take issue with Dash's explanation to Scootaloo. Dash doesn't make stuff up to cover for herself. She's brush it off, but I doubt she'd spin that tale.
Also although I'm loving that Dash is training Scootaloo, and am down with her early level of progress, Scootaloo is VERY agile and acrobatic and should not crash and fall so much.
Oh how I wish I could read 'Hot Chocolate', but that website doesn't seem to exist as far as my computers concerned.