[Sad] [Slice of Life]
Author: Pyre
Description: How does a princess deal with the loss of the most important pony in the world to her? What if all of Equestria's history since that time was the result of trying to bring that pony back?
For Her
Additional Tags: Tragedy, Loss, Responsibility, Love, Hope
31 kommentaari:
Sounds interesting. Poor Celestia :(
VastaKustutaEmo Celestia is best Celestia.
VastaKustutaOn a sidenote: how the hell did The Mysterious Mare Do Well get 10% of the votes? It's by far the worst episode, atleast imo...
Another story to throw into the ever expanding pile... WOOOOO!
VastaKustutaI know how ya feel, my fav is winter wrap up and its got nothin
im never gonna have time to read all these fanfics
VastaKustutaOkay, I have to read this one.
VastaKustutaLooking for another tear-shedder. This looks like a good candidate :p
VastaKustutai cant hold all these fanfics!
VastaKustutapoor celestia :(
VastaKustutathat's a nice link you have there. I wonder where that poni.au.de comes from. it links to fimfiction though.
VastaKustuta*is confused*
Oh gosh, tragedy one-shots. I've read my fair share in other fandoms to know if they're done well they can leave a hole in your heart for a while... I might read this.
VastaKustutaTo think, all those years I thought I had it harder in such a spiteful place to be sent as my own moon...if I knew she felt like that...*tears and depression*
VastaKustutaAfter reading this, I think the [sad] and [slice of life] tags are maybe a bit out of place, since it wasn't really all that sad and 1000 years isn't really slice of life to me. Other than that, good and realistic story, nothing I haven't seen before though :( But just because this isn't the first story of this nature, doesn't make it a bad one.
VastaKustutaThe original tag was "Tragedy", but EqD doesn't have that option. And I seriously could not think of any better ones for it. The 'Tragedy' fits more for the tone of the story (or at least the event that sets things in motion), and the slice of life I picked just because the plot keeps giving snapshots of Celestia's life over the time period Luna was exiled for.
VastaKustuta@Hubba_Bubba Supposedly, 4chan is trolling us by voting for what is widely considered to be the worst episode.
VastaKustutaNice fic, seriously. A incredible way to explain the Nightmare thing.
VastaKustutaLoss of someone dear to her?
VastaKustutaLuna or Twilight.
My money is on Twilight.
@Marvin Martian
VastaKustutaThe irony has been doubled!
This is more the way I've always somewhat pictured how the "Luna imprisoned on the Moon" situation affected Celestia. I know it's all in good fun, but I was growing tired of the whole tryant/troll Celestia thing...
VastaKustutaWorst episode? I don't care much for MMDW, but it's not as bad as Feeling Pinkie Keen or Over a Barrel.
I really enjoyed this fic. Seeing the NMM arc from Celestia's point of view has always been like candy to me.
VastaKustutaI love the idea of Polaris' Seekers, and the character Polaris himself. I would read a spin-off starring him and this group in a heartbeat.
very very well done.
VastaKustutaa minor quibble, but doesn't the summer sun celebration celebrate nightmare moons original defeat and exile? seems improbable there would be a summer sun celebration before nightmare moon existed.
also , and this is more of a personal wish fulfillment, but i had hoped ( based on his name) that Polaris and his group of Luna supporters would be placed into stasis and transformed into " the stars that aid in her escape", thus being revived at the appropriate time ( an maybe becoming Luna's assistants or something like that once she return)
@nemryn I'm kind of torn for Feeling Pinkie Keen.
VastaKustutaOn one hand, it goes against every single moral and principle I've ever held dear to me, all the way through, to the very end with the letter to the princess, and Twilight and everyone else was made worse for it.
On the other hand, Pinkie being adorable throughout has made it one of my most-watched episodes.
VastaKustutaWhile writing it, I realized that there's enough potential material there to craft a series of stories/spin-offs out of. Book-length ones, if approached by someone with the appropriate skill. However, I don't have that at the moment. Also, wasn't sure how to feel about Polaris - I created him because I needed him to fill a role, and was leery of using him too much as he is an OC technically. Still, I tried to make him likeable, and apparently it worked! Which is great.
I don't believe so, or at least I didn't catch that while I was checking episodes researching for the fic. Could be wrong.
The idea you had for Polaris humorously touches on a concept I had for an epilogue, but I don't know if I will write it or not. So surprised by the success of this one that I'm leery of wrecking it by adding more. "Pulling a Lucas" as a friend put it.
@nemryn Over a Barrel wasn't that bad. It had some nice Pinkie - Dash interaction and a song, which is more than I can say for Mare Do Well. Anyway, I was merely repeating what I read elsewhere.
VastaKustutaThis is an excellent fic! I has always been my personal canon that Celestia has spent a thousand years preparing ideal circumstances for NMM's return and purification. But author managed to pull this idea without turning the Princess of the Sun into borderline cynical manipulator willing to run pony breeding programs to create ideal element bearers and always wearing a mask in relationship with Twilight. Kudos to you!
VastaKustutaYou really surprised me with revelation the fate of Polaris. I was 100% sure Celestia would turn him into his namesake, so he would be united with his favorite princess and free her eventually. You got me here! :)
Overall, it was a very enjoyable read. Thank you very much!
VastaKustutaI know! And the thing is, FPK is almost like a failed version of Lesson Zero; they're both about Twilight's tendency to get hung up on how she thinks things work, instead of looking at what's actually happening.
That was very well done. I always figured that Celestia would have tried every route imaginable to find a way to get Luna back after she was forced to seal her within the moon. It syncs well with the scenes from the episodes and captures the feeling of a tortured sister/ruler angle perfectly.
VastaKustutaI loved this!^_^
It's just great!^_^
Oh so good!^_^
I hope you write more.^_^
More stories here that is.^_^
I look forward to them!^_^
Fanfics like these make me love Celestia even more. <3
VastaKustutaYep, this one is a winner.