• Story: A Filly's Wings


    Author: Jmozziel
    Description: Scootaloo goes to the park with her fellow crusaders to see the Cake's new foals. When she meets them, she notices that Pound Cake can already fly. This reminds her of her own inability to fly. She leaves the park depressed. However, a visit from Spitfire gives her an idea.

    A Filly's Wings

    Additional Tags: Scootaloo Learns Value in Wings

    24 kommentaari:

    1. Scootaloo's new attempt for her to fly!!!! ^_^ Im the first!

    2. I saw this up the other day on FIMFiction, but never bothered to take a look. I guess now I will.

    3. Why can't Rainbow Dash teach her how to fly? :/

    4. I love Scootaloo. I think she can fly, she's just too tired after using her wings all day on her scooter!

    5. Congratulations on getting on EqD, Jmozziel! =D

    6. Is http://poni.0au.de a legit FiMFiction mirror? Even the banner and title bar is the same, so I was wondering about it.

    7. Somepony had to do it, didn't they? Oh well, So long as you do it without flaw, I'll be fine. Not to have arguing comments that will reach past 200 like last time, but Pound Cake was only able to fly because of that weak "short bursts of power" explanation that was given at the beginning of the episode "Baby Cakes." I don't believe we have enough visible proof to deny Scootaloo's ability to fly, we haven't seen enough of her to deduce that. After all, you don't see a ton of background pegasi flying about now do you? I'll give it a shot now.

    8. Knew this would happen. Dont know if i want to read though. I dont like sad scoots.

    9. yay a scoot fic, I'll read it soon

    10. @Greenf0x

      Actually, I didn't intend this to be a Scootasad. I kinda meant this to be a Scootasode. (Hey! That could be a new tag >.>)

      And thank you for the support Dublio! I couldn't have done this nearly as well as I did without your help.

    11. I liked it. Something kinda bugs me that Scootaloo as an earth pony is useless though.

    12. @Jorlem

      poni.0au.de IS the FiMFiction site. The URL gets goofy sometimes, and will often display poni.0au.de if fimfiction.com is used instead of fimfiction.net.

    13. Do we have proof that Scoots didn't have those flying-spurts too when she was a baby filly?

    14. I already read this yesterday when I saw it "advertised" on Fimfiction, so I can safely say that this is a good story that would work well as the Scootaloo episode we've all been wanting.

    15. I read this before it was posted here. *puts on hipster glasses*

    16. Jmoz did a Scootaloo fic? I have to read!

    17. It hardly feels like there's any conflict at all. Scootaloo feels bad, goes to Twilight to try being an Earth Pony, doesn't like it, changes back. End of story.

      Now, it would be more interesting if Scootaloo still didn't get it, but her friends convinced her to get the spell reversed anyway. But it turned out that the spell couldn't be reversed, and Scootaloo had to wait 22 more hours to get her wings back. And during that time, she would start to really, REALLY miss her wings. And then 24 hours passes, and it still doesn't wear off, and she goes into a total panic. She gets her wings back 15 minutes later (it turns out the spell's exact duration is subject to change), and Scootaloo swears that she will never take her wings for granted ever again.

    18. Scootasad is the worst kind of Scootaloo, But at least there's a little bit of Scootalove to balance it out. It would be nice if the show did an episode similar to this and showed Scootaloo, Fluttershy, and Rainbow as foals and being able to fly like pound cake.

    19. I thought this was really sweet little story about Scootaloo. I am looking forward to the story were you explain why Spitfire was in Ponyville.

      On a side note that picture of Scootaloo at the top is adorable. It reminds I still have so many Drawfriends to dig through still.

    20. This was very episode-like. Quite enjoyable. Short and sweet :)

      Five stars for that, good sir!

    21. The author's interpretation of Scoots' character didn't match mine in several ways and Spitfire appearing was really random and unnecessary. Other than that, it was a fine read.
