• Story: Brotherly Bond


    Author: Crash Jet
    Description: A year after Pipsqueak loses his brother in an accident, he is now living in Ponyville and approached by the CMC to join their Camping Crusade for cutie marks. Despite his apprehensions, he joins them, while the memories he and his brother shared plague him. Can Pipsqueak get over the pain and have fun with his new friends? And when danger approaches, will he have the strength to get himself and the CMC to safety?
    Brotherly Bond

    Additional Tags: Brothers, Tragic, Comfort, Friendship, Memories

    6 Star! 

    24 kommentaari:

    1. This fic will tear my heartstrings. Not tug. Tear. Rip.

    2. Well those tags are....interesting.

    3. We don't have a tragicomedy tag?

    4. A sad tag and a comedy tag on the same fic.

      This will be interesting....

    5. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I was straight out bawling during this story. I'm really close with my brother and sister, and the though of losing any of them literally terrifies me. Really felt for Pipsqueak during this one. He's lucky the CMC took him in, even if one of them was less than willing at the start. I think I've already said too much. No spoilers to be found here. Read it...and have a box of tissues on hand if you're the emotional type.

    6. Ah, there's that story that suddenly disappeared one minute after it was put up last night. :P Poor little Pip. :(

    7. Forgot to mention, there is a fair bit of comedy involved. Enough that it does merit that interesting tag duo.

    8. its what you'd call "dramady". Ever seen Scrubs? That's sad and funny as hell

    9. the tags are what
      but amazing story i must say

    10. More fodder for my "To Read" bookmark folder. Maybe by the weekend I'll have time to do some actual reading. xD

    11. Amazing story. The whole story had me on edge, on the verge of crying. Chapter five though, had me completely bawling.

    12. That story was very well-written. It had me crying by the end. It actually seems like an episode if the episodes were more geared to older kids and adults.

    13. That was certainly one of the best-written five I've read, almost beating my little dashie for quality and sheer ability to make me shed manly tears. I'm going to have to read a whole lot of pirates for a day to flush the sadness out of my system.

    14. Comedy AND sad tags? Interesting.

    15. ... Pure awesome. I'm not normally one to enjoy sad stories, but this one started out with laughter and ended with many tears. Kudos to you, Crash Jet.

    16. Wow.. I may need to read this. A sadfic that NOT CONTRIVED? Could it be? I thought Somewhere Only We Know was the only one... Then again I never want to feel like that again.. ever... Indecision...

    17. Excellent story.
      Only things I would complain about is Scootaloo's characterization.
      You made her a little too mean and also the one to trip should have been Sweetie Belle not her.
      Also didn't like the idea of Pip being the same age, just a runt. He should have been at LEAST a year younger.

      Also honest;y did not find this neither especially Sad not especially funny. Should have just had a straight up Adventure tag in my opinion.

    18. Great story, very nice ending, it had me fighting tears once or twice.

    19. There are some points I didn't like in this otherwise good story.

      Scoots characterization seemed to be a bit off, maybe a little too mean to justify what you would do in the middle chapter... I'm also a bid disappointed that there was no reason for this attitude. TBH for a moment I thought this would turn into another Scootasad fic (and I see myself surprisingly disappointed that this wasn't the case), I was expecting her to be the one to start bonding with Pip and show that under all that animosity there was a filly suffering as much as her (the latter role turned out to fall in Apple Bloom)... So yeah, I'm a bit angry at how you made Scoot a jerk for no reason.

      The other thing I didn't like is the whole supernatural way the ponies got away from their problems, but that's because I'm a lot like Twi pre-Feeling Pinkie Keen so don't pay attention to it. (I considered sort of weak storytelling when something magical happens to solve a problem, even in this setting)

      I also think you mistagged this fic, since I wasn't able to find a single bit of comedy in it (I actually found more ship material than comedy... I'm a bit scared about the implications of me being able to see things like that).

      But other than that it was a good read.

    20. This gets a three star from me.

      It was an enjoyable read, yes, and the plot, on the whole, was well done. But the rampant overuse of the ellipse - "..." - killed a lot of it for me. Whole paragraphs that would have otherwise flowed beautifully read in a broken fashion. Everyone's voice came across as trailing off at the end, and so the dialogue lacked life, and fervor. This would make sense for Pip, early in the fic, but for Apple Bloom? For the antagonists?

      Call me nitpicky if you like, but punctuation is critical to describing the voice of a character. It tells us tone, shows us where they pause, and how they pause. When nearly every single comma, period, and exclamation mark gets replaced with "..." it ruins the read.

      I don't see how this got six star with such a critical flaw intact. After an edit run? Maybe. But it's lacking right now.
