• Simple PMV: Open Your Heart // Dziwne Zachowania // We Ran Out of CD Space

    Yeah, I think I like this pony. Why all the hate for her, again?

    1.) Open Your Heart
    2.) Dziwne Zachowania
    3.) We Ran Out of CD Space


    1. She gets hate because she's an Alicorn and there's only suppose to be two of them...

      My guess is an 85% chance of many peoples opinion changing after her episode airs.

    2. Haha, the first one.

      The cheesy-ass vocal themes are my favorite part of Sonic games. Even when the games themselves were consistently mediocre at best, you could always count on the music.

    3. Cereal, thumbs up for polish PMV. Pretty good music but i've seen better PMV's

    4. I understood people think she and the other new character represent the royal wedding, and they hate them because they hate it or something like that, also she is an Alicorn, I assume once their episode come (Valentine's day sounds fitting) opinions about them will change.


    6. It's an alicorn that is neither Celestia nor Luna, that's why, according to a considerable portion of the fandom those two, along with Ms. Faust's own OC, are the only ones considered acceptable.

    7. Wait, who is that alicorn anyway? I haven't seen her in the show...

    8. Who are the ones hating her?
      I'll love and tolerate every bone in their bodies.

    9. @A Pony Farce

      Whilst I agree some *cough06cough* were mediocre... I somehow doubt you've played Colours or Generations.

    10. I demand PMV's for all songs from Psychostick's album Sandwich! Especially Girl Directions.

    11. @Sedaheht YES, we need more Psychostick PMV's!!!!

    12. The Fist video remmembers me of so many good memories from Sonic Adventure! Favorited!!!

    13. Seems like a case of neophobia to me. Simply because she's a new alicorn, people aren't giving her a chance. Which seems completely unfair if you ask me.

      Now about the PMV's, enjoyed all of them. #1 rocked pretty hard, #2 was enjoyable even if I didn't understand a word they were saying, and #3 wins my daily "WTF is this" prize. It was a good song, but the lyrics have got to be the most bizzare lyrics ever written.

    14. I liked how #2 was synched :)

      But I found #1 disappointing. I hoped something more cooler (and I refuse to do the 20% joke... here) which matched with the music and... well... It's Sonics Adventure Super Sonic Theme after all, more action was needed :P

    15. @Tracker TD
      Colors and Generations were pretty good, which is why I said "when they WERE mediocre at best."

      I was disappointed with Colors's theme, but Generations made up for it with the City Escape remixes.

    16. @A Pony Farce
      Ah, OK then. And I certainly agree about CE's music. <3

    17. If anything, #2 has Literal Ponified translated lyrics.

      Thanks for adding it, Cereal.

    18. Generations and Colors were absolutely fantastic. Then again, I'm one of those blind Sonic fans. This video deserves all of my yes.

    19. @Killsteal_Wolf
      Yes, exactly. She brakes the continuity as we know it.

    20. @Tracker TD
      Runnin' around at the speed of sound. Got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow, can't stick around, haft keep movie' on. Guess what lies ahead, only one way to find out!

    21. she is pretty, so buck off haters

    22. The only thing I hate is people calling the princesses Alicorns. That is incorrect. Alicorn is the archaic name for a unicorn's horn. As winged unicorns are a modern invention, they don't have a name but I use pterripus, a word I found somewhere that was used as a name for a winged unicorn.


      I happen to like Princess Cadence and quite honestly, I hope the Fan Dumb is small and insignificant enough to ignore because it just shows their own intolerance for change. Then again, it's not like little girls even care if there's another princess, never mind us older fans. I'm pretty opened minded concerning her because my All World canon has winged unicorns as an established Nation with upwards of 4,000 citizens. Does it really matter if there's one more winged unicorn other than Celestia, Luna, and LF's OC? It shouldn't.

      /second rant

    23. Why all the hate? Because she's piiiiiiink?

    24. I was gone for a while so when I returned she'd already made an appearance on the blog and become hated but I still have no clue who she is or why she's hated but if somepony could please fix ythat I'm not the only brony who'd appreciate it.

      (btw when did pegasister become the norm for female bronies? i was always happy to just be a brony and keep it gender neutral.)

    25. Wait - someone please tell me who that alicorn is, where she came from, is she actually Canon, etc. I've seen absolutely nothing aboit her before.

    26. and btw. the synching of the Polish PMV is also genius regarding the actual text of the song!

    27. @BurntBacon8r
      Her name is Princess Cadence. She's from a bit of early advertising Hasbro's done for an upcoming plot revolving around a royal wedding, which is most likely going to be the season finale.

    28. she's a pony, I will probably come to love her. right now I know nothing about her.

    29. Ludzie oglądajcie 2 flimki. ZAJEBISTA POLSKA PIOSENKA.
      Pozdrowienia z Polski.

    30. @snowfi6916

      I know all that. Since it's likely to have been used to describe a unicorn's horn's possible foundation long before people start attributing it to a winged unicorn, I generally see that as the sole definition. I'm just nit-picky that way, I guess.

      Personally, I like the sound of pterripus. It's a neat choice of a name if one doesn't want to use unipeg, pegacorn, or unisus. I just wish I could remember where I found the word but I liked it enough to refer to the animals as such in my own stories.

      I know they've been used elsewhere (former Jewel Rider fan) and I've done research into them enough to know that, while recent, they are nothing new.

    31. I will not ever, ever use the term Alicorn to describe a winged unicorn outside of directly quoting someone else. In the show, they've only ever been described as Princesses. I don't hate on Cadence, but I must admit that if we find out that Celestia and Luna were actually part of some kind of master race, I will be a bit disappointed.

    32. I'm.... reserving judgement. Usually I don't get all bent out of shape with the whole "fandom shattering events" kind of stuff, but it isn't just the whole multiple alicorns business, it's that coupled with the "Royal Wedding" aspect that makes me a bit wary...

      But, as I said, no judging... I do like her mane, however.

      (It would be kind of cool if they were from another nation... world building is always nice!)

    33. Now let's discuss whether or not the binomen for horn'n'wings is Equus monoceropter

    34. Because she's an OC pony made by someone....that's why...

    35. I can't say I like the idea of Princess Cadence. She seems... intrusive. Celestia and Luna had a very nice balance going being the heralds of the sun and moon. Day and night. it made for a lot of good iconography and mystery that was prevalent in the show.

      Cadence... It means a rhythm or rhythmic flow. I'm not even sure what that's supposed to apply to in the context of the show. Is she supposed to be a herald of music or poetry or something? While that is kinda interesting, it just seems to throw off the balance that we previously had with Celestia and Luna.

      Now, my original headcanon was that Celestia and Luna were the last of the ancient race of Alicorns (see @snowfi6916 's comment as to why this is a legitimate thing to call them), so having one more around doesn't upset my headcanon or something. That's not why I'm sore. I'm sore because her design is nowhere near as original or aesthetically pleasing as Celestia or Luna, she looks like a bad OC, she SOUNDS like a bad OC given what the episode sounds like it's going to be about, she intrudes upon the balance the Princesses once had, she sounds like she'll intrude upon the mystery and mystique that Celestia and Luna once had by shedding more light upon the Alicorns, and she sounds like she'll legitimize every single crappy Alicorn OC made by twelve year olds in pony creator.

      True... I'm probably overreacting. And of course I can't actually KNOW any of this. After all, I haven't seen the episode yet, and it seems pretty obvious that the writers are clever and they know what they're doing. And I guess it is a show for little girls, so a royal wedding is just as good an idea for an episode as anything else, but... I just don't see why they felt we NEEDED another Alicorn of all things. She just feels so goddamn intrusive.

    36. ^Rainbow smash told it better than i ever could

    37. @Rainbow Smash

      So basically, you've already decided she'll be bad because you think you know everything about how she'll be already. Also, that you don't like knowing things.

      What a FUCKING RETARD you sound like.

    38. @The Ferret

      Umm, "brony" isn't gender neutral. "Brother", 'bro", 'brony"... what fucking form of gender neutral are YOU seeing?

    39. @Something To Quack About

      Nice job purposefully misinterpreting everything I said.

      I said I don't like the idea of her because she sounds intrusive, and I gave reasons WHY she sounded intrusive. I also openly stated that I can't be sure about anything and that I know the writers are clever and have handled delicate things in the past (like Luna's character for example). For all I know, come the end of the season, Cadence could be my favorite character ever. But that doesn't mean that I'm not wary as hell, and I'm not without reason to be wary.

      Also, that notion that I don't want to know anything? If you're referring to Celestia and Luna then yeah. I don't WANT to know anything about them. It's so much more awesome to see all the creative interpretations that the fans bring up. But to give a good example that I could compare it to, how about we take the Force from Star Wars.

      In Star Wars 4, 5, and 6, we had the force. It was this cool thing you could do and everybody loved it. Nobody questioned it. It was awesome. But then George Lucas craps out Phantom Menace and decides to explain the Force, even though nobody cared to know it. What drove the force you ask? Midichlorians. Aren't you glad he explained it? Aren't you glad?

      Celestia and Luna are like the Force. They're big. They're awesome. They're powerful. Everybody loves them. They don't need explaining. Their mystery is at least half of their charm.

    40. In before everypony is arguing about aforementioned Alicorn instead of PMVs!

      ...shit. Too late.

    41. To be fair, I don't expect the writers of the show to play the Master Race card by having some ancient race of supreme beings that can do everything the other pony races can do and are destined to rule over them through some sort of divine mandate... but I guess you never know until you see for yourself.

    42. Pterocorn would be better, then.

      Pteropus would be "wing-footed", like monopod is "one foot" and octopus is "eight-footed." (Come to think of it, Sleipnir would also be an octopus.)

      Pegasus is difficult, possibly meaning something like "springs-born", but possibly a non-Greek name. If it is, it probably comes from the Indo-European root "pekso", wing. (For example, Sanskrit pakshah, wing.)

    43. @suburbanbanshee

      ...Pterocorn actually sounds pretty cool. Makes me think of a giant, scaly unicorn with batlike, reptilian wings...

    44. @Something To Quack About
      Brony isn't a bro pony. It is a term from when pony was just starting out on 4chan. Brony = /b/ and pony.

    45. That new horse looks like a nice material for kebabs, don't you think ^^ (and she looks faggy even for our standards)



    46. @snowfi6916

      Thank you. Alicorn is much more regal sounding than fucking pegacorn. Pegacorn sounds like some fucking carnival food. Corn on a stick. Retarded. Anyone who prefers it is also retarded, because they can't see that it's retarded.

      Also, I do NOT want Princess Cadence. Hearth's Warming didn't throw off our fanon much, not that canon can hurt fanon anyway. But a THIRD alicorn popping up who's supposedly been around this whole damn time and everypony just forgot to mention her? Gag.

      We've got the Sun and the Moon. We've got a Draconequus for Chaos. We've got Wendigoes for whatever it is they do. We've got the hearts of mortals for Harmony. Now what? What is this new alicorn? The Princess of Obscurity? Gtfo.

    47. @Rainbow Smash
      When you don't know why, it's because of money ;)

      Some G4 stuff has finally showed up in my local stores. Prices are retarded. For an ugly as *yay* plastic model of Pinkie Pie, they were asking 30€ and it was of a size of a cigarette pack. There was a nice Rarity (still not good, just somewhat "nice") but it was altogether with some castle/playground set, price ~50€, and I would need to throw out most of the package's content.

    48. @suburbanbanshee Except that pterocorn kinda sounds like the horn has wings, and also isn't pretty.

      And anyway, "unicorn" is Latin, and the Greek is "monoceros", so it's kind of mixing syllables.

      Pteroceros, perhaps.

      "Aliped" is the Latin for wingfooted one.

      Pinna and penna can mean wing as well as feather, in Latin. So perhaps pennicorn, or pinnacorn.

    49. @KayrielCalm down, bro o) Go watch some ponies.

      I hate it almost as you do when they completely mess our canon up but:
      1) ideas for episodes are ready months before we actually figure out what is and what isn't a part of canon;
      2) well, such things are to be expected;
      3) Hasbro doesn't give a *yay* about us and when writers are told to make a certain character based on a toy Hasbro will be launching, they just do it. Simple as that.

      At least we'll get dozens of new fics about this Princess 'Eyecandy'

    50. @Maquabra

      ...I still don't get it.

      If they wanted to add another Alicorn to make more money off toys, why not use something that makes sense given the context of the show? I can think of two names off the top of my head for Princesses that would be more appropriate than Cadence: Princess Astra and Princess Gaia. Princess of the Stars and Princess of the Earth. It would keep the balance of the characters intact by keeping the heavenly body motif that they previously had with Celestia's sun and Luna's moon, it's just that it would now be a trinity rather than a diarchy. But what does rhythm and poetry have to do with anything? It comes right the hell outta left field.

      And it still doesn't explain why her design is so lazy and looks like a bad OC.

    51. Volacorn or unicorn volant would also work. Or penniroyal, even.

      But I suspect alicorn will stick around. :)

    52. @Rainbow Smash

      In my headcanon, Princess Cadence is the reason ponies can start singing in unrehearsed harmony at the drop of a hat.

    53. Volaricorn or volary unicorn are both pretty nice, especially if you use "volary" for short.

      The Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadence are all volaricorns.

    54. If I had to guess:

      1) they decided they wanted a royal wedding

      2) a spouse would unnecessarily complicate Celestia or Luna (not to mention come right out of nowhere)

      3)Someone decided "if royal, then wings'n'horn"

      4) the happy couple will be introduced to facilitate the episode, then put on a bus to the "Never appears again on MLP" sector.

      5) while most fanons and headcannons can't handle 3 God-Empresses, I suspect that most of them could handle the existing two plus a whole gaggle of lesser deities. There could be a batch of (watch me sidestep the nomenclature argument again) wing'n'horn muses, for example. Maybe Cadence's domain is music.

    55. People hate the new alicorn because... her dress looks like a recolor of Rainbow Dash's Gala dress?

      I don't know if we can properly hate on new alicorns until we know where they came from.

    56. @Gogetaex

      True, I found those two (and Unleashed) to be awesome. Technically, I find S3&K, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Unleashed, and Sonic Generations to be tied for the spot of my most favorite Sonic game.

    57. The hate for her is just some people getting so stuck up in their precious "fanon" that they immediately feel threatened when the show they claim to adore dares to do something that doesent match their fantasies.

      I for one look forward to getting introduced to this new pony.

    58. #1 Liked it, nothing really specific though.
      #2 Uuuuh ah! That was my favorite part.
      #3 This was amazing. Hilarious song, good choice of scenes, especially for nacho cheese!

    59. @HappyCrusader

      ...or perhaps because she doesn't make sense in canon context either? I just explained how much she throws off the balance between Celestia and Luna. Not to mention the lazy design and the possible destruction of the charming mystery surrounding Celestia and Luna. And the fact that it doesn't make sense that there's another Alicorn out there that everyone just seemingly just conveniently forgot about for two seasons? And the fact that there were other choices the studio could have made that seem way WAY better right from initial impressions?

      Yeah, the hurt on the fanon seems to be the only thing that's annoying at first glance, but Cadence is also unlikable because she simply makes no sense in the context of the show and threatens the characters of Celestia and Luna by threatening to remove their mysterious, ethereal air with too much explanation.

    60. I understand some things that happened now:

      one- my sister's figure was misnamed

      two- that group psychostick has some good music, I think I might just listen to the PMV's more often

      and three- I don't know who it was, but I saw a stacked comment of the word "hate" typed too much; I don't know who did it but please keep hatred at a bare minimum for the safety of Equestria.

    61. Next to ponies, Sonic is my first love.there has never been a truly awful Sonic game (06' doesn't count)and they all come with a truly killer sound track

    62. @Rainbow Smash

      We barely know anything about her right now. How can she already be declared out of context when we dont even know her intended place in the story? As I said in my previous post, I look forward to learning about her and her true place in the story when her episode airs.

    63. @janalybarger
      I think it stemmed from one of the storyboarder's answer when they were asked what species Celestia and Luna are.
      I personally tweak it a touch and go with Alacorn, because I'm somewhat of a classics geek and thus know a smattering of latin. Ala = Wing, Cornus = Horn. Sides, and no offence meant, but pterripus doesn't exactly trip off the tongue...

      I agree with you on the second count though. Although I wouldn't go as far as to say I like the character, especially since she hasn't appeared yet, I'm not going to dismiss her out of hand because she didn't happen to fit with my headcanon (my headcanon until she appeared, anyway- it has now been tweaked to accommodate). I'm eager to see what they're actually going to do with her- roll on Episode 26!

    64. Yup

      I'm brilliant and Monoceroptera is totally the best name yet.

      *pat self on back*

    65. who says there should only be 2 alicorns....

      celestia and luna are goddesess of the sun and moon. cant there be gods for other things too?

      look at the greece mythology, they had like 18345932 gods.. everybody calm down, they got this shit

    66. This constant bickering ovwr whether or not this new alicorn is good is entirely pointless. We are all making assumptions long before the character has any actual appearance in the show. And while I admit the design is somewhat lacking, that may actually have been intentional, and she may actually become an incredibly popular character. I'm just going to wait until I have actual Canon information to work off of before I make any assumptions. That is all.

    67. Oh noes!!! Alicorn hate!!! But one of my OC's is an Alicorn. She has backstory though. Oh... Alicorn hate. I encourage more alicorns!!! I like that word... Alicorn. Pegacorn. Mixed pony. Eh. I like em.

    68. Princess Cadence...


      Kidding. ;P

      Others have pointed out their reasons which I agree with, I'll give my own reasons. I do realize I know nothing of her character or what is going to happen in the episode when they introduce her.

      She seems very unnecessary and even the info surrounding her describes a throwaway character. Like was stated by others, only reason to put her in the show, is to have a royal wedding. Which is fine and dandy but then why make her a species up to this point (Still is honestly) very rare in the show?

      We know now of two Princes and neither is of the same species of Luna/Celestia. Unless they've decided to teach a very poor lesson, that unless you have wings and a horn, you can never be a princess in Equestria.

      I have to agree as was stated by Rainbow Smash, she seems very intrusive in the show. She's a, "You don't belong here" character at present.

      Myself and although I don't speak for others, don't hate her. We are cautious in what her character may end up being when the episode finally airs.

      All that said, I just realized I didn't actually comment on what was posted beyond Cadence.

    69. We have two alicorns who control the sun and moon - maybe they are only two in a pantheon of natural forces? To the Greeks, Apollo was god of the sun, but Hēméra was goddess of daylight, rose-fingered Eos titan of the dawn and titan Helios was the living sun himself.
      This is a short-format fantasy show with a backstory that has only begun to be developed. Right now the only limits placed on it are our own imaginations.

    70. I think she's pretty... and maybe she can help explain how Blueblood is related to the royal family?

    71. I don't care how much she'll affect stories, but I don't like the implications behind her. It makes it look like Alicorns are the superior race and it destroys the balance the show created. I'll withhold judgement on her character, but I still don't like that she's an alicorn.

    72. Because she ruins people headcanons?

      And she looks like G4 Cupcake and many bronies hate HasbrOCs?

    73. Why's everyone mad that the show now has a canonical way for us to pretend that those pink Celestias aren't actually Celestias?

    74. Princess Candice seems like a formidable new character, and I wonder when is the air date for her appearance...

      Anypony know?

      And can we get back on topic on the PMVs, rather than Candice?

    75. She is Sunset!! Cousin of Celestia and Luna
