Source: Comics-N-Stuff |
A store called Comic N Stuff recently rolled out these Rainbow Dash shopping bags. Remember back in the day when we were only on the internet? What a silly time that was.
Source: Delta |
Source: Delta |
And for those seeing to devour some helpless gram cracker ponies, the cookies have officially released over in Australia, specifically at a store called Aldi. Inside, you will find Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Sweetie Belle, Butterflies, and Flowers. I didn't get any reports of any other ponies popping up, but I did hear Pinkie Pie tastes delicious.
Each pack also comes with 30 popup stickers.
Source: Delta |
So go buy some cookies!
The good ol days on the internet. *reminisces*
ReplyDeleteCookies, gotta buy them all!
ReplyDeleteAre the cookies made by Pinkie Pie? If so ill buy them all
ReplyDeleteI always knew Pinkie Pie would taste yummy, more reasons why she is best pony!
ReplyDeleteNext time, we eat applejack ;)
ReplyDeleteThose cookies better come to Canada!
ReplyDeleteI think we have Aldi here in the UK... I wonder...
ReplyDeleteAldi? Like the store where you gotta put a quarter in the thingie on the cart to get it out?
ReplyDeleteThat means, possibly, They'll be coming to the US too :D
The internet's yesterday. We're all over the place now! :D
ReplyDeleteanyone know where comic n stuff is?
ReplyDeleteSilly Seth, I said one OF thirty. Not thirty per BAG.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I didn't send the pic on the top-right. I mean, if you're getting pics of it from elsewhere, more power to ya, but having my name on it feels off.
ReplyDeleteIf Yelp is right, this might be it
ReplyDeletedarn, wrong side of the country
Gorram it, why aren't English Aldi's that awesome?
ReplyDeleteWe totes have an Aldi here! I hope we get these soon! ^^
ReplyDeletehaha aldi is everywhere :D
ReplyDeletei hope they will pop up in some german ones too
Yay! Stickers!
ReplyDelete*sniff* it is just so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI want those cookies!
ReplyDeleteAMERICA: Y u the only country to get frequent MLP merch? >.<
ReplyDeleteJust checked out the Aldi in Netherlands since i live like 2 mins away.
ReplyDeleteDidnt have any MLP cookies :(
Could I find these cookies at Wal-Mart foods section or Jewel? I want it for the stickers yo! Plus the cookies would make a great treat for a upcoming MLP: FiM persuasive speech I am planning to do in the near future for my communications class! :D ...And I think I need some good tips too, to make a great persuasive MLP speech. :/
ReplyDeleteHoly crap, I just looked up Aldi, I had no idea they were in so many countries around the world. That store chain is massive. O_O
ReplyDeleteI hope the MLP cookies end up here in the US before long!
ReplyDeleteOhey, Matoro, fellow BZP member? =D
ReplyDeleteThe cookies weren't a lie!
ReplyDeleteALDI FACTS:
ReplyDeleteThere are two seperate Aldi Groups called Aldi Nord (North) and Aldi Süd (South) operating worldwide. Germany, the land of origin, is the only country in which they both operate, naturally covering the northern and southern half, respectively. Everywhere else, all stores in an individual country are only either Aldi Nord or Aldi Süd.
The US, Australia and UK Aldis, for instance, are Aldi Süd. France and the Netherlands - Aldi Nord.
The Albrecht brothers, each owners of one half of Aldi are both multi-billionaires. It's a strange development, though, as Aldi generally stocks no-name brand products; I guess it's different in Australia, or they make exceptions. I believe it may be a cunning ploy executed by Aldi Süd to finally achieve global domination of all Aldis, as it is fact that pony cookies will result in an increase in revenue of at least twenty percent.
oh cool we got Aldi in germany too ! i wonder if they got those cookies.
ReplyDeleteThere's an Aldi here in Florida not far from me. I must remember to stop by.
I saw what you did there. ;)
ReplyDeleteThe bags are all they way in California, im stuck here in NJ.
I'm afraid I can't accept this challenge
What is this, advertising? I smell something afoot..
ReplyDeleteI could eat Pinkie Pie all day.
ReplyDeleteGot an Aldi in the UK so may check it out there as those cookies look tasty.
ReplyDeleteI'm in Rhode Island so it's even further for me, and I'm not travelling across the country just to get a shopping bag, when hasbro's headquarters is just 5-10 minutes away in the next town up,
I went into Asda today looking for blind bags. Didn't find any, but did find this: http://strangenoises.org/~rachel/4ponies.jpg.
ReplyDeleteIs that set a known product? It seemed the only one of its kind there, so no Fluttershy, no Applejack and no Derpy :-(
I'm officially moving to Australia. For the crackers of course :3
ReplyDeleteBTW asda also has some obvious rip-off own-brand pony toys too, somewhat larger than hasbro's. Aw, I should have took photos, didn't think of it. I'll let someone else do that, I'm not going back in there! (shudder)
ReplyDelete@StrangeNoise Those have been floating around a while, neat that you found some, though!
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, I think I see LUNA STICKERS! <3 Want.
you can keep the cookies, I'll take the stickers.
ReplyDeletePretty awesome shopping bags. And I want those cookies and stickers too. Bring'em to the States. D:
ReplyDelete@Artsie Bee
ReplyDeleteI've seen the individual figures around in pictures, but presumed they came from blind bags. Wasn't sure if that non-blind *set* was already known.
Think it's time to make use of my Australian passport and move out of the Netherlands
ReplyDeleteBut first lets see if the cookies are in the Dutch Aldi
I wonder if I might see those shopping bags at the next Bronycon.
ReplyDeleteAldi? You mean like.. The Aldi we have here in Belgium too? :D
ReplyDeleteWell this is interesting. It's been awhile since I've been to one of their shops but they're located throughout San Diego, CA(usually in malls). They're a good choice if your looking for old toys/figure and cards but if your looking for comics be wary, they seal all their comics (even the brand new ones)and don't allow you to browse through them before you buy(atleast a few of the mall stores anyway).
ReplyDeleteComics N Stuff I mean.
AAAAAHH Luna's on 3 of those stickers!
ReplyDeleteSell them in the U.S. please.
The cookies... are they vegan? :3
ReplyDeleteJust out of reach. The torment!!!
ReplyDeleteThats one, two, three fantastic LUNA stickers!
ReplyDeleteTo bad I live in the US
There are only three pony variations. There is also a MLP logo cookie. The company producing these is an Australian company, though the products are actually produced in China. Munches another cookie.
ReplyDeleteThe party pony/ Element of Laughter is on a bag of cookies named "Munchies"?
ReplyDeleteOmg the bestest things in the world are coming together ahhhh pony cookies best thing evar!!
ReplyDeleteWell, I now have an excuse to visit Australia again...
ReplyDeleteYou know... I wish all the G3 stuff would just DISAPPEAR, so new G4 stuff could make their way into markets everywhere. The Walmart in my town is so small, that it's NOT even a 24 hour store, it FINALLY got blind bags yesterday. Not much more than just a month ago though, in the 2 weeks before Christmas restock, a G3 Mermaid pony castle set popped up, out of the blue. Dollar stores and retail stores both are still packed to the teeth with G3 stickers. The Target in my town still had G3 EARTH pony Rainbow Dash and her RC car, NEXT to Pinkie Pies RC car only a short while ago.
Hasbro! Enough with stupid new princesses each year and just show some love for the one that you already neglect!
Now if only I could get some munchies and get Luna stickers! I'd say, mouth full of cookies, "Why wub woo Woona!"
Curses, cookies only in the Land Down Under.
ReplyDeleteBring it to US shores and I'll pay top dollar, Hasbro.
best plastic bag ever :D
ReplyDeleteThe plastic bags were promo item from the hub and there are probably lots of other local comic shops around the country that have them. Take a trip to your local comic shop, you might get lucky <3
ReplyDeleteLol. Wouldn't most guys feel weird eating Pinkie Pie in cookie form XD
ReplyDeleteUpon seeing that Australia finally gets something pony, let alone at a store that's a 5 minute walk away from me, I yelled "YEEEEEEEEEEEEES" and probably weirded my brother out for a second there. Might go investigate later today.
ReplyDeleteI saw these in the Aldi catalogue this morning, and on tumblr, they're only $3.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'd like some G3 cookies too. Just because.