• PMV: Vanilla Twilight / Murmurs Of Middle Equestria / Meet The Granny

    PMV time! Check them out below.

    1.) Vanilla Twilight
    2.) Murmurs Of Middle Equestria
    3.) Meet The Granny


    1. Murmurs of middle equestria? Im assuming murmurs of middle earth is a thing?

      1. It's a remix by Pogo, excellent too. Can't give this a listen at the moment but I'm excited already.

    2. I knew #3 was gonna happen the second I saw the scene of her going all drill sarge on the empty bottles. Lol still very well done tho.

    3. Absolutely love 1#.. Excellent job

    4. Sun Tzu commented that! And then he bought two of every pony, and then he herded them onto a boat, and then he beat the HAY out of them!

    5. Ben Gibson Yea, look up fagottron on Youtube, or go to pogomix.net to see his other remixes. He's really good

    6. I'd love to hear/see Vanilla Twilight...

      But I can't because of the buckin GEMA....

    7. #1 was really cool. Great mood, it managed to be creepy, smooth, and calm. Nice work!

      #2's good. I've not seen the original, if this isn't it, but the scene selection was perfect, I think.

      Really, who didn't see #3 coming? It was done well enough. Not much to work with, seeing as Granny Smith didn't spend too much time interrogating the glass bottles, so it's a commendable effort to re-enact Meet The Soldier with such little video to utilise.

    8. Woohoo! someone finally did a radiohead pmv! and it's a good one

      mumblegrumble except being just 360p mumblegrumble...

    9. All the murmurs in equestria is simply murmurish!!!! ^_^

    10. #2 Heh heh, very interesting.
      #3 I think this has been posted before but that's alright, still love it. "And that's why whenever a bunch of animals are gathered together it's called a zoo!......UNLESS IT'S A FARM!" It's funny cause they live on a farm :P

    11. Noo, I wanted Vanilla Ice XD

    12. The only thing I hate about these is being too afraid to listen to them in public.
