• Nightly Roundup #225

     See above? Blame that for the late roundup. 

    If you know what it is, you probably know why. 

    Have some news!

    Lunar Republic Case Mod / Operating System

    The case is neat, but that OS is the real cool part.

    Pony Chess Board in Progress

    Apparently this guy is aiming for an entire board! It looks like he has just a single piece so far though. Hopefully he keeps it up!

    Through the Eyes of another Pony Audio Book Seeks Voice Actors

    Just as the title said, he didn't give me any specific characters or genders though... so hit his Youtube up.

    Epic Cupcake Time Pinkie Pie Voice Actor Interviewed

    For the fans of those epic cooking parodies, the voice actor for Pinkie Pie was recently interviewed.  Check it out below!

    Italian Pony Opening Lyrics Full Translation

    Someone going by the name of Charle has done a full translation of the Italian intro lyrics. Check them out below!

    In a beautiful world,
    colorful and magical
    little ponies living
    in peace and in harmony!

    Shy and cute,
    gruff and romantic,
    are the characters
    of friends who find it!

    And every day you grow up,
    overcome so many challenges
    together with the other ponies, you know,
    you'll have fun!

    Fly and go, my little pony!
    If you want to meet new friends,
    take flight, listen to your heart,
    and every adventure you take up!
    Fly and go, my little pony!
    Realize your dreams and do not stop!

    [26''approx. instrumental / chorus] (do not stop, do not stop, do not stop ...)

    Fly and go, my little pony!
    If you want to meet new friends,
    take flight, listen to your heart,
    and every adventure you take up!
    Fly and go, my little pony!
    Realize your dreams and do not stop!

    Do not stop!
    Do not stop!
    Do not stop!

    Pony Steam Skins

    Twilight Sparkle is best skin. Check out the fully gallery of them here, with download links!


    Darkness Rising RPG Looking for Artists!

    An RPG Currently sitting in it's Alpha stages is looking for some assistance to get up and running. Have some copy paste:

    Hello everypony,
    This is a personal project of mine, having spanned over the period of about 6 or so months. With many hours being spent on it, and a few points of hiatus, the game itself is in the final stage of production.
    My Little Pony: Darkness Rising (Title may still change) is a JRPG project made in RPGMaker VX, with the chosen battle system being similar to the Mother/Earthbound series. As far as story is concerned, this has Season 1 canon to it, as pretty much shown in one of the videos. There are no OC characters, the characters are canon.
    Concerning the game, the majority is completed, and it's quite close to being on Beta. However, being the only one working on the project (not including the chosen musician, or the support), it's been a slow project, and some things have only been able to be completed to my skill level. What does this mean?
    It means I'm looking for help, specifically, sprite and portraits artists. I may perhaps even consider someone who is prolific in building towns. Once I can find people to help out, the game can move to being that much closer to being released.
    What I'm needing specifically, are sprite artists to work on the ponies, and portrait artists to work on enemies in the game. If someone that is good at mapmaking in RPGMaker VX would like to offer their services for a couple of maps, that would be greatly appreciated, too!
    If you are interested, please contact me at agentbookfort@gmail.com

    Check out some videos here, and here!

    Successful Meetups

     DC Meetup

    Copy Paste:

    January confirmed for best month!  BroNYCon and not one, but two DC Brony Meetups!  Cleverly-named January Meetup 2 was a huge success.  Pinkie Pie Party Canon V2.0 made an appearance.  Now in portable size!  Things learned: 1) Top hats are best hat-stacker hats.  1a) Pinkie Blob plushie helps with #1.  2) Don't leave Bronies with unstructured time for very long...craziness ensues.  3) Check your plushies on the way out.  We love and tolerate, but we'll steal..ahem borrow soft and cuddly ponies in a heartbeat.  4) Talent abounds....wait is that?  OMG, DERPY!!!!  ... I'm sure there was more, but my brain just exploded.

    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Colorado State University (Fort Collins) Bronies Meetup and Screening

    When: Saturday, January 28th
    Where: CSU Computer Science Building (In the Auditorium, but if it's taken we'll be in one of the classrooms)
    What: Saturday Morning Ponies!!
    Time: 10am


    Everquest 2 Guild
    Name: Cutie Mark Crusaders
    Server: Antonia Bayle (US)
    Faction: "Good" (However evil and neutral aligned characters can still join!)
    Guild Leaders: Jairen, Auranel, Hachiko

    ToR Guild

    Game: The Old Republic
    Server: Hyperspace Cannon
    Faction: Empire
    Guild Name: The Dark Side is Magic

    Bendigo, Victoria MEetup



    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Derpy PLushie
    Twilight Scarf
    Plastic Phone Charms

    61 kommentaari:

    1. Always blame Skyrim for everything...makes sense. Atleast I think it's Skyrim

    2. Woah, eager to see the rest of the chess board when it is complete.

      Forget it, someone else has already commented, and I'm not a douche.
      Those steam skins look interesting, though.

    4. I hate cake picS because it always make me want cake. Also we need to have some meetups in Alberta. Edmonton and/or Calgary they are both big citys their must be a lot of bronies in them.. I hope.

    5. Okay this news is awesome, also cake... and eating it too.

    6. Do ho ho ho ho, silly Seth. One does not simply STOP playing League of Legends.

    7. You do know you can put in work during the epic long times when your dead at 18 right? and then there is the loading screen...you get a few mins from that...

      so NO...no exscuses!

      they need to make an Octy Sona...

    8. Twi is Malzahar? I guess Rarity would make an OK fit for Kassadin...but, y'know, with more fashionable garb.

    9. Anyhow, as one of the guys working directly with Lafter, I have some stuff regarding that audiobook. We need voice actors for the mane 6, Celestia, Luna, Storm Wing (if you sound anything like Spike Spiegel or Malcolm Reynolds), and various other male and female characters. Those interested should hit up Pyrotigre's youtube channel (called profetionaltroll) or his email (eric_ledieu(at)hotmail(dot)com). For slightly more complete information on what roles we need filled, please follow this fine and elegantly crafted link to the relevant blogpost on the Deviantart fanpage for the fanfic in question.

      If you've got a mic and an ok voice, hit us up!

    10. Playing videogames instead of tending to his blog and putting together the Nightly Roundup. Tsk tsk. :P

      Wow, the custom modded computer is nice. Custom case and he even went the extra mile and modded the OS a bit to match. Very nice work indeed. Plus, Luna's Ruse. Good song choice. <3

      A full pony chess board would be pretty good. Complete with all pony chess pieces. I'd be interested in seeing that when it's finished.

      Whoa, the interview with Bree is over an hour long. Must be pretty thorough, dayum.

      That Italian lyrics translation feel... odd. But I guess they often kinda do when they're translated to other languages. Unless you use an online translator. In that case they're usually just messed up. :P Well, I prefer the Italian lyrics myself still. Sounds more epic. lol Though those lyrics are kinda cute.

      Ooh, Steam skins. And they have little blobs in the bottom of the screens. D'awwwww! <3

      That Dash cake... oi! Lmao. Aren't you just the hilarious one? :P

      Hope the guy behind Darkness Rising can find the help he needs. We need one of these larger anticipated games to be released. :D

    11. There needs to be an Alaska meetup

    12. Did anyone else see the cake said FUS ROH DAH on the side?

    13. I wonder if the chessboard guy is from Bronystate, since we were just having a discussion about how someone should make that and how it should look not too long ago. Either way, looking good and I can't wait to see it finished.

    14. Yay nightly round-up! Best part of my extremely early morning!
      So many meet ups, I become more and more jealous by the day!
      I hope someone makes a pony cake for my birthday it seems like a pretty popular thing to do so it can't be that hard....right?
      Merch, so much merch! They put it at the end of each round up so the whole time I'm scrolling down I can think and wonder what the world has to offer me today :)

    15. I blame LoL for all my problems. And yet I keep playing it. Sion ftw

    16. If you were still playing I'd totally play a game with ya Seth :P thanks for the roundup! I completely understand the tardiness, no worries ;D

    17. dammit i wana be part of the TTEoAP audio but LINK iz Broken D:

    18. "twilight sparkle is the best skin" 0_0

    19. Yay ponies in chess that will keep me from flipping the board over in rage

    20. MLP Chess set...

      ALL. OF. MY. MONEY.

    21. finally a roundup where I look up stuff. But Thanks seth....

    22. That computer is a lot cooler now, and I just love the ponified OS.

      I'll buy that chess set, it's been years since I played it.

      And that skin is awesome! Already installed :D

    23. Awesome steam skins

    24. Okay, this has been bothering me for a little while now. Can Anypony, preferably an Italian but if you speak Italian, that will work too, give me the "Transliterized" version of the FULL LENGTH My Little Pony Opening song. Meaning the lyrics in their original Italian. If anypony can do that, AND has a PayPal account, I'll shoot you 5-10 United States Dollars. Thank you very much for anyone able to help me out.

    25. So, one of my favourite bloggers loves ponies. And plays LoL.

      Where did you want your altar, again? :D

    26. Wow. The lyrics for the Italian version of the opening are pretty epic.

    27. I didn't know you played LoL,seth! Can I add you?

    28. I want that Chess board when it's done!

    29. Through the Eyes of another Pony Audio Book link isn't working, isn't the guy's channel supposed to be there?

    30. Hmm... Twilight DOES make a good Malzahar, now that you pointed it out o_O

    31. @Falkenad

      We do! http://calgarybronies.blogspot.com/


    32. (Charle)

      Yeah... I didn't actually translate them myself. I don't speak Italian. I got the lyrics from http://animefun.forumcommunity.net/?t=47614618 and used Google Translate >.>

    33. @Nathanial Smith
      I did send them the Italian too... anyways:

      In un mondo splendido,
      colorato e magico,
      little ponies vivono
      in pace e sempre in armonia!

      Timidi e simpatici,
      burberi e romantici,
      sono i caratteri
      degli amici che troverai!

      Ed ogni giorno crescerai,
      quanti problemi risoverai,
      insieme agli altri pony, lo sai,
      ti divertirai!

      Vola e vai, my little pony!
      Se nuovi amici vorrai incontrare,
      prendi il volo, ascolta il cuore,
      e d'ogni avventura potrai affrontare!
      Vola e vai, my little pony!
      Realizza i tuoi sogni e non ti fermare!

      [26'' ca. strumentale/corale] (non ti fermare, non ti fermare, non ti fermare...)

      Vola e vai, my little pony!
      Se nuovi amici vorrai incontrare,
      prendi il volo, ascolta il cuore,
      e d'ogni avventura potrai affrontare!
      Vola e vai, my little pony!
      Realizza i tuoi sogni e non ti fermare!

      Non ti fermare!
      Non ti fermare!
      Non ti fermare!


      Sparklezahar. XD What's your LoL name, Seth? Maybe we can have a match.

    35. But.. but I'm making a chess set.

      O well, I wonder how his will compare to my already planned pieces.

    36. Anyone who wants to add me on League, my summoner name is ChaosLord9. Let's get some brony premades going!

    37. that steam skin.... do want

    38. Anybody else having problems with those Skins not showing text?

    39. @EddmarioDid you install the text in the files? Go into the skin folder, right click the file, and click install.

    40. (っ◕‿◕)っ Yay STEAM skins

    41. >.> is there a schedule or something so I can figure out when the different brony meetups are?

    42. Another pony RPG? Oh, cool! And he's looking for artists?

      > sees logo

      ...is that

      Comic SANS!?

    43. @Kisuke I did that first actually. I don't know why it's not showing up.

    44. Twizahar the Pony of the Void!
      Yay <3.

    45. Through The Eyes link isn't working, that news made me choke on my coffee.

    46. I love the lyrics to the Italian version! :D

    47. And on this same day, I NO LONGER HAVE HUB ON MY TV *kicks hole in wall*

    48. Twilight would make more sense as Lux, imo. I can totally see that Deathstar Laser coming out of her horn.

    49. @P.Slater
      Actually, I think Rarity might make a better Lux. Or maybe Rarity is Taric.

    50. @Bugsydor
      Rarity would definitely be Taric.
      Twilight would have to be a Malzahar/Kassadin hybrid thing, with teleports, stun/silence, and face-melting (no sword though).

    51. Why aren't there any brony groups on LoL?
      And also that line from the Italian version, "gruff and romantic," had me wondering. Like, what?

    52. Support Fluttershy OP.

      And Applejack's probably Poppy or something.

      Pinkie = tristana. Party Cannon + Jumping all over the place.
