• Nightly Roundup #213 + 100 Million Hits Closure Post!

    Wow Trixie, you were such a dork in school.

    I guess this closes off our big 100,000,000 hits day.  Thanks to everyone that participated!   And thanks again to all of the people in this community that make EQD awesome! We wouldn't be here without the creative STORM that constantly shakes the very foundations of the internet twenty four hours a day.  This fandom continues to break all sorts of ground in terms of innovating what exactly an online community is capable of.  Barely a year old and we already have multiple conventions, hundreds of meetups all across the world, and millions of pieces of fan content invading just about every corner of both real life and cyberspace. 

    Not to mention the kick ass staff over at The Hub, Hasbro, Studio B, Top Draw, and everywhere else that brought us this crazy show that sparked it all.  I doubt any of them thought it would grow to the scale it has, but I'm glad they threw caution to the wind and put their all into making this amazing cartoon!

    I'm going to stop blabbering and give you guys some roundup news though! It's a pretty big one tonight, so I hope you are in the mood for some reading/video watching!

    Also one last reminder for those wondering where the comment box went - Blogger added a really obnoxious commenting system that doesn't work for a site with our traffic, and the only way to lose it was to remove the embedded box.  You can click "Post a Comment" right above where it used to be at the bottom to comment via popup.  Hopefully this is just temporary!

    Last Minute 100mil Stuff! 

    A few stragglers popped up for our big 100mil celebration! check them out below. 

    Big Brother Comics

    Brigada Brony Shoutout! 

    Have a translation: 

    I doubt it's much still news to the majority of us who stick around the Brony comunities... but it's still something worthy of mentioning in our blog!
    Equestria Daily, the largest and most visited blog in the MLP fandom reached 100,000,000 pageviews at 9:23 a.m. toay (Wednesday, January 11th), time of México City.

    With all that EQD has brought to Brony comunities worldwide, and being example of structure and function for our own blog, it's only right that we extend a congratulation to them though late and even if they never know about it.


    Big Mac in Caverns of Minos iOS Game

    How ridiculous! Watch whenever the ship lands for some Eeeeyup and a quick bigmac head pop up.

    And an article about it.

    Bronytalk Episode 1

    Have some copy paste!
    Hi everypony, we’d like to invite you to come watch Brony Talk, a show where we feature new brony music, art and let our viewers call in!

    This week on the show we are interviewing Omnipony, a musician who recently played at BroNYcon with Alex S!

    Tune in to http://www.livestream.com/bronytalkshow on January 12th at 8pm CST and maybe we will have you on our show!

    Reddit SOPA Blackout Day Art Contest

    The bronies over at the MLP Reddit are planning to run an all day, no technology, art event in honor of the internet blackout day being held on the 18th of January.

    Check out a full list of rules here, along with a bit of explanation on what exactly is going down across the internet next week.

    Dan Vs. Friendship is Magic

    I actually watched an episode of this the other day, it's pretty entertaining! I wouldn't mind an actual official crossover.

    Anyway, check out the video here!

    My Little Pony RPG: Omega Adventures

    Another new JRPG Is in the very early creation stages. It looks like the battle system is pretty close to finished, along with various sprites.  Hopefully we will see something awesome come from this in the future!

    Check out the dev blog here, and the video below.

    Ponies Invade Xplay

    I used to watch this show! I kind of miss those old episodes where it was pretty much all hardcore reviews done in completely ridiculous ways. 

    I have no clue if they are serious, but we can dream I guess!


    A new radio player style site is available, where you create your own playlist and music away.  Check it out here for more information!

    Sound Mods: Left 4 Dead / Skyrim

    Crazy modders and your sound fixing! Have some:

    Twilight Sparkle Smoker Sound Pack for Left 4 Dead 2

    Skyrim Granny Smith Shout Mod


     That's not a pony!

    Dutch Newspaper Posts Pony! 

    No newspaper is safe! Have a translation courtesy of Patrick:

    Bronys Furrys & real men.

    The difference between the latest internet hype and the latest daily activities of the mentally handicapped are me not always clear. Even do I would like to join in in both cases.

    But that is not always even easy. So has there been for a while a online community called Furrys, grown up who dress in furry animal costumes and then join together to roam the streets and ball rooms. I have yet to find my local furry clubhouse but in the meantime I found something even funnier. The bronys. Unfortunately woman cant become bronys because it is something very manly: "Bro's who love my little pony."

    No it is not meant Ironically, not for me and not for the Bronys. There really are lots of adult heterosexual men who are such fans of the brightly colored sparkling magic ponies that they flood forums, dress up as characters from MLP and write entire essays to head pony princes Celestia.

    How it came so far, you ask? It all started with a blogger that wanted to ridicule the new series of MLP "Friendship is magic". But realized during watching that it actually is a very good intelligent series. Filled with interesting dialogue en very deep characters that undergo all kinds of emotional developments and suffer from youth traumas.

    Yes this sounds ridiculous. But after seeing a couple of episodes myself, i have to admit.

    The series is super addicting. The Bronys know what they are talking about.

    Now you should not believe that all bronys are ugly socially handicapped nerds.

    No, we are talking here about social successful, reasonable handsome and for the most part heterosexual men. Even hottie of the moment, Ryan Gosling is in secret a brony. As came apparent out of the saliva stimulating clip in which he heartwarmingly sings the opening song.

    I think (or hope) that this officially means the end of the macho- hetro- and alphaman. Real men in 2012 are hairy, brightly colored, musically in a good mood and listen to forum names like Loganberry Swirl or Lavender Shine. I think it won’t last long before the first fashion line, computer game and perfume of My little pony becomes a fact. So we can all search for our own prince... in a horse suit.

    The Week in Ponies with Fox and Xenon

    Another podcast! Charge!

    Successful Meetups

    Chilean Meetup

    No writup this time around, looks like they had fun though!

    Hope Mills, NC

    Apparently this one was primarily people under the age of 17! Crazyness.  We sure do reach into the younger age brackets.

    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Texas Brony Group



    San Antonio Bronies: Winter Wrap Up Mare-A-Thon

    This Saturday We'll be holding a 15 hour pony marathon.

    If that sounds like something up your alley hit up this page
    for more info http://www.meetup.com/San-Antonio-Bronies/events/44631342/

    Albany Meetup

    Albany, NY "Albronies" January Meetup -- Brony Bowling II: Electric Scootaloo

    Come on out Saturday, January 21st at 4:00PM to the Playdium Bowling Center at 363 Ontario St. in Albany, NY. Since everyone had so much fun the last time we had a bowling trip, we decided to do it again! Everyone gets one free game of bowling, and any additional games are $3/apiece. We'll probably play 2 or 3 games. In addition to this, make sure to bring enough for any concessions that you may want. Shoe rental and parking is free. After bowling, there will likely be some event such as a trip to a restaurant, a toy store, the mall, or some combination of this depending on the desires and wishes of attendees. Regardless of what we end up doing, it's sure to be a fun time for everyone.

    Check us out at www.meetup.com/bronies-albany! We hope to see you there!

     New Zealand Meetup

    Greetings fillies and gentlecolts,

    It's time once again for the Bronies New Zealand Armageddon meet-up. There will be two events in the coming months, one in Hamilton and one in Wellington.

    Hamilton Meet-up:

    Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th of April at the Claudelands Event Center, meet-up will be for Saturday at 1pm, location will be arranged closer to the date (basically, when Armageddon releases their floor plan for the weekend). Post-events are being planned, to find out more, check the page below:


    Wellington Meet-up:

    Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of April at the TSB Bank Arena, meet-up will be (again) for Saturday at 1pm, location (again) will be arranged closer to the date, Armageddon crew are busy ponies, they needs time to work their cartograhphy magic. Check out the page below:


    If anyone has any questions about the events, you can contact me at: http://www.facebook.com/NighttimeEternal


    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Gilda Plushie
    Dash Scarf
    Rainbow Dash Beanie Plush
    Fluttershy Plushie

    92 kommentaari:

    1. Oh man that cake... I need some sweet delicious cake.

    2. I'm loving that Rainbow Dash scarf! < 3

    3. I always love how it's like
      news, news, news, news, CAKE, news news, merch.

    4. Lots of great news! That Big Mac game looks interesting.

    5. I never got the chance earlier so, Happy 100mil EqD *toasts*

      I'm soo happy =3


    8. :/ not really diggin the whole "brony comparison with furries" dutch paper... i can imagine a brony dressing up as his/her fav pony in a fursuit, although it would just look like Rainbow Scout or Eppaljeck...
      confusing, aint it??

    9. Awww I was hoping to hit 101 million before the Nightly roundup... So close, only about 500 thousand more XP

    10. Ha ha, dat translation. Seriously, though, women can become bronies. We encourage it, even.

    11. @Sethisto

      Just watched the X-play video. I actually
      have a friend who is Adam's (distant) cousin. Based on what I've heard about him, it's likely true that Adam is in fact a Brony. My friend says Banjo-Kazooie is like his favorite game series and he likes anthropomorphic characters (and no, he's not a furry).

    12. Just for the sake of the 100 million I remained awake for this roundup. Definitely no shortage of interesting for this roundup. Art, news, videos, take your pick. Don't know about the rest of you, but the newspaper article kind of left me with raised eyebrows. Maybe something was lost in translation or something, but I didn't really get a positive message off it. Oh well. They'll get it right eventually. Lost count, but congrats again guys.

    13. I think that Dutch paper is treading the line between parody and biting sarcasm.

      While the X-Play video amused me. I love that the female of the trio just came out and said that the other two were bronies, regardless of the other two's...denial. Liars. ONE OF US. ONE OF US!

    14. "Top Box"

      Top Draw is what I believe you meant to post there, Seth good buddy. ;)

      And I totally agree. This whole fandom is all sorts of unexpected amazing. If I was cryogenically frozen for a year, and woke up to see the existence of the Brony phenomenon, I would've been convinced civilization was on the brink of collapse and jump right back into that cryo-pod. But having borne witness to its creation, its growth, and the debut of so much talent regarding our artists, writers, musicians, and philanthropists, the very popularity of MLP:FiM is not only conceivable...it feels outright deserved.

      Grats on the 100 million. You guys to great work here.

    15. Thank god we hit "1 Million Hits"

    16. so... this was the last roundup..?
      wut? why? :O

    17. oh wow, that was alot of stuff!! but i was at school when we hit 100mill. n couldnt celerate so i will now XD yay!! woo hoo way to go!!! was that too loud?

    18. @Bronyhub
      This. He has pretty much said that he really really liked the original Banjo-Kazooie, and the anthropomorphic thing I can kind of see from what else he's said. He's definitely not a furry and I doubt he's a brony, but I watch his Sessler's Soapbox webisodes, and I've noticed this kind of thing from his reflections.

      Adam would definitely be for the brony way and mission, though. The show isn't for everybody, however, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.

    19. It wasnt that long... A fun one though! Congratz on 100,000,000!

    20. Echoing Sethisto's thanks to the MLP: FiM team, I'd also to like thank Sethisto, Cereal, Phoe, PK, Tek and Calpain for making Equestria Daily the success it is, and to everyone that creates new content.
      Thank you!

      Hopefully my math is correct:
      There are about 31,536,000 seconds in a year.

      According to Equestria Daily, there were 6258 posts in 2011.
      31536000 / 6258 ~= 5039.309
      So that's one post every 5039 seconds, or one post every 83 minutes.

      That's a lot of pony.

    21. Nice little summary up there, Seth. lol I agree with all of it.

      The SOPA blackout thing I had not yet heard of until this. Interesting. I'm guessing there will be scattered sites here and there that will be participating in it.

      That RPG game looks pretty good so far. Keep up the great work on it guys.

      Haha, the X-Play video was pretty funny. It's been a long time since I've watched it either, but it's a pretty decent videogames show. Of course Morgan knew what Bronies were. lol Awesome.

      Spike cake? That's new I think. Can't remember last time I've seen a cake starring Spike.

      Uh-oh... that news article. So many are going to be so pissed they put Brony's and Furries together in the same article. And wrose yet, called the Bronies even funnier. lol The article started off rather bad, then got better, but then near the end just got worse again. Definitely the type that's poking fun.

      That Gilda plushie... nice. I'm not a huge Gilda fan, but that is a great-looking Gilda.

    22. Ah god-damn, fornicated by the five fickle fingers of fate, or in this case, facebook. If I ever want an NZ meetup I hate to think it but I might have to give in and start using facebook. oh luna please banish me to the moon for thinking that

    23. Another new JRPG? Boatloads of competition, it seems.

      This one looks tactical though. Way better than traditional turn based (without any new ideas on top of it), so fully support regardless.

    24. That newspaper doesn't know shit. I found the video of that Ryan Gosling guy, he was singing something that was old gen. I can tell, because it was horrible.


    25. Good night everypony.
      I love you bronies; I really do. <3

    26. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    27. Y'know I really shold have posted a comment earlier but I really wanna say congrats for reaching one hundred million. Now... onto a BILLION!

    28. That Dan Vs MLP Tumblr is amazing... That alone just convinced me to start watching that show.

    29. That newspaper article had me worried at first. Quite the 180 though, definitely one of the most positive I've seen.

    30. Well the festivities were fun while they lasted now back to work people ponies dont pony them selves you know.....oh wait

    31. A great roundup ^^ that Dan Vs MLP tumblr was pretty cool. Going to have to check out the show!

    32. @Derptastic_w00t

      Just turn up, don't have to join the group. We hold them at 1pm on the Saturdays mentioned. Look for people in pony shirts.

    33. Happy 100 Million EQD!!!
      May the awesomeness that is Seth, Phoe, Cereal, PK, the New Guy and their other minions continue forward to 500 million and beyond.
      You should be proud and probably a little drunk(you guys deserve it).

      Ah, X-Play it's been awhile. My DirectTV doesn't carry them anymore, but then the show isn't as fun or hilarious as it used to be.
      New rpgs, Dan vs. MLP, Cake, ect. make for cool news.

    34. Remind me why I haven't watched G4 in the past 5 years? .. oh that's right, they're all HUGE DOUCHEBAG ASSHOLES! Every now and then I need to be reminded.

    35. HAPPY 100mil. EQD.
      So, yeah. Waiting for more awesome and 500mil.
      Probably they'r not a little drunk :3

    36. Congrats!

      Party all night long with Pinkie Pie!

    37. Congrats on the 100 mil milestone EQD.

    38. "Dan Vs. Friendship is Magic"
      ^epic win

    39. I did like the article, how it said that furries are those who put on fursuits and roam the streets. I was like, "Wait... A news article got this right for once!?!?" Though only about 1/6 of the fandom actually have fursuits, but whatever.

      I have to lol went I see other bronies get pissed about furries, showing how close-minded they are, then turn around and tell others they need to be more open-minded about bronies, haha.

      Anyways, always love the cake and successful meetup posts ^-^

    40. I found that Dutch article strangely hilarious.

      Saw that 'Dan vs' mashup the other day, it really makes me want to watch the actual show. Is it any good? I like the idea of the main character being a jerk.

      And congrats EqD! To another 100million and further!
      I remember thinking 50,000 was something, ha.

    41. I find the lack of pony shirts in Chile disturbing.
      When will we have some MLP apparel easily available in our local stores?

    42. funny xplay laughs at us...same reaction i have when i try to watch them

    43. @Octavia
      I so call for that there will be clarification notices galore to the reporter's way soon-ish.

    44. It's to be expected that the "Dan vs Friendship is Magic" is awesome; Anything MixerMike622 does is awesome!

    45. That was interesting.

      I am subscribing to the SOPA blackout. I mean, who wouldn't!? That thing affects all of us.

      The dutch newspaper article was cool. As far as I could read from it, they seemed to separate bronies from furries, which is something not many media does. And the X-Play guys being into MLP? I can actually see that.

    46. "The bronies over at the MLP Reddit are planning to run an all day, no technology, art event in honor of the internet blackout day being held on the 18th of January."

      I'm... honestly clueless as to what this means and it frankly worries me.

      In other news, little known fact: My little pony has ALWAYS been about anthropomorphic animals.

    47. @bluejay chill
      Do you honestly think the chilean stores would sell MLP shirts in males size?

    48. "Blogger added a really obnoxious commenting system that doesn't work for a site with our traffic"

      In other words, we broke the internet again.

    49. @hoverhoof
      To be honest, I find it quite difficult for the time being.
      I can still dream, right?

      However, i did see a petition to bring a Hot Topic store here.

      In the meantime, and given the fact that I can't afford to order from Welovefine, I guess all I can do is take some pony picture and have it stamped on a shirt...

    50. @Aegis Steadfast
      "My little pony has ALWAYS been about anthropomorphic animals."

      Exactly. MLP falls under the more general "furry" umbrella just the same as Looney Tunes, TMNT, Animaniacs, werewolves, and so many other things. That's all furry is, at its core. It's not all fursuits and porn, as popular opinion would have it. I think it's a shame how furries get such a bad rap all the time, but I am glad that bronies have been lucky enough to usually avoid a similar fate in the media (never mind Fox News). I see a lot of overlap and similarity between furries and bronies, in terms of philosophies (inclusiveness, diversity, friendship), fan art, conventions, music, and so on. Why must they be at odds when they have so much in common?

      Anyway, just my lil' rant for the day.

    51. @WizardWannabe

      Yes it is quite good. I laughed alot at Dan´s attitude to the world around him. XD
      But the show gets so good cause he has Chris and Elis as best friend/wife of best friend who help him on his crusades to destroy whatever it was that made him angry. And he´s angry alot and at almsot every thing. XDDD

      But he has his goods sites too, not often shown or laid out to much, but they´re there, so you start to like him though he´s a jerk.

      But nice, passive, supporting and not-knowing-that-his-wife-is-a-secret-superagent Chris is my fav of Dan vs.^^

    52. I just wanted to add that the newspaper who published the article is notorious for not checking it's sources. And it's a colum, not an article, so the writer is mostly voicing her own opinion.

    53. @Octavia
      "That RPG game looks pretty good so far. Keep up the great work on it guys."

      well, "guys",more like "guy" its still a one-man project so far,thats why I did the little call for help (pixelartists) in the end to help with graphics

      actually looking back now I should have waited with my presentation video until I add my superspecial thingie in there thats gonna make it unique, because there are multiple Pony RPGs in the making right now, and I think I thought of something that might make mine keep up with the other ones.

    54. @Bronyhub
      When I first started reading and posting on the internet, in the ancient days (c. 1993), "lik[ing] anthropomorphic characters" was pretty much the definition of furry.

      Sometimes I miss those days...

    55. Women can't be bronies? Well then, I suppose I shall have to become a man.

      I can't wait until playable versions of some of these games come out. They all look so good.

      1. Women can totally be bronies. My girlfriend calls herself a bronie, and seeing as I would starve without her, I will not contest that.
        Seriously though, "bronie" works for any overage fan.

    56. I used to watch Xplay as well. Even way back when it was Gamespot TV then when it was Extended Play. It used to be really good. They would do comedy sketches as well as review games and that's why it was entertaining for me. Now, at least from the recent episodes I've watched, its just not the same. There's still comedy in there, but I dont know, its just not as good as it used to be IMO.

      Also, DAT GILDA PLUSHIE! Excellent job!

    57. that San Antonio meet up looks tempting to go to. Since im going to New Braunfels for a relatives qunceañera. Might look into it

    58. "The bronys. Unfortunately woman cant become bronys because it is something very manly: "Bro's who love my little pony."'

      someone needs to tell those newspaper guys that females can be bronies :P

    59. i dont know for sure if the xplay people are just joking around but they did not deny it, so i think its legit, the only way to find out for sure is SEND MORE PONY QUESTIONS!!!

      ~uploader of the xplay bronies video

    60. That's a pretty craptastic translation of the newspaper article. Like somebody just c/p'ed it into Babelfish. In fact I'm pretty sure they did

    61. That Dutch article was painful to read, partly because of poor grammatical structure due to translation, and partly due to the actual content of what was written.

    62. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    63. Well said, Seth, and I wholeheartedly agree. It's been an incredible year :) Congrats again EqD, and I look forward to the next year!

      And that Skyrim mod...

    64. I can't stand it when furries and bronies are even compared. The whole whole furry thing just... sickens me. It's nothing like the MLP fandom. Our fandom is centered around an innocent TV show made for girls. The furry community comes up with their own stuff... and I've met some in real life at school. It made me absolutely sick when they told me and a group of friends their ideals. Guys here me out we cannot let us even cross over into whatever there fandom is. It will not go well and cease our fandom growth. When I saw the costumes at the last bronycon, I did not see them as "fursuits" because very few of them actually looked like ponies, instead it reminded me of something you would see at comic con. Like some kind of anime character or something. Let's deviate away from furries please for the better of the fandom.

    65. Hm... For the SOPA blackout draw-off, I might make a custom pony. Ideas are swirling around in my head already. I know it isn't exactly a drawing, but it is a piece of art and I can figure out a way to have it be thematically representative of the event. I haven't made one in awhile - it should be fun.

    66. This fandom is actually rather sad. It's actually fucking stupid

    67. @Weim_Time

      Weim_Time, I would suggest that as bronies it might not be in the spirit of love and tolerance to say that furries "sicken". My younger sister is a furry, her artwork is incredibly skillfull, from the heart, and very very cute (in-fact she even did some MLP art for me). She taught me that only like a small percent of furries are about the stuff that tv tries to say they are about.

      Even though I don't think I'll ever join her in her fandom I can at least respect it.

    68. Here's to the next 100,000,000 views! May it be even more expedient than the last.

      I liked the Pinkie/Dan cartoon, she totally would.

      Xplay peeps are totally bronies. The guy at the start was probably like, "Damn, I've been found out!"

      I laughed at the Dutch news article. I hope some of it got lost in translation, comparing us to furries probably isn't the best route but (I think) it was a positive article in general. And yes, ladies can be bronies too.

    69. (My apologies in advance for the length of this comment.)


      So, you've encountered the "dark side" of furry and let that color your perception of the entire fandom? Well, while you've "met some" furs who helped form your opinions, I happen to be one of those elusive "normal" furries, and I know many, many others. I'm into it primarily because I like "furry" comics and cartoons, I like to create original characters, and I appreciate the level of artistic and musical talent that exists in the fandom (sound familiar, anypony?). The extreme members of any group are usually the most visible, though.

      Now, what if someone unfamiliar with MLP only saw Rule 34 art and "Cupcakes," then judged that to be what all bronies are into? We would look horrible in their eyes! I'm sure you'd argue against that perception, because it's just not so. Look, there are Trekkies who do disturbing things while dressed as Klingons, but I don't hold it against their entire fanbase. I've seen some freaky pony stuff since becoming a brony, but I don't let it bother me. I just ignore it.

      I think part of the problem is, as jodyjm13 said above, that "furry" used to just refer to fans of anthropomorphic animal characters (either original characters, or those from "innocent TV shows for kids," like Kung Fu Panda, Rescue Rangers, My Little Pony, etc.), but so much baggage has been hung onto it that it's nearly impossible for it to be that simple anymore. What makes you think the same won't eventually happen to bronies, with the diversity of content in fanfics, artwork, and fan videos?

      Regardless of how you see them, pony costumes, horns, wings, manes, etc. are really no different from the fursuits, ears, and tails that are worn at furry gatherings, nor from the superhero costumes seen at comic cons, or the Slave Leia bikinis at sci-fi cons. It's all the same kind of thing: people from all walks of life coming together to express their appreciation for a common interest. The only difference is a narrower focus.

      To recommend that we "deviate away from furries" makes no sense, because we're all just a bunch of geeks to those on the outside. Instead, we can only try to keep our focus on the positive aspects so the "bad apples" don't get a majority share of the fandom's reputation. At the same time, you can't deny that such elements exist in the brony world, as they do in any fandom. As I said in my previous comment, there's a lot of overlap (I'm a furry, a brony, and a Star Wars geek among many other things). We may just need to develop thickened skins eventually, so people like John Freeman up there don't succeed at trolling us and ruin our enjoyment of all this.

      tl;dr Bottom line: we know what we're about, we know that it's not for everyone, and the haters can all go stuff it.

    70. I second the replies of some of these, don't put all furries in one category like that, some of my closest friends are furries and I know others as well who are the most reasonable and socially healthy individuals I've ever met.

      Try to be a little more open minded, you've every right to be cautious of every furry you've met, but the ones worth getting to know will understand why if you just calmly and rationally explain your reasons.

    71. @Stephen The difference between bronies and furries is that one fandom revolves around a television show and the other revolves around a fetish, or desire to be, well, "furry". It's a lot easier to justify your love for a television show than it is to furry art, no matter how well drawn it is.

    72. @Dutch Newspaper Posts Pony!

      This guy has no clue what he's talking about.

    73. @Weim_Time I'm a furry and a good amount of bronies are furries too, lol, dude your such a hypocrite, anthro ponies dude at it's core, but whatever, the furry and brony thing will always be there, we'll always have things in common. xD Love and tolerate, what happened to that?

    74. @Jimmy James

      Some furries are furries because of television shows or movies (I've already mentioned several). It's only a fetish to some, but not all. That's my whole point. "Furry" is defineable in far more generalized terms than most people seem to think. Opinions are sure to differ, but the way I view it, "brony" is a subset of "furry," which is itself a subset of "fantasy/sci-fi," which is a subset of "art/literature/film," and so on... It's all geekdom, with varying focuses, and there are always less than tasteful elements at any level. I just don't wish to see it pigeonholed.

    75. Goodness, there's quite a bit of discussion on furries going on here. I think this is the kind of show that can appeal to both furries and non-furries. Furries can like the cute animal characters, and the rest of us can like it because of the writing and animation (I'm generalizing, but you know what I mean). For instance, I could care less if the characters were ponies, human, or whatever, as long as the writing style is maintained I would watch it.

      One of the wonderful things about this fandom is that other than our love for the show there are very few things that we all have in common. Our diversity is wonderful. We shouldn't condemn anyone because of what they like or don't like.

      Personally I don't get the furry thing. I don't understand the appeal of it, and it makes no sense to me (besides, robots are cooler). But that said, I don't mind them doing there thing, it really doesn't bother me.

    76. @mattwhite924

      Hear, hear! Diversity is a fine thing.

      *looks over to where he has a Rainbow Dash plush sitting next to his Transformers G1 DVDs, a handmade dragon candle, and a Green Lantern figurine* ;)

    77. Hey! I'm 16: there's more brolts out there than you can count! Anyways, 100,000,000! It's waaay over 9000! Let's go to 10 billion!

    78. @Stephen

      You know what I've thought about what you said and as much as it makes me cringe... you're right. But it doesn't make since why our fandom can't be considered with the likes of other fandoms such as Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles, X-men, and stuff like that. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I have still yet to meet a "furry" who doesn't come into terms as the rest of society claims them to be. I'm sorry but whenever that word comes to mind I can't help but think that "it is because of a fetish". The ones that I have reluctantly come across in my life have made me think this way. So whenever someone tells me that "furries" and "bronies" are the same thing it makes me think back to that time when I met one and sends shivers down my spine. It insults me when people say that about something that I like.

      I saw it on 4chan the other day when some random furry was ranting on the MLP fandom telling everybody how "unoriginal it is" "how annoying we are" but worst of all he dared to even say "how disgusted and outraged the furry community is towards the Pony fandom".

      I refused to even respond because we all KNOW how that would turn out... especially on 4chan. But it still made me think "How dare he even think that our fandom even cares what the darned furry community thinks about us!"

      I'm certainly going overboard with this but I feel like I have to get it off my chest. I like almost every other person wants our fandom to grow. Am I right? But if we're allowing ourselves to become connected with things such as "r34, the "dark side of the furry fandom", or anything grotesque, then that process will become inhibited because of media onslaught.

      If we want to grow, we need to be more appealing and attractive so that the media will portray us that way. If we are innocent, then innocent we shall be.

      And in case some of you are wondering what those furries looked like and what they said to me... you don't want to know.


      *A wild Dutch journalist appears*

      *Ryan Gosling uses saliva stimulating clip*

      *The series is super addicting!*

    80. Woooo!! 100 mil hits :D I'm a bit late but yay :D

    81. @Weim_Time

      I appreciate the reply! Trust me, I can at least mostly understand where you're coming from, as I've met plenty of "those" furries myself. My friends in the furry community, however, tend to be the more down-to-earth, socially capable types, so it's easy for me to forget sometimes just how much weirdness is out there. Still, I try to subscribe to the philosophy of "to each his/her own."

      Personally, I have a hard time understanding why bronies should rail against furries in general, but the door swings both ways. I have no idea why there are furries who rail against bronies (frankly, it kind of makes less sense). I just don't get it. I mean, if you don't like a show or something, fine, but don't harass people about it. *shrug*

      In any case, if there's ever one person claiming to speak for the entire furry community, or for the entire brony community, I'm going to call B.S. on 'em, because the only thing we all have in common is our interest in the fandom itself. Beyond that, we're all freely different people.

      Anyhoo, I've probably gotten too in-depth with this myself, but so it goes. *tailwags and brohooves all around* :)

    82. @Stephen

      >What makes you think the same won't eventually happen to bronies, with the diversity of content in fanfics, artwork, and fan videos?

      It already has, and that's why many MLP fans would never call themselves "bronies".

    83. I utterly resent bronies being linked in any way to furries.

    84. @Stephen

      Let's not get too excited, I still find it very offensive when people consider the bronies even remotely connected with furries. I'm not alone in this opinion either.
