• Nightly Roundup #214

    I could see this happening. 

    Have some news while I laugh at Trixie and Owlicious's endless battle of stubbornness. 

    Granny Smith Skyrim Mod


    A Feminist Look at My Little Pony!

    We had one of these a long time ago, but this one is actually positive! check it out here.

    Ponycast Episode 3

    Check it out here!

    Fanfic Vault 

    A new fanfic review site has popped up! It primarily works off of the best of the best, so don't expect everything on the planet to pop up here!

    Check it out at this link!

    Game Hunt: Dragonborn Edition

    Click image for full! Source: Gameinformer

    This actually only has one pony in it, and it's just her cutie mark! Everything else is video game characters.

    The list and larger size image can be found by clicking the image! 

    List of Subcultures you Never Knew Existed 

    Over on UGO we were recently in an article about crazy underground fandoms! Check out the article here!



    Fox News on Pony

    Yeah, they did it again! I hear the last one is still getting hatemail.

    Successful Meetups

    New Zealand Meetup


    Have a google doc writeup!


    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Krakow, Poland Meetup

    When: 21.01.12, 13:00

    Where: Saturn, Galeria Krakowska


    Apb Guild

    Name: MLP The Fashion Police

    Server: Obeya (EU1)

    Faction: Enforcer

    contact Supermark ingame, le_supermark on steam or manfredi.mark on skype.

    Firefall Pony Clan

    Here at The Herd Firefall, we welcome all types of players into our clan. while we have over 80 current members for a game that's still only in beta, we're looking for more. Some of you may know about Firefall and some may be new to it, that's OK! while we are currently focusing on Firefall, we are not a one game guild and do spread out to other well known games such as Minecraft. (please note that Firefall is currently in a 'Closed Beta'. but fear not! The Herd has a large number of Beta testers who are frequently given spare beta keys to give out as we see fit, so it wont be long before you get one!)




    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Rarity knit Plushie

    80 kommentaari:

    1. Oh, it's RedEye again......

      Good review, btw

    2. The List of Subcultures you Never Knew Existed article, number 9 has to be fake.

    3. I have that same 20% Cooler shirt! Rock on, kid from New Zealand.

    4. Fox, I am disappoint. Why you have to make conservatives look like laughingstocks?


    5. I must have that rainbow cake... 0_0

      Hey, I love these hidden image things! Time to find stuff...

    6. As far as the fox news video was concerned, it seems like the reporter really tried to troll everyone, but was genuinely surprised at how sincere we really are about all this pony stuff.

    7. Thank goodness this came out before I left...oh, who am I kidding. I was gonna stay up for this anyway. I'm just glad it happened before I collapsed on top of my keyboard. Nothing really jumping out at me except the new fanfic site and the UGO article. Though at the rate we're going, we're not gonna be so underground for long. That's it for me. Good night guys.

    8. We should stop feeding the troll that is fox news... They are just doing this for views... And we are giving it to them by watching their crap. Seriously the guy had no idea what he was talking about had never even watched the show (I know he said he did but listen to him he so didn't) they are just trying to get a reaction and are the biggest hatters in the world.. If your not like them then you are wierd is what they live on. So just don't even feed the trolls

    9. Fox News (Red Eye) segment was not bad! It's not my style of humor, that's for sure, but I do appreciate the time they took to almost "follow up" their last story.

      And seriously, isn't absurdity one of our defining features?

      I love you all!

    10. Fox news is a fail troll although I find it funny that he got Ashleigh to say his request.

    11. @Eric Cramer

      I think that is a really good question...

    12. Two nights in a row o.o somepony evidently likes my Skyrim mod...

    13. I love that image. I can just imagine Trixie continuously saying her name angerly for a long long time. x3

      Haha. Very nice Skyrim mod someone made there. :P

      A feminist look at My Little Pony? Eh, too long, didn't read. A little scared. lol But I'll take your word on it being positive, Seth.

      Tried looking for Applejack's cutie mark in that image hunt game, but no luck. Unless it's that horse at the far bottom left. But the mark on it's flank looks more like Rarity's on my monitor. So maybe I just don't have a large enough monitor to see it? lol

      Is it bad I actually already knew of almost all of those subcultures in that Subcultures you Never Knew Existed article? I actually know people who are apart of some of them. Also, they used that dang term again... "Pegasister". Everytime I cringe. lol

      That Dash cake is awesome. I love how they made each layer a corresponding color of her mane. Cute and clever.

      Hah, that Fox News special was actually kinda funny. Sure they're poking some fun, but it was still humorous. I believe I saw that reporter around the con too. And I saw some people I met at the con in the video. Nice. Including that awesome Soarin cosplayer.

    14. WHAT!? there was a NZ meet up?
      Why didn't I hear about this whhhhyyyy!

    15. also they used some horrifyingly bad camera for that photo, what was it from, a 5yrs old cellphone?

    16. Bad mouth Fox News all you want, but what other major cable news network sent someone to cover Bronycon?

    17. yeah, but how awesome is that cake

    18. *twitch*

      I can't actually finish watching the Faux News thing. Can't do it. I might have an aneurism if I try.

    19. I did like the feminist view on MLP. It is very true. There hasn't been a situation where guys were interested in girlie stuff, mainly because there hasn't been anything of significantly high quality made until now. MLP really shows that guys can be interested in feminine media, if only good media existed.

    20. The redeye clip was somewhat funny. Especially that pcp part. :P

    21. Some of the Red Eye clip was pretty funny actually. Since it was always menat to be satire its not bad. Although I did facepalm when that guy got his custom pony out.

    22. Like that Skyrim, love that cake. Nick, you are a lucky brony.
      Oh Fox News, you make me laugh. I mean, you are seriously as funny as some parody sites I read. Love and tolerate, bronies ;)

    23. That feminist article was really good! A nice, positive read.

      I'm avoiding clicking on the Fox News link. Some have said it's funny, some said it's awful...I'm just gonna resist and ignore it.

    24. Hurray, my Skyrim email made a difference! :D

    25. Ah, good old NZ meetup. Good times. We must be sure to do another.

    26. Quite pleased to see that Red Eye seems to have taken a bit of a 180 to their previous view on bronies. I actually found that segment quite fun, though he picked the wrong person to joke with with Nicole Oliver.

    27. 208? Seth shouldn't this be 214?

    28. I loved that blog piece on feminism and FIM. It summed up a lot of what I've thought about the show, the way it positively impacts feminism as a whole.

    29. The Skyrim wall was awesome. I found quite a few things before AJ's cutiemark. I decided to check the list to see how I was doing, looked back at the image and LOLed! The point where my eyes were looking in the list, when I tabbed over was the EXACT point where AJ's cutiemark was.

      Well... I guess that was easy enough!

      Dash Cake was soooo lame... But remember bronies, the cake is a LIE!!! :D
      Actually... I want to nom that so hard!

      The Fox news bit was actually not bad. It was comedic reporting, so think Colbert or something like that. I genuinely laughed at a few spots, and I think the reported had at least an interesting time. He even SANG... BAD! It's just the studio people that seemed lame and uninformed. There were a few facts that were wrong or overlooked, but nothing terrible.

      It was a FAR cry from the atrocity that FOX aired months back.


    31. Red Eye again? HELLO!? It's a satire Tv show on fox. Stop overreacting. Satire as in not meant to be taken seriously! Seth I do think it would behoove you to clarify this before people start barking up the wrong tree.

    32. The only other feminist look at MLP I can recall was also positive...

    33. @BornIn1142
      I think he's referring to the one that Lauren Faust personally responded to. Of course, the fact that it ended on a good note was pretty positive.

    34. I know, I'm wasting my time by even considering a response to something on fox news, but at the same time, I think this is too good to pass up: http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_liw9p8ogDp1qg6ooio1_500.png

    35. @PurplePony
      Ahaha! I must salute Ms. Faust for that, because I agree with her entirely.

    36. @duskwisp
      Nah, it was in Christchurch. It was mentioned in two of the previous Nightly's though.

    37. That positive review aside, feminists really dropped the ball on MLPFIM. I mean created by a feminist (Faust), very pro-feminist message (women can be anything they want even ones that go against traditional gender roles), and the fact that feminists always beg for more female oriented things in male dominated genres (like comic books for example) and what happens?

      Men watch the show and then elevate it to the pop culture phenemenon that it is.

      If feminists had planted their flag first and declared MLPFIM to be their show it would've made feminism a undetermined percentage cooler.

    38. Why are so many people attacking the Fox News video? I found it quite funny.

    39. Oh fox news, I expected nothing less. I feel sad for the voice actors and bronies they interviewed...

    40. @Gray Ham
      Because it's Fox News, therefore a lot of people aren't even watching the video and just denigrating it based upon the source.

      Having not watched the video myself, I can't speak as to its content.

    41. I read the whole feminist article. Yeah, it's positive in the sense that this person likes the show. But I couldn't recommend it to anyone because of how the philosophy clashes with mine.

      I agree that this show has done girls a great favor by making a girl's show that's well designed. However, I think that the underlying power in the show is that guys like it DESPITE the more girly elements (that's good writing for you), not that guys are beginning to like those elements themselves. Men and women tend to like different things (sure there's some overlap of course) and there's no use in suggesting it's necessity for them to feel any differently.

    42. The feminist article pretty much sounds like it is echoing what Lauren Faust originally said she was going for with the show. Good to see they get it.

      That cake looks delicious.

      The Red Eye thing isn't that bad if you keep in mind that they are a late night comedy show, not a serious news program.

    43. I don't see how a feminist look at MLP:FiM could ever be anything but positive.

      Anyway, that article was wonderful. I think I'll have to show it to my mom, who still doesn't "get it". It puts the appeal way better than I ever could.

    44. Tell me that someone's been sending these cakes to Cake Wrecks. Seriously. If ponies get featured on their Sunday Sweets I am going to flip. :D

    45. people are just giving fox news the respect they give us...none, which is exactly what they deserve

    46. That feminist review is great! I'm going to bookmark it and punch it in da face of some of those annoying feminists. Seriously, I hate those. Some are just... Ugh. It's always a pleasure to meet/see/read reasonable ones though.

    47. Charmander is besty pony. Also apples.

    48. Rescue Rangers love in the Ugo.com article (specifically for Gadget). :D

    49. The feminism article was much better than the previous major one I read, I especially enjoyed the Pony Character Wheel

    50. That FOX News vid killed some important brain cells.

    51. I just zoomed in to start searching and I clicked exactly where AJ cutie mark is hidden in the game hunt picture:O

    52. Fox news? Yeah I'm just going to skip watching that so I'm not full of rage the rest of the day.

      Other news is win.

    53. Ah that Game Hunt was brilliant. "Applejack's Nordic ancestor" I lol'd.
      That cake looks amazing, so want a piece.

    54. I'm calling it, that Fox News guy is a closet Brony.

    55. @Eric Cramer

      Fox is not conservative. Fox is a whore. The difference is that the people at Fox have no political integrity; if they thought they could get higher ratings by going the liberal route they would (just like Rush Limbaugh, who hosted liberal talk radio until he realized liberals don't listen to talk radio).

      Take this one to heart, people. This is a life-lesson. Unless you're being beaten by a cop, THE MEDIA IS NEVER YOUR FRIEND.

      When are people going to learn? No media organization cares about promoting anything positive; they keep score by the number of people they take down. If they can depict a group as a freakshow, they WILL. Every time. They will tell you they're doing a positive piece, but they are lying.

      Think about it. What gets higher ratings: negative or positve? Which political ads work best: position or attack? And those reporters: which story is going to get more ratings (and therefore more likely for the reporter to keep his job): "Ponies are great" or "Ponies, threat or menace"? They're pandering to trailer trash and crack-moms by finding someone that can be depicted as even lower than them. They seek out the people easiest to depict as freaks (who, sadly, always are the ones most eager to jump in front of the camera in a bid for legitimacy, regardless of what it costs others) and coax them into reinforcing the negative stereotypes. They are master manipulators whose careers require they steer people into producing sound-bites.

      This is equally true of CNBC, CNN and NewsCorp. They dress it up differently, but each is pandering to its audience and Nielsens regardless of the cost to you.

      Most fannish conventions long since have learned that they need to have a "no press members without prior permission and escort" policy. Perhaps the pony-cons will now learn what others have known for years. Don't fool yourselves for one second; we're not an exception in this regard. Pony-con hosts: protect your con and your attendees and your guests. Seek out people who have done this before in other fandoms (sci fi, comics, furry, anime, Star Trek, its all the same) and learn how to keep the media on a very short, lawyer-enforced leash. You're on private property, the media has zero right whatsoever to be there or film you, and membership involves a contract. Membership waiver boilerplate is available, as are references to experienced law firms with sympathetic (read: reasonable rates and good knowledge) staff.

      Do the right thing. Keep the media out.

    56. So Redeye is a satire show? That was some lame comedy. Druggy pony joke? Is he in grade school?

      I wouldn't mind the show if it actually used it's own humour, but it just seemed to expect that everyone is already laughing at Bronies and they just had to poke us with a stick. Pardon the reference, but it was a circle-jerk. Maybe their moms think they're funny, but geez, it would barely require effort to troll better than that.

    57. I usually avoid Fox like the plague, but that segment was actually pretty easy to love and tolerate.

    58. Haddock: What are these ponies doing here?

      Tintin: You know, I'm not real sure myself.

    59. @Caerdwyn

      I couldn't agree with you more, my good sir. Having attended many Anime conventions myself, i see no reason why the BroNYcon's can't use the same idea.

      The Media isn't being our friend here, guys. Don't let the light-heartedness of the reporters tone fool you, this is just FoxNews looking to it's lowest common donominator again for ratings by poking fun at a legitimate group of people just because THEY think we are "not normal".

      Credibillity was thrown out the window with that bit. They can try to act sincere all they like, but an insult is an insult no matter how much you sugarcoat it. FoxNews, especially the RedEye segment, needs to just drop us of their list of "People to make fun of when it's a slow news day"

      Bronies, just let this one roll of your backs, it's nothing to really make much sense or even make a big deal out of. Ignore them. If we do, maybe they will just go away. Maybe...

    60. That Fox News segment wasn't coverage, that was a full-on attack. Worse than "Mayhem on a Cross," and speaking as an metalhead, you have to actively be trying to be less fair than "Mayhem on a Cross."
      "Fair and balanced" my flank. I don't care if it's supposed to be comedy, that was downright insulting. They just sent some guy there to make a mule of himself while singling out the fans he thinks are most embarrassing. And don't get me started about the bull he put the VAs through. And, given his statements towards the show, I'd sooner believe he'd seen Vomir perform live than an episode of the show.

    61. FOX news is mean, bladdybladdyblah. That's not news, but really guys, it's RedEye. They are like The Onion's retarded cousin nobody talks about because he eats glass and does weird things to the goats in the barn.

      In other news, that cake is amazing.

    62. It's either funny or pathetic that people are getting so pissed at Fox News for this. Do you know what RedEye is? It's a crappy comedy thing. If you're going to be pissed at this for being unfair, you should also be pissed at The Colbert Report because he makes conservatives seem to go farther than they actually do.

      Unless you guys are saying people should only be allowed to get away with not-completely-accurate satire if it makes you personally laugh.

      Ah well. At least this isn't people getting pissed at Fox News for something said by a local station that isn't Fox News at all. I've seen that plenty of times.

    63. The Fox video was mostly somewhat tolerable this time around. I don't mind a bit of satirical mocking as long as they actually do some research. So I was alright with it until he started singing the wrong generation theme song and blatantly lying about there being no wink and nod references to older audience members. Star Trek, Star Wars, Benny Hill, The Big Lebowski?

    64. I thought the feminist article linked above was really great.

    65. LOL fox news is wrong about everything so of course its wrong about bronies.

    66. I have yet to read the feminist article, but looking at the comments here, and knowing that it apparently has a positive view on MLP:FiM makes me very happy. I consider myself a feminist, and it's a shame that feminism has acquired such a negative image over the years. I will definitely read it.

      The Fox video? Oh gawd. The "undercover" guy was pathetic at best, he had a racist attitude, and he was sexist, most obviously against men. I can take a joke, and I'm not going to put much thought into this one because it's so poorly thought out, but I didn't even find this one funny. I found the first Brony video from Fox hilarious because it was so ridiculous, but this was just a sad attempt at humour. Even if I wasn't a brony, I wouldn't find this amusing. Him harassing the VAs was uncalled for, too. Not to mention he clearly had not seen a single episode, and he sang the wrong intro song, that shows a lack of effort. Mocking is only funny if it's true.
