Meh, not that interesting except I'd save the newspaper clipping to enshrine in the MLP and peace lovers shrine next to my violent video game collection and gore related fanfiction shrine.
Much respect for the Hub's advertising department. Reaching out to any and all potential audiences by blending cute colorful ponies with more mature preexisting media is a bright idea.
I went and checked the wiki and there is 2 more AppleJack episodes coming up so they may be advertising them in a sneaky way with the 3 Apple Lunch quote if you count the Sisterhood Social Episode earlier in the season as the first AppleJack episode of the second season. Then again it could be a reference to 3- Martini Lunch as wandering wastrel pointed out.
The is the best possible thing! The Hub's ad department is amazing.
I remember when I first started watching MLP in April/May, I spent about half an hour trying to re-cast the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce office with ponies.
That was my first clue that maybe I was more into this pony show than I realised.
Oh wow, that looks like an awesome ad!!! Mad Ponies is something I've never seen done in fanfiction guys. Wouldn't it be great to have one crossover with that? Or at least, a story inspired in it? It could work. I bet there's publicity companies in Equestria.
@Sunset Sprinkles You are aware that the other me on here, just named Luna, is the older one, right? I'm not even big enough to have anypony on my back.
is there a larger version (HQ) of that picture anywhere? i have access to a printer that can print out large glossy posters and giant banners and I'd love to make a poster of that.
That is too freaking cool. What's funny is that I've often thought someone should do a pony version of that very Mad Men animation, so to see an OFFICIAL version is just beyond awesome.
OMG YAY!! I saw the Los Angeles Times this moring on my driveway and i was like, "Nah. i aint gonna bother." the i see this and im like " WOOOO HOOOO!!!!"
This is strange ... I've recently been drawing Rainbow Dash in a suit. I've done it three times. Now the official folk are doing it. Tygerbug at Deviantart, if you're curious ...
87 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaHmm, I'll think about it.
VastaKustutaSo cool! First?
VastaKustutaMad? As in crazy, anypony that hasn't gone crazy yet, perhaps that's coming up now?
VastaKustuta@fanofchaosSo many wanting first, yet they don't realize there's no reward.
VastaKustutaCelebrating the 3-Apple lunch?
VastaKustutaFirst Bridesmaids. Then Poltergeist. Now Mad Men.
VastaKustutaIf this is legit, the the Hub has the best advertising department ever.
Me likey
VastaKustuta@Sir Spike-alot
VastaKustutaactually i wasn't waiting :D I just came and saw this
I got here EARLIER than first!
VastaKustutaWell, yeah, it's an ad, it says "The Hub," but what REALLY proves it's legitness is how fucking clever and awesome it is.
VastaKustutaI love The Hub.
Mad men and ponies. My life is complete.
VastaKustutaThe Hub has just exceeded my expectations yet again. Well DONE!
VastaKustutaNice mad men spoof, seems legit!
VastaKustuta"then* the Hub"
That's Rainbow Dash in a business suit. I'm just saying.
VastaKustuta"Any guesses? Looks official to me!"
VastaKustutaNah, on closer inspection, it looks more awesome to me!
Meh, not that interesting except I'd save the newspaper clipping to enshrine in the MLP and peace lovers shrine next to my violent video game collection and gore related fanfiction shrine.
VastaKustutaHaha oh man... this is wonderful.
VastaKustutaI guess 3-apple lunch is meant to refer to a 3-martini lunch? (
VastaKustutaMuch respect for the Hub's advertising department. Reaching out to any and all potential audiences by blending cute colorful ponies with more mature preexisting media is a bright idea.
VastaKustutaDidn't we see Dash dressed similarly in a recent Drawfriends post?
VastaKustutaSo Rainbow Dash in a suit is now canon?
VastaKustutaWhat pony does that big red eye belong to?
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash. A bit of her mane is just barely visible.
Oh my Luna. I need that paper for a poster!
VastaKustutaWe can make this happen right? We can make the Mad Men intro with ponies? The Simpsons did it.
VastaKustutaI went and checked the wiki and there is 2 more AppleJack episodes coming up so they may be advertising them in a sneaky way with the 3 Apple Lunch quote if you count the Sisterhood Social Episode earlier in the season as the first AppleJack episode of the second season. Then again it could be a reference to 3- Martini Lunch as wandering wastrel pointed out.
VastaKustutaI found mine in my paper and I posted it up on my wall.
VastaKustutaThe is the best possible thing! The Hub's ad department is amazing.
VastaKustutaI remember when I first started watching MLP in April/May, I spent about half an hour trying to re-cast the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce office with ponies.
That was my first clue that maybe I was more into this pony show than I realised.
VastaKustutaOh wow, that looks like an awesome ad!!! Mad Ponies is something I've never seen done in fanfiction guys. Wouldn't it be great to have one crossover with that? Or at least, a story inspired in it? It could work. I bet there's publicity companies in Equestria.
Excuse me while I squee so loud all of New York hears me!
VastaKustutaMAD MEN! PONIES! My favorite two things together!!
VastaKustutaNeeds more rarity and Fluytershy though...
Fluttershy* Derp.
VastaKustutaExcuse me while I squee so loud all of New York hears me!
VastaKustutaMAD MEN! PONIES! My favorite two things together!!
I love these official spoof ads. So much.
VastaKustutaMad Men parody? Ha, oh wow, these ads go above and beyond what is necessary, I love it.
VastaKustutaAnd how long til we get a crossover fic now?
Bring more ads on every newspaper in the USA!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
VastaKustutahow absurd!
House keeping!! I come in anyway? I come in anyway.
VastaKustutaDear The Hub,
VastaKustutaI LOVE YOU!
Not signed by Trixie.
Oh you.
VastaKustutaCool ad, thank you Hub!
VastaKustutaHas a quality image of this been posted anywhere yet?
VastaKustutaHeh I gotta admit, these Hub advertisers hit the bullseye on quality Pony ads every time. This, the Bridlemaids, the "There's a Pony for that," etc.
VastaKustutaMakes me smile everytime, gotta love it!
Now could this be Mad Men or 12 Angry Men? If it is 12 Angry Men.... well.... lol. 6 Angry Ponies. What would they be on a jury for?
VastaKustuta@Sunset Sprinkles Yes, what is it?
VastaKustuta@cpbrony As a matter of fact, 6 angry mares is in the fanfiction archive here.
VastaKustuta*puts on sunglasses*
The color scheme and font reminds me of Gamestop.
VastaKustutaI was hoping their next parody advertisement would be "The Pony with the Dragon Assistant"
VastaKustutaDefinitely "Mad Men"...refers to the three Martini lunch and the font is basically the same as the "Mad Men" logo
does anypony know what page its on?
VastaKustutaI'm sure this was a most pleasant surprise to the eight people who still read the Los Angeles Times.
VastaKustuta@Princess Luna
VastaKustutaI want that ad. Please take me to Los Angeles on your back.
@Sunset Sprinkles You are aware that the other me on here, just named Luna, is the older one, right? I'm not even big enough to have anypony on my back.
VastaKustuta@Sunset Sprinkles You can have a chariot ride though.
VastaKustuta@Princess Luna
VastaKustutaAw...but you're Princess Luna! You can do anything!
A chariot ride will be fine, though. Will you accompany me?
I have never seen mad men, it feels like I'm missing allot in life =P
VastaKustutaSeems legit
VastaKustutaWe require vectors
@Sunset Sprinkles Sorry, I was readying the chariot, the answer is yes.
VastaKustuta@zorinlynx Oh, so that's what I heard this morning.
VastaKustutaIf this doesn't say how prominent our dear ponies have gotten, I don't know what does. Brilliant times infinity. YOU ROCK, HUB!!!
@fanofchaos It takes real effort to be last!
VastaKustutaI fucking love this.
VastaKustuta@Princess Luna
VastaKustutaRoa- er, sky trip! Onward to Los Angeles!
"Mad Mares" would have been funnier. But still a great ad :)
VastaKustutaIt's official!
The Hub just posted it on their Facebook.
VastaKustutaIt's theirs. The hub just posted it on their-
I TOTALLY don't get what the ad is referencing to, but I LOVE it all the same!
VastaKustutaI love this show's ads.
VastaKustutaTo bad the toy's aren't as epic as the add's
VastaKustuta - This is what the reference is to.
is there a larger version (HQ) of that picture anywhere? i have access to a printer that can print out large glossy posters and giant banners and I'd love to make a poster of that.
VastaKustutaAnypony know what section of the paper it was in?
VastaKustutaWhy can't that be in my paper the Wichita Eagle :(. Guess that's what i get for living in kansas
VastaKustutaThat is too freaking cool. What's funny is that I've often thought someone should do a pony version of that very Mad Men animation, so to see an OFFICIAL version is just beyond awesome.
VastaKustutaOMG YAY!! I saw the Los Angeles Times this moring on my driveway and i was like, "Nah. i aint gonna bother." the i see this and im like " WOOOO HOOOO!!!!"
VastaKustutaI still like the, "Ponygiest" ad better. Pinkie looks soooo adorable in it~
VastaKustutaPeople didn't get the reference? Seriously?
VastaKustutaI mean I've never watched an episode but c'mon...
Friggen beautiful.
VastaKustutaYeah, I think we can safely say they're marketing to the adult audience...
VastaKustuta...This, I love.
OH Brother
VastaKustutaThey need to do an animated version
VastaKustutaThis is strange ... I've recently been drawing Rainbow Dash in a suit. I've done it three times. Now the official folk are doing it. Tygerbug at Deviantart, if you're curious ...
VastaKustutaBoth the links are dead. Did something happen?
I hate link rot!
That shouldn't go away anytime soon. :)