Over on Zap2it, a new press release has popped up regarding the We <3 the Ponies Mare-A-Thon. Buried in the stuff we all pretty much know about is an updated blurb about Hearts and Hooves Day. It's minor, but I'm sure some of you will enjoy digging into it and trying to figure out what it actually means.
I'll toss it after the break, or you can hit up the page and look for it for yourself.
And your quote:
The five-hour programming marathon will consist of fan-favorite episodes of the popular animated series “My Little Pony Friendship is Magic” as voted by the show’s devotees, culminating with the premiere of the all-new Valentine’s Day-themed episode, “Hearts and Hooves Day” where The Cutie Mark Crusaders try to play cupid, but soon come to regret their actions.Maybe Cheerilee and Big Mac just don't work out?! Maybe Cheerilight Sparklee was meant to be after all!? Who knows! I can't wait to find out.
74 kommentaari:
Well, this certainly leads to new theories.
VastaKustutaI wonder
VastaKustutaSo I guess it isn't as clear cut as people first thought it would be, huh?
VastaKustutaShould I be terrified at the thought of the CMC playing the role of Cupid? Bah, who cares. This sounds like it's gonna be another one of those wacky episodes.
VastaKustutaCutie Mark Crusaders Date Makers! YAY!
VastaKustutaBig brother dating your teacher? When is that EVER a good idea?
VastaKustutaI get the feeling Big Mac is gonna have a long day
VastaKustutaCome on Fluttermac!
VastaKustutaOkay so that means the new episode is at 11 AM, not 10? Well crap that sucks because I am pretty sure that I won't be around for that because I am meeting my pony hating girlfriend and I have to leave by then.
VastaKustutaMaybe they regret their actions because Big Mac and Cheerilee become one of those annoying couples that are so happy it makes everyone else jealous.
VastaKustutaI'm sure Cheerliee and Big Mac aren't going to just start dating in the series. lol The CMC are going to try and hook them up, but it's going to end up not working out most likely. I'm not sure what else "come to regret their actions" could mean. Unless the attempted pairing somehow adversely effects them. Maybe Cheerliee will give them more homework for whatever strange reason. Lmao.
VastaKustutaThey'd better stay the buck away from my Twilight Sparkle...
VastaKustutaShipfest imminent
VastaKustutaSounds to me like it turns out just fine between them. But Cheerilee probably starts seeing more of Apple Bloom at home because of Big Mac, then she starts coming along to all of the CMC meetings and cramps their style. Who wants a teacher telling them that searching for a cutie mark like they do is dangerous?
VastaKustutaAlso: Wet mane, tree sap-covered Cheerilee. Calling it now.
VastaKustutaThat's actually funny because even before the episode was announced, I had a dream that Silver Spoon was making a joke about how Applebloom's "cutie mark" was a love letter. She was just teasing of course but that dream was eerily prophetic.
I'm very interested to find out what happens.
VastaKustutaShipfics- you have your engine
VastaKustutaNormally I'm opposed to these types of episodes, but they made "Sweet and Elite", normally an extremely cliche and terrible plot, into something AWESOME.
VastaKustutaEh, it's still open to multiple interpretations. There's no reason to believe the previous synopsis is wrong yet.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaFrankly, barring throwaway characters, Macintosh really is the only male 'constant' character in the show, unless you count Spike (who's a dragon) or Carrot Cake (who is married), so it's quite possible it is Macintosh.
VastaKustutaThat certainly sounds like a plot from a children's show, having your teacher around after school hours, but then again this show has surprised us in the past so who knows.
Well, logically thinking, the only character that has any infatuation for another character (romantically speaking) is Spike with Rarity. So unless they pull out some new characters we've yet to see, this seems highly likely. I'm ok with this even though I have my own pony coupling favorites.
VastaKustutaWell, however this episode will turn out, you KNOW that fanfics will be made in a matter of seconds after the airing ^^
VastaKustutaHmm this sheds a new light on it. Will see how it pans out.
VastaKustutaThis was what I was trying to say the whole time...THIS IS THE CMC WE'RE TALKING ABOUT, NO SERIOUS SHIPPING HERE! Yet people still insist that it's going to be ship-crazy and such. Le sigh!
VastaKustutaI could see this making a bit of trouble for Apple Bloom. Since Cheerilee will see her out of the classroom a bit more, she might let something embarrassing slip that results in some more teasing from Diamond Tiara.
VastaKustutaI love how these synaposes get released, and then a minor change comes along later to stir the pot even more.
VastaKustutaim thinking that maybe it works a little two well and then applebloom has to deal with her teacher and her brother hanging out all the time
VastaKustutaAnd here I was hoping a very final spear of justice was driven into the hearts and souls of FlutterMac shippers everywhere. Such a boring ship.
VastaKustutaThe important thing is how much Cheerilee there is going to be in this episode.
VastaKustutaThe fun part is going to be guessing in just what spectacular fashion the CMC manage to make things go haywire. My outlandish guess is that, through using some sort of magical aid (Ugh, I can't remember the name of it now, but that medicine Zecora whipped up for the rooster, and that Apple Bloom used in the Cutie Pox episode) they manage to do too good of a job, leading to a scene like this:
VastaKustutaCheerilee: "Now class, I want a five page report from each of you about how wonderful Big MacIntosh is."
The Class: "AGAIN?!!"
Yeah, thinking along the lines of Cheerilee coming 'round Sweet Apple Acres a lot more.
VastaKustutaHere's my two cents:
VastaKustutaAssuming that CheeriMac is successfully paired by the CMC they could "come to regret their actions" for at least two reasons:
1) AppleBloom gets jealous of the attention her big brother starts lavishing on Miss Cheerilee, so she recruits Scoot & Sweetie into trying to break them up which only gets them in more trouble.
2) Because Big Mac & Cheerilee start spending so much time together, the CMC's have to start doing Big Mac's chores on the farm, which cuts into their Crusading time.
CheeriLight? eh...
VastaKustutaSeth, I dunno.
VastaKustutaI hadn't thought of that. Maybe it works too well, and Cheerilee doesn't have as much time to help the kids out after class, and Apple Bloom starts missing her and Big Mac's in-depth conversations.
I agree, usually this kind of thing leads to the trope about too much cross-over between work and home life (or in a child's case, school and home.) Most people prefer to keep some separation there.
VastaKustutaOr 3) They successfully hook them up, however Cheerilee begins spending more time on the farm, maybe learns about their clubhouse, and begins to 'interfere' with the Crusader's lives. You know, in the "we just got off school, but Cheerilee makes it so our off-time is also like school" sense.
VastaKustutaI see it playing out like this, as well (especially #1)
Ehehe This is going to be fun 8D
VastaKustutaHuh, looks like I'm going to be looking forward to a pretty fun episode. :3
VastaKustuta5 Words: Want it Need it spell.
VastaKustutaAgreed. I just cant see fluttershy shipping with anypony. If she got asked out, she would immediately drop with cardiac arrest. Besides, big mac appears to be substantially older than the mane six.
Also, I hate it when people randomly yell for their favorite ship. Like that's gonna do anything
I reckon they do end up falling in love, but the CMC regret it because Cheerilee starts hanging around, and maybe they have an argument and it affects how she teaches the class. Either way, by the end of the episode it'll be quits. Still sounds like it's going to be tons of fun :D
VastaKustutaInb4 all new, entirely unexpected shipping
VastaKustutaIs shipping going to be Canon? Is Big Mac and Cherilee meant to be? Will ship fiction writers be both outraged and inspired all at the same time? Omg I can't take it! We will just have to wait to find out
VastaKustutaPersonally, even though I hate the Season 2 Rainbow Dash episodes so far (they nearly kill poor Dashie or her pride just to teach her a lesson), I was kind of thinking this to be a Rainbow Dash episode. Not only would it give some crush info on the Mane 6, but it would also be the episode to end all Rainbow Dash related Shipping-Fanfictions.
VastaKustutaAs I guessed, it probably involves brewing (or stealing from zecora) some sort of Love Potion and it no doubt back fires
VastaKustutaEhhh. It seems likely to me that the CMC will get Cheerilee and Big Mac together the old fashioned way, but will probably become disgusted and frustrated because of how lovey-dovey they will act.
VastaKustutaMaybe it worked out TOO well...
VastaKustutaBah. My bet is that it works out but not for the Crusaders - Mac and Cheerilee do get along nicely and spend a lot of time together. Having their teacher around all the time is causing problems so the Crusaders try to do something with that, get in trouble for that and finally learn something about love. Like: " the fact that Mac is plowing Cheerilee now doesn't mean that he is not their friend anymore or they've lost their teacher".
Big Spikingtosh?
Maybe they get together but Big Mac breaks up with her shortly after which causes Cheerilee to take it out on the CMC.
VastaKustutaI KNEW IT! Big Mac is in love with Twilight Sparkle!
VastaKustutaClearly, you need to break up with her.
To watch ponies.
On Valentine's Day.
VastaKustutaIf that's the case, I'll be fully expecting some kind of pun based off of the old song "Love Potion #9."
Wild Mass Guessing Ensues
VastaKustuta...they try to make Cheerilee and Big Mac fall in love.
VastaKustuta...IT WORKS.
...Cheerilee runs off to get married, is replaced by someone much stricter...? Or something that doesn't work out for them.
Mm, could work.
Oh god. They shipped everything that shouldn't be shipped! Like.., like... Granny smith and scootaloo!
VastaKustuta*shudder* The want it need it spell is the most disturbing piece of fridge horror to come out of canon.
>As voted by the show's devotees
>AKA us
Hahahaha, yes. Good. They know where their votes are really coming from.
Please, in the name of Celestia, don't make them an official couple, and will we see any new pony couple's? Or will some/one of the mane 6 have a colt in their hearts? who knows
VastaKustutaI wonder if this is the episode Maddy was talking about where Scootaloo acts a bit weird and seems a bit out of character?
VastaKustutaSeems so if she's getting involved in luvee-duvee stuff...
I'd personally be in support of CheeriMac, it actually seems cuter than any of the fanon pairings for either of them and I could see it working. It would be too bad if they didn't end up together but I guess I'd be alright with it too since it would still be an episode focusing on two really good secondary characters. Plus if it doesn't work out I hope that they'd stay on friend terms in the end.
VastaKustutaAlso I'm praying they don't tack on any Mane6/Big Macintosh ships. They all seem really rather one note (or base the relationship on one minor thing) in fanfics and I can't see any of them fitting with him.
Where's the Zecora X Twilight love ? :)
VastaKustutaHmm...I'm in favor of this episode.See,the series needs a little somthing to fresh it up.In season 1 the CMC was made,how the mane 6 got thier marks,zecora is here.Season 2...Luna still alive...i mean,season 2 rules,but not as much shock value as season 1 exept for Derpy is now canon.This new episode can solve many things:I see rainbow is lesbo as a joke but shippers make gross fanfic.The new episode can confirm the mane 6 crushes and put an end to creepy shipping clopfics.As for Macilee,I approve.Apple bloom's brother dating thier teacher might be a good plot device to stick to.And big mac needs to be a little more important,nomatter how boss he is
VastaKustutaHmm...I'm in favor of this episode.See,the series needs a little somthing to fresh it up.In season 1 the CMC was made,how the mane 6 got thier marks,zecora is here.Season 2...Luna still alive...i mean,season 2 rules,but not as much shock value as season 1 exept for Derpy is now canon.This new episode can solve many things:I see rainbow is lesbo as a joke but shippers make gross fanfic.The new episode can confirm the mane 6 crushes and put an end to creepy shipping clopfics.As for Macilee,I approve.Apple bloom's brother dating thier teacher might be a good plot device to stick to.And big mac needs to be a little more important,nomatter how boss he is
VastaKustutaHere's betting they regret their actions because it's a case of Gone Horribly Right. Hilarity Ensues when the Farmer and the Schoolteacher hit it off!
VastaKustutaI lol at every comment along the lines of 'shipping becomes canon now'.
VastaKustutaAs if there haven't been ANY couples in the show sofar. Twilight's parents, Rarity's parents, the Cakes... just to name a few canon ships.
Do you guys even pay attention to the show you watch?
Cheerilee Sparkle? No, FlutterMac! D:
VastaKustutaCherimac there. SPIKE!!!! FRENZY!!! Honestly ive seen enough of the Apple family for two monts I WANNA SEE FLUTTERSHY!!!!!
VastaKustutaOh and i dont like the Fluttermac AT ALL. After this episode you shall see what i mean. HURRY UP FEB 11!!!!
VastaKustuta@Jebediah Oldenheimer It looks that we are also competing for Twilight.