• Music: Tonight / Sleepyhead / The Other Side Of Shy

    This time around, we have a new vocal song from Aviators that I'm sure a bunch of you will enjoy, along with a remix of Sleepyhead and SO MANY MUSICIANS to finish us off.  Enjoy!

    1.) Tonight
    2.) UnderpΩny - Sleepyhead (ArtAttack Remix)
    3.) The Other Side Of Shy - TAPS FT. Metajoker ,Yelling At Cats & The Dumplingz

    25 kommentaari:

    1. Already heard the top two, they are so freaking AWESOME!

    2. And... "Puts on glasses" i heard aviators song before it was finished ;3

    3. The order of the last two is messed up. Good songs though.

    4. #1: Meh. Some idiot must have made this. xD

      #2: OH MY. SO MUCH YES. Everything about this is great, but I gotta say, Yelling At Cats makes this song. Epic.

      #3: I always look forward to ArtAttack's remixes. This one isn't my favorite from him, but it still remains to amaze me.


    5. #2 and #3 are automatically on my playlist

    6. Sweetie belle gives us hardcore remixes that you can't get anywhere else. ^_^

    7. Hello, I'm trying to email my next update tot he site. How do I attach pictures to an email?

    8. @Aviators That "idiot" really did a nice job. Its unfortunate that I'm currently PMVing a 6 minute song and currently hate long songs right now (clip reuse is so frustrating to avoid in a long song!), otherwise I might have started doing my second PMV of that "idiot's" songs.

    9. #1 is our favorite this set! subscribed and downloaded. You are fantastic, Aviators!

      #2 Did he call Fluttershy a bitch!? Great song anyway!

      #3 A great remix!

    10. I'm a little conflicted on the first one. It has that type of singing that honestly just feels a little lazy to me. Really, I think it's just the type of singing voice some have though, and I can't fault them for that. The singing itself wasn't bad anyway. Other than perhaps that little quip, it's not too bad a tune.

      Second one is pretty fun to listen to. Has TAPS and I really like some of his work.

      The third... oh goodness, my ears! lol Kidding. Fun remix with a nice fun dancy groove.

    11. #1- Awesome, downloaded and will be play a lot!

      #2- Listened to it, then payed 2.50 for it. Would have payed more because of how awesome it is, but strapped on cash

      #3- Great song! Really, really good

    12. @Aviators

      At first I took your comment seriously on your mention of #1, then I realized who your were. XD

    13. #1 oooOOO very very VERY! nice.

      #2 *still wondering how to get that dubstep screaming sound*

      #3 OOOOOO french electro or something like that. yay!! those bits of guitar make me go, "oooohhhhohohoo"

    14. Once OSAP(money) comes in I'm buying So Much pony music!

    15. @Aviators

      I was about to start raging hard at you before I saw it was you talking about yourself. I might rage at you anyway for calling yourself an idiot. Your stuff is great.

    16. Heh, using 'squee' as part of a Dubstep drop... Can't go wrong!

      Very fun assortment today.

    17. @redwings1340
      You do realize he's making fun of himself, right?

    18. Not too much a fan of #1.
      #2 was pretty good.
      #3 has some interesting sound effects but I doubt I'll be listening to this on a daily basis.

    19. Oh man... #3 makes me want to play bass sooooo bad.

    20. @ftfc I love how you don't get the joke Aviators is the maker of that some hence the XD after his comment -_-
