• Music: Leaving Dodge // Ozzwald ft. TuXe - Pinkie Promise // MusicalPony - Dreams of Colour

    Instrumental time! Are you ready for no words in your pony music? Cause you're not getting words in it today! Or at least not in this post.

    *This post created by Cereal's new post creator app.

    1) Leaving Dodge
    2) Ozzwald ft. TuXe - Pinkie Promise
    3) MusicalPony - Dreams of Colour

    22 kommentaari:

    1. Cereal made something that automates posts, and it didn't derp. Congrats, version 1 actually works for a change. Probably better working than Cereal himself :P

    2. >mfw the Pinkie Pie Promise song actually has lyrics

    3. now the post-creator-app needs a pony personification as well. I vote that it be some sort of robot from Equestrian Innovations.

    4. @brilliantspecter

      I missed that in my first listen of that song (didn't really enjoy the song much).

      Guess Cereal's automator thingy works under the GIGO principle. At least the only mistakes were due to human error, and not the post creator. If it works well continuously then maybe Cereal just replaced himself with a robot.

    5. well, it seems like GLaDOS 1.0 is finally out! just don't mess with it's IQ and AI and you should be fine. AND DON'T GIVE IT ANY KIND OF WEAPON, MAY IT BE BIOLOGICAL, NUCLEAR OF A SHOTGUN, DON'T GIVE IT A WEAPON.

    6. Or maybe instead of GLaDOS, Cereal may end up being the founder of Ponynet. Which might lead to mechanical Friendship Ponies from the future showing up.

    7. I like how most of the first posts aren't about the music at all.....

    8. Music is good.

      And it's great to know that Equestria Innovations hasn't gone out of business yet!!

    9. I did not get an automatic tweet about this update, might be something strange for me but It could be something related to the new app

    10. It takes time to listen to the music. So sometimes it is easier to comment first then listen.

      I actually enjoyed all 3 of the songs.

    11. #1 - Very interesting. Sometimes gets chaotic but it's generally a nice thing too listen. Could be great in decent quality - mp3 made it 20% less cool.

      #2 - Typical dumbstep. Random sounds, incoherent, strange vocal. Like a visit to a construction yard on Jupiter. Do not approach.

      #3 - A nice plim-plam. The image gives a pretty good idea about the song. Though the umpa umpa for 3 minutes made my ears hurt. Set subwoofer volume to 50% and it gets much better.

    12. @Sgt Byrd

      Yeah, it's actually really tough to understand the lyrics. I think that one was one of the rare songs that I think would sound better without lyrics.

      The idea behind the lyrics was alright I guess, just... The hyper-electronic way they were delivered kinda clashed with the song. Eh.

      Anyway, I'm sure it was GIGO. Just thought it was kinda funny, hehe.

    13. I kinda like words in the songs, because if there are not at least not a few voice clips from the show or lyrics about the show, can we really say it has anything to do with the show?

    14. I kinda like words in the songs, because if there are not at least not a few voice clips from the show or lyrics about the show, can we really say it has anything to do with the show?

    15. I have been telling then that they need more structure for their posts. At least this seems to be a step in the right direction.

    16. Ooh, more musi-HOLD ON A BUCKING SECOND



    17. #3 YES YES YES YES! It's so upbeat and cheerful! Suddenly everything around me is much brighter now!

    18. @brilliantspecter
      I helped writing lyrics in the song :P You are right, you can't hear them very good.

      And no, I had nothing to do with the song itself, just the lyrics

    19. 1) Aw yeah! This one's great! Point me to the download button!

    20. Dang, I liked all three - kinda rare for me in these music posts.

      #1 had a great epic feel at start, though it lost that a bit as the song went on, but nevertheless I still enjoyed it.

      #2 I really dug - I couldn't make out the vocals at all, but damn if that song didn't keep my attention all the way through.

      And #3 just has a really cheerful, upbeat feel about it that's really sweet. I can't help but tap my foot in time to the beat to that one.

    21. Hm, let's a see what we a got here.

      1#- Really good, I like it.

      2#- Eh, it was okay.

      #3- Upbeat, cool. WHY AM I TAPPING MY FOOT? xD

    22. How dis I miss this one so long :/ I freaking LOVE Dreams of Colour
