• Music: I Wish I was a Tree / Supersaw Hoover / Bucking That Wood (Norwegian Wood)

     I love noir Sparkle. 

    Random music time! We have some Dubstep, some Terrorcore/speedcore, and more Beatles!

    1.) I Wish I was a Tree - TheDumplingz [Omnipomny Remix]
    2.) Supersaw Hoover - gPrOeWaEtRaFnUdL (Dave! Remix)
    3.) Bucking That Wood (Norwegian Wood)

    31 kommentaari:

    1. I was really enjoying #1... but then it turned into dubstep. I'll just say: the non-dubstep parts were good. It could have been a really beautiful song, the blaring bass sort of ruined it for me, but that's just my opinion, I know some people like dubstep a lot.

    2. Of three I liked the last one best.

    3. I don't care too much for #2, so much ear-rape noise.

    4. Love me some Omnipony. Sadly, though, I just dont think this one was enough of his own style.

    5. #3's definitely my favourite of the three. Very pleasant song. I really enjoy these ponified Beatles songs, this one being no exception.

    6. Well, I'm not a fan of Dubstep, but that was a nice job.

    7. I liked number 3, nice and chilled.
      And although slightly repetitive, i thought number 1 was good (i like dubstep). however number 2 was ear rape, sorry.

    8. You people just can't appreciate speedcore.

    9. Sup! I'm 'Dave!'. Thanks EqD for putting up my track! Sorry for the ear rape

    10. I used to be able to hear, then I listened to the second track. I have nothing against the creator, but if there's one genre I can't stand it must be speedcore.

    11. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    12. @wackypony Which is exactly why I said that it was just my opinion and that others like dubstep a lot.

    13. Dave!'s remix of my track is amazing. I hope this is the first of many Dave! EqD appearances!

    14. #3 was the highlight of a legendary band. I'am a brony who is also The Beatles fan!!!! ^_^

    15. I enjoyed #1 and #3. Though #2 is not really my kind of music.

      But that happens, can't like everything. (even though I try)

    16. @Rikieman1 No hard feelings :) i know not everyone is gunna like speedcore and i dont like to force it on people, you like what you like :P

    17. @Jelfes

      i kind of agree. this would be a great house/electro song.

    18. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    19. The lads have done it again. Still looking forward to Sweet Apple Acres Forever.

    20. YES Omni is amazing!!! :D I loved the others too!


      Third one isn't really my thing, but I enjoyed it nonetheless :D

    22. Hello everybody! This is Osoth. Thank you for supporting the Beatlebronies. We are very proud of this song and we are glad you like it! When I wrote it I hoped that it would be something everyone could enjoy.

    23. @Jelfes

      I was really enjoying #1... but then I read this awful comment. I'll just say: the non-Jelfes parts were good. It could have been a really beautiful post, the awful posting sort of ruined it for me, but herp derp that's just my opinion, I know someone probably maybe likes him.

      Seriously though Omnivore is AWESOME and I can't wait to see what he releases next! Hats off to you, mate!

    24. @tsparx
      I have to agree with this; we all know that not everyone's taste in music is the same and there will be songs that people won't like. We understand that. But don't hate a song just because it's a genre you hate.

      For example, I'm listening to #2 right now. I don't care for terrorcore at all (some speedcore is fine though) but I can definitely appreciate the work and quality of it and anyone who is a fan of this style of song will absolutely love it. Great work, Dave!


      #1 - Great work Omni as always, I'm no music expert but I didn't really find anything I'd change or hear any little mistakes. Simply amazing :)

      #3 - Hell, I don't listen to the Beatles or particularly like them (I know shame but electronica is more to my liking lol) but even I can tell this is a beautifully rendered parody and sounds pretty spot on with the Beatles style. Good work gentlemen!

    25. #1, but only because number 2 sucks and number 3 just not my musical taste is....
