• Mr. Hooves Instrumental Compilation

    Fans of instrumental/symphonic stuff will probably find something to enjoy here!

    1.) Lament for Twilight Sparkle
    2.) Discord's Waltz
    3.) Flight Over The Everfree Forest
    4.) Luna's Nocturne


    1. 'Bout time this showes up. Thanks. This guy's pretty good!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Listened to the first 10 seconds of the first song. Already in love

    4. Seriously though, to get your own music post showcasing your own music on EqD. Pretty lucky.

      He deserved it, though

    5. I'll listen to Luna's Nocturne. Sounds good :3

    6. I'll listen to this tomorrow, I remember having listened to Mr. Hooves before and liking it but I'm too tired right now. D:

    7. Wow, this is absolutly beautiful!

      So this is where all the instrumental stuff was?
      Good show Mr. Hooves you've created real wonderful pieces of art here.

    8. Awesome.... Just excellent, really sets the mood. This guy is really good. :D This is a good music updates, not like the regular ones where you get a lot of Bleh, it takes time before you actually see some really good stuff. <3

      Quality pony stuff<Quantity, too much of it is bleh.

    9. Well done all of them, have yet to listen to them in full but sampled all 4 of them.

      Sooner or later going to have to get something other than my computer to play these on so I can listen to them easier when in the mood for music.

    10. Downloaded the 3rd one. The rest didn't really grab me.

      Not being a musical person, I don't really have any criticisms for why the other 3 didn't make it on my playlist; they seem sophisticated as far as my ears can tell. Just didn't hit me with any emotions.

    11. We need to put together an Equestrian Sym-pony Orechestra and perform stuff like this.

      I play cello... bit rusty, though.

      1. Sounds like a grand idea. Too bad I live in Arkansas, and am in dire need of a new trumpet...

        I could try my hand at composing, though.

    12. @ilovebagelz
      That might be a little unfair to those that compose the 'bleh' stuff, still I understand your viewpoint and agree. Too much music can be worse than not enough.

    13. These were simply amazing I loved all of these especially 1 and 4.

    14. All I can say is, vary good music!

      I tip my hat to you, Mr. Hooves, for making such good music

    15. As any fancy pony would say I found this music to be simply divine!

    16. I really like this Mr. Hooves. I hpoe he continues these.

    17. These are so awesome I'm lovin each one, 1 bein my favorite :D Did he record these live? If not some pony's gotta make it happen, it'd be freakin sweet!

    18. @RavensDagger

      I didn't give any specific names did I? xD

    19. Step 1: Listen to each song individually.
      Step 2: Play all 4 at the same time.
      Step 3: ???
      Step 4: Profit!

    20. I could see all but #2 being used in a movie adaptation of a Past Sins.

    21. Yay more instrumental! It's good, albeit short.

    22. I think the introduction for #1 would do much better as a bridge near the middle of it.
      I loved the clarinet featuring in some of them, reminded me of Angels in the Architecture (minus the massive chord awesomeness).

    23. This is pretty good stuff.

      2 reminds me of Carol of the Bells in it's rhythm. I love that song.

    24. Mr. Hooves finally got an EQD Mention?

      I've loved his stuff since I met him in the Pony Fortress 2 community. So happy his work is finally getting recognition :)
