• Mare-A-Thons Tonight!

    It's that time of the week again! The Last Roundup is happening tomorrow morning, and we have a few mare-a-thons goin down. 

    Above you can find the normal Bronystate, with their copy paste:
    Greetings fellow Bronies!
      Bronystate invites you to join us this Friday and Saturday for some good old fashioned movie watching.  Check out our flier above for more information on showtimes and don't forget about the pony episode this Saturday morning!  If you would like a chance at our lottery, feel free to send us an email at bronystate@gmail.com and we'll add you to our newsletter subscription.  Hope to see you there!
    And the others:

    Brony TV: (Friendship is Witchcraft+Marathon)

    Copy Paste:

    bronyTV is back. we will start our Mare-athon stream at 5:00 EST (http://derpy.me/WhattimeisitEasternTime), and as always, it will be all of both seasons, and friendship is witchcraft between the two, leading up to the premier of the newest episode. we will also be playing a movie after the new episode.


    > Main room: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly
    > Overflow one: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly2
    > Overflow two: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly4
    > Overflow three: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly6
    > Overflow four: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly7
    > Overflow five: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly8
    > Overflow six: http://www.synchtube.com/r/Filly9


    1. Can't wait for tomorrow's episode!!

    2. Seth...The BronyTV link doesn't work

    3. we are having a few problems with some of the playlist in some Filly channels, it should be dealt with before it's relevant though.

      in the mean time, I suggest Filly, Filly2, or Filly6. all of those are all proper and up and running.

    4. Hopefully Synchtube doesn't derp today. >_<

    5. Hey anybody know if midnightrun is running a stream?

    6. It's funny. I'm the most obsessed individual out of our group, so I'm always the one alerting them to pony news via social networking sites. This morning I woke up and thought it was Saturday. Posted somthing along the lines of "Roundup airs today!". Two hours later, I recived several angry messages about the value of calendars. Woops!

    7. I'll be checking out the BronyState stream when I get off work. A biopic about the master who instructed Bruce Lee? Sign me the hell up!

    8. Am I going to stay up all morning?
      Hell no, but I might partake. The streams are always fun.

    9. Curses! Me and my early morning work shift...

    10. Although, last week i attempted an all nighter for Baby Cakes...didn't make it. still caught the ep. for the morning air time, but i fell asleep at around 4:30 AM. Got about 2 hours of sleep and was wrecked all day. lol

      Yeah, don't think I'll be doing that again. :P I'm getting too old for all nighters.

    11. @Evil_Spike

      My stream doesn't show up here because I stream PMV's for the marathon and only sometimes episodes.

    12. @Hax Mega That sounds awesome. There a way I can find the link?

    13. http://www.justin.tv/haxmega or http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hax-mega-s-mlp-fim-season-2-countdown

      I haven't started yet though. I normally start at around 11 PST.

    14. @Hax

      Awesome. If I'm awake, I'll be there. Personal question: I have this one video that's been EMI-blocked by YT, but I'd really like to share it. If I sent the file to you, would you be able to use it? Just curious.

    15. Midnightrun's stream is up


    16. wait... last roundup? what happen? wha...? why?
