I won't be able to go (Spain, damnit!) and I am hyped for this!
Oh boy, how to rise the bar after having half of the Mane Six and Princess Celestia in this Con? Well bring Lauren Faust of course! I'm really happy for everyone who's going, and I can't wait to see it, if they stream it like they are streaming it right now.
That's nice to hear... but fod god's sake, whoever goes there, DON'T HARASS HER OVERLY. I'm getting frightening images of her getting swamped by adoring obsessives asking embarrassing questions. Let's all be nice and normal, shall we?
Ok, so I have less than 6 months to develop a working teleporter or earn enough money to do a trip to NY... Well, the former seems easier, so let's start working ><
>Live on the other side of the world >My family have been planning our month long all-around-America tour for a year now. >Staying 3 days in New York. >Leaving on the 30th of June.
I'm not going because I can't afford to just go to NY on a whim, plus I already have a yearly commitment to Comic-Con and I'm not one of those people who literally have nothing better to do than go to conventions. I suggest doing something like PAX where there's a Bronycon East and West, although you probably want to keep it in NY just for a terrible pun. The other thing you could do is be like Botcon (Hasbro's Official Transformers Convention) and go to a different place in the US each time it happens (though half the time it seems Botcon ends up in Pasadena; it's in Dallas this year).
Wow, no offense, but her unicorn, er, pegasus.... oh whatever it is, it gives me joy and it disturbs me at the same time... aI think she's Rarity's mexican worker's to-do list writer
Wow. I'm not sure if Lauren should be flattered or a little creeped out given some of the comments.
Hint: Folks, she's a big girl. She doesn't need white knights or self-appointed bodyguards or gatekeepers. She doesn't need protection from "saucy"; she doesn't need someone else deciding who is and isn't worthy to approach the throne. She takes off smelly socks one foot NOT HOOF at a time like the rest of us. Her face doesn't appear in melted butter, oil stains in a driveway or on geological features on Mars.
When you meet her, make sure your pupils are round, not star-shaped.
BroNYCon, the Mecka of bronies. I dont know what to think of Faust coming there, but i hope it doesnt end in disaster. Please behave and think through what you want to ask or say to her, out of respect for both her and us.
Curses! Darn you Canadian summer camps!!! Also even if I wasn't at a camp in the middle of nowhere, Ontario I live in Florida, so Canada is closer to NY anyways! Oh well, I hope they put the footage up so I can see it when I get back!
Well, Bronycon is only 3419.52 miles southwest of my home, perhaps I'll be able to visit... ooh, maybe never?
Damn it, we need some equivalent in the UK/Europe. I echo others here though, please behave around Lauren Faust guys, don't love and tolerate her too much. X3
I can tell you that as someone that has interacted with Lauren several times at the San Diego Comic-Con, she is a wonderful person. I'm not sure if I'd be able to attend BroNYCon this summer, but for those that are going, please treat her with respect. There's nothing wrong with being really happy and excited to meet someone you respect greatly, but please, do not make her feel uncomfortable and don't ask her really personal stuff (about her real life). Make her feel comfortable.
I really, really hope she know's what she's getting herself into here. Can't go myself (Curse my Australianness!) but this is a very nice surprise.
Considering she supposedly left season three on a down note, seeing Lauren come to such an event shows that she still respect us, which alleviates a /lot/ of my worries about the future of MLP.
Would love to meet her and tell her what a fantastic job she's done with Fosters and Ponies, but I'll bet it'll be a pricey trip though, even driving...
Ugh, meeting Lauren would be spectacular, but not worth the likely $1000+ I'd have to spend in airfare and hotel to get to the opposite end of the continent. Here's to hoping I'll go to Comic-Con or something again one of these days.
You pesky Americans with all your popular events. We'll have our own bronycon, with blackjack, and hookers! In fact, screw the convention. Ah screw the whole thing.
@Jonathan I don't anticipate any disaster! We've had Jayson Thiessen, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman and Nicole Oliver, and there haven't been any 'incidents' yet!
Why do I have to live in Australia!? Curses. It'll be interesting to see what questions Lauren gets asked, and it's nice to know she wants to be involved in the Brony community like this. Hopefully she knows what she's getting into... Hopefully someone does some high quality video recording.
Lauren Faust herself. Man, I've only imagined this moment to finally see the creator of our favorite shows. *claps* Marvelous. Well, on another note, perhaps I won't be able to make it :S I guess there's always another time to go to a convention. YAY LAUREN! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAW! Incredible! Unbelieveable! Faust herself...! At a convention?! So... AWESOME! /)^o^(\
Have a wonderful time at this Con, fillies and gentlecolts.
If I do attend, I'd go ask for an (autograph?) and say: "Thank you, for all that you did then and now." And I would finally be at a level of peace. I can see it now... the WONDERBOLTS! ._. oh uh... wrong chat? <:D
The way to not ruin this is to act sensible. For instance, if I went to Bronycon and met her, I would simply tell her thanks for everything she's done for animation over the past several years. This is where we will find out how much longer our fandom can be trusted.
Step 1. Put aside money to go towards plane tickets, hotel expenses and other various monetary needs.
Step 2. Discover if school is going to interfere time wise with the date of the convention.
Step 3. If step 2 confirms positive for time allowance, BOOK TICKETS IMMEDIATELY!!!!!
Step 4. After buying tickets, hotel room for weekend and other planning, take 5 months to prepare body for ultimate PONY fun! For it shall be doubled. :D
Oh please gods, let me have the opportunity to attend this most wonderful of conventions. :) And to all the worried bronies reading this, i promise if i do get a chance to meet Mrs. Faust up close, i WILL NOT embarass her, myself, or the rest of our community. I plan to get an autograph is at all possible and thank her dearly for all the work she has done for cartoon across the world, and for all of us who love this show, then be on my way. :)
ReplyDeleteJune 31st does not exist. It only has 30 days :P
ReplyDeleteStill awesome
Now if only I lived anywhere near NYC. :[
ReplyDeleteNEED TO GO.
ReplyDeleteBronycon is the one that it's in the UK, right?!
Oh God, please tell me I'm right!
Why must I live in this remote place called 'Estonia?' ;_;
ReplyDeleteThere is no god other than Lauren Faust.
ReplyDeleteI've just heard it on live stream. Sucks that I have like ~10.000km to NY.
Yes! That totally makes up for my missing this one!
ReplyDeletePlus My birthday is in June, I know what I am getting for myself!
Convention center to be declared Holy Site of Brony Fandom.
ReplyDeleteWell dang, that is fantastic!
ReplyDeletedang it, i live on the wrong coast for all the awesome things.
ReplyDeleteSweet mother of celestia.
ReplyDeleteDAMNIT!!! i really need to go.
ReplyDeleteWell, looks like I'm getting rid of that unnecessary kidney for money to get to the next BroNYcon.
ReplyDeleteI won't be able to go (Spain, damnit!) and I am hyped for this!
ReplyDeleteOh boy, how to rise the bar after having half of the Mane Six and Princess Celestia in this Con? Well bring Lauren Faust of course! I'm really happy for everyone who's going, and I can't wait to see it, if they stream it like they are streaming it right now.
Lauren Faust coming to BroNYcon in June/July time????.....Well guess that means i'll be going to New York around that time then.
ReplyDelete*Goes and books flights* :D
I can't go...*heart snap*
ReplyDeleteThat's why BroNYCon is only 2days.
nice Seth, saw your announcment :3
ReplyDeleteWelp, looks like everyone's going to that one.
ReplyDeleteTime to save up some money!
ReplyDeletenice Seth, saw your announcment :3
ReplyDeleteFILM ALL THE CON! Everyone bring cameras so we can make a compilation of everything. It must be done!
ReplyDeleteHoly bucking shit. Darn I can't go.
ReplyDeleteWell I guess I have no excuse not to go now.
ReplyDeleteWow! Making plans.
ReplyDeleteI need money......who needs some good second hand organs at a good price I'm just a country away
ReplyDeleteBy Celestia's Mane! I need to go!
ReplyDeleteI really really do want to go to a con... so bad... ;_;
ReplyDeleteYou must record everything in HD full time so the unfortunate ones who won't go may also be happy whith her awesome presence. Yay, she cares about us~
ReplyDeleteMan I have to go! =O
ReplyDeleteMother of Celestia...
ReplyDeleteI may just have to find a way to travel the ~1600 miles to get to that con.
We all love you Lauren, you're awesome!
*flails* must find a way there! >.<
ReplyDeleteDamn you Atlantic ocean from separating me from bronycon
ReplyDeletenow I finally have a reason to go.
ReplyDeleteWhy? She doesn't even work for Hasbro anymore.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYaah my notes had he wrong june number haha
ReplyDeleteExcellent! I was planning on going anyway, and now I certainly will! It's only a nine hours flight ;)
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I hope she will see what the fandom is like
ReplyDeleteDamn you Atlantic Ocean and Damn you Limited Funds!
ReplyDeleteMy birthday present (or one of them) was a BroNYcon ticket! I'M GOING TO THIS! XD
ReplyDeleteDamn you Hungary :((((
ReplyDeleteTake lots of pictures for us bronies who can't go!
ReplyDeleteNow if only we could get Ghost to come.....
ReplyDeleteIf only there weren't an Atlantic in the way
ReplyDeleteWhere is this Bronycon?
ReplyDeleteIf I do go back to New York this summer, hopefully it's not 100+ degrees with 95%+ humidity.
YES! Lauren you are so awesome! Because I'm TOTALLY going to that one!
ReplyDeleteWell, better start walking! I will be there even it's the last thing I do.
ReplyDeleteThat's nice to hear... but fod god's sake, whoever goes there, DON'T HARASS HER OVERLY. I'm getting frightening images of her getting swamped by adoring obsessives asking embarrassing questions. Let's all be nice and normal, shall we?
ReplyDeleteI swear, if I see any remotely saucy anything there, I will personally shield Lauren's eyes from the horror.*
ReplyDelete*Legal issues permitting
Okay guys, do not ruin this. I repeat, do NOT ruin this!
ReplyDeleteMore reason for me to go to New York.
ReplyDelete...Okay, make that more reason for me to WANT to go to New York. Plane tickets are buckin' expensive!
Tell her I said "Hi." She'll know what it means. (It means 'Hi.')
ReplyDeleteThis is me. Making plans.
ReplyDeleteOr trying to.
I think I'll need help. Anypony want to plan roommates?
Get started on answering all those questions about the Ponyverse, Lauren. Because you're going to be asked an awful lot of them.
ReplyDeleteSucks I'm nowhere near. :/
ReplyDeleteYES! It's official, I am now going to the next bronycon. I would certainly like to meet her in person, if able.
you might need a bigger hotel... I'm gonna have to recommend Madison Square Garden. Only place big enough for something like that.
ReplyDeleteOookay! That's it! I'm going to the next bronycon!
ReplyDeleteIf she's coming then this BronyCon is going to be insane!
ReplyDeleteThis CAN'T end well...
ReplyDelete@Whiskra I imagine that it would be like most Cons, there will undoubtedly some creepers but overall it should be ok...hopefully.
ReplyDeletehurts me cause i wont be able to go to any BronyCon for a long time. still i hope the others will have fun.
ReplyDeleteWhy the fuck must i live australia! *goes inner hollow mode in rage*
ReplyDeleteOk, so I have less than 6 months to develop a working teleporter or earn enough money to do a trip to NY...
ReplyDeleteWell, the former seems easier, so let's start working ><
Still nothing about Bronystock? :/
ReplyDeleteDammit! Why must i live so far away from New York?!?!
ReplyDeleteI see a road trip in my future...provided i can afford to go...dammit...
ReplyDelete(that means I'm going)
ReplyDeleteYikes! I wonder if they'll have to make the con bigger...
ReplyDeleteARGH I'M GOING TO MISS IT! I'm leaving for Navy Basic Training in Great Lakes IL on June 18
ReplyDeleteMFW ಠ_à²
Damn the lack of being able to go. Someone YouTube that shit!
ReplyDeleteagain, only for Chosen ones who was lucky to live in\near NYC :\
ReplyDeleteother 99,8% bronies will go sleep without cookies and warm milk.
ohh my good celestia it has begun....
ReplyDeleteI have decided. Over the summer I am taking a trip to NY. Because I've never been before. ;)
ReplyDeleteBroNYCon, here I come!!!
Poor girl, I can only hope that fans like those in that horrible Pizza Hut video aren't there.
ReplyDeleteHOH. LEE. FUCK.
ReplyDeleteSo...i guess it's not in the middle east...
ReplyDelete*Sniffes nose, burst out crying and runs away*
If we fuck this up it will be the end if the support from Hasbro and The Hub.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, damn me still being a kid & living in Boston
Next Bronycon is in Europe, right? Right?
ReplyDelete>Live on the other side of the world
ReplyDelete>My family have been planning our month long all-around-America tour for a year now.
>Staying 3 days in New York.
>Leaving on the 30th of June.
Okay. Looks like I am heading to that there Bronycon. Eeeeyup.
ReplyDeleteHOH. LEE. SHIT.
ReplyDelete> Lauren Faust is coming to BroNYCon
ReplyDelete> I live on the opposite coast.
Alright, so now I'm saving every penny I make. How much are plane tickets running these days?
ReplyDeleteAlright everypony, don't ask her stupid r34 related questions if you see her.
ReplyDelete@Douglas Too much, but at the moment I couldn't give a shit.
ReplyDeleteDammit. Why does it have to be on the complete opposite side of the country?!
ReplyDeleteCurse you America! Why must you be so far away?!! x[
Why do I live so far away from NYC, it's just not fair!
ReplyDeletei still kick myself for missing this years BroNYcon.. it sucks NYC is 3 hours from me i just dont have a car ..and im too scared to go alone ;;
ReplyDeletewish i wasn't on the opposite side of the world
ReplyDeleteNice! And the next BroNYcon is after I graduate so I might just be able to go to this one. Wonderful news, Seth!
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOD.
ReplyDeleteToo bad I can't go to BronyCon.
I'm not going because I can't afford to just go to NY on a whim, plus I already have a yearly commitment to Comic-Con and I'm not one of those people who literally have nothing better to do than go to conventions. I suggest doing something like PAX where there's a Bronycon East and West, although you probably want to keep it in NY just for a terrible pun. The other thing you could do is be like Botcon (Hasbro's Official Transformers Convention) and go to a different place in the US each time it happens (though half the time it seems Botcon ends up in Pasadena; it's in Dallas this year).
ReplyDeleteDarn I'll be out of the country then.
ReplyDeleteWho ever is going should take video of the event and put it on youtube.
Also, I'd like to nominate New Orleans, LOL.
@Silver Wind
ReplyDeleteIt's only three hours from me as well... But I have a car. Hmm, I have to make ONE of these cons sometime.
I'M GOING! I no longer care that I live a fair distance from NY.
ReplyDeleteWow, no offense, but her unicorn, er, pegasus.... oh whatever it is, it gives me joy and it disturbs me at the same time... aI think she's Rarity's mexican worker's to-do list writer
ReplyDeleteI am so far away in another country. Why do i have to miss this event :'(
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm going. She's worth a 5000 mile plan trip
ReplyDeleteIt's in NY?
ReplyDeleteSweet! That's still within reasonable driving distance.
The fun is far more than doubled! I'm coming to see you mother!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow. I'm not sure if Lauren should be flattered or a little creeped out given some of the comments.
ReplyDeleteHint: Folks, she's a big girl. She doesn't need white knights or self-appointed bodyguards or gatekeepers. She doesn't need protection from "saucy"; she doesn't need someone else deciding who is and isn't worthy to approach the throne. She takes off smelly socks one foot NOT HOOF at a time like the rest of us. Her face doesn't appear in melted butter, oil stains in a driveway or on geological features on Mars.
When you meet her, make sure your pupils are round, not star-shaped.
Need money to get to New York. Unless I sell some stuff which I don't think I will I'm staying in California.
ReplyDeleteI noticed. w00t! Also Fighting is Magic is looking better and better.
ReplyDeleteAll Bronies need to make this trip to BronyCon a least one time in their life.
ReplyDeleteWhoo! I guess I'm going to NY this June.
love your music bro.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI might be poor.
I may not be able to drive.
I noticed. w00t! Also Fighting is Magic is looking better and better.
ReplyDeleteLooks like I've got a plane to hijack.
ReplyDeleteI live in Texas, and I don't have the money for a flight to NYC, so sadly I'm out. :<
ReplyDeletethe Atlantic ocean won't be able to hold me back this time! Look out USA here comes Rowan
ReplyDeleteSays you.
*plants tongue firmly in cheek*
No Lauren, please don't subject yourself to this.
ReplyDeleteI hope she makes it out alive.
ReplyDeleteyou mean the HORDE, I assume.
sorry :( Grammar OCD here
By Luna and Celestia's manes!
ReplyDeleteVery tempting, very tempting indeed to make the plans and reservations and go.
Well, that settles it. I'm going. Time to make my plane reservations.
ReplyDeleteRTX and BroNYCon? fuck this is getting expensive.
ReplyDeleteI love living close to NY and still not being able to go.
ReplyDeleteYES!! I'm most likely gonna be there )))))))
ReplyDeleteBroNYCon, the Mecka of bronies. I dont know what to think of Faust coming there, but i hope it doesnt end in disaster. Please behave and think through what you want to ask or say to her, out of respect for both her and us.
ReplyDeleteI wish there could be a Bronycon in Chicago over the summer.
ReplyDeleteYes!Yes!Yes! I must travel to Bronycon this time.
ReplyDeleteCurses! Darn you Canadian summer camps!!! Also even if I wasn't at a camp in the middle of nowhere, Ontario I live in Florida, so Canada is closer to NY anyways! Oh well, I hope they put the footage up so I can see it when I get back!
ReplyDeleteWell, Bronycon is only 3419.52 miles southwest of my home, perhaps I'll be able to visit... ooh, maybe never?
ReplyDeleteDamn it, we need some equivalent in the UK/Europe. I echo others here though, please behave around Lauren Faust guys, don't love and tolerate her too much. X3
I can tell you that as someone that has interacted with Lauren several times at the San Diego Comic-Con, she is a wonderful person. I'm not sure if I'd be able to attend BroNYCon this summer, but for those that are going, please treat her with respect. There's nothing wrong with being really happy and excited to meet someone you respect greatly, but please, do not make her feel uncomfortable and don't ask her really personal stuff (about her real life). Make her feel comfortable.
ReplyDeleteoh... my glob
ReplyDeleteI NEED IT
I really, really hope she know's what she's getting herself into here. Can't go myself (Curse my Australianness!) but this is a very nice surprise.
ReplyDeleteConsidering she supposedly left season three on a down note, seeing Lauren come to such an event shows that she still respect us, which alleviates a /lot/ of my worries about the future of MLP.
Would love to meet her and tell her what a fantastic job she's done with Fosters and Ponies, but I'll bet it'll be a pricey trip though, even driving...
ReplyDeleteAlil nervous 'bout going to NYC anyway, I've watched ALOT of Law & Order, heh.
ReplyDeleteoh yeah!!!! I am so there!!! I was hoping for one in the summer sounds like a fun road trip on my motorcycle to hang with a bunch of bronies!!!
ReplyDeleteokay okay okay...i need to calm down and stop crying.
WHY CELESTIA WHY DID I MOVE TO THE OTHER SIDE OFTHE COUNTRY???? it's time to go visit my grandmother if she'll take me there....
ReplyDeleteI have just booked the time off work and will get my airfare as soon as I get home from work!
ReplyDeleteUgh, meeting Lauren would be spectacular, but not worth the likely $1000+ I'd have to spend in airfare and hotel to get to the opposite end of the continent. Here's to hoping I'll go to Comic-Con or something again one of these days.
ReplyDeleteIn the summer?
Nothing, and I assure myself NOTHING, is going to stop me from going to this one. As every single God out there as my witness!
ReplyDeleteMy parents would never take me! *SOB*
ReplyDeleteYa know, I've always kinda wanted to visit New York... this looks like as good of an excuse as any.
ReplyDeleteTime to go see if Qantas has any deals on.
Well, I suppose I should start saving up for a ticket to NYC.
ReplyDeleteI live in the Philippines ;_;
ReplyDeleteGuys please record it!!
BroNYcob, Y U NO IN AUGUST?! I would be there, I'm in New York on vacation, but one month later D:
ReplyDeleteomg omg omg ...
ReplyDeleteOverreacting people, overreacting all over.
ReplyDeletebecause it is in New York right?
i just promised my first born to attend this con. totally worth it.
ReplyDeleteThat's it. I'm going.
ReplyDeleteI'M THERE.
ReplyDeletei wish i could go :'(
ReplyDeleteYou pesky Americans with all your popular events. We'll have our own bronycon, with blackjack, and hookers! In fact, screw the convention.
ReplyDeleteAh screw the whole thing.
Anyone have a rough estimate on cost? Excluding travel costs; just food/etc for staying there the whole time. 1 person.
ReplyDeleteVery neat!
ReplyDelete*suddenly over ninethousand attendees*
@Jonathan I don't anticipate any disaster! We've had Jayson Thiessen, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman and Nicole Oliver, and there haven't been any 'incidents' yet!
ReplyDeleteRSVPS ARE OPEN, with a very large attendance cap!
ReplyDeleteWhy do I have to live in Australia!? Curses.
ReplyDeleteIt'll be interesting to see what questions Lauren gets asked, and it's nice to know she wants to be involved in the Brony community like this. Hopefully she knows what she's getting into...
Hopefully someone does some high quality video recording.
... Maybe I can take a trip to the US.
Dammit, I'm going to this one come hell or high water !
ReplyDeletePoor girl
ReplyDeleteAnd then the Fausticorn descended from the lofty heights to grace her loyal subjects. Manehattan was forever changed.
ReplyDeleteBut seriously. Bronycon is gonna go explodie when she shows up. XD
ReplyDeleteEach BroNYcon just keeps getting better and better.
Buying tickets, right meow!
ReplyDeleteWoooooo ooo ooo oooo HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
ReplyDeletethat is all.
I can't miss this. And I'm bringing a gift! ...and if she won't accept it-to charity it goes!
ReplyDeleteLauren Faust herself. Man, I've only imagined this moment to finally see the creator of our favorite shows. *claps* Marvelous. Well, on another note, perhaps I won't be able to make it :S I guess there's always another time to go to a convention. YAY LAUREN! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAW!
ReplyDeleteIncredible! Unbelieveable! Faust herself...! At a convention?! So... AWESOME! /)^o^(\
Have a wonderful time at this Con, fillies and gentlecolts.
If I do attend, I'd go ask for an (autograph?) and say: "Thank you, for all that you did then and now." And I would finally be at a level of peace. I can see it now... the WONDERBOLTS! ._. oh uh... wrong chat? <:D
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness. I need to start saving up for an airplane ticket or something!
ReplyDeleteWonder if I could manage to give her a giant brony hug. Or maybe get an autograph if I can't do that.
Word. I think an autograph would do ;D
ReplyDelete@Purple Tinker
ReplyDeleteAre they full already?!?! It shows that there closed now!
Why can't I teleport? :(
ReplyDeleteThe way to not ruin this is to act sensible. For instance, if I went to Bronycon and met her, I would simply tell her thanks for everything she's done for animation over the past several years. This is where we will find out how much longer our fandom can be trusted.
ReplyDeleteThank you, it's good to see other Bronies with this attitude. I'm sure Lauren would appreciate that. :)
ReplyDeleteStep 1. Put aside money to go towards plane tickets, hotel expenses and other various monetary needs.
Step 2. Discover if school is going to interfere time wise with the date of the convention.
Step 3. If step 2 confirms positive for time allowance, BOOK TICKETS IMMEDIATELY!!!!!
Step 4. After buying tickets, hotel room for weekend and other planning, take 5 months to prepare body for ultimate PONY fun! For it shall be doubled. :D
Oh please gods, let me have the opportunity to attend this most wonderful of conventions. :)
And to all the worried bronies reading this, i promise if i do get a chance to meet Mrs. Faust up close, i WILL NOT embarass her, myself, or the rest of our community. I plan to get an autograph is at all possible and thank her dearly for all the work she has done for cartoon across the world, and for all of us who love this show, then be on my way. :)
I fear for Ms Fausts Safety.