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Source: Maddie Gillespie |
These were sent to us by Stuart, and probably the most accurate cookies I have seen so far. I don't think I'd be able to eat these, they would look way better framed and hung up on my wall!
I wonder, would you all like to do a cookie event? Now that we have a stable submitter thing, it might be a fun one to run. I also might do another ponies around the world soon, so bring a pony if you plan to travel anywhere!
58 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaThose look amazing, wow. @_@
VastaKustutais hungry now
not for ponies, you sicko! These pony shaped cookies!
I would kind of hate to eat these. It must have taken beaucoup skill to frost those so neatly.
VastaKustutaSweets are disgusting.
VastaKustutaDangit man now I'm hungry. And what is that cookie in the upper right? Is that derpy? That somebody already bit out of? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
VastaKustutaThose cookies look yummy. Are they ginger cookies? Those things bring back some memories...
VastaKustutaAlso, YEAH make another ponies around the world. That way, i'll finally have an excuse to take my ponies... TO THEEEE MOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNN... Valley. Too bad there's no Luna doll.
Wow, those are amazingly well done.
VastaKustutaFor some reason I feel the urge to make these and bake them into cupcakes... sorry, I'll go sit in the corner.
VastaKustutaI both love and hate awesome confectionaries like these. I just feel bad eating them if they look too nice.
VastaKustutaBut why would I eat Rainbow?
VastaKustuta*ears Rarity instead*
Ohhh Marshmellow
Those look amazingly fatty.
VastaKustutaBUT SO WORTH IT.
Seeing them half-eaten would feel a little grimdarkish.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaOoh tasty, Om nom nom.
VastaKustutaA cookie event you say, well I'm game.
I'd ... eat them, they look pretty tasty :L
VastaKustutaderpy for best cookie
VastaKustutaThat's the problem with making art and baked goods the same thing. It's a damn shame to just eat them up. Case in point, these cookies. I guess if you are, do what my brother does. Photograph the goods and then down the hatch.
VastaKustutaAs for the ponies around the world, how long would that be? Would it be a year round thing? 'Cause I'm gonna be traveling in the summer and I would definitely want to show my figures doing some traveling of their own.
I couldn't eat them, they're too pony. I would maybe hug them.
VastaKustutaIcing on the cake.
VastaKustutaIf you moved those diamonds right, they could turn one of those ponies into Cirno.
VastaKustutaCookie event? Yes, include the recipes please.
VastaKustutaI'll send you some cookies! I swear, they'll only contain trace amounts of ricin. It won't even be half a lethal dose! I swear.
VastaKustutaOh no! Like Scruff McGruff, somepony took a big bite out of Derpy! lol
VastaKustutaThese do look really good. And I bet they taste even better. <3
Must eat tasty pony cookies! But must not eat ponies! Eat, Don't eat, Eat, Don't eat, I CANNOT DECIDE!!!!
VastaKustutaI could eat these, but I would spare Fluttershy.
VastaKustutalike I said at the first brony meet-up I attended
VastaKustutaTwilight is Best Cookie~
Those look superb!
VastaKustutaMy reaction to anyone who wants to eat those cookies:
Can I bring cookies to your house?
VastaKustutaDirectly to your house.
JUST to deliver the cookies.
I swear.
i made a doctor whoof gingerbread cookie once....i was going to laminate him and turn him into a christmas ornamant...but someone fed him to santa!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I now require cookies. These are especially adorable.
VastaKustutaI want a Dash cookie w/ exposed wings so you can bite them off.
VastaKustutaSure is morbid around here. Anywho, I'd love a cookie event, and the return of ponies around the world, even if it means I'd have to find a new spot to travel too.
VastaKustutaGimee gimee gimee gimee gimee!!!!
VastaKustutaIf I ever go to a brony meetup, I really hope they don't serve Mane 6 and Derpy cookies. I'd have to go for something else.
VastaKustutaI was seriously gonna try this for Christmas. I even had the cookies all made, but then they broke... the frosting wasnt very spreadable, either. But I tried!
VastaKustutaI want to taste all the ponies.
VastaKustutaThey do look delicious, omnomnom.
VastaKustutaYEAH STUART!!!!!
VastaKustutaI know no one will believe me, but I actually know him. This is AWESOME!!!!!!
I would eat those cookies. I'd feel bad doing it, but I would eat them. It's an insult to the chef if you tell them you can't eat something they made, unless the reason is health related (contamination/allergies). Not to mention, if I ever had the opportunity to eat one if these... New profile picture featuring me with an adorable pony cookie. Then I eat it... Wonder what flavor they are.
VastaKustutaHey Stuart did u have cookie cutters or did u just cut the cookie dough in the shape or every pony?
VastaKustutaI think a cookie event or even just a bake good event would be awesome!!!
VastaKustutaoh these are so awesome. may have to try an make some cookies for the little ones birthday,
VastaKustutawas also join to try and make a pony cake it could go so wrong...
VastaKustutaYou are beautifully horrible. Dang! That's the most artistically messed up, economically appalling remark I have ever seen.
Can I applaud with your head between my hooves so I can cheer and beat you senseless, simultaneously?
eat or not to eat...
VastaKustutaIf we do another "Ponies Around the World", then I will be bring some to Montreal in July fo the formula one race. Dash will love it!
VastaKustutaPoor Derpy^^
VastaKustutaStuart, please fix this!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Sweet Treats
VastaKustutaI used a toothpick and a knife to cut them into the right shape.
Hey, everybody. I'm going to be making more of these this weekend. Any requests for which ponies I should do?
VastaKustutaMe too. Especially if they based on stuff as close to my heart as those adorable ponies. ;-;
@MaddieHooves Trixie and Cheerilee.