• Flash: Swag Mobile

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    We haven't had this pair in a while! I miss the old Derpy and Carrot Top stuff. Shes just so happy!

    We also have some Luna chillin on the moon below.  Nothing too crazy, but I'm sure fans of the moon pony will be entranced by her wing flaps.

    Apparently the bottom one now has a source! 

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    23 kommentaari:

    1. Love the cameo in the first flash.

    2. Can't get enough of that Luna. It's... relaxing.

    3. luna looks so relaxed and lonely

    4. #1 lol Carrot Top. That's certainly one way to get around. Could be this considered part of of the "such and such found a -insert here-" meme? Carrot Top found a... Derpy? :P

      #2 Dat wing flapping. Poor Luna. I couldn't imagine just sitting there opening and closing my wings for a thousand years. D:

    5. 1. I watched this one earlier today. It's good stuff.

      2. This is also good, in a different way. Poor Luna...

    6. These are both really nice. The first one is totally adorable. And yet it seems like a completely logical means of transportation, and probably safer than hanging on to Rainbow Dash's tail like Twilight is in the background.

      The second one makes me feel bad for Luna if that's all she had to occupy herself for 1000 years. At least I hope she had a better selection of music. The track is nice, but a millennium of that would drive anyone to become a living ponification of nightmares.

    7. Well, if Derpy's gonna keep emptying her fridge all the time, Carrot Top might as well put her to use. lol

    8. Loved the Derpy one!

      But the second one... jeeze. Isn't anyone else sick of "poor, sad Luna on the Moon"? Nightmare Moon was a kick-ass villain, not an emo kiddie! And Luna is a kick-ass Princess of the Night, not an emo kiddie!

      Nicely animated, though.

    9. Aww, Luna. She looks so lonely. I could watch her wings flapping for...a long time, it's rather entrancing. Nicely done.

    10. Hi guys, I'm the original animator of the Luna flash animation (which you can see here, I'd appreciate comments and faves there: http://feniiku.deviantart.com/art/Luna-Moon-263026037)

      It didn't have music with it, and this video WITH music is news to me, but I'm glad you guys like it. Sorry it's yet another sad/calm Luna, you guys seem to get a lot of them ^_^;

      The music isn't bad though


    11. *by it isn't bad, I mean I actually like it, lol, it's relaxing XD (sorry, I've never commented here before so I pressed things before I finished >_>; )

    12. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    13. I always love flashes like #1 :) It's so simple, but so great at the same time! Twilight and Dash lol :D


      ...And epic win with that first one. As one of the comments on the deviantart page said, It should definitely be made into a screensaver.

    15. #1 Hahah what an ingenius way of getting around. Looks like Twi found faster transport.
      #2 Nice animation :)

    16. Equestria looks so beautiful from up there...
