• Fallout Equestria: The Comic

    Fans of the series will probably find something to enjoy here, and for those that don't like reading fanfics, they finally visualized it!

    Right now there are eight pages.  You can start with the first one here, and continue on through the rest via the description below them.

    39 kommentaari:

    1. Oh, I think a bit more, and I will get FOE-overdose...

    2. It ok... I mean I love the first two pages. Just (and no offense here at all) I don't like the art... seems like someone did it in paint.

    3. That doesn't mean though that I don't like it. I just wish the author m=would improve the art a bit. Hey I bet with the next pages coming out it will get better. I cant wait to see what comes about! keep it up

    4. A comic now? At this rate it won't be long before we have a fan animation. Actually that would killer if some real dedication went into it and the VA'ing. Even if it takes years to finish it'd honestly be worth it.

    5. @Littlepip I really wish I could learn how to animate properly right now.

    6. @Littlepip

      That depends on the level of quality. Show level? It'd take a damn decade.

      I've never read FO:E, too damn long tbh, but keep this up and I'll follow this.

    7. You know, no offense to Kkat, the maker of this comic, or anyone who's a fan of the story but... I kinda hoped everyone would move on once Fallout: Equestria had ended...

      I suppose I'm the only one who doesn't like FO:E, and that's simply because I dislike Post-apocalyptic stories in general, no matter how well made they are...

    8. FO:E is one of the first fics I ever really got engrossed in. Glad to see someone bringing it into a new medium. :)

    9. @Dusty

      Hey bro, I know how you feel. There was a certain recurring character in that story that was very, very easy to hate that ruined it for me. I think I made a gmod video about it.

    10. @Dusty the Royal Janitor

      Eyynope. people have their eyes on Project Horizons now.

    11. Pfft...comics...
      Seriously though, it seems pretty nice, but I prefer the story the way it visualized in my head ;)

    12. Well...this could wild up being the longest project EVER.

      Good luck...YOU'LL NEED IT!

    13. @dontstopme

      FO:E describes things well enough to get a clear mental picture of what characters and places look like anyway. Even right down to individual rooms or so in my case.

    14. I haven't read it, which sort of surprises me myself. It isn't because I particularly dislike the story, genre, or anything of the sort, I just can't find the time between everything...somepony, please alert me if the comic goes off story or misses details.

    15. @Littlepip

      eh... seems a little overdone, but i haven't read it, so i don't know.

      I don't mind descriptiveness of scenes, but if it doesn't add to the actual plot, i find it unneeded.

    16. Sweet, glad to see this got its own post!
      I agree this may take a while, but every page will be dearly cherished (since I have to reread it, this will also help with imagery next time!)
      Keep up the good work ^^

    17. Is it still 'not-fanfiction' if it's a comic of a fanfiction?

    18. As a fan of Fallout 3 and MLP, this makes me giddier than a school girl.

    19. While I was a bit hesitant to read FO:E as I couldn't get into fallout 3, I thought I'd see what the fuss was about, and I have to say it was well worth it. Really enjoyed it and recommend it to anyone for fancies giving it a shot. Will be keeping an eye on this comic as well.

    20. Yessssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

    21. I was a little disappoint, when NotsafeForWoona.com didn't exist.

    22. This is a godsend.

      Finally, something to help me get through the torrid swamp of bad writing that is Fallout Equestria. I really want to finish the damn thing, but I can't get past Chapter 7 without gagging.

      Of course, there is the sinking feeling that this is never going to be finished, as the artist is probably going to give up a third of the way through, which I do not blame them for.

    23. @Fridge Logic
      Looks like we have a neighsayer in the audience.

    24. So there's finally a comic about it now. I don't really read hardly any fanfics for numerous reasons. But comics I can usually do. Unless they're stupidly long. Then it might be a while. This comic is so/so in quality. Though having not read the story itself, I'm just slightly lost on some of it I guess.

    25. @Fridge Logic

      It sounds to me like you wouldn't know good writing if it slapped you in the face with a honey-cured sauerkraut-stuffed bratwurst from Hamburg.

      Not that I'm disobeying 4chan's directive to "Love and Tolerate."

    26. Seriously Seth What the Hell! I come to EQD for awesome pony related news and you give me THIS CRAP! Did Big Machintosh buck you in the head or something? cause really man step up your game, quit posting crap.

    27. Good luck to them if they intend to illustrate the whole story; they'll still be at it in three years.

    28. @L9OBL

      Please calm down. The pony related news will come later.

    29. @Sourcils

      Lmao I'm just being a dick. And to further put myself out there as a dick:

      Take a step back, Look at my username, now look at the comic's artist's user name, now back to mine, sadly you didn't notice that I am the comic's artist. I'm being a dick and poking fun at myself (and seth aswell I guess)

      Also on a side note, pardon this blurb if you had yet to check out the comic before telling me to settle down.

      so to recap: being a dick, mostly to myself cause i'm a tad bored and have twisted humour

    30. @moocow1452

      If someone made a NotSafeForWoona.com website I would be sooo extatic. I was thinking of actually making the site but am kinda strapped for cash

    31. I think I just orgasmed.

      On a related note, I still need to finish FoE...

    32. If the guy behind this is committed enough to do the entire story, that might take a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long time.

    33. Yay for more FO:E stuff.
      I have to admit that it feels a bit empty without Littlepip's constant internal monologue, but that's hard to actually work into a comic.

    34. No it isn't. Do it the Sin City way. I mean, without the level up, how could the reader possibly pick up that Lil'pip has a crush on Velvet? Objective Viewpoint is just not the way to do a story such as this. You need lots and lots of POV inner monogue.

      And better art.

      @TheDoctor: (sigh)
