Time for the issue of Equestrian Inquirer that's finally able to drink!
You can find the full text after the break, the Youtube link here, and the author's DA page here.
Issue #21
By Joe Stevens
Please note that we tried to get Princess Luna but Discord hijacked our audio feed.
Joe Stevens: Fillies and gentlecolts, please welcome the lord of chaos and one time near destruction of all that is good within the land of Equestria, Discord.
Discord: “Fabulous to be here, Mr. Stevens, simply wonderful. Although I don’t appreciate that hastily derogative introduction.”
Discord, may I remind you that you unleashed thousands of flesh-eating squirrels on the Equestria Inquirer offices when you last escaped?
“And may I remind you it was also I who caused all those squirrels to spontaneously combust.”
I’m still trying to get over it.
“Muahah. A tidal wave of cute little squirrels with gnashing teeth and beady little eyes. And then poof they explode! And all the pieces turn into jelly beans – oh what fun that was!”
It was not fun.
“Oh you don’t like jelly beans? Everyone likes jelly beans, Joe Stevens, don’t even try to deny it.”
That’s not the point. Now. Despite the fact that you’ve caused me more property damage than Scootaloo. By the way, was it Scootaloo that allowed you to escape?
“No, I think all the Cutie Mark Crusaders are to thank for that.”
Darn, I really wanted to blame her for that. Either way, despite you blowing up my offices, twice, I shall maintain my journalistic integrity and conduct this interview in a proper manner.
“Proper is no manner to do anything at all. I prefer an improper interview. How about we do this in outer space? I know a nice mountain on the surface of Mars – you’ll love it and I assure you that you’re at no risk of asphyxiation. Muahaha.”
First of all, Discord, what have you been up to since being encased in stone?
“The air on Mars smells like coconut, did you know that, Joe?”
I did not. Back to the question, please. The world wants to know, Discord, what have you been up to since being once more imprisoned as a stone statue and, on another note, how is it that you’re conducting this interview?
“Well of course I’ve been so incredibly busy lately it’s astonishing I could make it to this interview at all. No, I’ve had a wonderful time being encased in stone. It allows me to kick back and relax, expressing my feelings through the art of song and posting lols on memebase. And of course breaking through barriers of interdimensional travel. Did you know that there is a planet made entirely of cheese? Well it wasn’t cheese before – I just thought it’d be fun to make it into cheese.”
Hold on, are you implying that you are not fully imprisoned?
“That’s correct, Joe.”
But how is that possible? The Elements of Harmony sealed you away!
“Oh come now Joe, you don’t expect mua to allow himself to be sealed away entirely? The elements of Harmony are like little pieces of candy. In fact the element of Loyalty tastes exactly like ginger ale. I always thought that was funny. You would think the element of Loyalty would taste like cherry or red licorice or something.”
So why is it that you are now a statue?
“Huhhh, I must admit that I get bored being cooped up and imprisoned. It takes a few thousand years, don’t get me wrong, but one does get bored. So every once in a while I break out and spread the world with chaos. Of course I do tend to be a little too exuberant. In the end even a constant flow of chocolate rainclouds and buffalo ballerinas can get utterly dull.”
You do understand, Discord, there are a lot of viewers out there wondering why it was you allowed the Elements to be found. I’m not one of them of course, you have no idea how hard it is to walk on that slippery soap floor.
“I know, isn’t it wonderful! I gave you a ten for effort, Joe, but you really needed to learn to pirouette. Grace is all in the thighs not in the toes and posture in the hips.”
Duly noted. But why is it, Discord, that you placed the Elements, the one thing that could imprison you, in such a relatively easy place to find? It’s almost like you wanted to be stopped.
“That’s because I did!”
Come again?
“I wanted to be stopped! As I said, limitless chaos in the end is nothing. Chaos must have order to truly matter, otherwise it’s just a bunch of cotton candy clouds in a sea of exploding squirrels.”
Why do you have to keep bringing that up?
“Chaos and order without one another are the same thing, utterly dull. That’s why they both must exist. Why, what would the world be if Celestia were able to rule in complete peace and harmony?”
Free of exploding squirrels?
“Yes, and how much fun is that?”
It would keep my insurance premiums lower.
“Insurance is for the weak, Joe Stevens, that’s life lesson number forty eight. Forty seven is never use parsley as a garnish.”
So are you saying that Princess Celestia allows you to retain power?
“Allows has nothing to do with it. Celestia needs me. The world needs me. Much as chaos needs order, order needs chaos. That is the definition of harmony, Joe. Why, what would the world be without chaos? What would harmony be without Discord? What would the world be without Discord? What would Equestria be? What would we sing for with nothing to weep for, and nothing to face harmony? It’s simple, you see, that peace cannot be! Unchallenged order leads to unbroken chains and in perfect chaos only anarchy reins so a balance is true harmony! What would the world be! We could not be free. What would the world be, without me. Muahahahah!”
Deeply disturbing and horrendously enlightening at the same time.
“I do try.”
Yes, well, in other news our satellite dish has now transformed into a sentient sandwich so we should probably sign off while we still can.
By Freddy Baxter
Scientists have discovered that zap apples, when combined with highly combustible materials, have the same reaction as regular apples. They explode. The Cutie Mark Crusaders taught us that lesson the hard way, but our building has never looked tastier.
Mares in a Minute
Techrat’s Column
By TechRat
Yesterday the Wonderbolts held a press conference to discuss Soarin's recent, shocking announcement that he was leaving the world-famous aerial acrobatics team and joining the Equestrian Federation of Competitive Eating. In attendance were Spitfire and an obviously content, though somewhat LARGER Soarin'. EQI was there to get all the tasty details.
"The rumors are true!" Soarin' exclaimed, "I'm trading the boundless skies for apple pies, my speedy wings for onion rings, my cunning stunts for ..."
"Get comfy, everypony," Spitfire sighed, "He's got about thirty of these."
About five minutes later Soarin' seemed to run out of rhyming food words, and Spitfire continued, "He's always been somewhat preoccupied with eating. I remember once we were performing and he nearly broke formation because we were flying past a SubHay."
"Hey!" Soarin' interrupted, "In my defense, they have 5-bit hoof-longs! Have you tried one of those things? Mmmmmmm....hoooof-looong....."
Spitfire rolled her eyes, "Stop drooling, Soarin'."
"Sorry," he replied, wiping his mouth with his hoof before continuing, "It's been difficult because I've always loved to eat, but you have to be on a rather strict diet as part of the Wonderbolt training regimen. But then, at last year's Grand Galloping Gala, I dove face-first into the most delicious apple pie I've ever tasted...."
"Ooo! Oooo!" yelled someone in the crowd, "I'm the one who saved that pie! That was me! ME!!!"
Spitfire, looking slightly annoyed, responded, "We know, Miss Dash. WE KNOW."
Soarin' resumed, "....and at that moment I knew I had found a new calling: to leave the world of flight and enter the world of bite!"
Soarin’ noted that he had already been in a few eating competitions, and was doing very well. "I took second place at Hayseed Harry's Happy Hayfry Hoedown, and actually won the Iron Gullet competition in Fillydelphia. They're calling me 'The Fearsome Feedbag: Conqueror of Consumables!' And I'm currently training for the biggest competitive eating event in Equestria: the 'You're Shoving WHAT In Your Mouth?' championships."
Although he admitted that most of his time will now be consumed (get it?) by his new career, he's not planning on abandoning the Wonderbolts completely. "I'll still be doing appearances with the group, signing autographs and such," he said, "and I'll be keeping my Wonderbolts costume, though it had to be let out a little bit..."
"A LITTLE BIT???" yelled Rarity from the crowd, "I used up two entire rolls of material refitting that outfit for you!"
And despite no longer being involved in racing or doing competitive shows, Soarin' hasn't ruled out the possibility of returning for an occasional exhibition performance. "Although," Spitfire pointed out, "I think we'd have to tie some balloons around him and drag him behind us."
Soarin' ended the press conference with some reassuring words for all of his fans, "Yes, I know all of you will miss marveling at my amazing feats of aerial dexterity, but now you can all marvel at my amazing feats of mastication!....
“....Hey, what are you all giggling about?"
Gumshoe’s Corner
EI Muckraker Section
By Gumshoe
The word is in, Ponyville, and it seems that Princess Celestia is going to forbid the use of fully grown dragons from assisting in this year’s Winter Wrap-Up. We all remember two years ago when giant red dragons, tasked with melting snow, were what made the Winter Wrap-Up so terrible. Their fiery breath may have been useful, but they had the most horrendous singing voice and as such will never be allowed to be seen again.
Freelance Section
Stories Written By You
By Freelancer Scott
Ponyville resident and living WMD Rainbow Dash has been from this day forth and throughout eternity BANNED! from all hospital maternity wards throughout this and all lands!
That was the shocking decree from the Equestrian Hospital and Dental Union issued yesterday.
That was the shocking decree from the Equestrian Hospital and Dental Union issued yesterday.
This decree follows what is considered the heinous act of renaming newly born foals without parental consent. Rainbow Dash was quick to respond to our request for comments as she was waiting outside our window tapping on the window for the last hour.
"What’s the big deal? I saw an opportunity and I took it! How many ponies have horrible names and jobs that suddenly match up to them? I mean, sure, some get lucky and almost end up as awesome as me, but for every Me there’s like six Lulla Moon's and eight Berry Ripples. Hey, I’m doing them a favor after all...Just look at Quasimodo over there. He has to live in a cage while little foals poke him with sticks! How’s the bucket of fish heads, Quas?"
So far none of the renamed foals have been able to respond to their renaming as Awesome Explosion, Gorak god Of Flames, Iron Flank, Titan the Kingosaurus, and Thunderpuncher all don’t know how to talk yet.
Pony Ads
What!!? No! Take that ad down!
Oh, um…
I didn’t agree to this nor will I endorse it with a comment.
She actually has this and bought ad space. But would you really leave your kids with her? Meh, to each their own. We don’t recommend you use this service, though.
Long-time freelancer and all-around awesome reporter TechRat has officially joined the ranks among the permanent staff of the Equestria Inquirer! Be sure to look for his new column “Mares in a Minute” in both the printed and YouTube versions of the Equestria Inquirer!
Thanks for reading! To submit freelance articles, write to [email protected]. Subscribe to us on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/user/
ReplyDeleteI didn't read this. Discord would have wanted it that way.
ReplyDeleteJust when I thought the Inquirer couldn't get any more wacky, they went and got Discord. LOL. Sure made for an 'interesting' interview. Soarin' becoming a competative eater would kind of make sense considering how eagerly he was putting away that pie at the gala. Was Rainbow really noted as being a living WMD? Oh man. And who says Derpy would make a bad babysitter?
ReplyDeleteI'd leave my kids with Derpy.
ReplyDeleteDo you know what happens to a giant when it gets hit by gigantic fireball? The same thing that happens to everything else! That's from 8 bit theater.
ReplyDeleteGreat issue this week. My favorite was the Rainbow Dash hospital story. Wish she would've broken in when I was born and given me an awesome name.
ReplyDeleteDon't run, its just ham
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGorak God of Flames. lol
ReplyDeleteExploding carnivorous squirrels... That is quite possibly the best idea I've ever heard :D Bringing on Discord was brilliant. And Soarin'? That makes so much sense... Great issue this week :)
ReplyDeleteAnd why wouldn't the muffin queen know a thing or two about foal rearing, much less children of any species.
ReplyDeleteMuffins answer almost every problem almost like it was duct tape. Now we have a book on how to use muffins as duct tape in stores.
Called the competitive eating thing with Soarin a long time ago.
Discord being on memebase makes more sense than it should.
ReplyDeleteDon't run, its just ham
Release the Squirrels!
ReplyDeleteI read this before it was posted here XP
ReplyDeleteDiscord is just like the Simpson's Mr. Burns. "Release the Squirrels"
ReplyDeleteWhich ones? The fire breathers, the hyper combustion ones, the acid barfing ones, the cryogenic glacier squirrels, oh and we have a whole bunch of electric eel squirrels that were half off on the evil market.
There's always the average 'Chaos Squirrels', they are regular squirrels with no special abilities except they are litte bit higher in brain function. The have consigned themselves to Chaos and causing it.
@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteRelease them all! Let them scurry across the land leaving no acorns behind! No bird feeders left standing! No wires unchewed!
...Oh and give them little hats.
I love these!
ReplyDeleteWhy wouldn't you want to let Derpy watch your kid?
ReplyDeleteNo! Not the squirrels!
ReplyDeleteOkay, fezs, sombrero's, baseball caps, snow hats, Stetsons, ski masks, top hats and your personal favorite flying beanie hats.
The squirrels are now on the loose, make your time. Also we may be able to eventually make Conker clones to make things far worse and crude then ever before.
Thank you for using Necessary Evil Incorporated for Gallantry and Heroes. Hopefully your day will be completely unpredictable.
Aw, mine wasn't in
ReplyDeleteOh well I love these
Use fancy hats
@Select Few
ReplyDeleteYES! The Squirrels!
sadly I must go there is squirrel related chaos to conduct
A quote from a friend of mine from an old LJ community: "I think of these threads as trains, and we are the post-apocalyptic rocket launcher-wielding squirrels who appear over the horizon to raid them for supplies."
ReplyDeleteI'd let derpy watch my kids shed. Seems like an awesome babysitter.
ReplyDeleteAh that was a brilliant edition. Congrats to TechRat on joining the team!
ReplyDeletenice interview with discord
ReplyDeleteThat silly Discord interview.
ReplyDeleteBravo is all I have to say for having such an interesting review with Discord
ReplyDeleteI had to spend THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS repairing my car after a squirrel crawled into my engine!
ReplyDelete*Sigh* Discord, Y U NO leave muscle car owners out of chaos?!
we must stop him before he accidentally invents Etherion.
ReplyDelete>But would you really leave your kids with her? Meh, to each their own. We don’t recommend you use this service, though.
Booooo! Hateful reporter ! *Boot to the Head*
She's a fantastic mother, and take really good care of Dinky.
*Throw Onions!*
Derby should sue Equesteria Inquirer for libel.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure plenty of people would be willing to give Ditzy money to hire Phoenix Wright. ;)
I would leave kids with Derpy. She's got two of her own, they turned out pretty decent.