• Drawfriend Stuff #320


    Or drawfriend time.  I'm going to party anyway.  Have some art!

    Source 1

    And our new Filly filled banner is from Maddermike! Thanks dood! 

    Source 2

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    Source 6 starlightspark

    Source 7

    Source 8
    Rarity Plot

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    Source 15

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    Source 17

    Source 18

    Source 19

    Source 20

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    Source 22

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    Source 24

    Source 25

    117 kommentaari:

    1. That new banner! So much brushie brushie!

    2. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    3. HA! The banner, and all this art! Too much visual input!

    4. The part of my day I always look forward to!

    5. I love number 22... That reminds me I haven't read the last chapter of FOE; PH

    6. I can just imagine Phoe saying all according to plan while laughing maniacally with lightning flashing in the background.

    7. I don't see why that Rarity Spy pic needed to be censored. 17 was pretty much the same thing except not being tf2 and being trixie instead of rarity.

    8. Lots of awesome an cute art this time. I really liked the FoE protagonist cross-over pic (#22) - the style's great and the characters are properly depicted. #15 is just way too cute, as re 12 and 4 (although, why the mustache on Woona?)

    9. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    10. #1 Twilight bringin' the noise, bitches!
      #6 Pia's got some nice color combinations going on.
      #7 Definitely how I would imagine this going down.
      #9 Derpy! Connoisseur of muffins has arrived!
      #15 And I know kung fu, now go back to eating your hat you cute filly you.
      #18 Do want. Cheerilee and Big Mac don't know if they want.

    11. #16 Damn, why does that Trixie look so fine? She just has that amazing look to her.
      #19 Wow. Y'know, anytime I see NM now, it's always Nyx to me.

    12. #5 Awesome
      #11 Mane 6 and Celestia + luna? :D
      #7 Trxie took over Fluttershy's medic job. D:
      #25 Lol, new apples

    13. #15 just broke my cuteness receptors.

    14. Very amused by #16 just because I like everyone having fun with the mods!

    15. Can't wait to get my new tablet! Now that I've saved up the money to order one maybe I'll have some art up there one day!

    16. Ok so we keep seeing that pony that I presume is Calpain's OC. So where's his bio?

      *Obsessive compulsive twitch*

      On another note, another awesome drawfriend, that 20 is so cool.

    17. Is someone writing a fic based on #22? No? Well, they should be! Forget the Single Pegasus Project and EC-1101, the hunt for cookies is far more important!

      Also loving the title of #18.

    18. #7 Medic medic medic medic medic medic medic

      Also cool and funny banner

    19. #8 is NSFW'd and #17 isn't, despite the angle being almost the same. Consistency, pl0x.

      #19 is amazing.

      #18, no, bad CMC, you know not what you do. You're just bringing back bad memories of when the Apples' parents died! This comment brought to you by my headcanon, Romance Reports.

    20. SPY CHECK!!! *looks through drawfriend page* Nope, no spies here. We're good, guys!

    21. I love the banner, and #20. They are both my favorites.

      #11 - We really need to see more EoH action.
      #18 - Cutie Mark Crusader matchmakers! Yay!
      #20 - Vinyl Scratch is about to kick you.
      #22 - Someone needs to make this. DO IT GO NOW

    23. #22 I SO WANT THAT TO HAPPEN!!!! Needs to be a story like NOW!

    24. The new banner is great.

      #4 Woona with a moustache, cuteness explosion immenant, please do not evacuate the area.

      #5 Very nice style, I like this one.

      #7 Looks like Trixie is one of "those" medics, the one nopony wants on their team.

      #9 Here to save the world from the muffin menace. One bit at a time.

      #12 D'awww.

      #15 Again, another healthy dose of D'aww.

      #16 I can't figure out to make a reference to the "i'm in lesbians with Trixie" image that remains funny

      #19 A very nice picutre of Nightmare Moon, I love the style here.

      #20 That's a nice image of Vinyl DJing

      Nice drawfriend today.

    25. Is source 17 going where I think it is?

      Loved this edition, absolutely beautiful!

    26. Number 15 is also incredibly ad'awwable.

    27. So much D'aww, especially in #4 and #15

    28. I love how Tek's like... What? xD
      Oh god that second one. Dashie/Pinkie shipping fics incoming. In my eyes they are great friends c:

    29. Trixie <3

      And Nightmare Moon is looking pretty menacing there...

    30. #2 - Awww... Wait, is this friends watching the sunset or 'friends' watching the sunset? Eh, doesnt really matter anyway.
      #16 - Heh, I actually laughed out loud at this one.
      #19 - Now... Hmmm... Yeah, I'd say this is th only NMM I dont like so far. Hopefully ever. Its just creepy...
      #22 - YES! YES YES YES YESYESYESYES! *cough* I mean... The Lord Pimpington approves, and wishes to see more.

    31. That new banner is great! The cuteness on #15 damn near gave me heart attack but I think my favorite one hear is #25.

    32. 22 - Post-apocalyptic ponies are best ponies. All three are adorable but Puppysmiles with her empty health bar is the most adorable of them all.

    33. ...does #17 count as a cheesecake shot?

    34. @Pegasus Rescue Brigade
      Haha, yes, that is me. Expect a Bio and official pic sometime soon!

    35. Great banner; I especially love Phoe's pose, and the expression on the pony at the far right (sorry, not sure who that is...).

      #1: This drawing's awesome enough to overcome my usual disdain for bipedal ponies; seeing adorkable Twilight with that gramophone portrayed with that dramatic angle and background is just very funny.

      #4: Another funny drawing with an unusual angle. There's no way to stay mad at that cute Woona, even if she did tie up the Celestia doll and leave it on the railroad track...

      #5: Simpler than usual drawing from Miradge, but an impressive portrait of Princess Celestia nonetheless.

      #6: Great little fanart for the Pia Ikea tumblr.

      #8: Better safe than sorry, I guess, but I don't really see that one as saucy. Funny TF2 crossover for anyone who's into that game.

      #9: Only one pony can save us from the invasion of the Muffin Horde!

      #10: Luna moon shot! Sauciness abounds! ... Kidding, of course; nice Egophiliac fanart for Equestria Prevails' story.

      #11: Very interesting situation in this drawing, and the description at the source link does a good job of increasing the suspense.

      #12: The artist says this is "Not safe for EQD" but doesn't give any clue as to why not; it looks like just a cute portrait of sleeping ponies with an OC in the background to me...

      #13: Lots of fun details in this Doctor Who crossover image; I can't wait to see what's next in this series...

      #15: I think this is the cutest Trixie's ever been.

      Does anyone else think #16 and #17 should be swapped? ;)

      #19: Both this version and the original b&w drawing are terrific, with awesome detail and a nice representation of her mane.

      #20: I love pics of DJ P0n-3 at work, especially when they're this dynamic.

      #21: Another great action shot of Twilight Sparkle about to unleash her magical might.

      #23: I love Pinkie Pie's pose and expression in this drawing.

      #25: An unusual idea, but if a flock of butterflies could carry filly Fluttershy, there's no reason they can't help her and Big Macintosh harvest apples. And I'm sure the color and shape of that tree doesn't mean anything special, nope...

    36. #22

      A crossover like that would be awesome (crossoverception, as it were). For some reason, I don't see Pip and Blackjack getting along very well.

    37. #8
      Okay Seth, this is just getting ridiculous. The only mildly suggestive thing is the presence of a buttcrakk, which is entirely accurate to the show and certainly not intended for fap material (it's kind of, you know, REQUIRED for a pose seen from that angle).
      You're enforcing stricter standards than the show about sauciness. Think about that for a moment.

    38. #4 and #15

      Are you TRYING to kill us with cuteness?!

      Also: #20. That is all.

    39. @TheDoctor
      So... I guess you havent read the latest chapter of Project Horizons then?

    40. Also, as someone else pointed out, #17 has the same plot issue as #8.

      ...oh right, Seth has a thing for Trixie, I guess she gets a plot exemption.

    41. 9 totally needs to be an episode. Maybe Sweetie Belle tried to use magic and enchanted some muffins or something, and Derpy saves the day.

      Seriously this needs to be real.

    42. I've never commented on them all... Let's give it a try!

      #1 - I like her face and mane but her knees are creeping me out.
      #2 - Sweet
      #3 - Is that steampunk? Not for me. Nice drawing technique, though.
      #4 - :D
      #5 - Interesting. Especially the eye
      #6 - Don't get the thing with Ikea pony. The tumblr is ok but nothing THAT big.
      #7 - Too much furry influence
      #8 - Well, a plot. Nothing too saucy. Just a plot. Move along.
      #9 - Derpy+muffins no.5034 but author managed to make it fun! GJ!
      #10 - Someone cheer up the pony!
      #11 - Is there something wrong with their necks?
      #12 - Lovely ^^
      #13 - m'kay
      #14 - Lulzy though we should thank Celestia that neither the Japanese nor the Chinese didn't swarm our fandom. It would never be the same again!!
      #15 - Awwwwwww. Diabetes.
      #16 - Oh, my filthy imagination. (Great drawing, especially facial expression!)
      #17 - Yeah, um... Let's keep going.
      #18 - +1 internet for Claire's outfit!
      #19 - I think I know this artist. Creepy stuff but in the best, thrilling way.
      #20 - Partying VS never gets old
      #21 - Kinda headfail. Twi looks like a hamster :P
      #22 - Crossovers - not touching them with a 20ft pole.
      #23 - The Best Poni? The Best Pic!
      #24 - Shy gets a lot of such pics lately. A little on the creepy side.
      #25 - You know how they say: nice from far, far from nice? This on works the other way. Enlarge it and enjoy. The best pic in compilation. It has some real beauty in it.

      Huh. Too much work. Back to commenting only the best ones next time :]

    43. Talk about being tardy for a Drawfriend. And while I was home. Shame on me. Oh well. Here I am. Let's get to it.

      #1 Oh yeah! Let's party!!!
      #2 Such an adorable scene.
      #3 Never can go wrong with the steampunk look.
      #4 How is my face not splitting in half? So adorable.
      #5 Gorgeous. Interesting choice of colors.
      #6 Never had that problem putting together Ikea furniture, but that's just me.
      #7 Darn it, Trixie! Just heal him already!
      #9 Muffins, beware! You will not live to see the next day!
      #10 A simple drawing, but awesome nonetheless.
      #11 Oh man! I must know what happens next!!!
      #12 Oh so cute. Though I think Rarity might have gone klepto with AJ's hat.
      #13 Amazing. So much to take in here.
      #14 Even if I don't get the reference, I can't deny that this is a cool pic.
      #15 I know that, Trixie. But I didn't know you could be so cute.
      #16 Hehe. Trixie looks less than amused.
      #17 OK, then. Not sure why this isn't linked.
      #18 My, my. The crusaders sure are eager to make this work.
      #19 Such an interesting take on Nightmare Moon. Not much can be seen, but that's what adds to the allure of it.
      #20 Spin those records, Vinyl!!
      #21 Yes. Behold the always powerful Twilight!
      #22 These FoE scenes are always epic.
      #23 Pinkie!!! Nothing more to say! Can't help but chuckle at her expression.
      #24 Even when still, Fluttershy still looks so graceful.
      #25 These two make quite the cute couple. Love the butterflies around the apples…oh, I get it. Awww.

      And that banner! Hehehe. Great job everyone. :D

    44. I am... ON THE BLOODY DRAWFRIEND! <3






    45. I think the #8, #17 decision is right. Not all plots are equal.

    46. @CTVulpin
      So she can twirl it evilly like a good villain.

      You're going to give someone whiplash when they catch that reference.

      @Logan Warner
      Yeah, I don't think either one of them really needs to be hidden, but I also think better safe than sorry. Even so, I bet someone will complain about one or both before the night's out. (I'm not really sure if those previous comments on #17 count as complaints or not.)

      Technically speaking, those are her ankles on #1. And I confess I'm not really seeing the furry influence on #7...

    47. #25 heart shaped apples!

    48. 2 TF2 refrences ,flutershy is the medic by the way, #8 not that saucy really.

    49. Drawfriend is a party for your eyes. The rest of your senses can't get past the bouncer. They're just not cool enough.

      1) Nobody rocks the Victrola like T-Spark. Epic pose in her epic party dress.
      2) I gotta admit, I do like the whole "pegasus wraps a wing around some pony" sign of affection. regardless of any shipping angles, that always seems so sweet.
      3) Steampunk Scratch! Does she actually play punk music?
      4) Ha! Hilarious, and a bit sad even, knowing what's to come for filly Luna. Love the Celestia doll tied to the tracks.
      5) A slightly different but very regal look for the sun princess. Beautiful wings.
      6) Pia Ikea still scares me a bit, but she is cute when she's not assualting ponies with that sausage.
      7) Heh... Really enjoy the cartooning style on this one.
      8) Actually, yes... I do watch spy pictures for the plot. "No Way Out" had a great one.
      9) You know who you want to be trapped with when this day arrives. She knows it too. Funny!
      10) Neat style on this Luna sketch.
      11) I'm not sure what the nasty is, but it must be serious with the amount of firepower the good guys are bringing to bear against it. Great pic of the heroes in action.
      12) Don't know who the fellow is, but the cast look adorable in their sleep. Love AJ's hat on Rarity.
      13) Octavia looks relieved to have that helmet off. Can't blame her... must have been hard to hear the notes well under there. Don't know the episode, but it looks cool.
      14) Is that a mare with a mustache? Not that there's anything wrong with that. Neat design, either way.
      15) Sure you do, Trixie. Just not as much magic as Twilight. You're a better dresser by far, though. And cute as the dickens here.
      16) What has Seth done to make Trixie blush? She does not seem like an easily embarrassed pony. Lovely portrait of her though.
      17) Wizard pictures have good plots too... just not as good as spy pictures. Spy plots are usually more exciting, and rely less on deus ex machina. Oh, sorry Trix... didn't mean to sneak up behind you. Cute expression!
      18) Okay, so what they lack in subtlety they make up for in persistence. Really cute image, with some great expressions!
      19) GAHHH! If I flipped on a light and found those eyes looking back at me I'd have a coronary episode. Spooky-scary high-detailed NMM.
      20) For a unicorn that doesn't have to even move to use magic, she puts her whole body into things, doesn't she? No wonder Octavia... um... Let's not go there... the Drawfriend is nicely sauceless so far. Fun image.
      21) I love, love, love Twilight in overload mode, and this is an attractive version of it. Great job!
      22) Still haven't read any of it, but it has some of the most talented and dedicated artists working on the fan art for it. Cool designs all around.
      23) Classic Pinkie Pie. Her blue eyes really pop.
      24) fluttershy overload! Not that this could ever be a bad thing.
      25) They do look kind of cute together. I believe the last episode may have been the first time in the history of the show that they were ever in the same scene. I'm not sure if there was ever a moment where they could be screencapped together though... Maybe someday. I did love Fluttershy's method of shivering the apples out of the trees.

      A fun, quick drawfriend tonight! Some parties aren't meant to last, I suppose. Still, thanks to all of the artists for sharing, and to Seth and the gang for rounding it all up for us!

    50. the rarity plot was fun because she was a spy.

    51. #14:Zhuge Liang Pony!?


      I signed up just to say this. Oh my gawd.

    52. # 12 is so much D'AAWWWW, I think my head esploded...now I don't know math.

    53. A little late I is today.

      And sat filly banner. Awwww, you are all just too pretty. Celestia is a pretty pretty Princess and it looks like you're pretty pretty Princesses too~ :3 <3

      #1 "It's her Birthday" And shes going to party if she wants to! I like her pose and expression a lot. She's got her serious party swag switch turned on for sure.

      #3 Vinyl in Steampunk gear. Very awesome indeed. And just look at how regal and strong she looks here. She's got that stare that could pierce your soul going on. "It's a Floppety flip-driving stuffle-doer™. It produces random numbers and spits steam and apperantly that makes for quite the convinient tool steampunk-world wise.." Lmao. Yes!

      #4 ... I... uh... Woona! Oh my goodness! Woona is a tiny mustache-twirling villain? This has got to be one of the best things I've ever seen right here. I'm not sure if I should be d'awwwing or frightened! I think the first one. I mean, seriously, who could be scared of that adorable little thing? Cutest villain ever? Cutest villain ever. :3

      #6 I dunno... I don't think Pia Ikea knows what's going on with this particular set of instructions either. :P

      #7 Wasn't that one already posted? Huh, I know I've seen it here somewhere. Anyway, I love this piece. Not only because it's funny and another great-looking TF2 reference image, but also because I really like Trixie's look in that outfit. She has this certain look of sophistication in those glasses. I think the whole outfit makes her look rather fetching. :)

      #8 That plot is a spy.

      #9 Looks like Derpy is going to have to eat her way out of this predicament. I really don't think she minds too much though, do you?

      #12 Awwwww, they're so adorable. Especially Fluttershy of course. All curled up into a ball. Flutterball. <3

      #13 Very awesome Dr Whoof image. With Cyberponies too. :D My expression here is priceless. I hope Vinyl just took that thing off my head and isn't about to put it on instead. Though I don't believe Dr Whoof would allow that anyway. I must say though, I do look rather spiffy in that metallic suit. And even the Parasprites had cyber suits on? lol Aww, that's kinda cute.

      #14 Ah, Dynasty Warriors. Thought this seemed familiar. Been a long time. Pretty cool. I certainly like the oriental clothing.

      #15 D'awww, yes you do adorable little Trixie. Especially the magic to make everyone's hearts explode. <3

      #16 Dat smexy Trixie. I like how she's blushing. I think she thinks the same about you too, Seth. ;)

      #17 Speaking of Trixie and being sexy... here's some plot. lol

      #18 D'aw, that's rather cute how they're trying to set the two of them up. Sweetie Belle is even wearing a little cupid outfit, awww. I can only picture Scootaloo there saying things along the lines of; "Just look at that flank, Miss Cheerilee!" Lmao. This is going to be an interesting episode, especially for the community.

      #20 That's some pretty fancy spinning. Not to mention one hell of a strong turntable. lol Love the pose, simply awesome. Vinyl certainly has the moves.

      #22 Still not read any of these fics to be honest. But some of the pictures that they get drawn for them are really great and amazing. I like Puppysmiles. She's so cute. :3

      #25 Aw, now that's really cute. I like how the butterflies are floating the apples down for them. Cute touch. And of course, are is so often the case, Fluttershy has an absolutely adorable face going on. Especially that smile. HHNNNGGG! <3

    54. Ponies, drawfriend, and a new banner yes yes yes yes!!!

    55. @Octavia Thank you <3 To get such a wonderfull comment, and from Octavia none the less. It warms a not-so-old bronys heart~

    56. Question: Why is Phoe turning everyone into a girl up in the banner? Is that the ultimate secret plan of MLP:FiM? Are they turning all the boys into girls?

    57. COMMENT LEAVING LIKE A...me. Because I hate that boss meme.

      1. I love it! Look at that look on her face. She's ready to party hard and possibly save the world by doing so. No I don't know how you could save the world by throwing a party. Ask Pinkie. She would know.
      2. Daww, these two always look cute together, especially in pictures like this where you can interpret it either as friendshipping or shipshipping.
      3. Steampunk Vinyl Scratch is rather awesome.
      4. Woona, take off that fake mustache. It looks silly.
      5. Her pose looks rather odd because the way she's holding her head versus how her legs and flank are positioned make it look like her whole torso is contorted in a painful fashion. But I do love the coloring!
      6. IKEA ponies always look like they're missing components to me.
      7. Medic Trixie? ...sure, why not.
      8. Bleh. It's a neat picture of Spy Rarity, but...that plot shot doesn't look good at all.
      9. When the world is overrun by the muffin hordes, only one pony can rise above them to save us all. DERPY HOOVES. Coming Fall 2012.
      10. A nice ink sketch of Luna, this is, though at first I found it difficult to tell it was Luna due to the lack of color.
      11. This is neat, seeing the Mane Six plus the Sisters fighting a villain. The villain seems rather formless though.
      12. Daww, pile of Mane Six sleepers and...who the heck is Papadan?
      13. This is a neat collection of...something. I wish I watched Doctor Who so I could pin down the exact references.
      14. I'm not familiar with who Zhuge Liang is...be he a historical figure, or a fictional character? Either way, awesome job with this.
      15. Filly Trixie? She's adorable.
      16. Seth, you made Trixie blush. That is probably rather easy for you.
      17. Oh I see, Rarity plots get saucy tagged, but Trixie plots don't? I'm firmly meh on this one.
      18. That's the premise of the episode, yes. Nicely done.
      19. This is absolutely gorgeous, especially with the detail in the eyes and the fur, but...it's so dark I can barely see it.
      20. Ah, here we go! Scratch being a badflank with her spinning. I love the dynamic action.
      21. Oh dear, she's Trancing again. Snap out of it, Twilight!
      22. I recognize Little Pip, but since I don't read the side stories I have no idea who the other two are.
      23. A simple painting of Pinkie with that smirk she does with her eyes...nice.
      24. So many butterflies flying with beautiful Fluttershy...the colors really make the picture come alive.
      25. Fluttermac is one of those pairings I just don't understand...is it because they're both rather quiet? I mean, this is a nice picture, but I just don't get the pairing.

      This Drawfriends was...eh, to be honest, it was not one of the best ones. A few good images, but most of them were rather uninteresting.

    58. That banner is, um...... nice.

      1. Uh oh, Twilight is ready to get down with her bad self.
      9. Derpy no! Don't eat the army of evil muffins. They're my friends.
      15. Dawww, why yes, you certainly do.
      16. Adorable is the only word I'd use to describe this picture of Trixie. Yes really.
      18. Cheerilee looks rather reluctant, I doubt it will end well.
      23. Fantastic Pinkie image, shaded well, love the expression.
      25. Character models look sharp and on model, nice coloring though out. The apples look little undefined. Very cute pic.

    59. Pink Chronicles...
      Oh, this is going to be good.

    60. #8 qualifies as saucy? Some people really have their mind in the gutter too much.

      On a different note, I'm kind of surprised nobody has done Rarity in ChemicalAlia's female spy outfit.

    61. #1 Get on the Dance Floor!
      #7 Oh Trixie you so SILLEH
      #14 Dynasty Warrior Ponies FTW!

    62. 1 Rock dat barn-blaster Twi! Twi is best adorkable party animal!
      2 Awwwww!
      3 Like much!
      4 Woona's magic show is best magic show, sorry filly Trixie (see 15)
      5 Celestia, the image of beauty itself!
      6 I never cease to LOL at the things this fandom creates!
      7 Looks like Trixie Medic took the hypocriteic oath. just heal her, you cad!
      8 LOL Rarispy, you forgot to pants... But that's OK. You forget to pants well.
      9 Attack of the zombie muffins! BRAAAAAAAANNNnnn...
      10 Luna, don't be sad. You have no idea how much you are loved! :)
      10 (addendum) Dat plot! :D
      11 (Looks at preview image) Aww, The two princesses look lovely in that open field, and all the mane 6 are there, and they're glowing AND WHAT IS THAT!!!
      12 You are a lousy chaperone for allowing all that DAWWW to escape in dangerous, HNNGGG level quantities!
      14 Very interesting asian style pony.
      15 Trixie has mastered the magic of aDAWWWable.. Magic of magic... Umm... no... Daww, yes!
      16 Trixie is not amused at her foal pictures being shown publicly.
      17 Trixie, that view will have a great and powerful effect on many bronies... and of course the stallions! LOL!
      18 And then Applebloom slipped a love potion in their drinks
      19 Both dark and beautiful
      20 Spin dem beats!
      21 This, Trixie, is how you master the art of Magic! Asplode ur power and have the Princess come and press ur reset button and take you to her castle!
      22 Cutest cutie in the wasteland!
      23 Pinkie, you are so cute! Shouldn't you be planning a party though?
      24 Fluttershy, why are you so good at beauty. oh yeah, you're beautiful!
      25 Fluttermac is such a sweet ship. It always sails happy!

      Shorter than recent Drawfriends, but very nice!

    63. #1 is boss. Although anyone who draws party pony Twilight is automatically my favorite artist.

    64. 4 (addendum) this would have been placed as picture #25... Then it would have been SOOOO meta!

    65. Love the banner, love this drawfriend so much cute pics!!

    66. Yay! #2 and #24. Was wondering why the mass of notes on DA.

      Got lots of love for #13, #14 and #20 That Vinyl Scratch is just amazing. Love the dynamics on it.

    67. As for #13... I'm pretty sure Cybermen aren't that simple. Usually horrific things are done to the people before they get their metal casing... I don't think the process is ever reversible. I won't go into details.

      But I'll gladly take the "This is a pony universe, horrific things don't happen" excuse for this pic. It's just mind control.

    68. @Kyronea

      A little bit of both actually. The character is from a story called the Romance of the Three Kingdoms which in turn is based off the events from the founding of China.

    69. If 8 is gonna be linked then 17 should be over expression/plot.

      Not that I believe either are particularly link worthy. We see it all the time in the show.

    70. #9 "Forget you, I can eat ALL these muffins!"

    71. The Fallout Equestria crossover picture is made of WIN

    72. @Don't Call Me Brony (Please)
      He knows too much! Quick, shoot him with our Girlifying Rifles!

      Some other possible reasons behind Fluttermac might be: she's a nature lover, and he's a country boy; she's very meek and vulnerable, and he could protect her from threats; of the mane six, Fluttershy's the most likely to want to be a mother, and Big Macintosh is the most prominent male pony in the show; she's very nervous and fearful, and he's very calm and confident. Granted, I'm not a fan of that pairing, and I wasn't around when it started, so I don't know if there's anything to my guesses...

    73. #7 Yay more TF2 ponies!
      #9 I loled, gotta love them evil muffins.
      #14 HOLY SHIT it's Zhuge Liang. Twilight's going to have some tough competition in being smartest pony now.
      #15 Too damn adorable.

    74. I was going to switch my avatar from Stargazer to Red in honor of filly banner day but then I realized that would require me to somehow have a picture of Red... =(

    75. @Lord Pimpington
      Actually, no. I finished FO:E during the weekend and just got started on PH a few days ago (currently on chapter 4). But now you've got me curious...

    76. I have no idea what's going on in #9 but it looks freakin' epic!

    77. @ultra8
      Ah, I see! I've definitely heard of that story before...I should probably read it, if it's based on the founding of China. Sounds like a good one.

      Those actually all sound like fairly reasonable possibilities. I'm still not sure I like the idea of the couple, but it does make a little bit more sense to me now. Thanks.

    78. why is it that when ever I try to post art... It never gets posted? >.>

    79. #18 what why is sweetie belle an alicorn?
      #19 the dark side....

    80. Whoops, forgot to give kudos on the new banner. I like scheming Phoe the best, myself.

    81. @jodyjm13

      Oh that would be me. Not safe for EQD because generally Seth doesnt publish OC works (I gave him a non-OC version of that pic too just in case)

    82. @Kyronea

      Papadan would be me. Its a handle some people refer me to XD

    83. Cereal looks so much hotter than Seth on that banner. Oh yes. SUBWAY SANDWICHES AT THE READY, MEN!

      #14 - This should be a popular fanon pony! I propose calling her.....something racist.

      #16 - Seth has cameras in her home.

      #22 - MARVEL TEAM-UP!

    84. #14- Zhuge Liang FTW.Now we just need Guan Yu or Xiahou Dun.

    85. #17 - Why the hell do people draw these? Because of pictures like this bronies are considered faggots and furries

    86. Another stellar Drawfriend.
      1, 9, 11-16, 18, 22 and 24-25 certainly take the cake this round.


      It's spawned a series of manga, anime and a number of strategy, rpg and the infamous Dynasty Warrior videogames. It's also counted among the top 5 great novel/works of ancient China.

    87. @The Invincible
      OMC! My spycheck was more comprehensive. Rarispy IS spying well. Her hiding place conceals her well from all the sauciness neighsayers! Le GASP!

      @0ne d3ad pon3
      LOL I totally did not read this message when using the word addendum... It's official, by emergent simultaneous usage, "Addendum" is officially the word of the night! LOL!

      4 (addendum) I see it now. Woona is playing the role of "The Mustachioed Villain" in her magic show...

      Still a magic show... Dat Celestia doll is WHITE!!! Woona, that is some top tier anti Hasbro magic you got there girl! Props to your fine #25 also!

      --gives Woona free hugz--

    88. @jodyjm13
      SUPER LULZ!!! You made the moonshot reference that made my night! I LOLed... hard!
      Thanks! I'm still LOLing! :D

    89. #1: I walk into the garden and I hold my boombox high...

    90. #14 - HOLY CRAP Zhuge Liang! Seriously, this guy could out strategize Celestia out of her crown. This guy was on the fast track to taking over China for Shu, but then that deadly little cough started up...

    91. #4. Nefarious Woona. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-
      Sorry about that.

    92. #2: PinkieDash remains OTP. Wing-hugs are awesome and I really like how Rainbow's mane turned out. I think I may have found my new desktop background :)

    93. It makes my day when there is Fallout: Equestria art.

    94. What we really need is a Ma Chao pony. His ultimate weapon would be so fitting.

    95. @richfiles
      Thanks, though I confess I'm disappointed no one's commented on my reference to #4 in my reply to ChaosDX1...

    96. I don't know what I think about 19. Good though.
