• Drawfriend Stuff #313

    That's just epic right there.  I wish I could cut my hair by sitting in a river.

    Have some art!

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    Source 29 lulubell

    Source 30

    MALZAHAR Sparkle is best sparkle.

    I still prefer Anivia though.

    Source 31

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    Source 46

    132 kommentaari:

    1. #13 This won't end well.
      #46 D'awww.

    2. nice gif at the end! overall great art!

    3. Awwws were endured during last picture. Dawww

    4. Regarding #6: if you haven't read "Pirates For A Day" yet, DO SO. There is much d'awww.

    5. > Anivia.

      Still my favorite champ, though I rarely play LoL anymore.

    6. #18. Toaster Repair Pony? THAT'S ALL I CAN THINK OF.

      Also 1 and 21 are freaking amazing. All around good drawfriends nonetheless

    7. Awesome Drawfriend as always. #28 pleases me very much.

    8. The Luna, Woona and Nightmare Woona are adorable, though lot of the art in this one is.

      Derpy looks adorably silly with those socks, I can't really pick a favourite as there's alot I like here, 18 mad eme laugh with it's sheer randomness though.

      Nice drawfriend.

    9. AW YEAH, Bioshock crossover! Just played 1 and 2 again a few days ago. Can't wait for Bioshock:Infinite!

    10. I never understood why in some anime styles hair went behind the eyes... how does that make sense? o.0

    11. #3 The only way Pinkie Pie can exercise is with cupcakes!

    12. Nooo! Dash got sucked into a jet engine!
      And holy shit #46. DAMN!

    13. Oh wow, my friend's Toaster pony got in! Wooh!

    14. Awesome drawfriend and also this generic comment is generic

    15. Oh my god, why is there so much Derpy!?

      (Keep it coming! =D)

    16. my eyes... these pictures... MY EYES!!!!!!!



    17. #2-Hmmm...
      #24-Halfway between 'dawww' and 'ZOMG WTF get it off!'
      #37-Oh Derpy, you're adorable.
      #46-*dramatic sigh*...*cough* I mean... I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok! Wait, no! Ummm... ah forget it...

    18. #45: Never seen this ship. Cute. Fics need to happen.
      #44: Solar-slash draws the cutest ponies. ^^
      #37: Oh derpy... Where to begin with how incorrect that is?
      #36: Bit of a sock overload there Derpy...
      #34: Woona and Eris! So cute!
      #26: That's... I think that's from The Sock Swap- a sock that covers everything BUT the lower legs. Twilight's epxression. 6_o
      #18: What.
      #17: Haha.. Pinkie's hitching a ride in Rarity's magic. I love it.
      #14: Lyra: Uh, wrong instrument guys.
      #13: This will end badly...
      #6: OMG, I love that fic! Pirate Pip and Dinky are the cutest!

      Yes, my numbering's backwards. That's how I look through the drawfriends when I want to comment.

    19. WOw what an amazing drawfriend!


    20. I support 18 in its entirety. We need more toast in this world.

    21. @Sandman
      I totally didn't notice that until you pointed it out.

    22. Spectacular art like all of these pictures make me love this fanbase soooo much! =)

    23. #1 is just beautiful, especially the colorful reflections.
      #8 has a nice style. It makes Twilight look really cool.
      #17 has a lot of detail in it. Lyra's just chilling in the fountain.
      #35's coloring is well done. Some of the nicest I've seen in hand-drawn art.
      #38 Sweaters really fit Fluttershy for some reason.
      #45 What do you call that ship? Triderp? Derxie? Odd pairing, but it's cute.

    24. #26 Interesting...
      #37 I almost fell out of my chair laughing
      #46 Please excuse me, I need to go watch Derpy sleep for another 20 minutes.

    25. Ever notice the drawing gets better and better?

      Awesom pics ho

    26. That last image (well GIF) with Dr Whooves and Depry. It is epic.

    27. 46. Lovin it. Don't care what anyone says, this is best ship.

    28. #10 LOL Luigi and Luna's mansion :D
      #21 PonyShock FTW!
      #36 Dat Derpy :)

    29. I'll only have time to comment on a few since I am racing to finish my Day 2 submission for the Artist Training Ground.

      #1 This is beyond gorgeous. It's so well done, so detailed. This could be a photograph for all we know.
      #2 Everything about Pinkie is deserts, even her workouts.
      #6 Pip and Dinky sure make the cutest pirates ever. If you haven't read the fanfic it's based on, do it. Such a cute story.
      #14 LOL. Poor Lyra looks so lost.
      #19 Aww. I guess even Pinkie needs cheering up every now and again.
      #23 It was only a matter of time before the REA weaponized Derpy's buns of steel. I really hope those are just stray feathers coming out of that jet engine.
      #38 I never get tired of pics like this. I always find scenes like these to be really fascinating.
      #41 Such a cute scene. Then again, Fluttershy in any nature scene is always a win.
      #44 This is also really cute. That winter outfit looks so adorable on Rainbow

      That's all for now. Sorry I couldn't get to everyone today. I loved all of them. Keep up the great work, guys.

    30. that last one gives me a fuzzy feeling.


    32. #37

      She's obviously just playing checkers with Ben Chroshaw.

    33. 10) A pair I never expected to see, but I love the artist for coming up with it.

      13) Worth it.

      14) It's adorable how clueless she looks.

      22) Dang that's an adorable tyrant!

      23) Oh, that is going to HURT! …Whoever that lands on. Blue feathers in the engine… Rainbow?

      24) Oh Firewall… ♥

    34. #46- One of the best shippings ever! :D Gives me a fuzzy feeling lol.

    35. #24: Sure, add to my arachnophobia why not.

    36. 2.) Not sure what's going on here, but it sure is fancy-lookin'. Not bad at all.
      8.) That's pretty wild. Twilight looks good when she lets her hair go. And suddenly I'm reminded of that game Psychonauts. Awesome.
      10.) Luna's Mansion. Alright, then. Time to check WiiWare again.
      11.) Raining bubbles? I'm just going to assume that makes sense to her.
      13.) Can anyone point out the mistake in this scenario.
      14.) How am I supposed to play this thing?
      18.) That is one spooky toaster. Don't put in a waffle, or you might get back a human hand.
      23.) Well, good thing there's only one of her.
      26.) Ha ha. Oh, Twilight. That's not how you wear socks.
      30.) Looks like something that escaped from Area 51. Maybe that's the secret the government is hiding from us.
      33.) Immediately out of view: the Ponyville Beauty Salon.
      36.) See, she's doing it right, mostly.
      39.) Turtlenecks? Don't see those too often.
      41.) Fabulous, love the colors on this one.
      43.) A private sleepover, perhaps? Twilight will be mad she wasn't invited.
      46.) Doesn't that look so cozy? Love for that to be me and my girl.

      Great stuff once again. Have a great day, pals.

    37. These Drawfriends just get longer and longer each time! Which is all the more better. Especially since recent Derp infection. So much adorableness recently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    38. @Seth "I wish I could cut my hair by sitting in a river."

      Iunno, seems like an awful lot of trouble to have to go all the way to the nearest river whenever you need a hair cut. :p

      On a wholly unrelated note, this drawfriend is giving me the strangest urge to hug stuff. I will have to look into that.

    39. Source 1 just blows my mind, even though its Celestia, I don't care ok.

      The detail is there and I can tell alot of hours and getting the color's right went into this so congrats to the person that made Source 1 your awesome

    40. Holy crud...


    41. @Kreature

      Yeah me too. #18 occurs when Littlepip wanders into a patch of poison joke.

    42. Okay I gotta make this comment about source one, but before I do I must say it is absolutely beautiful picture.

      "Apparently Hasbro forgot to mention on the package that the colors in Celestia's her mane are water soluble, oops!" X-D

    43. #18: Can't read my, can't read my, no you can't read my toaster face. (Actually the first thing that popped into my head when I saw it)

      Also, I'm digging the cover image and Nightmare Woona.

    44. #30:
      League of Pony! Sounds like fun, let's play it.

    45. #15: What disaster has happened to her legs?
      #20 is my favorite.
      #27: I'm not sure what to make of this, but it's pretty cool
      #42: Will we ever see him again? Maybe in season 3. Seems like there hasn't been any mid-season continuity so far...

    46. In that last one, any one else think the room looks like that one in Atlantis: The Lost Empire, where Milo gets home from work and sees the blond chick in his house, and it's rainy... Anyone? I love that movie.

    47. Toast Pony is best pony.

      Also, Ponyshock. And #46 gave me diabetes again.

    48. 23:OH GOD they got Rainbow Dash in the engine! I don't want to work in this REA anymore.
      34:I feel like I missed out on some joke a while back and am now clueless about this... female discord? I think?... I don't get it. Somepony care to explain?
      46: YAY FANIMATION!!!

    49. One of the best DrawFriends I've ever had the pleasure to look at. Amazing artwork all around.

    50. Really like the art style in number 8, and the rest... OMG WTF IS THAT TOASTER THING!?!?!?!?!?

    51. Thanks for the three greatest heart attacks ever, drawfriend.

    52. 14. I don't even know how to describe the look on Lyra's face. It's clear she doesn't want to play the cello though.

    53. Wasn't #7 in yesterday's drawfriend?

    54. 1. That art style seems familiar, fantastic image.
      3. Now that's my kind of exercise.
      5. Exquestia's cutest mailmare.
      13. Muwhawhaw, that won't end well.
      16. Epic Derpy is epic.
      17. Wow, I love these town square pics. Wait is that pink pony to the far right wearing a bridal? Scandalous.
      22. I'm not sure if I ever said this for Night Mare Moon pic, but dawww.
      36. Looks like she's doing it right (well almost).
      A very pretty Fluttershy portrait.

    55. We were going to comment on a bunch of them, but #46 stole all of our heart.

    56. I wish we could edit our post.

      39. A very pretty Fluttershy portrait.

    57. 37-> Derpy in a track field thinking she is playing yahtzee but has a checkerboard set up....
      >Seems legit....

    58. Oh my Celestia, #46.

      It is beautiful; AND IT MOVES!

    59. #30 I actually stick to GP and Vayne mostly

    60. That Celestia pic is AMAZING!

    61. #1 Holy...this is a masterpiece. I could never achieve this level of artistic talent in a hundred lifetimes.
      #5 Derp Derp, I'm in a cloud!
      #13 Yeaaaaah this is one thing I can't back you up on Derpy.
      #14 What is this I don't even
      #22 Bahahaha she's a cute/fat little pony!
      #36 You know what? I'm not even mad at you. You stick to your principles.
      #37 "NAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! You just sunk my jangaship."
      "We're playing Connect Four."

    62. Well, I... had typed up what was almost a ridiculously lengthy post commenting on various pictures in the Drawfriend, including a long gushing response to the beautiful masterpiece that is #1, but apparently Blogger ate it and I really do not feel like writing all of that again. So yes, just have the second half of my thoughts, I suppose~

      #24 Just looking at this picture gave me the heebie-jeebies so bad... eeyah~
      #26 At first when I looked at this picture I thought Rarity had begun experimenting with Spandex and had somehow recruited Twilight as a model, but now I'm not so sure what's going on. That doesn't exactly seem comfortable though, whatever it may be.
      #28 Doubtless Spike really does daydream about being such an awesome warrior. The Rarity-tail banners are a nice touch though, must say.
      #28 This is a very cute, and nicely simple fanart of Vinyl Scratch just relaxing and enjoying some music. I like the colors used in this piece (as opposed to just the traditional neon blues)... this piece would make a lovely wallpaper.
      #31 Oh, boo... I am a sucker for pretty night scenes and always have been, I suppose. Though unconventional, this picture's style is nice and almost reminds me of a medieval tapestry or something (which I mean as a good thing in this instance)... I believe my favorite thing about it is the moon casting the pretty pinkish glow over the trees on the right side.
      #32 Haha, this picture is hilarious and adorable! Derpy's expression is great, and in this instance the artist's style with the longer, more spindly legs only serves to increase the charming appeal for me, somehow. Love it!
      #33 Silly Applejack, always such a stubborn pony. I wonder what it is that she is not particularly thrilled about getting involved with!
      #35 Yay, a colored pencil drawing! I always do enjoy seeing traditional-media pieces. ^.^ Very cute style here!
      #36 Derpy you are almost too adorable, yeesh...
      #38 This is an interesting picture, and very pretty though I'll admit that Luna's Pinkie-esque mane and tail rather caught me off-guard at first. I like it though; it is beautifully painted and the colors are all appropriately gorgeous.
      #40 Is this a filly Rarity? How incredibly cute is she. Without giving away too much, I might have been working on a similar project myself recently, meehee~
      #43 Arregjhrkjg aghhh, so much cuteness!! <3 <3 I am SO incredibly happy that I'm not the only artist out there who seemingly derives so much pleasure from having Rarity torment Applejack with ribbons; something about that concept just never gets old for me (maybe if Applejack didn't show quite so much disdain for the practice, it wouldn't be so entertaining). Anyway though, this picture is incredibly sweet and of course I love it... I also like how the artist has their respective colors used as a complimentary background for each pony; that was a nice touch.
      #44 Eep, more adorableness this evening! This is, without a doubt one of the cutest Rainbow Dashes I have ever seen... I just want to squeeze her now!
      #46 Okay, so, I'm not really into this pairing, nor do I like the somewhat humanesque poses for the ponies, but this is still a beautiful little pieces of fan-animation and I truly love it. Excellent sense of mood created with the subdued lighting and falling snow outside... this is really great.

      A fabulous Drawfriend overall, tonight.


      *feminine brohoof*

    63. 46 images today. On the larger side.

      #1 I don't think she's cutting her hair, Seth. But sure, I'd prefer that way of getting a hair cut too. lol It's a really beautiful pic. Just look at those rich vibrant colors. And what a gorgeous scene. I just wish I had a waterfall like that near my house. I'd probably be admiring it a lot. Especially if there were a night as pretty at that one. Yeah, I'm an absolute sucker for beautiful water scenes like this one.
      #3 Now that's what I call packing on the pounds/ Yeah, that was a rather lame joke, sorry. All I could come up with. What an interesting and cute style she has her mane up in. :3
      #4 Great gorge scene here. The sun setting really makes it look very nice too. Desert sunsets can be so beautiful. And Derpy looks so.. strong and regal here with her wings opened.
      #6 Don't believe I've heard of that fanfic, but this pic is really adorable. I could see these two hanging out and playing pirates. I like how Dinky is wearing a compass as a necklace. Reminds me a little of Steampunk. lol
      #8 I love Twilight's messed up mane in this. And her face. They're too adorable.... er, I mean "adorkable". :P <3
      #9 A little scary, the thought of Trixie in a higher-ranking military position. I'll have to download the image and see just what that medal she's wearing says.
      #10 Aw, never played Luigi's Haunted Mansion myself, but I've heard good things about it. And this image is pretty cool. Nice style and I like the darker scary atmosphere. Look out behind you, Luna and Luigi! :O
      #12 Ah, a pic based on the Pinkie Sunshine song. It is a really really upbeat and happy tune, isn't it? It's hard to frown when you're listening to it. Really cute pic. I just wish the blue and green balloons weren't so sad. :(
      #13 Oh boy, this will not end well for our poor wall-eyed Derps. I just hope she's as fast at take-offs as Dash is. lol
      #14 Poor Lyra. She doesn't seem to be too good at playing the cello. Better stick to your lyre and leave the cello's to the professionals. ;) I love her real shocked wide-eyed look. So looks so dismayed right there.
      #16 This pose reminds me a lot of a Shadowbolt Dash pose. But yes, I would not mess with Derpy. Especially when she's controlling a large storm cloud. We've seen what happens. lol
      #17 Really love this artist's depictions of the town at different times in the day. They all look so great. And 840mb and 500 layers, wow. Almost gave Photoshop a heart attack, I can believe it. What I really love about this one is Pinkie. Silly Pinkie and somehow merging herself into other ponys' magic. Don't even think Rarity is aware she's there. :P

    64. #18 I... I don't even. lol You silly ponies.
      #19 D'awwww, that's so sweet. That cute sister love. :3
      #20 ... nothing to see here, folks. Move along. No really, it doesn't exist. lol
      #21 I thought this looked real familiar. It's a colored version of that old lineart piece I remember form a while back. Really awesome epic picture. Great coloring job on it, looks great.
      #22 D'awwwww, widdle Nightmare Woona wants her cookies noa! And she's using the traditional Canterlot voice to tell you so. How could you deny that cute little filly her cookies? Who cares if she's going to try to destroy Equestria, she needs her cookies now darnit. <3
      #23 Code name Iron Butt. Lmao. Cute. I want that code name. <3 Haha. Looks like Derpy couldn't resist the Spitfire images everywhere and finally decided to join the REA. I'm uncertain whether taking her was a good choice on REA's part or not. Also, blue feathers in the turbine engine. Uh-oh. Dash was just a little too daring that day with that particular plane. D:
      #24 I'm both d'awwwing and creeped out. Darn arachnophobia. I'd probably have the same reaction as Celestia did and run out of the room in terror. That thing is huge! Reminds me of one of those bird-eating spiders. Luna is totally unphased of course. She loves everything. <3
      #25 Pokey wants to pop Pinkie's balloon. Sorry, sorry! In my defense, I can't be the first to make that comment. lol
      #26 I... wut? What the heck happened, Twilight?! How did you even... y'know what, not even going to ask.
      #27 Whoa, that Space Mareine Spike. Something tells me getting into a battle with him would be one hell of a fight. I didn't even notice it until someone pointed it out, but I believe his tattoo says "Rarity". D'aww. He still has a big heart and crush on Rarity though. <3
      #28 Really nice simplistic Vinyl image. Feels kinda peaceful and serene. Might become my new wallpaper soon.
      #30 Gah, haven't played the game this is referencing. I feel so behind the times on videogames lately. But it's a pretty cool design.
      #31 Beautiful indeed. Just like this image. Lighting and shading are so pretty. I agree with the one commenter on the artist's portrayal of her mane here. I really like it too. And the reflection in their eyes too. Really nice little details like that help make pics like these brilliant.

    65. #32 Silly Derpy and her adorable ways of crash-landing places. What really stood out to me in this pic, were her legs. More realistic legs in FiM fanart? It's more likely than you think. Almost looks awkward after seeing them with mostly the generic straight lined cylinder legs. But I like it.
      #34 Awww, they're rather cute together. Especially Woona in her little paper hat. :P
      #35 I'm glad the artist went a little nuts with the background for this, it looks fantastic and I love the way it was done. Looks like this was done with colored pencils. Looks very good, very nice blending and shading.
      #36 Aww, jeez, Derpy. Stop being so darn cute. You're giving us all diabetes. And that is not what you do with socks... but you're so adorable, you can do whatever you want with them I guess. :>
      #37 Doh ho ho! "A Pony in Competition!" I c wut u did thar. ;) Well, Derpy is certainly in competition alright. With herself. Shouting out the wrong words to the wrong games no less. lol Jeez, Derpy. I love you and you're absolutely ridiculously silly antics.
      #39 Fluttershy and those green sweaters I tell ya. Knowing Flutteshy, not only are they green in color, but green for the environment as well. So it's a win/win situation for everyone. The planet, her, and us because we get to admire how cute she is in them. <3
      #42 Now I'm just curious as to what Pip is yelling. He looks so enthused about it too!
      #43 Now that's an interesting style. Kinda reminds me of gen one with the larger snouts. And I agree, forget Dash. Applejack is dressing in style and looking fabulous. :P
      #44 On second thought... forget what I just said. Dash is dressing in style again. lol Though seriously, I do really love this winter outfit on her. The green and red colors look really good on her. Not to mention the usual cuteness that comes with ponies in clothing.
      #45 Derpy and Trixie, interesting two to pair together. But adorable all the same. The little heart is a cute touch. :3
      #46 I love these simple yet really marvelous animations in the Drawfriends. This is such a lovely scene. One of my favorite winter scenes next to the fireplace ones. So cute too with Derpy peacefully sleeping on Dr Whooves lap, snoring gently as he strokes her. The snow falling heavily outside the winter. Great classic scene. <3

      Three parts again. lol

    66. #18: What is this? I don't even...

    67. why isn't #22 a meme

    68. Twilight is gonna supress you! But then u eat some oranges and its k :)

    69. #46 I feel inspiration for a nice sweet fanfic coming on... aw who am i kidding it probably wont happen... maybe.

    70. Oh hey, it's that awesome #7 image that I am in no way affiliated with! >_>

    71. Does anyone else think 26 is as funny as me just because it sort of makes fun of all the pictures of Twilight in socks?

    72. @Kreature

      Curse you! I thought I had a hilarious Toaster Repair Pony joke lined up!

    73. #3 we all need to cake lift now
      #5 you got derpy!
      #36 Dawwww cute overload!
      #46 that is soooo cute and amazing

    74. I see me...a lot...hey why is Discord a filly? (I thought he was male...)

    75. 46: *Grabs torch* BACK PERVERTED BRONIES! BACK I SAY!

    76. Long drawfriend, with lots of excellent art; I'm not really up to my usual loquacious comments tonight, but I have to single a few of these drawings out regardless.

      #1 is just gorgeous; the colors are perfect, and Celestia herself is very appealing.

      #17 continues Stinkehund's terrific series of Ponyville scenes.

      #38 is a striking portrait of the royal sisters; I'm sure there must be some meaning behind Luna's hairstyle...

      #43 is wonderfully cute and funny; I agree 100% with WhiteDiamonds' comment on it. Speaking of whom...

      If you use Firefox, Chrome, or Safari as your browser, I highly recommend Lazarus form recovery, which saves the text you type into a form and makes it easier to recover it if it's lost. I've used it quite a few times to rescue a comment that Blogger lost after I posted it.

    77. @jodyjm13

      I do indeed use one of those as my browser... thank you so much for the suggestion, my friend. I was typing out my comment, on-and-off while multitasking on other projects, for about an hour, so needless to say I really did not have the heart to repeat the process once half of it went missing, bleh~

      Also I hope you're feeling quite alright... I read your comment on CaineScroll's blog the other night you see (and responded accordingly). Too bad I can't bottle up some of my local weather and ship it over to you!

    78. @WhiteDiamonds

      I hate when that happens. When you type out a real long reply and Blogger eats it. I've started copying every decently long comment before hitting Publish. And I guess I'm old-fashioned, as for comments that take more than one comment box, I simply copy/paste into Notepad and splice them up. lol

    79. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    80. #30 Bow to the Void... or be consumed by it!

    81. I wish I could get these for my I pod back round that would be awesome... Hey does any pony know how to do dat?!?

    82. Why is it that some of these arts coenside with my oc fanic!?!?!?!,

    83. It's hard to view all this on a I pod at least I have a good spell checker

    84. Sorry folks... Very late tonight, so these will be brief.

      1) Absolutely gorgeous work, especially how her hair works above and below the water.
      2) Great texture and style
      3) She looks lean... must be the new training regimen.
      4) I'm amazed she hasn't knocked that rock formation over.
      5) My mailman isn't nearly as cute.
      6) I need to read this story. Teh artwork is too cute.
      7) I should read this one too.
      8) It's fun seeing the characters in different styles, and Twi looks good like this.
      9) But how many will really rally to her flag?
      10) Luigi's mansion! I love the Luna in this.
      11) I doubt I'll grow tired of Derpy images any time soon, especially ones this nice.
      12) It'll be a relief when this song finally premieres.
      13) Seems like a sound strategy until you recall that Manticores have wings.
      14) Maybe she got her luggage mixed with some one else?
      15) Giant skeletons improve all landscapes. Neat image.
      16) I wouldn't mess with a mare that can control the weather, no matter what her eyes normally look like.
      17) Yay! The latest in the series. These are all so awesome. Do you suppose Rarity even knows she's caught a Pinkie in her wake?
      18) Um... okay. Like his? tail.
      19) Aw... I'd like to see Pinkie's sisters come on some episode.
      20) Dammit, now I have to renumber.
      21) Big daddy pony is not nearly as disturbing as the little sister.
      22) Now the secret backstory of the endless night is revealed! FIlly NMM is adorable.
      23) Her butt can bring down empires. And not in the way they usually can.
      24) Not a hat style I'd go for myself, but it works for her.
      25) Very cute style on the cute couple.
      26) Hah... this made me laugh. Twi is always the best adorkable pony.
      27) Spike might be overcompensating with that shoulder armor design... but he does look pretty awesome.
      28) Nice, soft coloring on a cool pony.
      29) Luna's quite content looking here.
      30) No idea what the reference is, but it's a good costume for Twi.
      31) Cool style... and I always approve of ponies with trees.
      32) This seems more innocent, somehow. Obviously, its the lack of socks.
      33) I wonder what AJ is trying so hard to avoid... Great character to this one.
      34) They're cute for deities35.
      35) Yay! She's cute and airborne!
      36) She's also cute and nomming!
      37) And cute and gaming!
      38) Neat painted style of the sisters. Luna looks a little Pinkie in the mane... she must have grown out of that.
      39) It's been a while since we've seen such a cute Fluttershy in a sweater.
      40) filly Rarity is adorable.
      41) Did someone shrink Fluttershy? Cute.
      42) Why haven't we seen Pip again? Especially with so many episodes with the CMC and Cheerilee's class? Look at him! He's awesome!
      43) AJ must ahve lost a bet. A sweet friendship pair.
      44) I love Dash's winter hat. Shame we haven't seen more of it... looks great here.
      45) That's a surprising pair, but undeniably cute together.
      46) Great lighting and animation in this one!

      Beautiful work artists... thanks for sharing! And thanks to EQD for putting it all together!

    85. #23) Apparently RD got sucked into the engine. The scary part is, that I'm kind of okay with that...

    86. #1 Beautiful piece, nuff said.
      #2 That AJ is GLORIOUS! Love the style.
      #3 Silly Pinkie...
      #7 Wow this looks really cool, might have to check out that fic.
      #9 Trixie would be one hell of a drill instructor.
      #13 This can't be good.
      #15 AJ's legs look rather strange here, but I love the scenery. Looks like you have a long journey ahead of you AJ!
      #17 Sweet! Now I have noon to add to my collection.
      #18 AHHH, Get that thing away from me!
      #19 Dawww..
      #21 Creepy, but very cool.
      #23 Cannonball!
      #27 Holy shit that's one bad ass Spike!
      #30 Fits her strangely well, maybe it's because of that purple they share.
      #36 Lol.
      #37 ^
      #40 Aww so cute.
      #41 Thought you would of learned your lesson Fluttershy, just cant help yourself can you?
      #44 Cute little outfit there for Dash, very nice.
      #45 I thought Trixie would be the last mare to ever hang out with Derpy, shows how much I know.
      #46 Ohhh man this is too cute <3

    87. @Octavia

      Seriously, how incredibly rude is that. Blogger has been getting on my nerves recently anyway, with the changes to the comment system and all (obviously not here anymore as Seth apparently found a mod for it, but I'm afraid I can't say the same for myself and my own blog...).

      And I have actually done that before too, usually for the first several times after an incident like today where one of my lengthy posts mysteriously disappears. Then after a few days I tend to give it up (lured into a false sense of security), or at least until the next incident happens... oh well, I suppose I'll just have to try out Jody's suggestion and see if that helps.

    88. So tired! Reloaded main page, saw new Drawfriend, Opened in a new window, and went to work. When I got home, I laughed. I caught the Drawfriend derping the break, derping the #20, 0 comments, 0 ratings! LOL! You can't catch the derp earlier than that!

      Imma go to bed, and look at the Drawfriend tomorrow, though preliminary favs are...

      1 Celly and the waterfall
      6 Pip and Dinky OTP!!!
      7 This is amazing!
      17 I LOVE these ponyville at different times of day scenes!

      20 LOL... Seth, you derped them fancy mathematics!

      22 "You can have your eternal night... until bed time. But you have to go to bed then, OK." Afterward, Celly kisses her lil' sis good day and raises the sun. "I'm sure it's just a silly phase"
      23 DASHIE!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!
      24 I have a pet spider... It is just a big old house spider in my basement bathroom that I choose to not smoosh. I give it the occasional centipede. Once, I zapped a centipede with my hipot machine at 5kv. It pretty much exploded. Spider got what was left of it. Yes... My house looks like some sort of mad scientist laboratory. I am that much of a nerd. My computer spans 2 towers. My room has 19 inch racks with test equipment. I have a stock room, and do tech work from home. Also... a lot of spiders. None are safe, except for bathroom spider.
      29,31 Luna, you are always best pony in my book.
      32 This is a trend I like
      34 Woona on the Moona with Eris! This. Just this!

      Regarding Eris and Discord... My headcanon is that Eris is a young Draconequus that lives in the Everfree forest and guides the chaotic natural weather patterns and sustains the weird creatures that live there. In my mind, she's not evil, just natural. She represents the natural forces of nature in that one limited space. I believe Discord was once responsible for the same task across the entire world, and that he also once commanded the paths of the celestial bodies.

      I suspect that the ancient spirit of Discord had discovered the joy of chaos ages ago, and shirked his duties in driving the chaotic forces that drive those natural processes of the world, like weather, and the dance of the celestial bodies. Recall in the season 2 open, that Discord could move the sun and moon/rotate the world at will (It's either/or, depending on the nature of their solar system). This now stagnating world forced a new found burden on the ancient pony races, and the focus of their struggles to keep the world running, weather working, and the day night cycle ticking, allowed harmony to fall by the wayside. A couple windegos later, and Discord, still likely a spirit at this point is laughing at the little ants struggling. So much CHAOS! Then comes the first hearth's warming... The foundation of harmony.

      Discord, losing his wonderful chaos, is tempted, for the first time to manifest himself. Upon entering the world as a physical being, he uses his immense powers to establish his cruel reign over ponies as the new king of chaotic torment against the ponies that took his beloved chaos. All the while, still failing to perform his duties to make the world tick by under the normal chaotic progression that is nature.

      My view has Eris as doing what she exists for. Driving the natural processes, even if it's only the Everfree.

      36 Nom indeed!
      38 Aww! I love the sisters together!
      42 Pip shouts to Luna, "You're my favorite princess" Is now seen just as often as Luna on TV show. Facehoof. /)-_-
      46 This will cause DAWWW to become self aware. I don't know how, but it will. Like totally feasible. It will send a team consisting of a robotic Woona in socks, a cybernetic Fluttershy wearing a sweater and drinking a juice box, a filly Twilight droid that can build book forts in 42 milliseconds, and a Derpy plushie mace with dark matter plot back in time, to make sure that G4 ponies are introduced in the 1980's, instead of 2010, thus hastening the global takeover of pony kind by decades.

      That makes sense... Right?

    89. Woah, so much Derpy! I'm not complaining, though. :'D

      Yay, my art made it in~

    90. 1: i do not want to hear any more complaints about Celestia getting no love cause that is epic right there.

      13: this will not end well.

      16: She is Raide god of thunder.

      18: wat?

      22: ummm ok thats scary and daw....

      27: Spike's been playing to much WoW

      34: I think my teeth just all rotted out.....

      38: why does Luna have an 70's perm?

      43: more cuteness

      46: That is weaponized sweet there.


    92. 1, 2, 15

      THE FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQ woooooot awesome shit!

    93. Oh Im suppose to comment on the art… I luv derpy

    94. @TDR

      cause it was the 70s... Not the 1070s, 1970s, or any other >2 digit date... It was just the 0070s.

    95. 18 looks like what would happen if Lil'pip met poison joke

    96. #24 Is... is that a Pattern Spider? What?

    97. #10: Make sure your Lunagust 3000 is on the right setting, Luigi

    98. One of the greatest drawfriends I've ever seen!!

    99. YES! Someone else plays Anivia, and it just so happens to be Seth! I am inspired to make an Anivia Pony, even though all I have is Paint. Or a piece of paper and a camera, or something...

    100. Late but..

      You're damn right Malzahar Sparkle is best Sparkle. AP ponies ftw :3

    101. I showed my friend this. Her response?


      Seriously, it is really pretty. :)
