• Drawfriend Stuff #307

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    Hey, someone drew Tek for his birthday!

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    121 kommentaari:

    1. I love this one. The first one was epic.

    2. random time for drawfriend is random time.

    3. Wow, that first one is really awesome

    4. Normally I don't like that kind of thing, but 25 is great.

    5. Fancy Pants is awesome, as always.

    6. #29 needs to be made into a fanfic. Now!

    7. #21: JJ scores again.
      #23: Diabeetus.
      #25: Silly Derpy. As if Lyra and Bon-Bon need help with that :P
      #29: I think I'd watch that.
      #31: That's a good pony/pet match-up
      #32: Straight from the bottle Rarity? I would never have expected that of you.

    8. I am very dissappointed that the whiskey in 32 is just Jack Daniels and not Applejack Daniels.

    9. Now, with that out of the way:
      Good on ya, #17.

    10. It'll be real interesting to see what y'all come up with for Valentines, I must say... I expect to see lots of shipping then!

    11. Holy shit that number one.
      It is GLORIOUS.

    12. hmm...there's far less comments than there usually is when i get on a drawfriend >>
      #12 - dual weilding spike, is best spike :3
      #13 - Twilight Sniper is best sniper

    13. Early Drawfriends, early comments!

      1. The night is beautiful, and so is this painting. My word...
      2. I've been favoriting these Gala portraits on DA. Twilight has metaphorical stars in her eyes. So pretty...
      3. Luna, you're looking rather splendid.
      4. Lyra looks a bit young here. Filly Lyra at a school recital?
      5. Even Gummy needs a bath once in a while, and Pinkie is sure to help.
      6. According to the tag, she's the last Unicorn. A reference I'm not getting? Odd this with her hooves by the way...it's neat, but also odd.
      7. PAAAARTAY! Not my kind of scene, of course, but if Pinkie's having fun. that's all good.
      8. Dashiefire is cute, but honestly far less realistic in my mind than Appledash or stuff like that.
      9. Badflank pose! I'm not sure why Dashie is posing with Trixie of all mares, but they look cool doing it.
      10. DJ Trixie? I approve.
      11. Speaking of things I approve of...yowza. I agree with the tags.
      12. This feels almost like it's from a fanfic. Spike looks fairly awesome.
      13. Twilight, I accept. You silly adorkable mare.
      14. Young Prince Blueblood practicing his smug whine.
      15. Ask the Doctor indeed! I love this picture. It's wonderful with so much detail.
      16. While Octavia's pose looks a little odd for a pony, overall this is gorgeous. Perfect as a desktop background, perhaps?
      17. You know, I've always been of the weird opinion that Twilight would be a better Engie than Sniper, just because she's so smart, and Engineering requires intelligence. Still, it's a good picture...though I could have done without the jarate...
      18. Twilight just doesn't stop with being wonderful in this set, does she? Gorgeous, and I especially love the background.
      19. Another fine background, though Vinyl's legs look a bit long.
      20. Timber wolves are awesome.
      21. Good morning, Zecora. I thought you were Xenith at first.
      22. Speaking of FOE, here's Littlepip in the hospital of Old Olneigh, if I remember correctly. Not her best moments.
      23. Filly Dashie is a filly. Also chubby. Lose some weight, Dashie.
      24. Is she waiting for somepony? This conjures up strong emotions.
      25. I'm glad I looked at this full size, because I swear in small size this looked like some tame Rule 34 at first, due to how Derpy is positioned. But it's not Rule 34. It's just cute.
      26. I have no idea who they are.
      27. Wonderful portrait of Luna with her mane all about her.
      28. Philomena doesn't quite get that much fanart. Mores the pity because this is great.
      29. Interesting, interesting...definitely a good movie poster parody.
      30. Ah, now Twilight's being a badflank. Cast that magic, Twi! Show us how it's done!
      31. Of course a stallion like Fancy Pants would practice falconry.
      32. Might want to slow down there, Rarity. I think you're about to break your poker face.
      33. Fluttershy looks cute here.
      34. Looks like Pound will grow up rather handsomely.
      35. Pumpkin will become adorable. I approve.

    14. 2# i really like that art style :)

    15. @Spitfyre1 (myself >>)
      nevermind, everything except the first one appeared while i was typing >.<

    16. #27 - cool to have a Luna version of Solar Power! NO ONE MARE SHOULD HAVE ALL THAT POWER.

    17. #31 Well done Baron Von Awesome, you finally found an owner who will actually love you and knows how to properly accessorize avec un falcon.

    18. #31. Fancy pants is the best. I wonder if it's too late to have Epic Rap Battles of Equestria changed from Big Mac vs Prince Blueblood to Fancypants vs Prince Blueblood?

    19. Uber-rushed comments:

      #1: Love how her mane looks like a window into the night sky. The view of Canterlot is also very well done.

      #2: Still loving these gala gown portraits from Karol Pawlinski. Twilight's expressions is priceless.

      #7: I can totally see this happening.

      #12: The world needs more badass Spike. (Well, the world needs more Spike period, really.)

      #15: Great detail on this one. Love Derpy in the background.

      #16: Nice job of giving this pic the feeling of a dream without overselling it.

      #21: Glad to see John Joseco included Zecora in his morning ponies series; I like his take on her bed mane.

      #24: Seriously, lots of creative Octavia fanart lately; I'm happy. :)

      #25: Matchmaker matchmaker / make me a match / find me a find / catch me a catch.

      #26: Happy birthday, Tek!

      #28: Really love this portrait of Philomena; the broad, swirling strokes of color give it an almost impressionistic feel.

      #31: This is very fitting, and I love the little top hat and bow tie for the falcon.

      #32: Rarity, you really should keep your cards on the table when you're playing blackjack.

      #34, #35: We've already had quite a few nice interpretations of Pound and Pumpkin Cake when they're older, but these may be the cutest yet.

    20. 25 Lyra is glad her friend is a pegasus and not a unicorn!
      Or is she?

    21. @myself (again)
      i just realized i typed 13 when i meant 17 -_-

    22. I feel Rarity would be better off drinking Applejack Daniel's...

    23. /)030(\

      ...hmm... I still feel like I'm doing this emoticon wrong...

    24. @Kyronea
      #6: Read The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle, or watch the movie (currently $5 for the DVD at my local Wal-Mart).

    25. #25 Derpy is Cupid
      #11 and #18 Socks on Twilight always look great! couple of our favorites here. What? We are terrible. Deal with it.
      #29 We never finished that movie. :(
      #1 Looks amazing!
      #31 That's what came to mind when we thought what would his pet be!
      #15 The Doctor will always be awesome.
      #2 Love these! Even though the mane looks like taffy.
      #30 Just Saiyan she looks powerful!
      #23 Dawwwwwww.
      #8 Always appreciate more Spitfire!
      #9 They look good together. (no shipping intended)
      #13 Heart. Has. Stopped. *dies*

    26. @jodyjm13
      Thank you for explaining the reference. I really wish I didn't keep missing so many of the references in these Drawfriends lately.

    27. 31 Silly Fancy Pants... You are named "pants", yet you wear no pants. Also, what are you doing with Luna's falcon? Taking care of it for her? Trying to catch her favor? I will always associate that falcon with Luna, ever since I read that utterly beautiful fan fic "Falcon"


    28. Bring on the Cherimac. My body is ready I guess.

    29. Not a whole lot really AMAZED me, but as always they're all atleast pretty good. I liked number 1

    30. Kind of surprised there wasn't an opening description or anything. Oh, well.

      #1 This is such an interesting picture. I really like the scenery, the lighting and how the weather gives the background such an interesting look. But what struck me was how the artist used Luna's mane as an unobstructed window to the night sky.
      #2 Oh, Twilight. If you only knew the disaster of a night that was to come.
      #3 Really like how she's posed on that cliff, as well as the night sky in the background.
      #4 Oh how I'd like to hear what Lyra's playing. And her appearance is just gorgeous.
      #5 Oh, these two. LOL
      #6 Very nice crossover drawing. Also seems a little sad depending on how yo look at it.
      #7 No surprise that Pinkie is hanging out in a rave.
      #8 Wonder what kind of routine these two are working on.
      #9 The painting is nice, as well as the pose of Trixie and Rainbow. But why don't they lend Spike a hand?! LOL
      #10 I guess the magician life never worked out for her in the end.
      #11 Hmm. I guess if this works for you, OK. Otherwise, great drawing style.
      #12 This is one dragon I think everyone would want as their ally. Enemies beware!
      #13 Looks cute. Maybe a little too cute.
      #14 Oh, look. The prince is probably freaking out about a little speck of dust in front of him. LOL
      #15 Now this is quite the Tumblr promotion. I'll definitely be checking this out once I'm done.
      #16 Does seem like something that Octavia would be dreaming. Looks a little triply, but that's just me.
      #17 And yet another crossover that looks just awesome, especially the way Twi's dressed.
      #18 I don't know if socks are magic, but this is a nice pic.
      #19 A very interesting look and pose for Vinyl.
      #20 And like I've said, this is the closest I'd ever want to get to these things.
      #21 I'm sure Zecora wouldn't want to be seen like this.
      #22 The description says it all. Even if it's a color-in, it's a very good one at that.
      #23 I'm sure this was here before, but I'll gladly take it again. *Squee*\
      #24 Seems so beautiful, and yet so sad.
      #25 Talk about giving somepony a push in the right direction.
      #26 Now that's quite the birthday present.
      #27 More awesome Luna. Love how her mane is drawn.
      #28 We don't get that much Philomena around here, do we? Makes it so cool when we do.
      #29 Where do I get tickets?!
      #30 Wow. Time has a way of changing you. And Twilight definitely isn't an exception. Way to capture the growth of her abilities.
      #31 So it looks like everything worked out all right for the falcon.
      #32 You might want to slow down there, Rarity.
      #33 Yay! Fluttershy!
      #34/35 And we got the Cake children closing it out. :D

      Great job, guys. Keep it up! :D

    31. #1 - instant jaw drop and new wallpaper I think..

    32. #22 - Inb4 "I've seen enough Hentai..." (It's actually subverted in the story, by the way) Still, probably the only part of the story to genuinely frighten me. This picture does not fail to bring back that feeling of dread

    33. @Kyronea

      Hiya! I'm Tek, resident interviewer at EqDaily. ^_^ Haven't had anything to do around here in a while, though, honestly...though I *did* babysit Seth while at BroNYCon on January 7th. ;]


      Thanks much! =D I feel young again~ (I totally do, actually!)


      It absolutely is. =) Frosty is my best friend and favorite artist of all time, though; honestly, I expected nothing less from her! She's 100% awesome at all times. ^^


      Thank you so much for the birthday gift art, Frosty! I love you best friend. -hugs!- <=)

    34. Awesome Drawfriend, enjoyed allot of these. The first one in particular.

    35. 3 of 35 images are Luna...
      Needs moar Luna! :D

      I require at least a minimum of 7 Luna pics for this to be of sufficient coolness.

      /) ͡   ʚ ͡   (\

    36. #31 ...omigosh T____T It made it...I told myself I wasn't going to cry <3 I love you guys :')

    37. One more quick comment, since no one's done this yet...

      #29: "Life is like a box of muffins. You gotta eat 'em quick or they'll go stale."

    38. @Tekaramity
      Ah, I see. Good to know. Now I'll be able to recognize you in pony form from now on.

    39. Dat first pic O_O

      I really Like 16 as well.

    40. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    41. @Tekaramity Well, count yourself lucky for having a great friend in such a great artist. Happy Birthday! :D

    42. I love 12! I'd like to see more artwork like this :D

    43. I'd pay to see Forrest Derp in a cinema.

      WAIT WAIT WAIT. Finally we have the premise for an FIM movie! We see the events of the cartoon through Derpy's crossed eyes! The defeat of NMM and Discord as background events! Derpy as the background character version of Rainbow Dash re: cutie marks!

    44. @_@ #6 is like having a love and nostalgia bomb dropped on my heart.

    45. >mfw #2 http://tinyurl.com/86hpbch

    46. 25. Oh 25 I love it so much. Oh how I love everything about this picture.


    48. This fanbase... It produces AMAZING things :D Thank you all for that ^^

    49. @CityFlyer502

      Oh, I absolutely do! =) She's not only my favorite artist but also my favorite person in the world, and we're definitely going to be best friends for life! =D And thanks again!~ ^^

    50. Wait. 15 is a TUMBLR?! Do want!

      Also, look at #2 on the popular posts list. I think I found their inspiration

    51. The Doctor Whooves one has now made me realize I need to watch Doctor Who. I don't know why I never did so before... Now I'm interested. 0-0*

    52. What an awesome draw friend. I pretty much like every picture put up. Dat #1 is just beautiful.
      Happy birthday Tek!! Hope you have an excellent day :D

    53. #1 For a second there I thought it was Twilight. If it was, maybe the crown magically turns whoever wears it into an alicorn.
      #2 Ain't that cute?
      #9 Spike! He is constipated!
      #25 Oh Derpy you silly pony. Whatever it is you're doin you're doin it wrong!
      #31 Ooooh fancy...

    54. @CityFlyer502

      Oh I'm not that great. -shy smile- But thank you for the compliment!

    55. 5. Dawww. I bet giving Gummy a bath is loads of fun.

    56. Wahaha! Finally a full day off when I'm not busy with errands and chores and such all day, and can actually comment on a Drawfriend early!! It's been a couple weeks since I have had one of these, I do believe~

      Anyhow, onto the reviews~!

      #1 Way to start a Drawfriend off right! How incredibly stunning is this picture. For one thing, I love the artist's soft, loose, expressive painterly style (I would almost say I'm a bit envious of it really, as I'm far too much of a control freak with my work to let myself loosen up like this when painting), but the content itself is equally lovely. Beautiful lighting throughout and I love the color palette used... truly gorgeous.
      #2 Hahaha, Twilight looks SO incredibly happy, standing next to Princess Celestia there. ^.^ Adorkable indeed.
      #3 Another lovely Luna fanart... I like this one mostly for the nice composition and pretty background I think. I love the semi-translucent quality of the clouds.
      #5 This one is rather strangely composed in my opinion but I still really like it... this artist has a very vibrant and graphic style. And of course, cute Pinkie and Gummy fanarts are always welcome. ^.^
      #6 Good movie though it is, The Last Unicorn sort of traumatized me as a child (I think I was five when I first saw it... my parents rented it for me because I was obsessed with unicorns). That movie had some surprisingly dark elements to it, though of course I've come to appreciate the artistry of it as I've gotten older. Anyhow though, nice job reinterpreting it in the G4-pony style!
      #7 I totally laughed at Vinyl's pose in the background. A delightfully fun, silly image.
      #11 I'm sorry... I almost want to laugh at this picture because Twilight looks as though she's trying to appear sultry, but is instead looking as though she didn't get quite enough sleep the night before. ^.^ I do like the picture though... those vibrantly-striped socks look surprisingly good on her!
      #12 This is a pretty neat interpretation of (what I assume is) a slightly older Spike. The green wisps of flame/smoke coming from his nostrils were a nice touch.
      #13 Eep, SO incredibly cute! What a lovely fanart of Twilight... the coloring is so soft and light, and the style and pose are adorable. Love it!
      #14 This is an interesting picture. While I'm always happy to watch Blueblood squirm a little, I have to wonder if I'm missing something here. Oh well, still good!

    57. (me continued~)

      #15 Something about this picture really appeals to me, though I'm not sure entirely what. It has a great steampunk-quality to it though, I suppose, that I like the look of... anyway very nice.
      #18 Wow, those very nearly look to be the same socks as from the picture above, only with more multicolored stripes. Twilight really does wear them well, doesn't she? They compliment her mane nicely.
      #19 A very leggy Vinyl, but this is still a neat image. I like the subdued background and the way the picture was composed.
      #23 That is one precious Rainbow Dash. This style totally reminds me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it... anyway, very cute.
      #25 Derpy Hooves, matchmaker-extraordinaire. Somehow, that's a very cute idea.
      #27 Different and interesting style here! Very manga-esque, I suppose. My favorite thing about it is the way the artist colored her mane and tail... they have a nice vaporous quality to them.
      #28 Another pretty picture done in a lovely loose and flowing style! I like how wispy it feels.
      #29 I am surprised by how well this idea works, actually. And I would definitely see that movie.
      #30 I know we see a lot of these sorts of Twilight fanarts, but I still really like this one. The pose and composition are a bit different from many other similar artworks I've seen, and Twilight's various accessories were a very nice and tasteful choice. Pretty.
      #31 Eep this just works so incredibly well, I love it. ^.^ I can definitely see Fancypants as practicing such an elegant hobby as falconry in his spare time.
      #32 I'm glad I'm not the only person here who felt there was a missed opportunity with "Applejack Daniels", but this picture is still hilarious and I love it. This was also me last night, to an extent (in my defense, I had a VERY trying evening at work), only replace the Jack with a bottle of Bailey's... *ahem*
      #s 34/35 Aww, cuteness! Very charming interpretations of older Pound and Pumpkin Cake.


      Oh, it's your birthday? Well I wish you a happy one, dear!

    58. Very nice drawfriend, fair bit of good stuff.

    59. Well, if Seth doesn't have a comment to start things off, I guess this Drawfriend speaks for itself.

      1) A lovely painting of Luna at night. I especially like the reddish-purple glow of Canterlot contrasting with the dark starfield of her mane. Really great work.
      2) Twilight is always so happy to be around Celestia... the inclusion of the Princess's tail here is a great detail.
      3) A very charming portrait of Luna. I always say, you can't go wrong with ponies and trees.
      4) I wonder if she really plays, or if there's a more abstract meaning to that cutie mark. A very nice portrait of her at the strings.
      5) Will Gummy ever grow up? Will he have to be flushed into the Ponyville sewers? Will he eat the baby Cakes? I'm curious. This image is just plain fun though.
      6) I'm always a sucker for any Amalthea picks done in FIM style. I'd be very sad if Twilight was forced into the sea by the Red Bull, however.
      7) It's a pony rave! Wooooo!!! I'm all for more panels to this... keep extending it.
      8) If only this was happening above my yard.
      9) I have no idea what's going on here, but I love the attitude in the foreground and Spike in the background.
      10) Trixie may have lost the rap battle, but she's gonna school Twilight on the turntables.
      11) Still like Twi in her socks and on her beanbag.
      12) Sweet double-wielding Spike with space-pirate blasters!
      13) Having a valentine delivered by Twilight is a sure way to win me over. Who needs that little winged baby archer?
      14) He looks afraid to get dirty. Excellent character sketch!
      15) This is fun, but Derpy in muffin bag sells it.
      16) Why aren't my dreams this cool? I must need to listen to more orchestral music before bed.
      17) I like sniper Twilight, but I didn't need to think about the jar.
      18) Are these her semi-official socks now? I'm not complaining. They look especially good on a more gangly Twilight.
      19) Vinyl seems to be channeling some Jack Nicholson here. Cool attitude.
      20) Timberwolves are awesome. I may have to try my hand at some soon.
      21) This Zebra looks familiar. Either way, I like her.
      22) Gah! What is that?! *looks at title* Um... I mean... whatever. Totally don't want to know.
      23) Adorable filly flank!
      24) Octavia gets such haunting, beautiful images.
      25) Now that is a meet cute. Go Derpy!
      26) I like the Siamese Cat coloring on the Pegasus.
      27) Fun, anime-styled Luna! I like the purple tips to her wings.
      28) Awesome Philomena in broad strokes!
      29) I'm dialing Fandango now. Opening night.
      30) Trixie better hope Twilight never decides to wear a cape for her own look... Because then Trixie will be put to shame yet again.
      31) I love, love, love the top hat on the falcon. Nice rebound after losing to Tank.
      32) I don't know why this picture made me laugh as hard as it did, but my god... Rarity guzzling straight out of the bottle without taking her eyes off her cards just killed me.
      33) It's some Flutterplot! Just like the rest of her, totally innocent and adorable.
      34) I like Poundcake's look... especially his mane. Looks like trouble waiting to happen.
      35) Pumpkin Cake looks very down-to-earth for a unicorn. I wonder if she'll still be crazy-magical at this age.

      Another excellent Drawfriend! Thanks to all of the artists for sharing, and to Seth and the gang for putting the post together for us!

    60. Pray tell, how does a mare collect jarate?

    61. #1 Wow. That is simply gorgeous. That moon and sky and those really pretty shades of purple and red. I would love to get a view like that every night from my bedroom. Must be breath-taking. I also like the artists idea of Luna's mane and tail being simply filters to show the night sky over anything at anytime. I suppose that's always how I've kinda seen it too.
      #2 I really love Twilight's huge smile in this. It's just so... happy! I love Twilight when she's really happy and excited. It's so cute too. <3
      #4 It may have took a long time to complete, but I think it was worth it. Seems to have turned out rather well. The harp came out looking pretty good too I think.
      #5 I love the derpy ducks. x3 Didn't notice the shower cap on Pinkie's head for a while after looking at it. And when I did notice it, I initially thought it was part of a watermelon for split second. :P
      #6 Ah, The Last Unicorn. I honestly thought Fleur until I clicked it and saw the cutie mark. Y'know, I think I've not yet even seen that movie still. And it's older than I am. I know it's a classic. I should probably watch it. I like this piece, it's simplistic and elegant.
      #7 Cute dance scene. Yay, Aloe and Lotus in the background. I see Berry Punch is rocking out too. Her standing pose seems so... peculiar to me, and I'm uncertain exactly why. I like it though!
      #9 I giggled when I noticed the background was actually a large picture being held up by Spike. Clever and cute idea. :P Their poses and expressions are nice. Though Trixie looks a little disgruntled for some reason.
      #10 I figured someone else would get this idea eventually. A good while back I almost adopted a DJ name inspired b Trixie. I had a list of DJ names Trixie-related. lol Can't remember them now. But she's certainly a Great and Powerful DJ. That was a title I was going to use of course. ;)
      #11 More bedroom eyed Twilight in socks. I like the colors, they match her well. And stripes too which are also nice.
      #12 Indeed, Luna. The fun most certainly has been doubled. And it's been doubled by way of Flintlocks. lol I'm not sure if this counts as Steampunk or not, but that's what it partially makes me think of at least. Either way, it's awesome. I love his gold accessories and the Flintlocks. Very badass.
      #13 D'awww, adorable. Twilight with a little heart. Best Valentine's Day ever, am I right? You know I'm right. :)
      #14 Yeah, he does look a little younger. Late teens or so perhaps. I like it though. I don't tend to like his overly masculine looks and demeanor as much as his slightly younger and cuter ones. It's the really strong and pronounced jawline I think. A little too much for me.
      #15 Oooh, very nice. "I'll answer them late and early." I think I see what you did there. ;) I also like Derpy in the background, being her adorable self. With a bag on her head, but of course. lol
      #16 I knew I shouldn't have taken those funky pills I found under the bed... lol Kidding. Seriously, it's really nice. The dreaming of music and arts is a nice idea and I think you captured it decently well here. Gives you the illusion she's floating along the Staff as the music is progressing.
      #17 Twilight as a sniper, which is always cool. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of this TF2 set.
      #18 More adorkable Twilight in socks, dang. And the same colored socks too. I'm guessing these particular colors of socks are a thing for her. Well, they do match her mane and tail and look great. So I approve. :D I also like the nice white brush effects. Gives that hint of magic look.

    62. #19 Another rather cool image drawn in a similar style to the Twilight directly above. I like this style. It's a sorta mix between cartoon and realism. Her glasses are more pointed out, instead of the usual rounded frames we see. Pretty cool look.
      #20 Hah, the "Timberwolves". lol That silly pun. I like this, I think it's the great shading on the wood that makes it stand out to me. It's got a very storybook look and feel to it.
      #21 Morning Zecora as come to join the ranks of all the other morning ponies. And look, her mohawk seems to hold up quite well. :)
      #22 Quite the nice coloring job on that piece. I've not read the fanfic, but I can still appreciate this. The pony... creature is dang scarey-looking too I must say. And I really like the inclusion on the "curiosity kills" on the wall in red. Very nice touch.
      #23 Yes, there certainly is a lot of nice fanart from this community. This pic is no exception. Makes me d'awwwww too. Widdle Dashie. Look at how darn cute she is. Don't you just wanna pick her up and snuggle her? :3
      #24 This piece seriously gave me the chills after looking at it a moment. I'm not sure if those were good or bad chills. I think they were a mixture of both. It's a really gorgeous snow scene and I love it. It definitely gives the sense of solitude and perhaps peacefulness. Or maybe even uneasiness from said solitude. There's a lot I could say about this one and it's simplicity yet sense of stronger feeling behind it, especially with who it is in the image. But I'll spare you guys. lol I'll simply say I really love it. Probably one of my more favorite Octavia pieces.
      #25 Haha. Silly Derpy. I agree with the one commenter; "Derpy is best shipper". She certainly seems to have a certain suave way with it, doesn't she? :P Really really adorable image.
      #26 Awwww, that's so sweet. What a cute Birthday present. Look like he quite likes it too. A lot lol That's nice to see.
      #27 Pfft, I like the gloss. She looks so shiny. And I really like her mane! lol I tend to like really nice sleek styles like this one too. And the details are very nice. Such as the little details on her hoofguards.
      #28 Really nice Philomena. She certainly makes for some really nice robust art. The pose in this piece is my favorite part I think.

    63. #29 Yes! A million times yes! I can't believe I didn't think of this before! Or seen this already done, it makes so much sense! This should be a fanfic. Heck, I wish this were a movie. You better believe I'd watch it. I love Forest Gump and I personally think Derpy would make an excellent Forest Gump. :D
      #30 That OP'ed Twilight Sparkle. I admit I didn't recognize it as being her at an older age. Not until I read the description and noticed the shades of grey in her mane and tail and how her face looks slightly saggy. I like the magic effects, I think they give a great representation of how powerful she truly is here. I can't agree with some that she would ever reach the power of the Princesses with their God-level abilities however. Not honestly. But I could see Twilight being pretty dang high up there.
      #31 So that's where the falcon went after the episode! I love how it has a little top hat and bow tie on, awww. Cute. I kinda wish it had a little monocle too. lol But doesn't he look simply regal?
      #32 "Yeah, well... I'm going to build my own theme park, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the park!" lol I don't know if that's the reference you're speaking of, but that's the first thing that came to mind. :P I not sure why exactly, but I'm really liking her pose while drinking that Jack Daniel's in this. I also agree with some, it should be Applejack Daniel's she's drinking. ;)
      #33 I'm really surprised just about every comment under this one wasn't plot-oriented. lol That threw me for a loop! It's simply Fluttershy, being her adorable cute self. :3
      #34 & 35 An older Pumpkin and Pound Cake, nice. And they have their cutie marks it seems. Obvious ones but hey, they're there at least. :P

      Whew... three parts today.

    64. Drawfriend might just be the best part of the day for me

    65. @Tekaramity

      Happy Birthday to Tekaramity! Nobody ever gets me ponies for my birthday.


      Opting for Bailey's at least sounds less like a drinking problem waiting to happen, although pounding it straight from the bottle might be cause for alarm. Hope today went better.


      That's an impressive amount of replying right there. Nice.

    66. There seems to be a watermelon on your head, Pinkie.

    67. #4 is awesome. Lyra might start to beat Derpy as my favorite Background pony.

    68. #20 Still loving them

      #26 Reminds me of the picture my girlfriend drew for me. She ponyfied us

    69. Oh my GAH, #31 is so awesome. XDDD Fancy Pants + gentleman falcon + falconer's glove works so well, I can't even tell you. He is still... the Most Interesting Pony in the World.

    70. 1 Luna, your night is the most beautiful thing in all the world...
      Funny how the night is a part of you!

    71. Yay! Johnjoseco finally drew Zecora!

      And it seems there's been a consensus on Twilight and the kind of socks she wears.

      And it looks like someone drew a 'Shipping and Handling' moment.

    72. @Harwick

      Erm yes, perhaps I shouldn't have brought that up without some sort of context... ^.^;;; You see, what happened was I went to pour myself a drink when I got home last night, only to find that my bottle of Bailey's was (regrettably) very nearly empty. I was only able to pour about a shot's worth into a glass before it turned into a trickle and so I just... had a little bit of that from the bottle.

      Dear me, that still sounds terrible doesn't it? Perhaps I shouldn't have confessed it but I suppose it does reflect better on me than what you might have been imagining. And yes, today has been a much better day, thank you for asking darling. ^^;

    73. @Tekaramity

      TEK! Is it your birthday today? because if it is we share a birthday man :D



    75. @WhiteDiamonds
      To be honest, White Diamonds, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Given the small amount you were drinking, I don't see that as a problem at all.

      If you were chugging an entire bottle, that would be a matter for concern. But a small trickle? To me, that's nothing to worry about.

    76. @WhiteDiamonds

      Well... okay, if you say we shouldn't worry. Seems a shame, though, as I had already booked a caterer for your intervention.

    77. 34 and 35 knew that was coming and it's awesome... why do I get the feeling they even got their cutie marks before the CMC?

    78. #1 is, simply put, on the same tier as the tears of Jesus.

    79. #6 made me so excited! For once I got the reference (The Last Unicorn). I would have loved to see a little Angel bunny down in the corner writing a book though.

    80. this is all solid gold, specially the first one and the second pick was just adorable =D

    81. @Kyronea

      Thank you dear (I hope you don't mind if I call you dear)... I appreciate that, but if I'm being honest I'll confess I was actually referring more to the fact that drinking straight from the bottle is such a terribly unladylike practice. At least there were no brown paper bags involved but still, I am somewhat ashamed~


      Well when you put it that way, maybe I might just have a legitimate problem after all... would it be too terribly rude of me to make a special request for some stuffed mushrooms, perhaps a cannoli or two..?

    82. What's with the gigantic influx of people drawing Twilight in socks?

    83. It's great that Luna's still getting so much love.

    84. The first one with Luna is phenomenal.

    85. #1 is just amazing. That's my new desktop for sure.

    86. #29 My momma always said Life is like a box of Chocolate, Derp!

    87. #1 Beautiful piece, the buildings and the sky are amazing.
      #2 Pretty sure I've seen this style before, a RD gala dress if I remember correctly. Loved that one and love this one.
      #5 Gummy's getting rather big!
      #9 Cool mares don't look at explosions, even if it's just a huge painting of one.
      #10 Watch out Vinyl, anything you can do, I can do better.
      #12 Guns and fire breathing? You're getting cooler everyday Spike.
      #17 Now all I need is to imagine the sniper's lines voiced by Twilight.
      #22 Damn you 'Fallout: Equestria.' Why does your art have to be so good? Really tempted to have a crack at reading that monster now...
      #23 That has to be the cutest filly RD I've ever seen.
      #28 Philomena pics are always quite epic, would like to see more of the phoenix.
      #29 Works on so many levels, all I can think of when I saw that was "Fly Derpy, Fly!"
      #31 Fancy Pants is all class, that's one new character I would definitely like to see again in the show, unlike those ridiculous babies.
      #32 You know I can't say no to drinking ponies. and look at Rarity just downing that bottle like it's nopony's business while keeping her eyes locked on the cards. What a beast!

    88. #7 We can dance if we want to... we can leave your friends behind...
      Yeah that's how I pictured the club when I read that fanfic, and after reading the synopsis for Hearts and Hooves day I re-read yesterday too!

    89. Dat colt Pound and filly Pumpkin...GAH! I wanna hug em!

    90. #32
      applejack daniels...
      the very best!
      rarity's got some class right there!

    91. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    92. Anything with Luna usually comes out pretty Great. But these are some of the best fan art pictures of Princess Luna i have seen. The one with Twilight Sparkle at the gala is pretty good to. A happy Twilight Sparkle is adorable.

      Oh and Rarity has maintained her swag by sippinn some APPLE Jack Daniel's

    93. 1 is my wallpaper now (and I'm not event hat much of a lunatic) and 5 is perfect. Those colours!

    94. #23: Pretty adorable, but inaccurate. She wouldn't have her cutie mark yet.

    95. #23: Pretty adorable, but inaccurate. She wouldn't have her cutie mark yet.
