• Drawfriend Stuff #301

    Super Saiyan Dash ftw! Look at that EPICNESS. She can't be matched!

    Or is this avatar Dash?  No clue. Have some art !

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    Redheart Plot

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    Junebug is least appreciated pony.

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    Source 19 Coffeechicken

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    I for one accept this size for my little ponies.

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    Source 41


    1. That drawfriend.

      I see many i sent in x3

    2. Forgot to collapse the post there, good buddy.

    3. @Sethisto
      You mean Derp, right?

      also no 100,000,000 pics?

    4. LOL! I've never been witness to a derped page break before! LOL!

      I can finally claim to have seen the legendary Derpus Paginatus in it's natural habitat. And then I took an anvil to the horn.

    5. No break is best break!
      Lovely drawfriend, zap apple Granny Smith is adorable.
      Also, the proletariat revolt in #3 is absolutely great!

    6. No break is best break!
      Lovely drawfriend, zap apple Granny Smith is adorable.
      Also, the proletariat revolt in #3 is absolutely great!

    7. #1 9,000% cooler

      #10 That's cool Junebug

      #14 We need more Aliens/MLP stuff

      #24 WIN!WIN!

      #30 Yes, I love Steel ponies

      #35 Please give me a filly Rainbow Dash universe, please give me one

    8. That's a long post you got there :D

    9. break derp.

      Loads of great ones in here!

      #35 welcome back into our mind My Little Dashie.

      #26 looks Amazing!

      #12 Plot.

      #18 how did he get in there?

      #21 We demand more Scoots wearing a bunny hood!

      #29 PixelKitties is awesome as usual!

      #41 Dawws. all of them.

      #32 ALL OUR LOVE!

      #39 similarities strike!

      Should we learn to order properly?

    10. Can't be a super saiyan unless his mane color changed.

      #3 Haha love Occupy Equestria!!

    11. #17 - Scootaloo growed up and is SCARY AS BUCK-ALL.

      #35 - Oh Celestia, no, not the My Little Dashie flashbacks... NO! *cries*

    12. #18 :D
      #35 Looks liks My Little Dashie.

    13. #1) Super Saiyan? No, that looks like fire to me, guy.

      #34) Hey cool. Freakazoid!

    14. #1 WHOA!
      #8 Pinkie Pirate!
      #9 very cute fluttershy :3
      #14 Game over Pony!

    15. #35 - then everyone dawwed over the My Little Dashie, except me.

      also, dat redheart plot.

    16. #1: Awesome. Can't say much else about it.
      #3: Pretty funny.
      #15: I guess the ponies really DID drive her to drink. Only problem is, she looks kinda cute that way... >_>

      #34: Ha ha haaaa, this needs to happen!
      #35: Aw, dang it, Dashie, don't make me cry... T_T
      #41: Really cute. :)

      Best Drawfriend in a while.

    17. Very nice drawfriend but number #11 is...odd, to say the least.

      1. Odd? I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw it. Almost nightmare-worthy.

    18. Case in point:


      Best part? The second suggestion down. Look at it.

    19. #1 has to be avatar state. Her hair didn't change at all.

    20. I approve of the numerous Trixie pieces. :D

    21. 36: Remand? Rewind? I should know what this is...

    22. #3 Only 1% of the ponies are featured on 99% of the episodes. And the ponies that are featured are the ones who know Princess Celestia personally.

      Down with cronyism!!

    23. aw man, 35 reminds me of my little Dashie *manly tears*

    24. @wackypony You are not alone in resiting the D'aww of #35. Though I would definitely start having a Twilight Sparkle moment investigating how it happened, if something like that actually happened involving me.

    25. It's not that bad. We'll manage with these comments.

      And the size for a pony - perfect. It will make me cry now for hours that I am never going to bet myself such a poni...

    26. I agree with Scratch.

      Less Pinkie songs and more Scratch, er, wub wub.

    27. 34 - FREAKAZOID?! Somepony just garnered much respect. Very much respect.

    28. #35 This reminds me of My Little Dashie

    29. Well, I guess we can consider these a distraction from our wacky new commenting system.

      #1 My goodness. Rainbow would be totally unstoppable with that kind of power!
      #2 Interesting look to say the least. Still cool.
      #3 Let me guess. Occupy Equestria? Though given the fact that they don't get much airtime, I can somewhat understand their anger.
      #4 Seems like just another day of play for our favorite filly trio.
      #5 LOL. Octavia has a look that seems to suggest she wasn't a willing participant.
      #6 Looking as regal as ever.
      #8 Pinkie definitely would make an awesome pirate.
      #9 Really love the tranquility of the scenery.
      #10 Didn't think you needed that much protection just to get flowers.
      #11 Kind of creeped out by this one.
      #12 Uh…whatever. I'll give it the waterfall at least.
      #13 I guess in any world, unusual flight attempts in will end in a surprise manner.
      #14 Duck and cover! These ponies are packing heat!!!
      #15 Twilight, I think you've had enough. Just saying.
      #16 Looks like a sign of things to come.
      #17 Who's the chicken now, folks?!
      #18 Oh, Pinkie. How is it you always have a solution to everything?
      #19 I'm giving these two plenty of room.
      #20/25 More Granny Smith! Cool.
      #21 So…much…cute…
      #22 Nice one of Luna.
      #23 I'd worry if that was anypony other than Twilight. I'm sure she's got this one.
      #24 I'd have gone for a darker red. But this is still an awesome Nightmare Moon.
      #26 A book and quiet. Twilight must be in paradise.
      #27 And yet another interesting look for Luna.
      #28 Never would have been able to picture Celestia with a sword.
      #29 A few words of inspiration perhaps?
      #30 Mecha ponies! Awesome!!!
      #31 What lies beyond the cave entrance?
      #32 Oh my gosh! This is just gorgeous. Give me a minute while I make this my new wallpaper?….
      #33 LOL. Huh?
      #34 I'm tempted to make a Batman joke or something, but nothing's coming to me.
      #35 Why?!! For crying out loud, why must someone keep reminding us of the saddest fanfic out there?! *Sobs hysterically

      ……….OK, I can continue.

      #36 Wow. So powerful, so evil looking.
      #37 Pause for dramatic effect, perhaps?
      #38 Seems like a simple enough explanation. And makes for a cool pic.
      #39 A moment between royalty, I guess.
      #41 What's on your mind, Luna?
      #41 And to top it all off, extreme cute overload.

      Artists, you are as awesome as ever. Keep up the great work.

    30. #35 this brings tears back into my eyes. Awesome story, awesome pic.

    31. That's AvatarDash, and--
      OH CELESTIA! #35!!!!
      *Lays in bed and cries for several hours*

    32. #36 is a ponified version of the Magic: the Gathering card Rewind I think. Neato

    33. 1. Kao-ken Sonic Rainboom.
      2. The weather mare.
      3. Go Muffin Queen! Free muffins!
      4. Falling tower of crusaders.
      5. Awesome-tavia.
      6. She's best pony, for third place.
      7. What is it with everyone and fannies, I thought it was all about the nice manes.
      8. This party be rated You Arrrrrr a pirate.
      9. Please stop making me D'aww Fluttershy.
      10. She's protected herself to well this time.
      11. Always the crazy smiled and clown cars.
      12. I like her tail, but her mane style is so LB 980's.
      13. Looks like Trixies great and powerful cousin.
      14. Xenomorphs just wanted to come out and play with the pretty ponies and their hoof held rocket launchers.
      15. Sparkle Twilight Drunk.
      16. Sethisto faved this one and it's a really good picture, only issue is she's sharing the spotlight with a butterfly. Trixie does not share the spotlight, EVER.
      17. I was thinking more along the lines Legend of Scoota.
      18. Poor Gummy!
      19. Sweet Belle's weapon looks like fireball thrower.
      20. Zap Apple Smith.
      21. Don't you just love the bunny mark cursaders?
      22. Luna, as elegant and beautiful as she always is.
      23. Twilight the Net Navi never caught on for the discernible reason that she always had her nose to far into a book.
      24. Luna I think you're trying to tell us something.
      25. Zap apple pie was her specialty and she looks as spry as ever for a eighy year old pony.
      26. Seen it before, also don't you get out of the library to stop reading books?
      27. Rocket MARE, burning out her fuse way out there alone!
      28. Celestia in her crazy pink hair days, to bad her coat doesn't reflect or else she'd be pinklestia again.
      29. I don't think she'd made a good leader.
      30. Rainbow pegasus robot attack!
      31. Facing realities distortions.
      32. Really good art of Twilight here and would make a pretty decent wallpaper.
      33. I wonder what Sethisto's reaction to this was?
      34. Seriously you start one thing with fan fictions and it goes on forever.
      35. Who framed Roger Rabbit could learn a thing or two from that fan fiction.
      36. Goodness gracious great balls of fire.
      37. Rainbow always poses with style.
      38. Wind, Earth, Water, Sun, Heart, by your powers combined they are the Pony Planet Race!
      39. Okay now that's just sugary goodness, why does Fleur look good draping over everything anyway?
      40. Luna you look miffed, was it because we ignored you in the fabulous red dress?
      41. Keeper and D'awwsome.

    34. And just to clarify, I did like #35. But you can't help but shed a tear by just looking at it...at least, those that read the fanfic and were touched by it.

    35. #35 - As long as a human can hug them, they are the perfect size.

    36. #21 & #41
      So... Adorable...

      #35 *Slams head on desk repeatedly*

    37. #35 Why are you doing this to me?! My eyes can't take much more crying!

    38. Wow, I didn't even notice #34. I think my eyes may have skipped over it in self-defense.


      I'm going to have a quick lie down and cry for a bit.

    39. Aw man, #35. You put a weird feeling in my chest.

    40. I had the same reactions as everyone else to #35 (except the people who get reminded of My Little Dashie, since I never read that fic). Getting that out of the way, I was very impressed with the layering in that picture. I still don't get how it was done like that, unless the human was also edited in, but then I'd wonder how the lighting was so accurate. AGH, SO CONFUSED. D:

      Oh, and why was the comment button nerfulated to force me to make my comment in a new window? :(

    41. #41: Oh my. We have critical mass. It's too much, man!

    42. #24 Is how I would've looked if (@ you Celestia) somepony would have let me GO to the Grand Galloping Gala and greet our great loyal court together, but instead, you insisted otherwise, thus was the point I discovered computers, but I still wanted to have taken up that responsibility...

    43. #11 is awesome!

      For those who don't know, it's actually a parody of famous hot-rod art called "Ratfink." It's usually a gigantic crazed rat sitting in some kind of hot rod with the gear shift in his hand (dead give away)

      Here's an example: http://media.motortopia.com/files/2484/journal/49da588075f7f/tn_397x397_EdRothRatFinkRod.jpg

    44. #33 Me gusta!!! I demand more 80's ponies!!

    45. Dats a lot of art. Commenting away! Split in half because of the 4096 character limit.

      1. She's on fire! You can just feel the passion and fury from Rainbow Dash as she...does...something with the energy streaming from her. I love it.
      2. Rainbow Dash in armor for glory! I'm not sure entirely what the context of this is, but it looks pretty awesome.
      3. This protest scene is beautifully rendered. Everything about it is good, from the Doctor's sadness at the lack of gender equality, to the horribly distorted way in which Trixie drew Twilight, to all the rest. I love the sign that's cut off too...you missed the point to a protest sign there, whomever is holding that.
      4. Ah, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a balancing act. You three looks more graceful here than I would have expected, judging from your past performances. I love the facial expressions.
      5. Armored Octavia, with her cello of might! She will conquer you with her music.
      6. A beautiful portrait of Princess Celestia.
      7. ...N-nurse Redheart, I didn't expect to s-see you this way! You're, um...looking good?
      8. Pinkie the pirate! Yes!
      9. I love this painting so much. It's so gorgeous, especially the way the water is done right there at the river. Fluttershy looks great too.
      10. Armored Junebug! There's something you don't see everyday.
      11. Ah, I knew there had to be a sour apple somewhere in this Drawfriends. Get away, foul representation of our beloved Princess!
      12. Twilight at a waterfall...while I like it, her stance is a bit odd. Why is she standing like that, exactly?
      13. This was already used before it even appeared in the Drawfriends. I love it too. Looks like she crashed and burned.
      14. A parody of Alien. Nicely done. Although I haven't seen the movie, I am vaguely aware of its characters and plot, so I can figure out who each pony is supposed to be. I must, however, express my mild annoyance with the hooves. HOOVES CANNOT BE USED THAT WAY.
      15. Twilight! Are you drunk? According to the tags, yes, yes you are. You might want to ease off on the alcohol there.
      16. Now here's an unusual picture of Trixie, in a way I'd normally expect to see Fluttershy...particularly since the butterfly in the picture matches the ones on Fluttershy's flank. Hrm...a possible sign of Fluttershy/Trixie shipping? That'd be an interesting pair, at least.
      17. Continuing our theme of armor this time around, we have a badflank Scootaloo! I love it.
      18. Pinkie's floating away, though I can't help but fret about Gummie trapped in the balloon...surely he will suffocate!
      19. Trapped in an apocolyptic wasteland, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle demonstrate they're no slouches when it comes to fighting. Nicely done.
      20. I knew we wouldn't escape without more of young Granny Smith. Beautifully done too. I like the arrangement of apples and pie around her face.
      21. Bwahaha! Cutie Mark Crusaders Water Singers!

    46. 22. Hello, Princess Luna. Nice to see you.
      23. A Terraria crossover, eh? Well, I haven't actually played the game, so I'm not sure what Twilight is wearing, but it looks good.
      24. Nightmare Moon, dressed for the Grand Galloping Gala of an alternate universe where she won? Perhaps. Perhaps. Well done.
      25. More Young Granny Smith! The look on her face is amusing.
      26. A typical day for Twilight, readin' a book.
      27. Steampunk Luna, eh? Neat.
      28. Now that's an interesting design for the sword you have there, Princess Celestia. I actually really like it, especially since that's how I pictured swords held by ponies would really look. It's a better way, makes it easier to swing around, particularly if Earth Ponies or Pegasi were to take a hold of it with their mouths.
      29. More armor! Rarity is looking fabulous as always. I love the design, because it carries just enough of her character while still being practical as armor. I have no idea why she's in armor...perhaps some alternate universe where she rules over an empire?
      30. ROBO DASH. I love it. I almost thought it was Dashie in power armor instead, but no, the tags confirm that it's a ROBODASH.
      31. Nice use of color in this simple portrait of Rarity. Why is she at a waterfall?
      32. This could easily be a wallpaper. Her mouth seems to have vanished, but otherwise it's a neat look.
      33. Eighties Trixie, huh? She sure is...eighties...
      34. PINKAZOID! PINKAZOID! With Darkwing Mare Do Well at her side, naturally.
      35. I...I believe I am tearing up...My Little Dashie, curse your sad nature! (I also accept this size for ponies. It looks about right. Superb job with the editing, whomever made this.)
      36. What? Who? I am confused. It looks neat, but who is it?
      37. Another nice portrait of Rainbow Dash. Love the wings.
      38. While I'm not one of those who believes Celestia is a deity, this is definitely a wonderful picture. A great possible way that ponies came to be.
      39. Celestia with Fleur? Sure, why not, so long as poor Fleur isn't being forced to dance again.
      40. Another little portrait, of Luna this time. Allo.
      41. And we finish with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, all tuckered out after harvesting the zap apples. They look cute with the full bunny suits.

      A quality assortment this time. I liked almost every picture.

    47. #34 Freakazoid!!! It's been a while since I saw the cartoon but Pinkie Pie as Freakazoid. What are we gonna call her Pinkazoid

    48. Back to proper numbers again? We never had an official 300 did we? Anyway:
      11.) Confirmed for Twisted Metal 7.
      15.) Oh no. Did you get into Applejack's special cider cellar again?
      18.) That Up guy ain't got nothing on Pinkie. She doesn't even NEED a house.
      24.) A Nightmare Moon gala dress? Like they'd let HER in.
      29.) I surrender immediately and volunteer for treason.
      33.) Huh, I guess everyone DID wear their mane like that back then.
      34.) Yes! Pinkazoid strikes again!
      35.) I have a strong urge now to read this story. I know I'm going to cry, but it looks so beautiful, and I'd hate to feel like I'm missing out.
      41.) Ponies, bunny suits and rainbow apples? My cute receptors have been fried.

      Awesome work again, everyone.

    49. Amazing drawfriend as always!

      #1 Awesome Dash is awesome
      #3 Advocating gender equality in Equestria mush be one of the most hopeless tasks. Lol @ 1% protester. Also Trixie's bedroom eyes <3
      #5 #10 #14 #28 #29 #30 These are from military ponies contest, I presume?
      #16 Fluttershy has really changed since last time I saw her.
      #22 Hello, your Magesty. Enjoying your night?
      #23 Now I really need to get to play Terraria. If it has been crossed with ponies it's officially awesome.
      #25 Do we have a first name for Granny Smith? Feels kinda weird to call this beautiful pony "Granny".
      #35 Must. Not. Cry. Again. ;_;

    50. 1) I have NO IDEA what is going on but it is EPIC and ON FIRE!

      11) Scary Celestia drives a car!

      34) Pinkie Alarm! I was thinking about it earlier today. weird. I'm going to youtube to hear it again.

      35) We all wanna do this.

    51. @Mister Tulip Well, maybe I was a little too wrapped up in the memories. But you're right. This guy deserves top honors for putting together a picture of this kind of quality. You'd have to have pro graphic skills to pull this off, and this artist definitely has them. Not to mention this picture evoked a few tears and blew away some minds in the process.

    52. Avatar state? But her eyes and cutie mark would be glowing, wouldn't they? But Dash would be best avatar ever.

    53. #10, Junebug is now best Knight.
      #21, One word: HNNNNNNNG
      #35, Oh Celestia my heart can't take My Little Dashie again.
      #40, Two words: MY HEART!

    54. Very nice drawfriend and by reading the comments on 35 about the related fanfic, I don't think I want to read it. Life already has enough sadness T_T.

    55. #36 is a Magic: The Gathering reference, FYI.

    56. Ok so 1 I agree with the pony protesters! More background character fun

      2 scootaloo is a chicken not a bunny!!! Lol

      And 3 its just so cuuuuuu-te

    57. #35: Must...not...shed...manly tears!


    58. #36 I had a small nerdgasm

    59. #1 Epic indeed.
      #3 Lol
      #39 Purdy colors

    60. Wonder if anypony noticed #13 is an Alicorn ;)

      That said, these are some pretty nice pieces of work. John Joseco, despite his somewhat...interesting work, always has great drawings if looked upon objectively.

      I liked the Alien pony crossover, too.

      My favorite is definitely the Pinkazoid and Maredowell pic, though, just because of the zaniness. Especially if that Maredowell is Pinkie, too!

    61. @Croswynd Well, according to the description on dA, it was a flying spell gone wrong.

    62. amazing drawings you got there my friend
      what was the mechanical pony?

    63. Dash as a robot: 20% cooler.
      Dash being hugged one last time: *tear

    64. Wow, this is a wonderful Drawfriend yet again today. Unfortunately, this new popup box is a bit harder for me to comment in at the moment. So I may be just a tad shorter in my response.

      #1 Simply badass. I love the, what I'm guessing, is lightning shooting off her, wow.

      #3 Haha. A background character protest. Nice. The signs are great. Especially Trixie's. :P I must have slept in that morning though. Sorry, I'll be at the next rally!

      #5 Now this is really really awesome. Think Seth may have derped the link to the dA page or such of the artist, but I really love this. The armor is gorgeous and I love the braised mane, it looks perfect. And it's even in the perfect wallpaper resolution for my monitors. Thank you! :)

      #7 Dat Redheart plot. Sorry for anyone that disagrees, but... y'know... I'm okay with this. Why wasn't Nurse Redheart in my top 5 favorite ponies? lol

      #10 Wow. That is a whole lot of armor on her. Looks awesome. Ponies and armor just go great together. No exception here. I love the little flower basket added on. Cute and silly. :P Nice job, Harwick.

      #11 These style of pics are pretty cool. Can't remember the name of them right now. Something-fink probably. lol But they're classic and cool no doubt.

      #12 Plot ho! Feel like I just discovered a whole new plot of land. And this is quite the sizable one. Get it? I'm sure you do. ;)

      #15 Twilight's face in this one just kills me. Too hilarious. Silly drunk Twilight. She's going to regret it later after she see's these images online.

      #17 These really intricately-designed pics by this artist are nothing short of beautiful. So many wonderful flowing lines.

      #19 Now that is a rather interesting and swanky style. I like it, it's different.

      #21 & 41 The CMC dressed up as cute little bunnies. I thought that was so adorable in that new episode. Certainly made me d'awww. :3

      #27 I saw this one a few ago in an earlier piece by this artist here. Glad to see it was included as well. It's too awesome not to be. Luna and Steampunk in the same image? Yes please! Really awesome Steampunk gear too. The outfit and backpack look great.

      #29 Wow. That armor. It's... beautiful. *drools* It strikes me as the type of armor you would wear in a parade. Or perhaps for someone who won't ever see actual action on the battlefield, but needs to look really good. Which I guess is exactly what Rarity would be. :P She definitely looks good in it no doubt. Something like that is a great moral booster for your troops. Wonderful pic.

      #30 Is that a robotic Dash? Dayum. I wonder what kind of speeds it could fly at. I wonder if it could take on the real Dash and win even. That could perhaps be a rather fun episode, actually. I could see the robot winning through-out most of the episode, but in the end, something only the real Dash could do would ultimately defeat it.

      #33 Dat silly yet adorable 80's Trixie. She's pretty rad alright. I'd totally go clubbing with her. :D Is it bad I also have some accessories exactly like the ones she's wearing? lol

      #34 Hey, I met you at Bronycon! lol But yes! Awesome pairing. Why hasn't this already been done? Or maybe I missed it. >.>; Pinkie is too darn cute in this one. Pretending to be the siren. That's our Pinkie alright. :P

      #35 Yeah, I think that's about the accepted size most consider them to be if they were real. Such a sad pic. I haven't read the actual My Little Dashie fic, but I did watch a video that summed it up. Was quite sad. :(

      #36 Ah, based on a Magic the Gathering card. I knew it has to be a parody of something. Slightly creepy but still cool-looking.

      Wasn't as short as I thought. lol

    65. And i just noticed its over 300 drawfriend stuff YAY

    66. I see there is a bunch of Celestia pieces this time.

      Me like.

    67. Some real badass pieces of art this time around, nice.

    68. #35

      I don't get where everyone is getting this from? Is it from the video or the fan fic?

    69. Great Pics, as usual... so much DAWWWW/HNGGGGGGG, Tears, and WTBuck moments

    70. #17 My favorite video game series finally ponified? YES.

    71. That #35... Oh the memories of My Little Dashie, the tears are flowing freely at the moment. Confound this fandom and it's ability to conjure my feelings!

    72. I wish I could draw. If I could, I would flood the inbox with Dash Art. Alas, I cannot. I wish I had a personal Rainbow Dash as per #35.

    73. #1 : That's Solar Exalted Dash, Dawn caste.

    74. Umm I saw something on my little brony, using the candy cane from the Hearth's warming episode that they mentioned. They did some math, and came up with that ponies are around 4 feet tall, at least the mane 6. Big Mac and the princesses would be taller, and fillies would be smaller, but in general most are around 4 feet. So that is either one really tall guy or we need an official height.
      Also some of these were complete wuts. Like the one with Sweetie and Scootaloo, in a cave? wut

    75. Omg.... #35 I would die for that chance.

    76. Frieza killed Scootaloo? D:


      My Little Dashie got everyone emotional lol

    77. #1: More epic poni pix, plz. Seriously, I don't care if this was inspired by DBZ or Avatar or Spongebob Squarepants, it works perfectly with Rainbow Dash. The background is spare but evocative, Dash herself is drawn really well and in a suitably dynamic pose, and her trail, changing abruptly from blue to flaming orange, is superbly portrayed.

      #2: A very well-drawn Dash in an interesting outfit, but why the bridle? Fine colors, regardless.

      #3: Occupy Canterlot! Cute idea, and Trixie's sign is hilarious.

      #4: Cutie Mark Crusaders Acrobats, yay! A fun drawing capturing both the art style and the spirit of the show.

      #5: Great job of portraying Octavia in an atypical fashion. Love the treble clef on her armor.

      #6: A nice, basic portrait of Celestia, and the title is certainly fitting. I particularly like the feathers.

      #7: I know this is meant as saucy, but I can almost see it being innocent. (Still, if you object to sauce, you probably don't want to click it.) This may be the first sauce-linked pic I save, just because there's a shortage of good Nurse Redheart art.

      #8: "Pierate"! Another fun Pinkie and Gummy drawing; the party cannon is a nice touch.

      #9: Another "work in progress" that looks far, far better than anything I can hope to aspire to. *^^* Fluttershy herself is lovely, and the scenery is very well drawn.

      #10: A fine drawing of Junebug in armor (and we do need more art of her), but my favorite detail by far is the flower basket.

      #11: I don't know why ponies work out so well in Ed "Big Daddy" Roth's style, but they do. The artist was smart to keep Celestia's hair sparkles.

      #12: Nice drawing, overall; while it's a gratuitous plot shot, the artist at least didn't go overboard with that aspect.

      #13: Quoting the artist: "Not an alicorn, just a unicorn using a flight spell that messed up." It's the expression that sells this drawing: not pain or anger, but "Oh horseapples, still not right."

      #14: Ponify everything! Nice use of greyscale.

      #15: Not really a fan of drunken ponies, but the artist did an excellent job portraying Twilight's wobbliness with that awkward stance.

      #16: Who are you and what have you done with the Great and Powerful Trixie? Cute drawing of a reformed Trixie, actually; the Fluttershy butterfly ties in nicely with the pic that this is a prequel to.

      #17: I've never heard of that game before, but that's an awesome-looking Scootaloo; loving the detail and the colors.

      #18: Fun drawing of Pinkie Pie floating, but it's Gummy who steals the show.

      #19: Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle with guns, knives, and grenades? Yeah, I don't think I want to be within 10 miles of this scene...

      #20: Terrific Granny Smith portrait, with a genuinely old-fashioned feel to it.

    78. #21: Cutie Mark Crusaders Bunnies, yay! Scootaloo must figure it's a step up from being a chicken; how else to explain how much into character she's getting?

      #22: Wonderful coloring on this pensive portrait of Pip's preferred princess.

      #23: I have no idea what's going on here, but it's got Twilight and a book, and that's good enough.

      #24: Nightmare Moon doesn't strike me as the Gala-going type. Nice job of drawing her in a bold style.

      #25: Another fun, cute drawing of young Granny Smith; her expression is positively joyous.

      #26: Reading a good book outdoors is such a wonderful feeling. MysticAlpha's style is a fine balance between fidelity to the show and displaying the artist's personal vision.

      #27: I could have guess this odd Luna portrait was a reference or tribute to something else, but I never would have guessed it was by CrookedTrees.

      #28: It's nice to see NegativeFox drawing a young Celestia; her cape is particularly nice.

      #29: Great drawing of Rarity in some rather fashionable armor, being hailed by her troops. Seriously, that's some terrific armor.

      #30: Impressive drawing, but I question whether Rainbow Dash really needs full body armor.

      #31: I like the thick, heavy (virtual?) brush strokes used in this pic. We need more impressionistic ponies...

      #32: Great job with body language, expression, and background to express Twilight's efforts to calm herself.

      #33: '80s Cheerilee has nothing on '80s Trixie!

      #34: Pinkazoid and Darkmane Mare-- er, Mare Do Well! Fun team-up drawing; I especially love Pinkie doing her siren thing.

      #35: One of the better ponies-in-real-life works, though there's no getting around the fact that the ponies are 2D characters.

      #36: ... Dang, that's creepy. Looks like Trixie's delving into magic best left untouched. Great lighting effects.

      #37: A nice, simple portrait of Rainbow Dash.

      #38: Cute image of Celestia creating ponies; the story behind the image, even though it's definitely non-canonical, is very nice.

      #39: Cute drawing of a party scene, though I can't help wondering why Fleur is being so familiar with the princess...

      #40: Really good job on Luna's mane and tail in this portrait.

      #41: The CMC do look cute in bunny suits, don't they? I adore Apple Bloom's expression.

    79. Okay, since I didn't have it in me to respond to each of the 500+ images in the Artist's Training Ground, I can't wuss out on responding to everything in this heavily packed Drawfriend...

      1) I don't know what's going on here, I only know that's it looks awesome and is beautifully rendered in such a nice, clean style. Great image.
      2) This is a crazy and inventive Dash design, loaded up with color and effects. Very different, cool and striking.
      3) Ha! I love this one... Especially Trixie's face. Why do I imagine that she's the ringleader here? Also love Derpy's admiration for her own protest sign.
      4) I would totally play a Jenga game consisting entirely of ponies. I'm shocked that they're as good at this as it seems, although Scoot's gymnastic abilities make sense... as does Apple Bloom making the strong base.
      5) Armored Octavia with Cello is great... Someone needs to play the dramatic opera score when the battle commences, after all!
      6) What a lovely drawing of Celestia, in colored pencil from the looks of it. I never really got the knack of those... Impressive.
      7) I guess she's ready for her booster shot, doctor.
      8) Pirate Pinkie is great, sure, but First Mate Gummy in his little bandana steals the picture.
      9) What a charming image of Fluttershy. It radiates peace.
      10) I was too late to get in on the ground floor of the Vinyl, Octavia, or other extremely-limited-screentime-pony fandoms, so I've decided to champion Junebug. I'm sure she's going to take off. Soon everyone will be putting awkward pauses before everything they say.
      11) Ah, a Big Daddy Roth dragster image... that takes me back. Celestia apparently wants in on that flash crazy of Ponies in Vehicles.
      12) Considering how pretty her eyes are here, I feel like I'm looking at the wrong end. Impressive waterfall.
      13) You know what they say... any landing you can walk away from. Funny image, and reminiscent of Wile E. Coyote.
      14) GAME OVER, MAN!!! GAME OVER!!! Nice job ponifying a classic... and I really like the greyscale shading and the likenesses.
      15) Did somebody even card this unicorn? Because I'm not sure she's 21. Looks like she's not a quiet drunk.
      16) Trixie and a Fluttershy-style Butterfly? I wonder where this is leading.
      17) Wooo... gorgeous design on this, from the pony to the armor to the graphic behind her.
      18) I love this image so much. Everything about it makes me happy, and it's so beautifully done. But Gummy puts it over the top.
      19) Equal parts funny and creepy! No... more funny, but still a bit creepy.
      20) Nothing more down-home than Granny and some Zap-apple pie and jam! She was a looker in that bonnet.
      21) I honestly think the bunny suits had nothing to do with making the jam. Granny just knew how cute every pony looks in one.

    80. 22) The simplicity of this Luna portrait belies how awesome it really is. It's simply outstanding, and one of my favorites of her.
      23) Heh... I don't know the crossover, but I love the image, and especially Twilight's outfit.
      24) Very elegant and fierce... a great look for a Princess Nightmare Moon.
      25) Heh... Granny looks a little deranged, which she'd have to be to truly make that jam her way. Regardless, a great job on the rendering here.
      26) I always liked Twilight studying on that park bench while Pinkie rambles on. Great job of capturing it. Hey, at least she gets outside once in a while.
      27) Now I wish the Artist Training Ground thing was Sci-Fi themed. Love Space-girl Luna.
      28) Young Celestia seems eager to put that sword to good use. I like her sharp features.
      29) Pixelkitties knocked it out of the park with this General Rarity. I'm sure the Legions would cross the Rubicon for her any day.
      30) Mecha-Dash sounds like a Godzilla character. An *awesome* Godzilla character.
      31) Rarity has found her way to some new jewels, I assume? I always enjoy full scenes.
      32) What a great, graceful style for a tranquil Twilight. A very nice desktop background.
      33) Trixie and Cheerilee could have, like, totally been BFFs for sure. The braces make it.
      34) Pinkazoid and Mare-Do-Well in the Batmobile. Other heroes just go after the criminally insane... These ones likely cause the insanity.
      35) Aw. That is one well-placed pony. I haven't read the story, so my heart isn't shattered... I can just admire how well it was done.
      36) I'm not sure what this is a reference to, but it's slightly disturbing. Trixie's semi-realistic face shall haunt me.
      37) It takes a talented pony to strut that much on such a tiny cloud. But Dash knows how to strut.
      38) Ooo... a creation scene. Very cool idea.
      39) Fleur even poses on royalty... and they are loading up on sweets. I do wonder if the voguish pony has some royal blood.
      40) Luna looks perturbed. I like the style here... she has some real substance to her.
      41) That is one impressive horde. Who doesn't want to try one?

      Epically long Drawfriend, but so worth it as there were many, many real gems in there. Thanks to all of the artists for sharing their work, thanks to Seth and the EQD gang for assembling it all, and a special thanks for including my image among them... it's always such a treat!

    81. >My Little Dashie image


    82. *sees source 35*

      No, nononono, NO NO! Aww dammit, hold in those tears. *sniffle* Oh god, *bursts into tears*

    83. 21 .... the Daw has reached critical mass!!!!

      24 oooh Gala NMM

      27. Now see that just looks awesome

      34. hah pinkazoid

    84. @ConfusedBrony Join the club, my friend. *Hands you a box of tissues.*

    85. I'm probably too late to catch most of the people checking out the drawfriend, but if you want more Pinkazoid, click here for an epic comic.

    86. Man...#35...

      So much buildup in that story, and gives you the most unfair bittersweet, heart-breaking ending possible. It helps that what exactly happened afterward isn't mentioned, but still, man.

    87. number 11 will fuel my nightmares for years.

    88. As much as people are gushing over 35 (and I agree, it's a very sweet pic), I was more in awe of 36. As others have pointed out, it's a ponification of a Magic: the Gathering trading card entitled "Rewind," and I feel it's masterfully done.

    89. #36: Never thought I would see Barrin pony.

    90. @jodyjm13

      Okay, yes... that was awesome. And I was never even that much of a Freakazoid fan, but the theme song did rule.

    91. #1 That is fucking awesome, Dash in her element here.
      #3 This made me lol, from the muffin sign to the less Pinkie songs more wub wub! Not the mention the art here is amazing... the manes... they're glorious!
      #8 Pirate Pinkie and Gummy? I'm definitely OK with that.
      #10 Holy details batman! That armor looks amazing on a pony.
      #11 AHHHH! I was not ready for this.
      #15 Ah drunk ponies, can never get enough of them.
      #16 Trixie can be so cute when she's not being all Great and Powerful.
      #17 Jesus Christ, that has to be the coolest Scootaloo ever. Love the armor design.
      #18 Weeee! Hope Gummy will be OK inside that balloon though... He looks happy enough though, almost too happy.
      #19 Cutie Mark Crusader Ass Kickers.
      #21 Oh god, this is just too much.
      #29 Wow... that's the most beautiful armor I have ever seen. Fitting that Rarity is wearing it.
      #34 Oh man this brings back some memories.
      #36 That is so cool looking, also creepy as fuck though. Love it!
      #37 Dat smug. Gotta love RD being RD.
      #41 You'd think zap apples would make you super hyperactive, not sleepy.

    92. #1 Incredible picture. Rainbow Dash looking badass.
      #3 Hahah, Trixie causing anarchy as usual.
      #4 This is a cute CMC picture.
      #6 Beautifully drawn Celestia.
      #8 Captain Pinkie and First Mate Gummy on the search for the lost island of Candyland.
      #9 D'aww this is a lovely drawing of Fluttershy.
      #10 Junebug is ready for another dragon attack.
      #17 Wow that is an awesome Scootaloo drawing!
      #18 Really well drawn picture! Remember to get Gummy out!
      #20 Really like this drawing of Granny Smith and ze Zap Apples.
      #21 Awww adorable.
      #29 Commandor Rarity will lead us to victory!
      #30 A cool drawing of RoboDash.
      #35 D'awwww My Little Dashie :(
      #38 This is beautiful, loving the effects used on the different pony types which defines them.
      #39 Incredibly cute!
      #41 A massive d'awwwwwwwwww

      An awesome Drawfriend as always!

    93. First and foremost, #24. I'm certainly glad to see it, especially after the results of the antagonist poll. This cheered me up quite a bit and I just love the dress.

      #3: I do have to agree with Dr. Whooves, and in typical fashion, Derpy wants muffins, but all the other signs are pretty amusing.

      #15: Twilight should not be hanging around with Berry anymore, otherwise this will result more often.

      #40: Not sure what's made Luna angry, but I had nothing to do with it, though I do love how she looks here.

    94. Marvelous drawfriend as usual! But my absolute favorite this time around was #35. I always have admired art pieces that mix photography with animation, and this is no exception. You can feel the emotion coming from the picture too. Kind of makes me wish I could hug Twilight Sparkle like that...

    95. #23 I know that anywhere. Twilight wearing Adamantite Armor, from Terraria. Heh heh, good game.

      Tip: Always look where the pressure plates are connected to, or else you might be squashed by boulders or impaled by poison-tipped darts.

    96. #35 Ok, all of you people saying you haven't read My Little Dashie, get to it! Otherwise, your life will never be fulfilled. It's beautiful, but I warn you, manly tears WILL be shed.
      #1 Also, Super Dash for the win!

    97. apparently with #11 most bronies wouldn't know a rat fink it even if he kicked you in the balls!
      and you guys call yourselves manly!

      also #35..........oh god my diabetes!

    98. 13

      Seriously, I registered just to comment here, how did my ponysona end up in a drawfeind?

      *is confused but Dashfaces anyway*

    99. 1. Yep, I think Dashie just powered up.

      3. Muwhawhaw. That Twilight caricature is just plain wrong.

      4. This one is excellent , very on model, accurate background.

      8. The dreaded Pink Mane is looking to plunder some candy.

      9. Dawww. An excellent Fluttershy portrait..

      16. Subtle, I like it.

      18. Wait, how did get Gummy get in there?

      21. Pretty cute.

      26. Nice peaceful day reading at the park.

      34. That team up won't last long.

      41. Adorable little scamps.

    100. @Aegis Steadfast
      Because it just got posted to Ponibooru, which is a primary source of Drawfriend material. I think the better question is why it took so long to show up on Ponibooru...

    101. #36 is amazing. Need more MTG ponies!

    102. #11 - a Sunbeam Rapier hotrod, hell, I never thought I'd see that, especially on a pony blog :D Oh the awesome, there is an awful lot of it around here

    103. Seth you derped the link for #5

    104. Twilight in Terraria! So much better than the OTHER unicorns there...

    105. #3 - lol Occupy Equestria


    106. @Harwick
      Harwick, that joke about Nurse Redheart in your commentary was such a horrific pun in awful taste...I loved it.

    107. #10 Junebug's off to ring the two bells of awakening in Lordran.

    108. Holy carpetpony-Batman, the first one knows how to draw limbs. "I'm gonna throw away my hat and hair it's so cool" ones.
      29 and 30 are badass. By the by - Rarity's mad because she knows about the wrinkles under her eyes.

    109. 36 - A pony version of a MTG card? That's just awesome.

    110. These real-life pony pictures are getting better by the post

    111. Dayum so many good pics, my computer can barely handle it :3


    113. Confound you amazing pony art you drive my devicE memory to max fullness

    114. @Stormcloud A personal Dashie? >___> We're working on it... *can say no more*


      #14 Any yet another movie series falls to the power of Pony.

      #34: Best... superhero team... EVER!!

      #35: ;___;

    115. n umber 35 if only a portal would open to allow us into that dimension, number 1 rainbow dash would be the fastest in the universe

    116. ...
      Am I the only one that realizes that 24 is supposed to be Nightmare Moon as Black/Dark Lady?
      She even has the hair clips!
      And the studded bracelets/necklaces! AND THE EARRINGS.
      Confound it, she even has the black moon XD
      I love it, BTW, I'm just surprised that no-one else realized the cosplay/crossover XD
      (Black/Dark lady (depending on your dub/sub) is from Sailor Moon, for those of you who have forgotten)

    117. It seems everypony else also cried while reading My Little Dashie. I don't think I'll ever forget that story and #35 is so well done and captures the moment perfectly.

    118. *plays Dead Island trailer music to #35: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CzcOcBb_ms *
