I am going to hire an author to extend books for Twilight Sparkle, just so she never has to feel this again.
Poor Twi...
Have some art.
Source 1
*Update* Uhh, with bronycon we apparently got drawfriend numbers wrong, so this is #300!
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Source 7
Source 8
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Octavia Maid (Slightly-Saucy)
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25
Source 26
Source 27
Source 28
Source 29
Source 30
Source 31
Source 32
Source 33
Source 34
Source 35
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149 kommentaari:
Yumm art :D
VastaKustutaYay~ More art!
VastaKustutathat Octavia isn't saucy. at all.
VastaKustuta12 and 33 were my favourites
VastaKustutaScootaloo and Twi~
VastaKustutaLUNA got a thunderbird
First Ha!
VastaKustutawow a lot of art this drawfriend stuff
.. And I was somehow second?! Regardless .. all amazing stuff! Woona juice box .. nnnnggghhh!!!
VastaKustutaHippie Pinkie is best Pinkie.
VastaKustutaExcellent art ^.^
VastaKustutaDear sweet Celestia! Did Vinyl make you do this, Octy?
VastaKustuta#33: I must make it to the next BroNYcon, and it will be my first BroNYcon expirience.
VastaKustuta24 scares me......
VastaKustutaWoot! Another Starswirl the Bearded fan art pic!
VastaKustutaMaid 'Tavi and "Bunny" Fluttershy?
VastaKustutaSon of a... Who's been tapping my dreams?
#1: I thought the exact same thing at the ending of Fallout Equestria T.T
VastaKustutaTrixie LOSING HER MIND
VastaKustutaIf this was produced in Japan, she would totally be a recurring villian/rival for Twilight Sparkle
Eeeeee, another Starswirl!
VastaKustutaSome really nice looking Luna pics this time too. And that Human Vynl Scratch is crazy awesome o.o
I approve of Luna's new pet. I do not approve of sad Twilight. :(
VastaKustuta#12 I.... may have to save this....
VastaKustutaAhem, but yeah! Awesome stuff!
Yay art! Tear are really great! OVERLOADS OF CUTENESS!!!!!!!!!!! and YESSSSSS yay more adventure time!!
VastaKustutaDid Blogger update?
VastaKustuta#1 Aww.. All good things come to an end right Twilight?
VastaKustuta#2 Strangely fitting look for Pinkie.
#4 Why's Pinkamena's color all messed up? Cute though <3
#7 Trixiebolt!
#9 You been playing in the rain again AJ?
#11 Nice to see a reversal of roles here, go Fluttershy!
#13 LOL.
#17 Wouldn't want to screw with that Twilight.
#23 No Dash, that weird Korean creature can't keep up with you... Whatever it is.
#24 That is one insane looking Pinkamena, Love the mane and those maniac eyes.
#29 Apple family <3
#32 That is definitely the cooler way to hatch a dragon.
@cpbrony *These
VastaKustuta(curse you, iPhone keyboard!!!)
#4 :)
VastaKustuta#35 I never got the point of that play in Cutie Mark Chronicles in the first place... apparently the major food groups for ponies are fruit, flowers, whatever filly Cheerilee is supposed to be, hay, and chocolate cake.
Actually, that sounds about right :)
Number 5!
VastaKustutaThat top image is so sad, I shed a tear
VastaKustutaThat first image was my reaction when Fallout:Equestria ended!
VastaKustutaWow like the new iPod version up grade
VastaKustutaI wish the rich style of #11 were more prevalent. Seems like we used to have more of that kind of thing...
VastaKustuta#18 and #24 FTW!
VastaKustuta@Magnus the BlueI second that.
VastaKustutaBest drawfriend ever.
VastaKustutaMan, 34 reminds of that poor artist that drew it and tried to sell it at BroNYcon.
VastaKustuta#22 Very confusing for the Doctor and Derpy/Ditzy.
VastaKustuta34 was auctioned at BroNYCon.
VastaKustuta30 O.O Metal Scootaloo Is Best Scootaloo. It May Be Called Metaloo, But I Dub It Scootathrash
VastaKustuta#35 filly photo finish is sooo cute! somepony draw more of her!
VastaKustutato increase my artistic skills, i challenge myself to draw the simplest pic of every drawfriends #19 here i come!
VastaKustuta#23 너무 좋아해요!
VastaKustuta하지만, "래이디 래인이건"은 더 천천해요.
#30 rules so bucking hard.
VastaKustutaHow much you wanna bet she's pounding out "The Four Horsemen"?
Wow great drawfriend today (not that they're never not good). I also like this new comment box look. When did that go into effect?
VastaKustuta@jrk08004 I think so. I'm just really replying to you because I have a sneaking suspicion this might affect replies (watch as it wont now).
VastaKustuta#5 I am being followed by too many ponies to keep them from getting pictures, oh well.
VastaKustuta@Princess Luna>Everypony Awww thank you for that username.
What up update?
VastaKustutaYep, I'mma commenting.
VastaKustuta1. Poor Twilight...look at it this way: if a book never ended, you'd never get a resolution. Things wouldn't come to a close. You'd never be able to move on to the next book. You'd be trapped in one book forever!
2. Yes! YES! ALL OF MY YES! This is a beautiful look for Pinkie. Gypsy Pinkie is a great Pinkie.
3. Another great gypsy Pinkie! I love the different hair style.
4. This is from one of those Tumblers, I think. That's supposed to be Pinkie's sister. It's cute.
5. Slurp goes the filly Luna. HNNNG GOES MY HEART.
6. But until then, she can rely on your help, Dashie. I like the size of Scootaloo's wings...makes me wonder how large Dashie's are.
7. Try as you might, Trixie, you will never beat Twilight. NEVER.
8. Derpy with the Doctor never ceases to amuse.
9. I almost didn't realize this was Applejack at first...she looks so different with her hair that way. Pretty though.
10. Luna rules da moon! A different take on how the moon works in their universe, perhaps? A tiny moon would let them keep a globe shape for the world while still letting Luna push the moon around. Same for the sun.
11. Oh no! HURRY, Fluttershy! CATCH HER!
12. ...oh. Oh my. Hello Fluttershy...you're looking rather...beautiful today.
13. This feels like a reference to something. Though as usual I'm missing the reference, I still think it's pretty awesome.
14. The Church of the Sun is now in session! Or however church services begin...I'm an atheist so I wouldn't know.
15. The title makes me think this is a pun. I don't get it.
16. She looks a bit smaller than normal, and there appear to be wings in her hair. Rather good though.
17. Twilight's starting to lose her mind. I knew this would happen if she used the Element of Magic too many times...
18. ...Octavia is...um...in a maid costume...with that pose...it's...just look at it yourself.
19. Yay Pinkie! A simple pose but it's good stuff.
20. Hair wings? I'm not entirely sure what's up with her mane in this one, but it's extremely well done.
21. DARN IT WHY MUST WE HAVE SEAPONIES?! At least Fluttershy actually looks good as one.
23. I don't recognize the character next to Dashie, but it looks like they're having a fun race.
24. Hey Pinkie! You really need to stop messing with those hair iron thingies when you want to look all cocky.
25. Luna at her computer at night...about how we all feel, methinks.
26. According to the artist, the sun is raising normally, as in the way it would in our world. That plus the sad imagery does not bode well for Princess Celestia...a beautiful drawing.
27. Poor Luna...
28. Slightly odd style with Dashie's face, but it's always nice seeing her with a flying Tank.
29. Big Mac almost looks like a mare to me for some reason in this. A cute brother/sister moment.
30. ROCK OUT YEEAAAAAAAH! Adult rocker Scootaloo is awesome.
31. Vinyl Scratch, now available in human flavor!
32. Yes! Starswirl the Bearded is a fun character.
33. Nice dress there, Rarity.
34. Cosplaying Dashie and Shy? Well done.
35. Oh I get it...all the fashion related ponies as fillies/colts. Neat concept, and they look fairly amusing too.
From which fanfic is Source 26?
VastaKustutaHas anyone else checked out Ponychan recently?
VastaKustuta#1 wow...
VastaKustuta#5 So adorable.
#11 That's amazing!
#12 Am I a bad person for enjoying this?
#18 I like this. Yes, I am a bad person :<
#27 Luna = best princess.
Sweet stuff here!
VastaKustutaI know that feeling Twi =(
VastaKustuta# 23 Korean caption is translated into this.
VastaKustuta"Of course I can!"
And yet, I do not know the character even though I'm Korean.
Must be some kind of OC.
Correct me if anyone knows it better.
#1 Filly Twilight is too adorable, especially when sad.
VastaKustuta#3 Give me your tears gypsy.
#5 *Squee*
#24 Nightmare fuel. How does she do that with her pupils?
#33 Oooooh, sparkly.
#35 But where's Derpy!?
#1 I audibly dawww'd and now people are looking at me
VastaKustuta#8 yay! derpy+doctor= <3 forever
i normally don't look at drawfriends, but...
VastaKustutathat image....
Poor Twilight... Come on bronies! We've got books to extend!
VastaKustutaTwilight, I'll give you a hug.
VastaKustutaLuna's got a juice box!
VastaKustutaNot OC, it's Lady Rainicorn from Adventure Time. She speaks Korean
Shouldn't this be #300? Second time we have 298, like yesterday's were the second time we had 297.
VastaKustutaThis draw friend is great. I like so many of them though I am too lazy to list them
VastaKustutaAnd both gypsy Pinkie pictures are Friendship is Witchcraft fan art.
VastaKustuta#1 D'aww Twilight, I feel the same sometimes when I've read a series of books that I've enjoyed and when they come to an end it kinda leaves a hole until another book captures your attention.
VastaKustuta#3 Using your gypsy magic to break the fourth wall I see Pinkie ;)
#5 Adorable
#9 Really like this pic of AJ.
#10 "And the Luna jumped over the moon"
#11 Fluttershy to the rescue!
#20 Wow stunning picture of Celestia
#21 Finding Nemoshy. A lovely picture.
#30 Scootaloo is best guitarist.
#35 Hahah brillaint filly picture.
I loved 22. Especially Seapony-Lyra's expression. CreeeEEEeeeEEeeeepy!
VastaKustutaNow somebody has got to do a x-over of mane 6 as ginyu tokusentai or as any super sentai parody. The elements of harmony could have a 10 minute transformation sequence where they all slowly put on their necklaces in front of a colour background. Kinda like in the pilot before they painbow'd NMM, but extended by 9 minutes 30 seconds.
25: I find this funny; they left the livestream running at the recent Bronycon, before the auction a bunch of her lieutenants were swearing at each other and arguing because they had failed to plan properly. During their panic, several of them said that Purple Tinker had gone home half way through the con (they were panicking because they needed her leadership I guess). Maybe she was sick *shrugs*.
What the hay are these pictures in our DrawFriend?
VastaKustutaDoesn't matter > Saw Princess Luna's pet phoenix.
Back to a larger Drawfriend! Let's go...
VastaKustuta1) Adorable Twilight. I admit, I have known that peculiar melancholy that comes from reaching the end of a beloved book and realizing that there are no more adventures to share with the characters I've curled up to night after night.
2) Gypsy Pinkie is going to be a thing now, eh? I am totally fine with this. And this is a cool image to boot.
3) Heh... I love this one. Bake that fourth wall, you gypsy witch/pastry chef.
4) I have never shared a lollipop with anyone. I'm probably not going to start now. But when ponies do it, it's pretty cute.
5) Ah, the juice box thing. Luna pulls it off well.
6) Scootaloo knows that she's not supposed to *literally* stand on the shoulders of those who came before her, right? Cute image.
7) Trixie is ready to uppercut Twilight into the next reality.
8) Okay, the last tag on this one goes a little (way too) far, but otherwise it's a cute picture. She seems to have regained her focus, I see.
9) I like it when artists leave their pencil marks in a drawing. Gives it a rough energy, even in a very still pose like this. Lovely AJ.
10) Luna's over the moon with happiness. Or maybe she's chasing the cow.
11) Very cool dramatic image... Is that the waterfall from Canterlot? Great job on this one.
12) Why do I think she's not helping with the zap-apple harvest? She's painfully cute, but I hope she doesn't dress like that around Angel.
13) It's Chicken Company! Random and funny, not to mention well done.
14) I don't know who she is, but Lyra could take lessons from her.
15) I love that ballooning is a hobby in Equestria. And Cherry's hat makes the image for me.
16) do Pheonixes come in night versions? Either way, neat idea and great drawing of the two.
17) Twi's mad as hell and not going to take it anymore! I love it when she gets to these extremes.
18) So this couple has matching maid outfits? Her blush is cute.
19) A simple, sweet Pinkie Pie.
20) Ooh, very cool version of Celestia's mane, and pretty epic setting. Nicely done!
VastaKustuta21) A Flutterfish? Just looking at this image makes me want to go postal on the people responsible for Deepwater Horizon. So cute.
22) The Flutterfish in this one just make me crack up. I have to agree with Pinkie's confused look.
23) Is this another Adventure Time thing?
24) Hmmm... It's Pinkamena, but she's smiling... but she doesn't seem to be horrific either... I kind of like it, although I'm sure I'm supposed to be murdered shortly or something. Either way, I like her face.
25) I wonder if Purple Tinker ever gets to sleep. They started up with the next Bronycon before the last one even wrapped! She looks like she has things well in hoof (or horn) though.
26) Uh-oh... I'm going to have to look up the context for this one, and it's going to be sad. Why is the drawfriend making Twilight cry tonight?! You monsters. Intriguing imagery.
27) Nice horizon and clouds... they add quite a bit to the feeling of the piece.
28) Heh... I like Tank's grin. Probably took him 15 minutes to finish it.
29) Aw... How do ya like them apples? I like them a lot. Mac looks extra sweet here.
30) She found the best music for her singing voice. The wings give it a cool touch... more metal bands should have winged guitar players.
31) Helllloooooo Vinyl. I like the vibrant colors of his portrait. Looks great.
32) Starswirl is hatching a dragon egg, is he? I like the "candling" effect on it.
33) Very cool poster, with an exceptionally elegant Rarity. In honor of her, they really should hold a black-tie Brony meet-up somewhere. We can be the classy fandom.
34) I like that the title of this image is taken from the "Find a Pet" song. Based on real people, I assume?
35) And then Spike ate her hat. I guess he wasn't hatched yet. Love Photo Finish, Fancy Pants, Fleur, Hoity and Blueblood... but Rarity is easily best filly.
A great collection of artwork for this Drawfriend! Has anyone done the math? Are we on the right number now? Ah well... let's run with it. Thanks to all of the artists for sharing, and to Seth and the EQD gang for assembling it all into one mighty post of pictures!
I like Maid Octavia :D and some others :3
VastaKustutaSo much Twilight sadness today!
VastaKustutaBoth 1# and 26# makes me wanna shed manly tears! :(
don't worry twilight, there are always more books. sometimes even sequels! books must end so you can move on and learn even more from other sources.
VastaKustutagypsy magic pinkie will always amuse. if only hasbro could release THAT playset.
8: i'm going have to give in and write some sepia tock x derpy ship fic, aren't i? sigh...
VastaKustuta@James Rye
VastaKustutaAccording to the artist he will be doing a comic about it, that picture could be regarded as a teaser.
Seth, why do Drawfriends end?
VastaKustuta# 6
VastaKustutaI...I don't think Scoots is trying to learn to fly.
I bet Applebloom and Sweetie Bell bet her she couldn't dry hump Dash and get away with it.
Wow, lots of great art in today's Drawfriend.
VastaKustuta#1 Poor little Twilight. Somepony gets her more books, quickly! :(
#2 & 3 Wow, acouple pieces of fanart for Friendship is Witchcraft. Y'know, I don't think I had even seen any until now. That's really cool. Silly Gypsy Pinkie. I especially like that first one. Looks really cool. Though I love how she's holding a 4th Wall sign in the second. :D
#5 D'awwww, now widdle Woona has a juice box as well. Simply adorable. I guess little Fluttershy is sharing them with everypony. How nice. Means lots more of adorable. :3
#6 This is rather cute. Won't lie. At first, the sight of Scoots butt on Dash's head gave other initial ideas. lol But really, it's just cute. I could see Scootaloo always wanting to stick around Dash, even when she's much older. :P
#7 Trixie losing her mind indeed. I know how she feels these days. Though this reminded me of something like Dragonball Z, oh goodness. Now I'm just imagining Trixie shouting out some silly DBZ line.
#11 Awww, this one is rather sad. Not sure exactly what's wrong, but poor Dash. Fluttershy's expression really helps convey stronger emotion in this pic.
#12 Oh my, Fluttershy. She's in bunny mode alright. But I think this is a different kind of "bunny" then we're used to her associating herself with. ;)
#13 I'm so confused! Which one of these are Scootaloo?! Maybe they're twins. The resemblance is uncanny...
#16 Nightshade phoenix? Interesting idea. A pet for Luna similar to Celestia's Philomena.
#18 Oh my... a little unsure what to say for this one. Only that I should say -something-. lol Um... I really like my... outfit? I will try shrugging off the fear of why my rear is elevated so high into the air.
#20 *insert mane joke here* ;) But seriously, I really like how her tail and mane were done. Pretty cool. I thought they were an extension of her wings at first glance.
#21 Seapony Fluttershy. Adorable, of course. This is one seapony you can't help but love. :) And it looks like she found Nemo. lol Really very nicely done.
#22 More seaponies. I love these. Too darn cute. Lyra is really excited of course because she found a "human". Well, loosely a human. Pinkie is just confused as to what is going on exactly. xD
#25 Nope. Not going to say anything at all. lol I think some might know what I'm talking about.
#30 Whoa, Metaloo. She's pretty badass-looking. I could see Scootaloo as a Metal player. She's got that attitude for it I think. Nice cool design.
#31 Wow. That's stunning work right there. Shading and light look magnificent. I find humans harder to draw than ponies so I find this to be impressive. She looks so real. Really great job on this.
#32 Starswirl is too OP'ed. He needs a nerf. lol Pretty cool. I wonder what he's doing to that... what I'm guessing is a dragon egg.
#33 Yup, I saw these shirts and posters at the WeLoveFine table at Bronycon. I almost got the shirt. But they only had them in men's sizes it seemed. Sad face. I also just noticed how simply beautiful Rarity's dress is in this pic. Now I'm wishing I had at least gotten the poster. :(
#34 Hmm, this looks an awful lot like the painting that was no the art auction block for a start out bid of $500. If it wasn't this particular one, maybe it was another one by this artist. So real-looking though. I honestly thought it was a photo in the thumbnail. Takes real skill to draw something as realistic-looking as these.
#35 Oh, this is too adorable. They'll all so darn cute in their little outfits. I could just eat them all up. Especially Hoity Toity's expression. So excited and happy. x3 And yes, the pose for Sapphire Shores is a Sweetie Belle pose. :P
I'd warm up with some hot chocolate, but I think this drawfriend will do just fine:
VastaKustuta#1 Oh, Twilight. You don't have to feel upset. There's so many more books out there. And no lie, I was once that person that didn't like getting to the end.
#2/3 For some reason, Pinkie being a gypsy makes perfect sense.
#4 Warning! Dangerous levels of cute!
#5 It looks cuter with Fluttershy, but this is pretty cute as well.
#6 Gosh, Scootaloo. You're so clingy!
#7 Behold the power!!!
#8 Something tells me Doctor Hooves got caught off guard here.
#9 AJ has a totally different look without her hat and her hair in that style.
#10 Hey diddle diddle…oh, you guys get the rest. Great pic.
#11 Hurry Fluttershy!!! This isn't even moving, and I'm on the edge of my seat.
#12 Is there nothing that Fluttershy won't look cute in? Not a chance. Case in point, THIS!
#13 Hehehe. it's a pretty powerful pic, but it's a lot less menacing with the chicken there.
#14 This is quite the interesting picture. Not sure of the backstory, if any, but it's nice.
#15 The comic this comes from is definitely worth a look. But as a standalone picture, this is pretty cool.
#16 Something tells me Luna enlisted Fluttershy to find her that bird.
#17 Oh, man! Steer clear of Twi!
#18 Felt a little apprehension when I took a look at this. I'm not into sauciness, but I felt I should give this one a chance. And it's not overly saucy, but it's great that it was linked. Just in case.
#19 As bouncy as ever! LOL
#20 Wow. O_O. Now this is an epic drawing.
#21 Fluttershy loses none of her beauty as a sea pony.
#22 Even if I don't entirely get what's going on here, it's cool.
#23 Lady Rainicorn vs Rainbow Dash…sorry, but my money's on Rainbow!
#24 Uh, Pinkie? You're kind of creeping me out.
#25 I guess multitasking is much easier when you're a unicorn.
#26 So many guesses could be made about what's going on here. Doesn't make it any less awesome.
#27 Luna + the night sky = COOL!
#28 Rainbow and Tank. Don't see that too often.
#29 Big brother and little sister. Kind of reminds me of my little sister and myself.
#30 If only we could listen in. You rock, Scoots!!
#31 Hmm. Not something I would normally look at. But for what it is, it's pretty cool.
#32 Another character we don't normally see. Also pretty cool.
#33/34 I remember seeing these two at BroNYCon. Both look cool, and bring back many awesome memories.
#35 Who'd have thought a cupcake would result in this. Awesome.
Many thanks to our awesome artists.
Rainbow dash, Rainacorn, and nyan cat. All are great rainbow themed fliers. But who is the best? Let's put them all to the test! (I think rainbow dash would win)
VastaKustuta@3airus3 Yes I do!
VastaKustuta#19 was the best
VastaKustutaWon-der-ful bu-ckets of ro-mance for twooooooo-*alien abduction*
Why do Drawfriends end? D:
VastaKustuta8: And what does Derpy know about that? Oh wait...
VastaKustuta10: The cow jumped over the... *takes a spider to the face*
11: Aww hell.
12: Here comes the Easter Flutter.
22: Even Pinkie finds this weird.
24 is pretty impressively done in terms of really making Pinkamena look spooky.
VastaKustuta#35... it brings the lolwut. Awesome. :D
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaamazing art is amazing.
VastaKustutaOK, I've got to admit it, I think I like humanized pony pics more than the regular ones. They just look so freaking cool.
VastaKustutathis has been my favorite drawfriends thus far
VastaKustutaI just finished reading fallout equestria minutes before I saw that picture with twi........
VastaKustutaSo much amazing art!
VastaKustuta#31, #34 No thanks.
VastaKustutaI'm the artist. Let me answer that one for you.
That is Lady Rainicorn from Adventure Time. I'm in the process of creating a total of 14 AT/MLP crossovers and this is the third in the series.
For those who don't know, the other character in #23 is Lady Rainicorn from Adventure Time. She speaks Korean.
VastaKustutaWHAT THE HAY???
We should be celebrating!
We should be dancing in the streets
Instead, we have the following Drawfriends...
296, 297, 298, 297, 298
Look at the side bar... So many incorrectly repetitive Drawfriend numbers. Drawfriend 298 that is not this one, Draw Friend 297, and then another drawfriend 297. May as well drop horse manure all over inception, cause out numbers don't have to follow no laws of mathematics! We repeat our number all up in dis house!
What's wrong with this picture???
CLEARLY, super insomnia and post BroNY Con insanity is ahoof!
I dawwed and then cried with Twi...
VastaKustutaWhy DO books have to end!
VastaKustutaTrollisto strikes again.
He is as good at numbering as Douglas Adams.
7, 17, 20 THE POWAH!!!!
VastaKustuta11 looks like the opening cinematic of Kingdom Hearts to me. Dunno, maybe it's just me, I know it's not what the pic is about, but the way she's falling seems similar...whatev's, awesome art all around. Though I got a question: if Seth uploads human ponies (31), then y no human-pony sauce? It'd be better than the borderline beastiality that usually is behind the sauce label.
VastaKustuta@.,@ buh...
Always yay for more Luna.
My I have this dance, my Lady?
29# well there goes my left arm
VastaKustutaGeez Louise, this was a good drawfriend! Well done for number 300!!!
VastaKustuta#34 - There is no way that is a drawing/painting. No. Possible. Way.
Except that it is. Dear sweet Celestia's mane...
I have no chance here. *gruff*
VastaKustuta#1 = me at the end of a particularly epic fanfic.
VastaKustutaDERPYxDOCTERWHOOVES?! xD lol, where did this one start, ohhhh, more saucy stuff! >:D
VastaKustutaAnd Luna got a Thunderbird or something? Pretty sweet.
Fluttershy in a bunny costume? Win.
And some other drawing were nice too.
This drawfriend was OKAY.
This entire Drawfriend post is full of WIN. Seriously. Utterly fantastic stuff here. :D
VastaKustutaBut most of all...
#25: Thank you, Purple Tinker, for working so very hard to put together so many awesome events. We love you!
#1 - this is so sad ;_;
VastaKustuta#3 - Saucy! (she's NAKED)
#4 - .........saucy.
#5 - Sandusky Saucy.
#6 - SAUCY.
#10 - SHE....looks fat. Dammit, combo breaker. :(
#11 - *GASP* Will she catch her? Apparently this is a scene from the artist's fanfic. Damn. Illustrating scenes from your own fanfic? That's like a superpower. Imagine if Kkat and JohnJoseco were the same person.....Fallout: Equestria would be a manga. O_O
#12 - Saucy, for reals this time.
#18 - Wow, this must be really be to warrant a- *clicks* .......... ......... ......*scrolls back up to #12* *scrolls down to #18* *scrolls back up to #12* *scrolls down to #18* .....k, bro. Whatever ya'll say. Definitely not showing drawfriends to non-brony folk tho. "See, people draw cool fanart and-" "Why is she dressed like a stripper bitch? Yo, you beatin yo dick to this shit lol!"
#19 - Yay!
#20 - Cue the Kefka music!
#21 - Yo, I haven't seen The Little Mermaid in like FOR-EVER.
#24 - "Don't cry. We're just going to make some cupcakes. That's all."
#27 - ♫Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes
A fantabulous night to make romance
'Neath the cover of October skies
And all the leaves on the trees are fallin'
To the sound of the breezes that blow
An' I'm trying to please to the callin'
Of your heart strings that play soft and low
And all the nights magic seems to whisper and hush
And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush
Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love?
Can I just make some more romance with you, my love?♫
Aww Twilight...
VastaKustutaBooks end, so you can read MORE books!
#2: Oh hey, it's Pagan Pie.
VastaKustuta#6: Awww :3
#12: Why, hello there, Fluttershy. How YOU doin'?
#16: What do you call a moon phoenix, anyway?
#21: Sea Fluttershy is best Fluttershy. :3
#30: Scoot's shirt says "Slipcock" in my head. Not sure why.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaOh hey, it turns out this is Drawfriends 300! I shall have a nightcap of eggnog to celebrate.
VastaKustutaWhy eggnog? Because we still have some left over for some reason. This is the good stuff, mind, not that grocery store garbage.
@HarwickFor your comment for #31 ("Helllloooooo Vinyl...."), were you making an Animaniacs reference? ("Helllloooooooo Nurse.") If so, I may have another reference that goes well with your comment. ("Good night everybody.")
VastaKustutaI don't look a Drawfriends all that offten, but this one had some pretty cool pictures.
1. Best Twilight Pic EVER.
VastaKustuta5. Cutest Woona is Cute.
6. Whut? Scoot... what are you doing!?
8. SOO FRICKIN CUTE! Never really thought about Derpy & the Doctor...
20. Woah, insane hair! Soo cool...
21. Slightly creepy, but cool.
Great collection. ^.^
300 Drawfriends... wow. I've only been around for less than a third of them. Also, Humanized ponies freak me out, and number 5?
This Art is good...but I demand more epicness!
VastaKustutaWhy do Bronies seem to get 20% cooler on a daily basis?
VastaKustuta#1, and all the comments related to it... Just wow. I too have had that feeling at the end of books.
Confounded ponies, how do you keep inspiring and drawing us all together?
I know how Twilight feels in source1.........
VastaKustutaI used to get angry when a good book ended...shoulda seen me when a good RPG game ended back in the day -_______-
@KyroneaYou just reminded me that I still have eggnog in the fridge. However, this is the grocery store garbage... Oh well.
VastaKustutaI shall join you in the partaking of celebratory eggnog. The drinkers of eggnog has been DOUBLED.
On a slightly unrelated note, Sugar Cookie eggnog is not nearly as good as regular eggnog. It's O.K., but...
And to make this comment at least a little pony related:
#1: As a story addict (Fantasy and Sci-Fi) I know that feeling all too well. I feel your pain Filly Twilight.
#2: Did anypony else notice that Pinkie has an unsheathed knife hanging from her belt in this one.
#3: Goodbye 4th Wall. You don't stand a chance.
#5: D'aaaawwwww.
#7: Trixie's Hoof of POWER!
#10: I think that this is kind-of cute. Also, is it just me, or is she blushing a little? (The small pink dot under her eye.)
#11: Wow. Just... Wow. Very well drawn and it really hits my heart.
#13: I laughed a little at this. Despite the scratch, blood, and them possibly being in danger, it's Scootaloo and a chicken that also has her coloration. Well drawn. By the way, what is Scootaloo looking at?
#14: Cool, but I'm not sure what it's from.
#16: Luna and her night phoenix (ice phoenix?) One of my favorites.
#17: Twilight RAGE!
#20: ... Amazing. Stunning. VERY well drawn. May be my favorite.
#24: Creeeeeeeeeeepyyyyy: Does anypony else see the glint in the eye that's partially hidden by her mane? That partially hidden eye adds to the creepy factor.
#30: Scootarocker. Another really well drawn picture.
#31: ... HOW YOU DRAW SO WELL?! (I can't draw worth pretty-mutch anything. Especially humans.)
#32: Epic Starswirl the Bearded. I really like his... Dragon?
number 35 ♥ insta-fave!!!
VastaKustutaMaybe Twilight should read The Neverending Story?
VastaKustutaCongrats on 300 drawfriend EqD!
VastaKustuta@Alicentaur Brony
VastaKustutaHurray for eggnog drinkers! Mine is a Pennsylvania Dutch eggnog, a quality mixture of brandy, rum, and whiskey. I rarely like alcoholic drinks, but this is one I can enjoy.
#1: Well, this one goes into my bulging "pics where Twilight reminds me of myself" folder... Love the dim lighting, and Twilight's pose and glistening eyes really convey her sadness.
VastaKustuta#5: Gah! Why are ponies drinking from juice boxes so cute? And by making Luna a filly, the cuteness has been doubled!
#8: I don't know why, but I find this Derpy + Doctor pic adorably silly.
#11: Terrific use of perspective for a really tense scene; impressive color and detail, too.
#16: "Nightshade phoenix" sounds exactly like the type of pet Luna would have; this almost looks like a frame grab from the show. I sorta wish this did get used in the show, actually...
#17: Drawings of Twilight (or any of the mane 6) being an action hero are always welcome; nice use of magic effects to also suggest movement.
#22: I really like this banner, depicting an exceedingly odd situation with some wonderful expressions.
#23: Another fun Adventure Time crossover image; it's about time someone paired up Rainbow Dash with Princess Rainicorn in a pic.
#32: A stark image of Starswirl the Bearded practicing magic, made all the more effective by its simplicity.
#33: I really like Rarity's gown in this poster; it's very fitting for a wintertime occasion.
#34: Normally I don't care much for humanized ponies, but this drawing is very well done; at first glance I thought it was a photograph.
#35: Lots of cute details in this funny drawing of Rarity's past; as much as I love Sapphire Shores, my favorite part of this drawing is Photo Finish dressed as the wrong type of Brownie...
Cheers to drawfriend #300 and may there be 100 more!
VastaKustuta#21 I'm surprised no one mentioned this... SHOO BE DOO
VastaKustutaThe grey pony in #4 is Inky Pie, one of Pinkie's sisters; and the odd critter in #23 is Princess Rainicorn, a rainbow unicorn, from Adventure Time with Finn and Jake.
I think the wings you're seein in #16 belong to Luna's pet nightshade phoenix.
I didn't notice that last tag on #8 at first. What possesses bronies to describe drawings like that? :P
VastaKustutaAaah, that's what it is...and now the phoenix is clear as day, now that I realize its there. Thanks for clearing that up.
5 and 35 are awesome. I love ending my nights with these.
VastaKustutayay 300
VastaKustutaThat first one with Twilight is so full of Dawww :3
VastaKustutaomgosh that last pic XD so cute!
VastaKustutafirst one was too much =( so many nice ones this drawfriend <3
@Sethisto Hey Seth :P did you go to Bronycon? If so how was it? BTW I love the new mobile version of Equestria Daily it's awesome :D!
VastaKustuta#24 is EXTREMELY creepy but it's still awesome :/
VastaKustuta23 is a winner for me.
VastaKustutaSo much Woona! yay!
VastaKustuta#1 The sad but burning question on everypony's mind. That's why there's your imagination, Twi!
#4 I can tell Speccy drew this one. He has a very distinct style and it looks great.
#16 has me intrigued. A night Phoenix for Luna!? Winning!
#23 What time is it!? Racing Time!
#24 This pierces my soul.
#25 I imagined something similar to this when BroNYcon was going on. Great job scoring Fausticorn! BroNYcon is now 20% more cooler!
#33 Rarity would certainly fit NYC. :D
Great pieces of work once again, and congrats on #300!
#35... lmao at Box Brownie Photo Finish =P
VastaKustutaMah hero tonight for bringin' out some classic Morrison for the Princess of the Night.
All the talent in this fandom, it makes me feel so useless!
VastaKustutame and my friends r holding our own brony con its going to rule
VastaKustuta#22 Please tell me that the artist did NOT make OCTavia an OCTopus?
VastaKustuta#5 makes me wonder why oh why they changed Luna's hair.
VastaKustuta#32 is best country music singer.
This is so sad :c
VastaKustutaBut why is Twi's hair gray?
@herpyderpy Oh, at 23 that is from Adventure Time.. Jake's girlfriend.. ;P
VastaKustuta#6 Whatever you do, do NOT fart on her head.
VastaKustutaTHIS. IS. EQUESTRIA!!!
VastaKustutamfw my little dashie
@Captain_SavageLuna juice box... so prime ahah.