EPIC BATTLE edition. Will Equestria survive something of this magnitude!?
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I for one welcome our new Cheerilee in pigtails overlord!
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No one cares if you're first. Now shut up.
ReplyDeleteOh boy xP
ReplyDelete#5. Saddles make things sexier, i guess.
ReplyDelete#12, GildaxTwilight? never heard of it.
I love you, TheDoctor.
ReplyDeleteCAT FIGHT!
ReplyDeleteNot sure how to feel about #5.
#17 BOOKS!
ReplyDeleteGo beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!
Oooooooh dang...I'm never this early
ReplyDeleteMike sent me
ReplyDeleteSo much Dawww here. #s one and seven are best.
ReplyDeleteSCOOTALOO is best biker.
ReplyDelete24 wow...molestia is at it again
ReplyDelete@Chucklesmoke Spray
ReplyDeleteShe's not a biker, she's Simone from Gurren Lagann, possibly one of the most epic anime out there.
No more being a prude, Seth? ^^
ReplyDelete#1-Somebody stop them! I cant stand it! The horror! THE HORROR!
ReplyDelete#5-...*shifty eyes* Is this a test?
#10-Damn! Nightmare Moon is awesome!
#22-Censor it! Dear lord, think of the children!
1) A battle most epic!
ReplyDeleteFree popcorn for all the fillies!
2) This furthers my theory that Twilight is fire-resistant. I could never get that close to a flame.
Spike's a dragon. It's expected he's fireproof.
4) Cute. Who's the newfoal?
15) Hi, Celestia!
Lot of Twi, Celestia, and Fluttershy today.
ReplyDelete#1: After all the pictures of epic, world-shaking magic duels between those two... this is what it would probably devolve into by the end. LOL.
#12: Twilight X Gilda? O_o Never would've imagined that.
#13: Poor Trixie. Why do we pity you so much?
#15: Hiya! <3
#17: Aww, she looks so happy to have those books. :3
#20: Well, this looks familiar. Mornin' again Pinkie.
#1 Is just plain epic. Both are powerful enough to destroy each other, but they are fighting prissy cat-fight style. I love it.
ReplyDelete22# Saucy, but awesome. Is there more of cheerilee in pigtails? I need to check some previous drawfriends!
#5. That is all.
ReplyDeleteNumber 5 and number 22 = MUST UNSEE
ReplyDeleteThat first one was utterly epic. Who cares if the world explodes? We're going to all die of diabetes before that.
ReplyDeleteYay! Maid vinyl :D That's awesome :)
ReplyDelete#18, so adorable. :3
ReplyDeletemy brain is not sure what to do with #5
ReplyDeleteCan we censor 22? please?
ReplyDelete#5 Can go die in a fire.
ReplyDelete@Sunset Sprinkles Me too <3
ReplyDeleteI'm all for Cheerilee in pigtails.
ReplyDeleteYou know, for all the epic lighting and magic and bolts and seriousness shown in past Twilight Vs. Trixie arts, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the truth of what would REALLY happened if these two, 'scuse the pun, locked horns.
ReplyDelete6- played that game, shit my pants, loved that game, WHAT"S THE SOURCE!!!!
ReplyDelete8-Listen, Scoot, never forget. Just believe in yourself! Not in the Scoot that I believe in, not in the Rainbow that you believe in, have faith in the Scootaloo... the Scootaloo that believes in you!
#5, #6, and #22, DAFUQ?
ReplyDelete#6 is a short MLP horror game, called Story of the Blanks. THere's also a comic of it on deviant art
why do i think 5 looks so sexy? o_O
ReplyDeleteThose porn drawing bronies are awesome to be honest. I mean look at it (#5). It's definitely one of the best ones in this Drawfriend!
ReplyDeletenooo! why must u cheat on bonbon!? -n-
ReplyDeleteಠ_ಠ #5 Why? Is she not good enough for you as a DJ!?!?!?!?!
ReplyDelete1. Yep, it's comfirmed it won't destroy the world.
ReplyDelete12. I'm afraid this is not going to end well.
22. Throw it to the moon, please!
ReplyDeleteSomeone forgot to link to the sauce. Not cool. Thankfully, no one works behind me.
ReplyDeleteI only forgive #5 because it's Vinyl, and yes, I am aware of the massive hypocrisy in that I said that. Shut up.
Well someone forgot the sauce tags again
ReplyDelete#6 Story of the Blanks art is always welcome!
ReplyDelete#9 So is badass Star Swirl. Also, first guess at what Clover the Clever looked like?
#13 It's weird how much art I've seen depicting a scene almost exactly like this one: Trixie, in a dark forest, at night, crying (often in the rain, even). Is that just everyone's interpretation of what happens after Boast Busters?
#24 wat
#25 I don't know what it is about MysticAlpha, but his style makes even relatively mundane scenes look fantastic.
what's #4 about don't quite understand but in my opinion Lyra is the bestest of background characters! I want more Lyra MORE!
ReplyDelete22... Were is Bon Bon? I'm so telling on Lyra for cheating on Bon Bon with that slut Cheerilee.
ReplyDelete13 :(
ReplyDeleteThat title image...
ReplyDeleteI can just imagine Twi and Trixie firing off huge blasts of magic at one another, creating a gigantic blast and a cloud of smoke. The onlookers watch anxiously to see if either survived, and when the smoke finally clears...
that picture.
#5 I swing different ways with saucy pics. I happen to like this one for whatever reason.
#11 More Vinyl yay.
#17 It's so easy to make Twilight happy...
That's about all I have to say about this set I guess.
ReplyDeleteTalk about crack ships...
Okay, that is by far the funniest Drawfriend header ever. I'm jazzed for this edition.
ReplyDelete1) Aside from the viewer, it's really hard to guess who's going to win. Love this one so much.
2) A cozy, well rendered Twilight and Spike. I laughed at the tiny glasses that Celestia is wearing... she looks like a loving grandmother.
3) That Fluttershy makes the entire day seem so much more wonderful.
4) BonBon seems happy, but who is that cavorting with Lyra? Cute drawing.
5) Now that outfit on that pony is hard to stretch my mind around. Well drawn though.
6) Wow... very creepy and grim, but pretty cool as well. Poor Applejack really needs to learn not to casually wander into the Everfree.
7) That's a pretty cute Dash right there. I really like her when she sheds some attitude.
8) Speaking of attitude... Very graphic style here with heavy blacks. A reference to something I don't recognize, I'm sure.
9) Aha! The "real" Clover the Clever at last! A very cool image, I like this Starswirl design. Is Clover a colt?
10) Excellent portrait of Nightmare Moon.
11) She seems to have gotten her confidence back after the incident that led to #5.
12) Wow. That is one shipping pairing that never once crossed my mind. I really shouldn't be surprised by any combination at this point, though.
13) Poor Trixie. I'm sure she'll win the rematch hissy fit battle. This does a good job of pouring on the sympathy for the egomaniac pony.
14) Fluttershy makes the best nursemaid... you just know it.
15) Hiya Princess! Her grin makes me happy for some reason.
16) Here she is looking a bit more reserved. I like the use of purple to outline her.
17) Twilight doing a happy prance with books? Love this. I could start each day looking at this kind of thing and always be in a great mood.
18) Fluttershy with her bird friends is always cute. That probably goes for Fluttershy herself, but the birds just push it further. I like the softly rendered background.
19) Is this a card design? I quite like it regardless.
20) Heh... Pinkie doesn't seem to be a morning pony at all. Cute and funny.
21) Apparently Twilight has decided wings are optional for flying. For some reason I imagine that this much magic around you would feel like when your foot goes to sleep.
22) My... Young Cheerilee apparently experimented some. Lyra seems a bit depressed.
23) Dash knows she looks awesome, judging from the expression.
24) Is this *that* princess again? I'm just going to go with the idea that Twilight signed some licensing deals after becoming famous, is all.
25) Why is my world so damn dark, grey and cold right now? We need some pegasi to make things as gorgeous as in this lovely Fluttershy desktop.
Well, this was certainly an unusual collection! I'd like to thank all of the artists for sharing their work, and Seth and the gang for putting it all together for us!
Yay, more Starswirl!!!
ReplyDelete#10 is pretty cool too. Like... epic winter Nightmare Moon
Who gives a shit about sauce pics? If it looks good, don't complain. It's not like she's masturbating or something.
ReplyDeleteI think #9 is the awesomest take on Starswirl the Bearded I've ever seen
ReplyDeleteDrawfriend time! And I feel like doing another obscenely long comment about each pic that I'm sure nobody else will ever read, but I like to think people care about my opinion, so nyah!
ReplyDelete#1: I think Trixie's winning this one! Slap faster Twi!
#2: Glory to the detail... that lighting is amazing. Also Celestia with glasses is pretty great looking!
#3: Fluttershy being adorable... The day this gets old is the day the moon is overpopulated by haters.
#4: D'aww, Lyra has a Bon Bon scarf! The scene might be cold, but that's certainly not the effect it has.
#5: Maid Vinyl? Octavia must be happy! I know I am!
#6: Ooohh!! Story of the Blanks fanart! If anyone hasn't played through that yet, go do so! That's just fantastic!
#7: D'awww, It's amazing how much an opinion can change, I remember not even associating the word 'cute' with Rainbow Dash... I got better!
#8: I assume a crossover? Woe is me that I don't know what with... Too distracted by Katana Rainbow and Epic Scootaloo!
#9: I bet Starswirl was an awesome teacher. I like who he's with also, an OC pony? Looks great!
#10: More NMM being creepy awesome... I'm getting shivers but it's too hard to stop staring!
#11: Cute Vinyl about to get drunk... I think this is the precursor to #5!
#12: TwiGilda? Well that's new... I think Gilda just needed a hug in her episode anyway, this would've solved a lot of problems!
#13: D'awww.... Chin up Trixie, you're still great and powerful in my book!
#14: I feel it's redundant to start every comment with "D'aww", but this one deserves it. D'aww, Fluttershy is the best remedy for anything that ails you!
#15: Hi! Celestia being adorable isn't something I can turn down! I think this is the first time I can call a pic of Celestia cute that wasn't depicting her as a filly!
#16: Woo! More Celestia! Who, I'll add is quite rapidly climbing my list of top ponies!
#17: Although nothing can top Twilight being adorkable, she is forever my favourite!
#18: Filly Fluttershy... Why must you be so cute?
#19: Another great one of Celestia, I like her mane against the background of this one!
#20: D'awww... Pinkie does not seem to be a morning pony, that or she's having a lot of trouble trying to walk on two hooves... Poor Pinkie, she never gets a break!
#21: Peaceful Twi gliding through a black void... Simple, I really like this one!
#22: Lots of controversy... I don't think this is too over the top, and Cheerilee needs more love, but I get the feeling people won't be fond of this. Although hey, bonus points for CheeriLyra, I don't think that's been done before!
#23: Gala Rainbow Dash being awesome, I'm quite fond of the style of this one.
#24: Does...uhm... Does this count as shipping? I'm going to take the easy way out and say that Tia's just celebrating Twi's success, but I know people are going to jump to grimdark conclusions...
#25: And Fluttershy being oh-so-VERY adorable to top it off! I like these simple pieces, small amounts of something going on with lots of scenery.
Woohoo! Drawfriend 295, feels so recent that we hit 100, this fandom is awesome.
1 - Are their front legs even solid anymore? Haha.
ReplyDeleteI'm the artist of #9 - answering some questions: Yep that's Star Swirl and Clover the Clever. Clover's male in that image. You can find out more about his design on the DA page! <3
ReplyDeleteI love drawfriend...
ReplyDeleteWow, a Don Jo picture on EQD? I didst know he did reserved things.
ReplyDeleteEw, typo. Don Ko*
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ReplyDelete#1: How G3.5 would have handled the scene where Twilight and Trixie next meet...
ReplyDelete#2: Celestia looks stylin' in those glasses. Nice lighting and details.
#3: Forget buspirone, just look at this pic twice daily to improve your mood. Shiny happy Fluttershy is best pony.
#5: I'm sure some bronies are going to see this in a saucy light, but setting that aside it's a cute image. Maybe being a DJ doesn't pay enough, and Vinyl Scratch has to get a second job?
#7: Cute Dash on a windy day; the eyes are different from how they're shown in the series, but still nice.
#9: Is this the first fanart of Clover the Clever (as opposed to Twilight playing Clover the Clever)? Nice drawing; the ponies are well done, as are the magic effects and setting.
#10: Impressively sparkly Nightmare Moon. I especially love how her eye is drawn.
#12: Is the artist intentionally making Twilight look smaller and younger here?
#14: It appears Doctor Fluttershy takes care of sick friends, not only sick pets.
#15: Something about the pose and expression just makes me giggle.
#16, #19: It's nice to see more happy, peaceful Celestia; I also like the coloring on both of these pics.
#17: I got several books for Christmas, and that was pretty much my expression too.
#21: I'm not sure what spell Twilight's casting on herself, but at least she looks happy about it. Again, nice colors.
#22: I'm not exactly a fan of pics portraying ponies passionately puckering up, but yes, Cheerilee does look nice in pigtails. (And wow, lots of complaints over this pic.)
#23: Rainbow Dash always dresses in style! (Sorry, had to do it.)
#24: I'd really rather not have Molestia in these Drawfriends, even one as nicely drawn (and relatively innocent) as this one.
#25: And another bright, happy Fluttershy to close out the Drawfriend; I think every Drawfriend should end with a picture of happy Fluttershy.
Well, even though it's a cold, grey day, at least your team won last night.
At least one brony read your comments. Nice catch on the scarf in #4.
A lot of bronies don't like saucy pics, and don't want to be associated with them. Unfortunately, I've seen several people assume that anyone who doesn't complain about a saucy pic must therefore like it. I'd rather remain silent about most saucy pics, but if that leads to some people thinking I must be "clopping" to said pics, well...
#1 *orchesta and ominous latin chanting*
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure six is story of the blanks.
ReplyDeleteWere we arguing? I'm sorry...
(No seriously, I don't really see too much arguing, or any at all, here.)
@Mr MailboxYes, i getting a little tired of this borderline stuff, its not nice and i think that make think to others bronies that's okay to post that, well its not.
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ReplyDeleteMaid Vinyl Scratch? Oh yes!
ReplyDeleteYay, Drawfriend!
ReplyDelete#1 Oh my. This is an epic battle indeed. Why, someone might just pull a muscle with all this constant arm flapping. But seriously, I love this. It's silly and hilarious. So many serious big battles between Twilight and Trixie are drawn, it's nice to have something silly like this once in a while too. :)
#2 Very nice. Colors and lighting look good. Plus it's a fireplace scene, one of my favorites. Especially during cold months. I see another stylized window in the background too, love those. I see Celestia is wearing glasses in the picture on the wall. I guess in her old age she's starting to lose her vision? :P
#3 Pretty. And of course adorable with little Fluttershy in there.
#4 Hmm, dunno who the OC in the pic is, but they seem to have dressed Lyra in a fashionable... bucket. lol I must say, I love Lyra's expression... what we can see of it anyway. Silly. Also love the Bonbon scarf. It's so nice how people are always drawing them with accessories matching the colors of the other. Cute. <3
#5 Dat Vinyl. Is this a late Christmas present, Vinyl? Can't say I dislike it honestly. lol The stockings and saddle are adorable.
#6 Story of the Blanks. Haven't seen any fanart of this in a long time. And damn is this a nice one. Scary as heck to boot. It'd sure scare me. If I were Applebloom, I'd be out of there and fast!
#7 Aww, lookit that face. So cute. Looks to be a nice smooth and clean style.
#8 Ah, shoot. An anime I'm not familiar with. lol Well, it certainly looks cool at any rate. Even if I'm a little lost on it. Out of the three styles of this piece, I think I'd have to say the GL version used here is my favorite. Dem shadows.
#9 Very nice. I don't mind the thought of Clover the Clever being male. Heck, some of them had to be male, right? Everyone would have died out if they were all females. lol I also find the choices of colors interesting and unique. And how the artist chose colors from G1 Clover, G2 Clever Clover, and Twilight. Very nifty. It works. :)
#10 Whoa, dem eyes and eyelashes. So... big and purple. Those caught my attention first thing. Rather interesting colors and textures used on the armor. I like it, it's different. I think her chest armor would be considered actual armor. It's probably made as such. Only doesn't cover a ton of area. lol
#11 That is quite the glowing drink you have there, Vinyl. It's not radioactive, right? Knowing her, it just might be. I think the coloring looks good on this myself.
#12 Awww, Twilight. She's so sweet. Not certain if Gilda is feeling the love quite as much though. lol She's looking pretty surprised in this. But maybe she just needs a little love too. :3 It looks alright, though that back left leg looks to be a bit too small and short.
#13 Poor Trixie. :( What a story, Mark. lol But seriously, sad story in the description there. I still love ya, Trixie. You just need more practice and magic learning is all. :)
ReplyDelete#14 D'awww. Fluttershy is taking care of a poor sick Dash. So caring and adorable. One reason why Fluttershy has been my favorite of the mane six so long. She's such a sweetheart. I feel bad for Dash. I hope she gets better soon. On another note, I like the richer colors and shines on their manes and tails.
#15 Hi, Celestia! *wakes back* :D lol
#16 The shading may have took a long time, but it looks really nice. That was the major attribute that caught my eye in this one. Shading looks good as does the line work. Nice and smooth.
#17 Twilight skipping around happily with her books. The epitome of adorkable. :3 I don't mind that its off to the left side a bit, still looks fine to me. The mane and tail look alright. Just keep practicing them. The books look fine too. As a sketch they look good. And I kinda like the slightly misshapen look in sketches myself. :)
#18 This one looks very very similar to another Fluttershy pic I remember. Could be the pose, or perhaps it's the same artist. Fillyshy makes me d'awww.
#19 "Mhhmm~ Looks kinda pink-ish~! C:" Doh ho ho. You made her a slightly pinkish hue on purpose, didn't you? :P lol Looks really nice.
#20 Huh, thought this one was already used in one of the past Drawfirends... maybe I'm imagining things. So many pony pics, y'know? :P But I know I've seen it before and it's simply adorable. Looks like Pinkie just woke up and looks a little disoriented.
#21 Ooh, pretty vibrant and rich color on the magic surrounding her. I like it. So strong set to the black background. I like the art style too. Quite cute with nice rounder lines and shapes.
#22 Oh no, it's Cheerilee in pigtails again. lol I'm not a fan of pigtails, but they are cute on her. Looks like she thinks Lyra is cute. Watch, Bonbon will enter the frame in 3.. 2.. 1.. :P
#23 Nice style. It's the textures and darker shading that get me in this one. Looks nice. Dash is always looking fierce in her awesome Gala dress. And you know what they say about Dash and style and *shot!*
#24 Is that a... Twilight popsickle? lol I... kinda wish they would make such popsickles now. D: She look's a lot like Molestia to me. It's those eyes and that demeanor. She's looking at you... just plotting what she's going to do.
#25 "Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high..." Take a look! It's in a cook! A Reading Rainboooowwwww~ lol Very nice piece. Love this style of shading and line work.
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ReplyDelete#1 - too much cute :D
ReplyDelete#3 - broken link
#7 - this one is one hell scary picture. need to find that fanfic.
#9 - wonderfull concept I may say
#13 - poor Trixie..
#22 - well, socks, wat manes, pigtails? why not? ;)
ReplyDeleteYou really shouldn't let other people ruin your perception of the community.
I rather not run the risk of this blowing up or branching out into an argument with anyone, but they're not directly attacking Saucy/R34 of Ponies in anyway. They are just "reminding" or requesting Seth to censor since it runs the chance of it being NSFW, which seems to be the status quo of EQD.
ReplyDelete(The status quo being, an apparently safe for work site.)
Well, just when I'd gotten over the SotB-induced nightmares, #6 comes along and likely robs me of another few nights' sleep.
ReplyDeleteThanks. e_e
ReplyDeleteExcellent job... I really like your images of historic Starswirl, and I can't fault your logic or choices for what Clover might have looked like as well. Overall, it's just a very cool, striking picture and easily one of my favorites of recent Drawfriends.
This is true... although I'm not sure they ever did start playing all that well. Still, I suppose it pays to be lucky now and then, so I'll celebrate the win either way.
#8 is now my desktop background. It's too awesome to not be.
ReplyDeleteLYRA Y u cheat on BonBon :(
ReplyDeleteI don't often save .Gifs
ReplyDeletebut when I do, you KNOW they're epic.
@jodyjm13 It's silly how they think so. And it's silly how it can get saucy with clothes when they are naked otherwise XD.
ReplyDeleteAnd what I know, the saucy pics in EqD is so weak if you look at what other people draw. But as I said, if it's beautiful you shouldn't complain because it do look better than allot of the pics I have seen, saucy and not saucy. I'm not a clopper BTW!
Hey! I was only sissy-slap-fighting in self defense!
ReplyDeleteWell fun fact: Gif's were the first thing to make me love these ponies.
6 is story of the blanks reference? It's been quite a while since the last one.
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ReplyDeleteFrench maid Vinyl?
ReplyDeleteThis is intriguing.
Just a small comment on the "saucy" pics, I do prefer them to be linked without thumbnails on the drawfriend posts. Better safe than sorry, right?
ReplyDeleteYeah, from a neutral standpoint if they're linked nobody can complain about them if they actually chose to view them, non?
My logic runs a chance of being flawed but the way I see it, it keeps everyone happy.
Epic diabetes inducing hoof slap fight is epic!
ReplyDeleteY'know, I've never really been a trixie fan,but 13 makes me want to give her a hug.
also I dunno why, but I really like Vinyl in that maid outfit... Is it a little something special for Octy?
uh... hi mollestia... I see what you did there...
Just what I need to warm up an absurdly cold day:
ReplyDelete#1 Go Twilight! Yay!
#2 What I wouldn't give to be next to that fireplace. THE BIG APPLE'S FREEZING RIGHT NOW!
#3 How can you not *squee* at this one?
#4 How did Lyra ever get roped into this.
#5 Uh…hmm…the tinted goggles work far better than this.
#6 Someone jump in and save her! NOW!
#7 Not how I would have drawn Rainbow. Still cool.
#8 Despite having no idea about what this is based on, this is an awesome pic.
#9 Who wouldn't want to get a lesson from this wizard?
#10 Maybe it's just me, but Nightmare Moon looks less intimidating in this form.
#11 Don't know if I'd want to try that drink. For that matter, I don't drink period.
#12 Wonder what they would see in each other. But that's the fandom for you.
#13 Now that is just the saddest thing ever. Poor Trixie. :(
#14 Guess Rainbow should have been taking better care of herself. Lucky she's got Fluttershy looking out for her.
#15 Hello to you, Princess Celestia :D
#16 And the Princess once again.
#17 Hahaha. Whatever's in those books has sure got her happy. I enjoy my books, but not so much that I'd break out into dance.
#18 Nothing says peaceful like Fluttershy and animals.
#20 I'm getting the impression she's not happy with this.
#21 I'd really like to know what she was working on in that one moment.
#22 ? x infinity! O_O
#23 She looks like she's ready to trash a gala. LOL
#24 I really don't want to know what's in that ice pop.
#25 Dangerous levels of cute, and I'm perfectly fine with...HNNNNGGGG...(drops to the floor unconscious)
@BossManJohnYeah, i thinks thats better, i hope seth see that
ReplyDelete#10 So that's what I looked like? I thought I was much scarier than cool before, but now I'm not so sure.
ReplyDeleteNot enough people have seen the epicness that is Gurren Lagann. Do yourselves a favor and watch it.
ReplyDelete22# fucking no!
ReplyDeleteWho drew Tia with...Oh my-that's it I can't look at that could you put up a link for it instead...
ReplyDelete#1 Dat .gif
#5 I have mixed feelings about this one...
#3 Fluttershy :3
#7 So creepy... yet somehow badass...
#10 That's the only Nightmare Moon pic I've seen with armor that looks cool, props!
#13 Celestiadamnit Seth, your love of Trixie is rubbing off on me. I actually feel sympathy for her :(
#15 HI!
#22 Bon Bon's not gonna be happy about this one...
#24 Princess Molestia is best princess. Oh wait, that's Luna, Molestia can be 2nd.
bring on the saddles!!! but twi still has the best saddle!!!
ReplyDelete9) Cool drawing for sure but I was kind of bugged at the description at the source about there 'needing' to be more strong male characters in MLP... you mean like how pretty much EVERY OTHER SHOW has many many strong male characters.
Leave MLP to the girls and Spike who is an awesome character. They don't need any more 'strong male characters' at all given the fact their strong female characters are much more needed in media today.
ReplyDeleteLove this kind of stuff. Very cool pic
ReplyDeleteOblivious guy is oblivious. Not done many fandoms, have you? This is a hippie love-in compared to most forums.
Besides, once you get over your troll logic,you should be able to tell that you complaining about people complaining isn't trying to impose your will on others any less than anyone else here.
All we're asking for is the option to not see that stuff. We're not telling anyone to stop drawing it or to die in a fire.
#8 if anyone is wondering is a crossover of an epic anime called Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
ReplyDeleteThere are so many pictures of this crossover! I can't wait for an awesome fan fiction!
ReplyDeleteEh, I would agree with you (this show ACES the Bechdel Test, and is one of few that does), but I think that if there would have been more male characters, then we might not have as MANY (pfff, as if) F/F pairings in the fics, which wouldn't be a bad thing.
I support the show for being all "girl power" and whatnot, but showing them as equals would be cool, too.
Souce 8
6: Source here: http://madcookiefighter.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4iq9my
ReplyDeleteYes doctor I would like the part of my brain responsible for the memory of image #5 and #22 removed...NOW!
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ReplyDeleteDash: The reputation of Team Harmony echoes far and wide! When they talk about its badflank leader, they're talking about me, the mighty Rainbow Dash!
*Twilight glares at RD*
I don't really see what's so saucy about #5 and #22. Is kissing really that bad? And doesn't Rarity herself make dresses half as saucy as #5?
ReplyDeleteSo few of the comments recognized Gurren Lagann. And that makes me a sad poni... T^T
ReplyDelete#1 LOL!
ReplyDelete#2 Wow this piece is beautiful, Details galore! Nice work.
#6 This from a fic? Looks like something I'd enjoy.
#9 This is pretty awesome, Starswirl looks great.
#13 Seems there's a sad Trixie picture everyday. Sad Trixie makes me sad, and this one is no exception :(
#14 Fluttershy would make the most amazing doctor, their manes and tails look pretty nice here.
#15 Um, Hello your royal highness.
#17 Enjoying yourself a little too much there Twilight?
#23 Dash sure has the best gala dress out of everypony.
#24 Damn that's one creepy looking Celestia.
#25 Way too cute <3 Fluttershy.
ReplyDeleteBut it just wants your soul!
@DJB123 Dude both you and Matt needs to chill, yes this fandom is bitching about saucy pics and stuff and it's not the most fun part in the world but they are not bitching that much if you think about it. They are pulling jokes about rule 34 what i have known but they haven't been back talking like "rule 34 is dumb" or something like that. I'm newer here than you and you know the most I guess but why do you care about that complaining anyways, just skip it and enjoy the rest of the fandom then.
ReplyDelete#5 - Did Vinyl lose a bet with Octavia or something? Because there is no way I can see her wearing that willingly.
ReplyDelete#6 - It's that third zombie pony from the town, isn't it? The really fast one. Took forever to get past him. :P (love the pic, too).
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ReplyDeleteWell, don't know how it works in other countries except mine (Germany), but with the background of art you can nearly do everything especially if it's drawn. However, nearly doesn't mean everything^^ But these pics are harmless compared to the all swirling internet swamp...
ReplyDeleteTHAT brings me to #9 Starswirl. The pic is just amazing! :D He looks so wise and powerful. Perfect.
ReplyDelete#5 - So Vinyl like pony play. I'm down with this.
#9 - Star Swirl the Bearded and Clover the Clever. Beyond theme naming for unicorns back in the day, these two just keep getting more and more badass as time goes on.
#22 - Pigtails!Cheerilee exploring the magic of a very friendly kiss with Lyra is a-ok in my book!
#24 - Makes sense that Molestia would like Twi flavored popsicles the best. I hear they taste simply magical.
This drawfriend has my stamp of approval. >:D
ReplyDeleteThank you VERY much for that source, that one is much high quality than the version posted here. Was looking for it myself, but couldn't find it.
"#6 This from a fic? Looks like something I'd enjoy."
It's actually fanart for a game that can be found on DeviantArt and Newgrounds.
ReplyDeleteJust close the door when you leave! Wouldn't want a cold draft of party poopers to blow in!
And while you're at it I could use a cold drink... and maybe a back massage....
ReplyDeleteI think Skoon started that hair style for her, and it looks adorable. You can see more at his Oh Dat Cheerilee "ask" tumblr blog, but warning it is very, extreamly, NSFW so I'm not going to link it :)
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ReplyDelete@DJB123 To bad you feel that way. I will call myself a brony anyway because for me it's a word for people enjoying the show and fandom, nothing else. And some people are different and some are not. Have fun anyways =)
ReplyDeleteOn a serious note, you said you had panic attacks reading comments. I know how you feel. I come close to them when I read comments like yours. So many people who feel that love and tolerance has left the bronies, and choose to respond by cursing and bashing left and right. Not very much in-spirit, are we? You should be ashamed, mister!
Also, whats wrong with Dashie?!
Somtimes I wish Starswirl the Bearded would come and blow some bitchy heads away...keep praying though.
ReplyDeleteWhy must everytime somebody freak out completely? Humph, that's why Equestria has no humans. They suck -.-
No problem with sauce (is it really THAT bad?), but personally, I would take into account the people who do. Please, stay consistent with the tags. That way, the comment section doesn't devolve into #1.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of #1, SAVED.
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ReplyDeleteSee what I mean, Seth?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you feel that way. ;)
ReplyDeleteEmo much? Seriously, tone the anger down. Everyone is different, we all like/hate different things. If you're not happy here then leave, nobody is forcing you to stay here and yell at us.
ReplyDeleteWith leaving the brony comunity, have you lost your ability to talk properly? Come on, an opinion is an opinion, but not with offensive talking like that. Please stop :/
@ViewtifulSteve I don't, explain? X)
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of your points, and I too feel this website's community has mostly declined. If people want a TRULY SFW website on the internet, might I suggest looking at lolcats on icanhascheezburger all day? If people are that traumatized by a mildly provocative thumbnail of a cartoon character, I might suggest you just light your computer on fire right now, because the internet isn't getting any tamer anytime soon. EqD is pretty damned restrained if you ask me.
My opinion is that it was when anon posting went away that the EqD community started going downhill for me. Were there anon trolls before? Sure, but good anons and people with names alike, most often banded together to ignore or attempt to reason with them. Now there are basically two warring factions of the same few dozen people that bitch and troll each other on the same issues EVERY OTHER FUCKING POST. I'm sure some people involved in vitriolic "debates" going on now actually enjoy the conflict, but several hundreds (or thousands) of infrequent posters casually browsing the comments probably don't.
That said, Seth, Cereal, Phoe, and all the others still do a great job putting up quality content from the community, so I won't stop coming here. It's just when I visit the comment sections that I want for the way it used to be.
Until that happens though (doubtful it will), I'll just take my own damned advice, and stop fucking looking at the stuff I know I won't like. We ALL should do that.
@Dantes_Grill Please refer to my previous comment and the comment right under it.
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm not sure I agree with some of your points, I appreciate someone with a civil tone. While I know that the fandom has dramatically changed, i think a lot of people are just overreacting. I like it this way, personally. But hey, that's MY opinion.
@ViewtifulSteve so you think we should have #5 on our little discussion up there?
ReplyDeleteAhh! The smell of drama and bickering in the evening. :)
ReplyDelete@Dantes_GrillI don't quite get what you just asked...
ReplyDeleteI havnt had this much fun in EONS!
@ViewtifulSteve you know what, lets just put a cross over all this ^^
ReplyDelete@Octavia I know right? Nothing beats the smell of a good flame war...
ReplyDelete@Dantes_Grill Good idea.
ReplyDeleteHoly crap. So much rage over #5, and honestly, I've seen saucier pictures.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I love the Nightmare Moon picture.
ReplyDeleteNote: I say this as a female, who right at the start has sympathized with Spike being treated as a substandard and often forgotten "friend" of Twilight's. Even if his function is as a sidekick or younger brother who just tags along, he generally doesn't deserve to be ignored, left out, or just plain manipulated and used as he often is.
While the females in the show are very strong characters (and that's something I love about the show, for certain!), it DOES lack male characters who stand just as strong (who aren't just oneshot characters like Fancypants and Braeburn). Spike has a huge character, yes - but he deserves an episode where everyone realizes that he's a PERSON, and not just the tagalong.
Equality implies both sides get some love. Even if you still want to keep it female dominated - surely you can let some male characters exist as more than sidekicks or two-line wonders.
How the hell did you manage to resist commenting on 13 Seth?
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ReplyDelete#4 - Yay! Snowcatcher is my favorite non-6 pony toy. I have one and so does my daughter.
ReplyDelete#5: *nosebleed*
ReplyDelete#6: Nothing sexual about this *trollface*
#8: E.P.I.C. A.S. F.U.C.K.
well gonna keep from all this drama and just praise Number 8, I absolutely adore Gurren Lagann (seriously I don't know how so many people here have no idea what it is, go WATCH IT NOW) and this that is a damn nice crossover image.
ReplyDeleteLove the talent in this fandom
ReplyDeleteAs far as I'm concerned the community here is pretty damn great, of course there are ill considered often (deliberately) inflammatory comments such as citationneeded's but they are in the minority. There was a time when I'd completely rejected forums or comments sections as a place for genuine debate, and as a person doing a paper on cosmopolitan democracy and the Internet that's a big change of heart, but this community (and bronydom in general) changed all that. Does that mean we're perfect? No of course not, but we strive for it, more often than not differences of opinion are discussed rather than raged about from my experience.
ReplyDeleteAs for saucy stuff, it's not my thing, but I don't begrudge it's existence in the slightest. There are many things that others like that I do not, but that doesn't mean that I consider them wholey wrong in some way. This website is in many ways the flagship for our incredible fandom and a website that all including minors can visit, that naturally puts some material out of bounds. However that boundary line is far from black and white, in the end it's up to those who run the site and frankly I think they do an excellent job. I personally would have put #5 behind a link but I'm not in charge, if you have a genuine problem with the way the site operates tell the operators, for me this is all a very minor issue.
Losing faith in a community because of a few silly or troll comments seems a tad over the top, these people are a noisy minority and not from my experience representative of the community or the fandom, and for people who post those comments your opinion is not invalid, but if that is genuinely how you feel say so in a way which can be discussed. Thanks to anyone who made it to the end of this diatribe your patience is much appreciated.
Don't really see what's so offensive about #5. She's more dressed up as she regularly is!
ReplyDeleteAlso people complaining about #22 remind me of the priest in Cinema Paradiso:
Before I stop posting, I NEED to praise #8. I just realized it's referencing one of my favorite animes next to Cowboy Bebop. Hell yeah, Gurren Lagann...
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ReplyDeleteI feel bad for trixie there . Is that a Sparkle pop Celestia?
ReplyDeleteWell I don't think it's as bad as you're making it out to be, but I do agree that too many people seem to have this obsession with keeping the fandom "pure" and attack everything from sauciness to shipping to alternate character interpretations like Trollestia and Psycho Pinkie. We could use a little more tolerance of the idea that different people have different ways of enjoying this series.
ReplyDelete"Though quarrels arise their numbers are few."
ReplyDeletePssst. That's #24
#22 is Cheerilee and Lyra kissing. Because apparently some ponies think that kissing is icky.
ReplyDeleteDerp. That'll teach me to post without checking. Corrected post is below; thanks! (And yes, kissing is icky; don't you know how easy it is to spread germs through mouth-to-mouth contact?) {just kidding if it isn't obvious}
@herpyderpy and everyone else commenting about "Celestia" in #24:
That is Molestia in #24, as per the artist's description.
I realize a lot of bronies see Molestia and Celestia as one and the same, but for those who don't, that might explain why "Celestia" looks different in #24.
24: I don't think Celestia turned Twilight into a popsicle. If anything, I think she's fulfilling some kind of fantasy.
ReplyDelete22: G3.5 Cheerilee was represented as having pigtails.
#1 Can already feel the 4th wall breaking due to the magnitude of this fight.
ReplyDelete#5 I hope you brought your own Lemon Pledge Vinyl.
#6 For some reason I imagined Thriller playing when I saw this. Awesome drawing though.
#13 Awwww Trixie :(
#17 Twi having a whale of a time reading books.
#22 Cheerilee save it for the bedroom!
#25 D'awwww
Great googly moogly, another sauce debate.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, can we please keep it civil? Even if someone insults you or your taste in art, that doesn't excuse responding in kind, IMHO.
Second, is there really anyone here who honestly doesn't know why someone would think #5 and #22 should be hidden behind a link? They don't bother me personally, but I can see the reasoning behind wanting them behind a link.
Does anyone else here think the best solution is to just chill out more? If someone complains that a fairly tame image (like, say, #5) is too saucy, let 'em; it's not like their comment is going to hurt anything, beyond possibly convincing Sethisto to put similar images behind a saucy link. If someone complains that some fans are being too prudish, fine; they can't force you to accept saucy art against your will.
Speaking just for myself, the "saucy" links are less about keeping the fandom "pure" than about keeping the Drawfriends free of overly-sexual drawings. Which is obviously a matter of opinion and why I generally try to stay quiet on such matters.
As for psycho Pinkie, Molestia, etc., I see them as the rampant cultural cynicism and pessimism seeping into the fandom, the very same cynicism and pessimism I joined this fandom to get away from. I know it's selfish of me, but I'd just like to avoid it as much as possible.
#1 I think this is what may end up happening if they bring Trixie back for vengeance.
ReplyDelete#15 Oh, hai, your Majesty. Did you have one of Pinkie's "special" cupcakes today?
#24 lolwut?
Peoples, I am disappoint.
ReplyDelete#8 is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann anime reference. :/
I always get a chuckle when I come home and see that the Drawfriend has 100+ comments because you can just assume that a flame war ensued about "X" pic being too saucy.
ReplyDeletePre-reading of comments: All my bits says this is about #'s 5,6,22, or 24.
Scrolling through comments: Called it...really should chill, ponies don't wear clothes in the show so just pretend it's Halloween or something. Nice Drawfriend IMO, always look forward to these.
#5 and #22 is wat.
ReplyDeleteI do agree that the saucier pictures should be linked for the sake of those who just don't like seeing them, though where the line is isn't an easy question since it varies from person to person.
It's not selfish, you have every right to dislike and want to avoid those things. For me Psycho Pinkie (through fanart and PMVs) is one things that got me interested in the show in the first place, so I'm biased in the other direction. Those kind of alternate character interpretations have always been a part of my experience of the fandom, it's hard for me to picture it without them. That said, they're usually not taken seriously enough for me to consider them truly cynical and pessimistic. And believe me I *do* appreciate how idealistic and all around *nice* this fandom is compared to others.
-sees #6- ... thnks i dont wanna sleep anyway... -goes around the house to turn every light on-
ReplyDeleteFor the love of Celestia, put down the Haterade. Have we lost the ability to debate in a civilized manner? The ponies in the show disagree on a number of things, but would they be caught dead acting this vile towards each other? You do realize that reacting with negativity, especially with such a half-cocked attitude, while complaining about others' negativity makes one a bit of a hypocrite.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I've disiked about the comment section is everyones reaction to the furries... I think people need to be a bit more educated on other fandoms sometimes :/
ReplyDeleteWow... umm... I'm not quite sure, but I've been ticked off at stuff before. I got pretty heated over some of the stupidity involving the Ponyarchive events... Having panic attacks and what not over these minor things is a very extreme, and abnormal response. If you are genuinely feeling that twisted inside over mere online arguments, you might seriously want to go to a doctor and make sure you aren't reacting adversely, due to a deeper underlying medical condition. That just doesn't sound like a normal response to something so... unimportant.
This level of reaction, to something so insignificant, seems abnormal to me. I guess I simply can't place myself in your mindset to understand your level of anger.
It seems very extreme. If you are legitimately this worked up... Then I'm just simply impressed with the level of extremity you've reached. I kinda feel bad for you.
At the very least, step back and look at if this is the only thing making you have attacks. If you have had a lot of stress lately, or if you have experienced other issues, it could be an indication of something serious...
Or maybe you really are that pissed? What do I know.
I liked this drawfriend, and I don't find kissing to be all that saucy. If people want it linked, fine. Doesn't bug me. I found the adorkable Twilight dancing at the receipt of new books to be wonderful! Guuren Lagan Ponies makes me LOL, and Sick Dashie getting some tender care from Fluttershy made me dawww! number 2 was lovely, and 4 was cute, with Snowcatcher and Lyra making snowhumans! LOL! 6 makes me want to shout RUN! RUN APPLEBLOOM!!! 7 Dashie is KYOOT!!! 12 and 13 make me want to squeee a manly squeee. I feel strongly that Gilda and Trixie both need a redemption episode. I think it's downright sad that the ponies NEVER gave these two the chance to change. Trixie ran off, and Gilda was practically run out of town by her former friend. The loyal pony would try to teach her right, and be friends again. That's my take. Also, loved all the cute and adorable Celly! After submitting a photo comparison and review of the three versions of the standard size Celestia toys, it's nice to see some Celestia that looks good! LOL! And 24... HAHAHAHA!!! Twilight, are those raisin flavored popsicles you've had branded there? LOL!
Damn, a lot of hate going on in these comments.
ReplyDeleteI am not a fan of sauce but seriously.
Although I would also prefer, say #5 to be linked. Where the line is drawn is always going to be subjective, and I think the mods here do more than an adequate job of that.
And to the ones raging at people requesting links, are you really that selfish that you can't be bothered to make an extra mouse click or do you just lack basic human empathy?
I enjoy grim/dark myself but I sure as hell can understand why some people don't and would want a link for that type of art.
looking at these make me wish i knew how to draw!
ReplyDelete@Cedric Bale
ReplyDeleteWow a game? that's even better than a fic! Thanks for the link.
Ah yes Molestia, how could I of missed that? Guess I wasn't paying much attention when I was browsing the pictures earlier.
@MagicLlamaDid you really have to antagonize him like that? Yes, he was overreacting, but trying to upset someone even further when they are already in a bad state is just flat out wrong.
ReplyDeleteThis is coming from someone who just lost a good friend to suicide, so maybe I'm being oversensitive. But please, try to have some sympathy. You never know what kind of battles people are going through.
Also... I can't believe I forgot it. i was gonna save the best for last!
ReplyDeleteNUMBER ONE!!! Best. Pic. Ever!
This is The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny!
Oh no Applebloom! D:
ReplyDelete@Smokey Treble said...
ReplyDeleteYeah... I've dealt with that tragic thing before. I agree with you, and it's also why I feel this guy should seek help if his life has spiraled into this much depression and rage. I hope whatever is troubling him is something he can turn around. I truly feel bad for him. When I see that much rage in a comment, I know one of two things is going on. Either a parasprite has invaded, or a human being needs help. It can be a fine and difficult to read balance determining who is who, and who needs what. Trolls need to be ignored, but this guy seems like someone who needs some friends, and some help.
I hope he ends up OK.
I agree with jodyjm13 here, I would like to see that shipping stuff hidden. Most preferably stuff like 22.
ReplyDeleteYou're not the first person to say that psycho!Pinkie or some other dark and wildly-OOC interpretation of a MLP:FiM character is what brought them into the fandom; that's why I've softened my stance on such depictions, as it used to be I wished for them to be eliminated entirely. So, um, yeah, I am a bit more tolerant than I used to be. ^^; Also, your statement about them not generally being taken seriously does give me a bit of comfort, somehow.
Well, Pinkie Pie threw that party specifically to try to change Gilda; while one might wish Rainbow Dash had offered her a chance to stay if she could accept RD's friends, I think it was pretty clear Gilda was going to storm out regardless. And Trixie, of course, ran away before anyone could do anything. I would like to see Gilda redeemed, though it would probably take at least two episodes to really make it believable and not cliched; Trixie, well... I'd like to see her redeemed too, but I doubt the show would last long enough to pull that one off.
@Smokey Treble, @richfiles
Agreed 100%. And I'll confirm DJB123 isn't a troll; as much as we disagree, I think he's a decent guy who's in a really bad situation iRL.
Also, Smokey Treble, you have my deepest sympathies on your loss; the brother of one of my friends killed himself over a decade ago, and I can still remember how much heartache his family went through.
To be honest, I'm not calling for shipping pics to be hidden, though it wouldn't bother me if they were. It would mean I'd have to start clicking on the links, though, as I do like some of the lighter, sillier shipping pics (especially one that can be interpreted as friendshipping instead).
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ReplyDeleteWow. No good deed goes unpunished.
ReplyDeleteNail on head. And I'm sorry to hear you had to go through something similar.
Thank you, really. And as hard as it hit me, I can't even imagine what his parents are still going through.
I hope you find what you're looking for. I mean that with all sincerity.
This is probably one of the dirtiest Drawfriends that hasn't tried to be dirty.
ReplyDeleteDirtiest dirt in the whole dirt world.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm gonna call this new forum... um... Dirtville!
ReplyDeleteHow about Earth?
#3 is not found. O_o
ReplyDelete#1 Cause some things are just better without magic.
ReplyDelete#5 Curse you ponies in fancy maid outfits!
#23 Them's fightin' words!
#24 Whoa there Celestia! You made a popsicle that looks just like Twilight Sparkle! Must be tasty.
I knew watching checking all of them would be worthy ... the last one tops them all for me
ReplyDeleteJust hit up the source. That link still works.
Seth just accidentally the whole #3.
Adore #7 d(^-^)b
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ReplyDeleteMLP:FIM seems to be the only thing in the world that offends people when the characters PUT ON clothes :P Good Drawfriend :)
ReplyDeleteI think this excerpt from Ep 26 might lighten the mood here:
ReplyDelete"Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Lampshaded.
Spike: [Knocking] Aw, c'mon, you guys! Let me in!
Rainbow Dash: Sure thing, Spike!
Rarity: Heavens, no! We're getting dressed!
Applejack: Dressed? Er, beg pardon, Rarity, but, uh, we don't normally wear clothes."
they really should have these under saucy. Imagine i wanted to show a non-brony friend some artwork, that would make me look bad if i was showing him/her saucy pictures
ReplyDelete#8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8 #8
ReplyDeleteALL OF MY YES. It's just. Oh my God. I'm like, ready to lose my mind. This just, the most amazing possible thing that could ever possibly happen.
ReplyDeleteWell, some people get offended when Bugs Bunny gets dressed, but that's usually when he dresses, it's in drag...
I'd love for Equestria Daily to be the place where I could direct non-brony friends, but it seems the consensus here is to keep showcasing mild-to-moderate sauce. For now, I guess Bronibooru is the best place to direct most non-bronies; if someone has other suggestions, I'd love to read them.
(I'm sure some non-bronies could take in the saucier pics here without batting an eye, mostly those from furry or anime fandoms.)
The amount of overreaction in these comments astounds me.
ReplyDeleteThat's a thing?
ReplyDeleteI was in the "anime fandom" category.
anything to add? yopp, AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteYay, some Celestia pictures!
ReplyDeleteSource 22@ that is one awesome mane