1. Ouch...I hope Twilight isn't stuck with a neck brace...or brain damage...though considering she escaped from an anvil and a piano on her head, she should be fine.
Fun! For anypony interested, the Lunar Cabinet is now a blog, our main administrator Flare will fix bugs and start truly building the website tomorrow (will also send it to Sethisto) but here is a start-
first comic, I cannot recall the ammount of times thats happened to me while going spear fishing. Its like "hmmm looks like a good place to launch from"...dives..."ouch! the rocks"
34 kommentaari:
#1 Funny, now I'm off to do what Dashie's doing
VastaKustuta#2 Oh that Derpy
No Derpy you are not a carrot
VastaKustutaLol wut
VastaKustutaOctapustavia and Twilight was adorable as usual.
VastaKustutaHow did Derpy survive? oh well. We just want to see Derpy in a carrot suit for some reason.
#1 LOL. Twi's gonna need a chiropractor when they get back to town.
VastaKustuta#2 Gosh, Derpy's wackier than I thought.
#1 Oh dear Twilight, I think it may have helped to test the waters first.
VastaKustuta#2 I'm not fond of idiot Derpy, but silly Derpy I like, very good.
Is it "Octaviapus" or "Octo-tavia"?
VastaKustutaWell, yay she makes an appearance!
And oh my Celestia, how can Derpy be so adorable!?
Poor Twilight. That has to hurt. And how exactly is Applejack fishing over there?
VastaKustutaSo wait. All this time, I could have been growing Derpys in my backyard? I gotta go buy some seeds!
1. Like the Octa-pus.
VastaKustuta2. The muffin queen is ever amazing in her powers.
Nice ones today... tonight... whatevs...
VastaKustutaWhy am I still up anyway?
Yus, shallow diving
VastaKustutaI would never eat Derpy!
1. Ouch...I hope Twilight isn't stuck with a neck brace...or brain damage...though considering she escaped from an anvil and a piano on her head, she should be fine.
VastaKustuta2. No, Derpy, you're not a carrot.
#1- Oh twilight, you're so adorkable!
VastaKustuta#2- Derpy, y u so random? And adorable?
VastaKustutaIt's Octaviapuss, as seen in the original: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/219/a/d/octaviapuss_by_resistance_of_faith-d45qxl7.png
LMAO Twilight is the most adorkable thing. and Derpy... lol
VastaKustutaI'm a muffin!
VastaKustutaAh, thanks!
Fun! For anypony interested, the Lunar Cabinet is now a blog, our main administrator Flare will fix bugs and start truly building the website tomorrow (will also send it to Sethisto) but here is a start-
I begin to think that Dash hates Twilight. In a cute way, of course. And I'm sure AJ is catching fish for Fluttershy's ferret friends.
VastaKustutaIs that where Derpys come from? They're not found under cabbage leaves?
I agree with the artist who drew the 2nd comic. Carrot Top is a much better name (cuter, too).
VastaKustutaPoor Twilight... I can truly empathize. That's happened to me before.
VastaKustutaAlso, Derpy is still hilariously adorable.
first comic, I cannot recall the ammount of times thats happened to me while going spear fishing. Its like "hmmm looks like a good place to launch from"...dives..."ouch! the rocks"
VastaKustutaFor the love of Celestia don't give them a reason to bring seaponies back!
VastaKustutaThat second actually made me laugh out loud
VastaKustutaRandom comics, both gave me a nice chuckle. Good work.
VastaKustutaTwilight Snorkel=sea pony...?
VastaKustutalol AJ was like D: and RD was like :D
VastaKustuta1. Twilight has Derpy eyes at the end.
VastaKustuta2. Oh man, I wonder what other ponies are doing.
#1 I quite literally squeed when I saw the last panel to this one. I love Octy-pus. <3
VastaKustuta#2 lol What the heck, Derpy?! What'd you do, bury yourself?
#2 You know what, Derpy? I'm not even mad at you; you stick to your principles.
VastaKustuta#1 Lol ouch Twi, look before you leap ;)
VastaKustuta#2 Hahah you can be whatever you want to be Derpy ;P
@CityFlyer502 Good thing Twilight knows Fluttershy then!
VastaKustutalol twilight
1st: It would be nice if RD and AJ saw Twilight during the jump and not just when she hit the ground =P