• Comic: Unexpected Benefits of Zap Apples / The Spin Cycle

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    I still say Fluttershy's "wish" is a little odd. trees are neat and all, but there are a few negatives...  Though I guess a bunch of you want hooves, so it runs in the fandom. 

    And Derpy bring ridiculous below.

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    25 kommentaari:

    1. Fluttertree is best pontree.

    2. #1 I supposed that's Fluttershy's best chance of living out her dream.

      #2 Seeing in 3D? That's a new one. LOL

    3. That's probably the most adorable Fluttershy comic I've ever seen, and there's a bunch of them.

      And the second one, really offers more questions than answers. I wonder if she collects disability from the Wonderbolts. It would explain all the low impact jobs she does.

    4. #1 Now harold is the only being fused with a tree, probably would be a bit of an inconvenience though.

      #2 Oh dear Derpy.

      Both comics are good

    5. I laughed hard at both of them, brilliant comics!

    6. Happy 1 Year Anniversary EQD! And to all the herd. Brohoof!

    7. lol Fluttertree. That's just brilliant xD

    8. My, my flutershy. How strong you are to hold up an ENTIRE tree?

      And how can you argue with that argument Nurse Red Heart?

    9. Just thought of something for #1.
      Wouldn't the sudden added weight of a grown tree crush her spine?

    10. 1. As long as it stays a small tree it can't be that bad, also Fluttershy can survive off photosynthesis now. Celestia is her new best friend.

      2.Muffin Queen is awesome, Muffin Queen is grand. She's a glory to all of us and the land. Also she's a centrifuge specilist.

    11. Fluttershy, you don't want to be a tree. Just look at Harold from Fallout.

    12. I just thought of something. Won't the tree go away after 5 days?

    13. @the invincible

      Shhhh... don't tell her that. Let her live the dream.

    14. @Michael Butcher

      Someone needs to mod Fallout 3 and replace Harold with Fluttershy.

    15. 1. Oh my!

      2. This is what happened to her eyes.

    16. @SamTheNightStocker
      She's actually a tree in the fanfiction, Fallout: Equestria.

    17. Whats wrong with wanting to be a pony?

    18. #1 Lmao. Looks like Fluttershy finally got her wish of becoming a tree... err, sorta. Must say I love the expressions and of course the cute little yay at the end. Fits perfectly. :3

      #2 Ahhh, so that's what happened! lol Makes sens to me. :P

    19. 1. Very cute, but won't the tree keep her from flying?
      2. Muwhahaw, quite amusing.

    20. #1 You do know Fluttershy's not a tr-oooh nevermind then.
      #2 And that's how Derpy was made! God I love you so much Derpy :D

    21. Dont want to sound redundant, but you said Derpy Bring redicoulous, then again that makes sense

    22. #1 I lol'd

      #2 And the I lol'd again.
