OK, one comic it is. You can't blame them for hiding from that, er, interesting looking pony. Still worth a chuckle, and I sure needed one right about now.
I thought this was going to be a comic based on the movie The Thing. I guess in a way it kinda is. Lmao. Dat ponysona. Kinda reminds me of the "Sparkledog" thing in another fandom. Only less... colorful. But equally "wft?". :P
Veggie55, I hope you have a blogger account here. I love your work, especially all the heartwarming Scootalove comics you make. That "Biggest Fan" comic is by far my favorite. Please keep doing what you're doing.
"The Thing" is the official mascot of the New 5th Hogwarts House: Sparkly Poo, where so many of the residents are super Speshul snowflakes with multi-colored hair, eyes that change colors, and know 7th year magic at age 13. Also, they're all somehow related to other characters in some fashion.
God, I really hope somebody else has seen the comic I'm referencing or I'll come off as a psychopath talking to themselves.
because of that comic i decided to make a nice simple GOOD OC PONY heres link http://typhlosionskingdom.deviantart.com/#/d4l9btn i think i did a good job anyways..........
@derpy dash typhlosion I'm not an artist, but he looks pretty good to me. He is dark, and I'm sure some would say he's too dark (especially in the context of the show), but I think his colors are all right. My only complaint is his cutie mark, as I'm sure the V8 hasn't been developed in Equestria yet. (And I'm assuming he's not related to/BFF with/faster than/almost as fast as Rainbow Dash...)
@Masquerade You're not the only one. Mine's also not related to or BFF with any of the mane 6 or any notable background characters. Basically, I tried to make the most unremarkable pony possible; considering he scored a -6 on the Mary Sue/Gary Stu test, I think I succeeded.
I like Square Root's design. I'd have to go with an Earth Pony myself... I have no aptitude for magic and I certainly can't fly worth a damn. Of course, I can't garden either...
Actually, I'd just be an all-around wash-out as a pony.
Haha I used the pony generator to make a pony version of one of my best friends :P It actually did end up looking like a pony version of her! She was pleased.
47 kommentaari:
That image......i've seen it before......
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaWait.....what break?
VastaKustutaSeth, what break? 0_0
VastaKustutaI can't find any page break........
VastaKustutaI'm lookin' good as always!
VastaKustuta@Twilight Sparkle
VastaKustutaLOL, good one!!
Seth, you changed the title image for the Chili invasion post :p
Well, I think that The Thing might refer to what happened to the page break.
Sethisto accidentally the whole thing. Sad, really....
OK, one comic it is. You can't blame them for hiding from that, er, interesting looking pony. Still worth a chuckle, and I sure needed one right about now.
VastaKustutaI've seen grandma's with scarier toe fungus.
VastaKustutaThe OCs, not the horribly made OCs!
VastaKustutaThat thing can't get sent to the moon fast enough.
VastaKustutaI thought this was going to be a comic based on the movie The Thing. I guess in a way it kinda is. Lmao. Dat ponysona. Kinda reminds me of the "Sparkledog" thing in another fandom. Only less... colorful. But equally "wft?". :P
VastaKustutaI agree with my clone up there! ;D
VastaKustuta"The Thing That Should Not Be"
VastaKustuta@Tristan No, screw the moon. We gotta send that whatever-it-is clear out of the galaxy.
VastaKustutaI once had an idea to make something like this. Only it would be a horribly drawn OC, who would be all like "Oh hai!! I'm OC!!"
VastaKustutaVeggie55, I hope you have a blogger account here. I love your work, especially all the heartwarming Scootalove comics you make. That "Biggest Fan" comic is by far my favorite. Please keep doing what you're doing.
VastaKustuta@Michael Butcher I love that song! \m/ (just because I'm an egghead dosen't mean I can't be a metal head)
@Twilight Sparkle You're talking my language there!
VastaKustutaSomepony call MacReady and Childs, because that thing needs to be flamethrower-ed, right now!
VastaKustutaMother of god...
VastaKustutaThe horror... The horror...
VastaKustutaOn the other hand it's not its fault, whatever it is. Be kind to it, everypony.
"oh...my..." - Fluttershy
VastaKustutaSomepony just put a bag over that "thing".
VastaKustutaIt was horrifying.
VastaKustuta"The Thing" is the official mascot of the New 5th Hogwarts House: Sparkly Poo, where so many of the residents are super Speshul snowflakes with multi-colored hair, eyes that change colors, and know 7th year magic at age 13. Also, they're all somehow related to other characters in some fashion.
VastaKustutaGod, I really hope somebody else has seen the comic I'm referencing or I'll come off as a psychopath talking to themselves.
Made me laugh, very good comic, at least the Daleks will have a competitor for looks.
VastaKustutaMary Sue OCs in a nutshell
VastaKustutaAnd thus began the great OC genocide of our time.
VastaKustutaTo the creator's credit, it ain't an Alicorn. Just about puts it ahead of 50% of everyone else's Ponysona's.
God, I just typed out "Ponysona." Confound this fandom.
@CityFlyer502 The...Pegasus galaxy?
VastaKustutaSo did anyone else submit this comic besides me? Was I first?
VastaKustutaDat dare on the DA page...0_0
VastaKustutaNo thank you; not going to try that.
because of that comic i decided to make a nice simple GOOD OC PONY heres link http://typhlosionskingdom.deviantart.com/#/d4l9btn
VastaKustutai think i did a good job anyways..........
VastaKustutaChallenge accepted
VastaKustutaHey there.
Fuck this. There are people making alicorns+ while I go with the earth pony? I'm probably the only one left.
@derpy dash typhlosion
VastaKustutaI'm not an artist, but he looks pretty good to me. He is dark, and I'm sure some would say he's too dark (especially in the context of the show), but I think his colors are all right. My only complaint is his cutie mark, as I'm sure the V8 hasn't been developed in Equestria yet. (And I'm assuming he's not related to/BFF with/faster than/almost as fast as Rainbow Dash...)
You're not the only one. Mine's also not related to or BFF with any of the mane 6 or any notable background characters. Basically, I tried to make the most unremarkable pony possible; considering he scored a -6 on the Mary Sue/Gary Stu test, I think I succeeded.
VastaKustutaI seriously thought these were frames from the show, till I realized there was 41 layers used. It's done so well.
VastaKustutaI really like... her mane?
VastaKustutaI took the dare. Some are actually decent.
Some ... I ... can't use enough bleach to remove from my eyes.
VastaKustutaI like Square Root's design. I'd have to go with an Earth Pony myself... I have no aptitude for magic and I certainly can't fly worth a damn. Of course, I can't garden either...
Actually, I'd just be an all-around wash-out as a pony.
Pony generators are fickle. Create somepony beautiful! That thing in the comic is the result of trolling.
VastaKustutaHaha I used the pony generator to make a pony version of one of my best friends :P
VastaKustutaIt actually did end up looking like a pony version of her! She was pleased.
Jeebus Crust, that thing is creepy...
VastaKustutaThats what happens when you hit the random button, you get this abomination.