• Comic: Something Really Cool / A Look To the Past

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    Lyra being ridiculous above, and some REVENGE below.  It's couples time in this comic compilation! Enjoy!

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    15 kommentaari:

    1. Oh nice, some comics, I already read the second one though.

    2. #1 Oh Bon-Bon, she won't understand.

      #2 Meanwhile in Granny Smith's mother's mind.

    3. Lyra...
      LOLWUT doesn't even begin to describe you.

    4. #1 Oh Lyra, I liked the excited bouncing.

      #2 Blame the one who started that tradition, was probaly one of Discords pranks.

    5. #1 oh Lyra you're just too awesome.
      #2 lmao if only this happened in the episode, but I guess that look said it all.

    6. #2 Enjoy the moon.

    7. 1. TOE SOCKS. What are they doing there?

      2. Hm looks like Acorn Smith has a problem on his hand.

    8. 1. Lyra...you and your obsession with humans in fan created material...toe socks indeed.

      2. I keep seeing things like this around, and I keep agreeing with the sentiment, given the glare we saw from this pony in the episode.

    9. #1 More lyra bein' confused.

      #2 Yeah, I saw that jealous face, but I didn't take it THAT far 0_0...

    10. Does that ZToonLinkZ have a problem with me calling her Tia?

    11. #1 Lmao. Toe socks! Oh Lyra, you and your silly human ways. <3 I'm kinda curious as to how she's wiggling the toes parts of them... o.O;

      #2 Haha. Dat jealousy. Poor Tia. I wonder how many times this happens to her.

    12. #1 What...? I don't even...

      #2 ROFL, even Celestia would be scared of that face.

    13. I would love to see an episode detailing the day to day interactions with our secondary heroes like lyra and bon bon and of course derpy.
