• Comic: Right / I'm Hungry

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    We have some filly comics this time! Or maybe Trollestia stuff? Click and find out I guess!

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    24 kommentaari:

    1. "Trixie Turns You Into a Pony..."
      Poll y u no results?

    2. #1 LOL. Didn't see that one coming.

      #2 Awww. That's so sweet.

    3. The preview for #2 makes it look like AppleBloom finally got her cutie mark. The comic itself was very sweet.

    4. Watching the page view counter... LIKE A SUPPOSEDLY EVIL MONSTER!

      Someone else of screen: It's supposed to be like a bawss!

      Who asked you... wait comics? What comics? Oh...

      1. That's not bound to happen anytime soon. We all know Tiara will keep her too her ways and general clique.

      2. Sisterly love, plain, Applejack and simple.

    5. And that's why Applejack will always be number 1 to me. She is everything. Seriously, think about every element of harmony you can name. Applejack is all of them in some way. Apple Bloom is really lucky to have such a great sister.

    6. 1. Diamond Tiara wouldn't say that.

      2. Buck Apple trees is Applejacks business.

    7. 1st: Everybody likes getting letters, RIGHT?
      2nd: Applejack to the rescue, haha. Aleximus prime made allot of those good comics. Wounder if he will make more and about what now when the CMC are all made =/

    8. I get where the artist of #1 is coming from, but personally I like antagonists in stories... I don't want them all to become nice and thereby become useless for narrative purposes. We have an over-abundance of nice characters.

      That said, it was a cute and clever throwback to prior episodes, and I liked Celestia's annoyance at being cut out of the loop thanks to the lack of Friendship reports recently.

      As for #2, Applejack is a pretty awesome sister and pony, isn't she?

    9. 1. While admittedly antagonists are useful...the artist has a point. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both are fairly generic bullies, ponies that ought to be won over, not just shamed. Silver Spoon may be coming over to the CMC's side soon too, if her behavior in the episode is any indication. Diamond Tiara will likely take much longer, though.

      2. Hungry Bloom is hungry, and Jackie has provided. Hurray for food! (I'm hungry too right now, actually.)

    10. Im wondering when you dimwits will realize there was no friendship report in this recent episode.

    11. @Harwick

      I've been trying to make up my mind on that. Diamond Tiara's such a brat, and it's sort of great, but I wouldn't mind if she grew up a little bit either.

      I did find myself sort of wishing Comic 1 could happen in the show when I read it, though.

      Both the comics were awesome though, yay Apple Bloom.

    12. #1 lol At Bronycon, during the episode airing, when Applebloom said that a lot of people went "Ooooooh~". I can't see that as Diamond Tiara's response. Something more a long the lines of her saying "Yeah, right" in a snobbish way. :P

      #2 Awww, isn't that sweet? :3

    13. @Kyronea
      @Tears of a Valedictorian

      I have nothing against antagonists being more rounded, myself... I just don't want them totally defanged to the point that they're all friends, as it kills one avenue for drama in a story.

      I think it's fine for them to occasionally be allies... I liked that Silver Spoon was impressed enough to applaud first. It just doesn't have to advance to the point where she's outright friendly.

      I recall a while back where someone did a fan fic about one of the pair teasing Apple Bloom for being adopted (based on the idea that the Apple parents have been missing for longer than Apple Bloom has been alive, meaning she can't possibly be AJ's real sister.) After class, the other of the pair came up and apologized to Apple Bloom because that taunt from her friend had been way out of line... she had been raised to see family bloodline as far too important to ever throw that kind of insult around, and she assured A.B. that anyone who looked at her could see the Apple family resemblance through and through.

      I quite liked that scene... The characters weren't suddenly friends who had put all of their differences behind them, but they certainly weren't enemies in any and every situation. I had more respect for the antagonist, and yet I also had no problem imagining that she could show up later and mock Apple Bloom or the others for some entirely different reason. So it maintained the status quo while adding a little more depth.

    14. #1 Yea... Nah. Diamond Tiara is forever dead to me.

      #2 AJ proves yet again to be the best sister ever.

    15. XD this is my tottaly my phone background for the week.
      Thanks EqD!

    16. Celestia: Right?!
      Pinkie:Twitchy tail! Twitchy tail!
      *five thousand letters all at once*
      Celestia: Aww f***!!!

    17. @Marvin Martian
      People realize, most of them just don't think it's a big deal.

    18. #1 that is an idea worth exploring. Get on it Fan fic writers

      #2 So much Daaww
